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Everything posted by Otori_Guy
Rufus was sitting in the study reading when Ariana returned home from her dress expidition with Geni and Eclair. He closed his book, and stood, of course with the aid of his cane. Made his way out to the hall just as Ariana came to the top of the stairs. "Hello dear, how was your outing with the girls?" His voice was filled with genuine curiousity as usual. He really did like knowing how the others were when he wasn't around. Ariana gave him a small kiss on the cheek when she approached him. "Well I believe. I'm sure that Eclair sparked some good rumors with the usual gossip crowd, and I think things will begin to shape up for us." She replied taking his arm and heading for the stairs. "Dinner is almost ready." "How was Eclair today, was she well?" He really did worry about her often, they both did for that matter. "She was pale, but unforuntately thats been usual as of late. As far as I know she hasn't had a single spell today. Not like that one on the stairs at least, she didn't tell me, and I haven't seen Sir Nathan today. He gives the update usually, Eclair of course doesn't like to bring it up." "That woman has the kind of life you only read about." There was a pause as an awkward smile appeared across his lips. "Of course I guess all of us really do, considering our situation. I just hope that Sir Nathan does something about his feeling toward her soon. Its so obvious how much he cares its maddening to think that Dante and Geni are more open about their relationship. The young couple beating out the elder of the three sets, its almost silly." Rufus was silly himself really, the fact that he worried more about the coupling than anyone. Ariana figured that he worried about it so much do to the fact that he couldn't really do much else for the group. OOC: Filler to bring us up to the top! Woohoo!
Rufus rounded the corner to the stairs and saw Nathan holding an unconcious Eclair. "Good Lord Nathan, what happened?" He asked slowly making his way up the stairs. He still couldn't move at a normal speed. "The same thing that happens everytime." He replied alomst to himself, holding Eclair gingerly. "Have you called the others?" Rufus inquired. "No..." He looked up at Rufus as he approached. "This keeps happening more and more often and she insists that nothing is wrong. I made her see the doctor, and he says other than her being worn out from recent events, there is nothing wrong with her." Rufus took a seat next to Nathan, and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "You're a good man Sir Nathan. Eclair is lucky to have someone like you looking after her." Rufus turned around to glance behind him, he could hear footsteps behind them. It was Ariana, and she didn't look happy to see the situation at hand. "Rufus, Nathan, whats going on here? Is Eclair unwell?" She asked, worry shown on her face. "Shes as well as shes been lately." Nathan replied. "Apparently this has been happening more frequently than our dear Eclair has led us to believe." Rufus stated standing carefuly. OOC: My Eclair is on a buisness trip, so she won't be around for a short while. Sorry we've been absent, its been super busy over here!
"Thats the spirit! We hate to see lovely girls in despair, isn't that reight gentlemen?" Rufus replied nodding at Nathan and Dante. "Of course, thats correct." Nathan agreed giving a Eclair a side glance and a smile. Dante just nodded, an answer good enough for the ocasionj he thought. "Now ladies and Gentlemen, how are we to aquire these invitations to her majesty's Christmas Ball?" Rufus didn't enjoy the the tension that was set between Eclair and Dante, so decided not to give them the chance to dwell on it. "I realize that I had said that the way will present itself, but theres no harm in us trying to push it along." "That is an excellent point Rufus. Now actually pushing it along is the hard part." OOC: I had no idea what to post, but somthing had to be done... we're dwindling! Also, sorry I was gone for sooo long, its been hectic over here! But here we are back at the TOP!
"I haven't seen a man laid down that cleanly in quite some time." Rufus replied. Him and Ariana had slowly follwed the group over to Geni's seat. "And I must say dear Geni, you look stunning tonight. As do you miss Eclair." Rufus stated giving a small bow of his head. "I'm sure none of us can compete with your own wifes beauty however." Eclair replied with a warm smile. Rufus' cheeks turned a slight shade of pink as he turned his gaze to Ariana. "You've seen right through me Eclair, as beautiful as everyone here is. None can compare to me sweet Ariana. By the way Geni, if Dante hadn't shown up in the time that he did I was completely prepared to give that beast of a man a good smacking with my cane." Rufus exclaimed holding the cane tightly. "But you didn't get the chance, because our brave Dante rushed in an saved the day as expected. I don't see anyone else bothering Geni the rest of the night, not after that display that was given." Ariana replied. "Now if you'll excuse us friends, I owe my wife a dance. Nathan would you be a sir and hold this for me?" Rufus asked handing the cane off to Nathan. "Of course." Nathan stated kindly accepting the cane.
