[B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I know. They left it a quite a cliffhanger. I wonder whats gonna happen next. I can't wait to see Ichigo. Wonder what's going on with everyone else too.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
[QUOTE=Hayabusa]Bah, I didn't want to post until 232 came out, but I'm bored and haven't had much to talk about here lately. (no offense people)
In chapter 231, it was pretty interesting to see [spoiler]Ichigo in his mask[/spoiler], but it was also a teaser because they only showed him do 1 little thing. (probably because I'm not interested in the other fights at the moment.)
[spoiler]It sort of seem like with all the arrancar's that are on Earth now, and with Ulquiorra MIA. It seem like he (Ulquiorra) is after Inoue. (I'm just going by when Aizen seemed interested in her.)[/spoiler][/QUOTE]