The morning after Edward's funeral Rufus sent a personal invitation to Dante, asking him to join him for an early lunch. Rufus crossed his fingers hoping that Dante would accept, Dante was not exactly one to just join you for lunch on a whim. Needless to say, Rufus and Ariana were both surprised when Dante actually showed. He was showed into the dining room by Walter; the Lancaster's head butler. Naturally Dante was not in the brightest of moods, especially since he was asked not to bring Geni. "Dante, thank you for coming on such short notice." Rufus replied offering his hand, the other was still occupied with a cane. "I must admit, this is a little unusual for you two to envite me without Geni." Dante replied quietly. He was still upset from the biddies the day before. "Yes well there is no 'two' this time Dante, lunch will be just the two of us." Rufus stated smiling as Walter gestured for Dante to sit. Dante raised an eyebrow as Ariana left the room. He slowly took is seat as Rufus made his way over to his own chair. "Enough of the stalling Rufus, why have you asked me to come here today?" Dante asked, his paitence was thinning. Rufus took his own seat and placed his cane beside him. "Down to the point, I wouldn't expect any less from you Dante. I have asked for you to come here today so that we may have a little man to man talk." Rufus replied picking up his glass. "And why aren't you having this man to man talk with Sir Nathan?" "Because he hasn't possibly ruined Geni's social status!" Rufus rasied his voice with out thought. "You may not realize, but you have deeply injured Geni's position in all of this. You are going come out just fine on top of all of this, and without even thinking twice let alone once about how this is all affecting Geni." Rufus could see the anger building in Dante, but he would not let Dante storm away without him being able to make his point. "You have no right to --" Dante started but Rufus did not allow him to finish. "No my boy, YOU have no right to court Geni then put her in such a predicament. I know I'm not her father, and I'm certainly not yours but first and for most I am your friend. So therefore I am worried about the both of you. Those biddies are going to make Geni sound like London's newest tramp, do you want that Dante?" Rufus had lowered his volume, but the tone was still firm. "No I don't." Dante stated sharply. "Then youn must be very careful in the way you and her handle these things, you most of all. Did you not see the crushed look on the girls face at Edwards funeral. Have you even asked her if she is alright? Shes not like you, she needs comfort, and love." Rufus heaved a sigh, and brought his hand up to his eyes. "You don't have to stay Dante, I know your angry with me. I don't blame you, all I want you to know is that you are going to be walking on glass from here on out. Just.. be careful... and be there for Geni." There was a long pause before Rufus finally removed his hand and looked up to find that Dante had left. "I hope he at least takes it to heart." He replied quietly. :OOC: Please don't hate me Dante it was such a good sene to write!
Rufus and Ariana had made sure that Geni and Dante had arrived home safely and on time. The situation the young couple was now in was not a pretty one to say the least. But they would all be attending Almacks, and it the current state of jackdom that was all that mattered. "I truely feel sorry for Miss Eclair." Rufus replied quietly as the carriage rolled along. "Two people so close to her in just over a year. That can't be good for the young girls heart." "I agree, I understand what its like living with the constant reminder of what've lost. Its not an easy task." Ariana glanced out the window, the rain had not let up since it started. "Infact its quite painful." She brought her hand up to Rufus' face, tracing the scar lightly with her finger tips. "A reminder of how close I cam to loosing somthing just as dear." Rufus took Arianas hand in his own and kissed it softly. "Eclair's a strong girl, just as you are. And I know that you and the others will destroy Jack, I have faith in that." OOC : Short I know but I just didn't know what to write. Oh yeah and fabulous posting ladies, wonderfly deppressing as usual! Quick grab the tissue box! :animecry:
"You say this has been happening more frequently?" Rufus asked raising an eyebrow. "Aye." Nathan replied. He held the unconcious Eclair as gently as possible, moving her to the love seat. "Didn't her husband die of a unusual illness?" Ariana added. "Yes, but the doctor himself said that he doesn't think there is anything wrong." Nathans eyes gazed down at Eclair. "There can't be anything wrong with Eclair." He remarked almost to himself. "We can only hope it has to do with all the stress there is around us. After all, she had quite the close call today." Geni chimed in. "Perhaps thats it. Or perhaps it has somthing to do with Jack, but why would he target Eclair? He's already established that 'we' are not the targets." Dante replied. "He said that we are not the targets of the 'attacks' not anything else. She may not be ill at all. She might be suffering from somthing within, she might only be hurt mentaly and emotionaly." Rufus replied quietly. Moments later the young lady awoke, a very nervous Nathan standing over her. OOC: Its really short I know I'm sorry. But hey guess what everyone, I get my cast off in two days! WOOHOO! :animesmil ;) :p :cool: :catgirl:
"So there in lies our obvious problem, where and when as always." Rufus replied sounding frustrated. "Wheather we knew where or not, you wouldn't be able to attend anyway." Ariana stated reminding Rufus that he was still quite broken. "How are you by the way Rufus, feeling any better?" Eclair asked kindly. "I feel like I could run a race..." Rufus paused for a moment. "... and then I try and it ends up disaterous." He was blushing slightly. "I'm not quite sure I follow." Nathan replied. "Rufus tried to get out of bed by himself two days ago. Lets just say he got quite the scolding from me and Doctor Lancaster." Ariana jumped in before Rufus could deffend himself. "Lets just say it was a failed attempt." Rufus stated quielty. "So Brunch anyone, I'm absolutely starved myself." OOC: All talk and pretty short, sorry about that. :animeswea
Rufus sat in the silence and dark of early hours of the morning. He hadn't been able to sleep all night due to more than one factor. Too many things had happened tonight for him to even think of sleeping, and his leg was hurting slightly more than usual. He simply grit his teeth and endured it though, he wasn't about to tell anyone, especially Ariana. She was so busy worrying about everything else that he didn't want to burden her. He ran his hand through her soft blonde curls, she was so deeply asleep that she didn't even stir. The night before he had heard her call for him in her sleep, as if some one was trying to take him away from her. His heart ached whenever pain of anyform was inflicted upon his dear love. True she had a life before this one before him, but he didn't care. She was here with him now, and he wasn't going to let anything come between them. Thats the only reason he figured he was alive, he had made a promise to Ariana that he would never leave her, and he ment never. The hours crawled by and Rufus finally drifted to sleep as the sun began to crest the horizon. OOC: Sorry Its short and sappy I KNow! :animeswea :animeblus :animesmil But they're soooo cute!
OOC: Alright honey! "This is preposterous, we're not even safe in our own homes it seems." Rufus was angry and it was completely apperant. "I'm afraid its exactly as it seems milord." Geni replied softly setting the note on the table. Eclair picked up the note and opened it reading it to herslef then handed it to the Ariana and Rufus. "What are we going to do, we've managed to stop the important deaths, but each time it causes another life." Ariana stated. "What is this 'Jack' after exactly. As far as we know hes just a mad killer." Eclair asked, not really to anyone. "Well we don't really have anything we can do right now. All we can really do is stay in the pairs that we have made and keep eachother safe." Dante replied. "Is that the best we can do?" Rufus was quite frustrated and he could help but make it obvious. OOC: Sorry i don't really have anything importanat to add.
OOC: Yes pg 11! "A picnic you say? Is this personal opinion or experience that you are speaking from. Rufus could see the glint of a smile coming from Eclair when he said this. "Experience." Eclair stated, a shade of pink coming to her cheeks. "Is that so Eclair? Would this be with our Sir Nathan?" Ariana asked quickly. "Yes, it wasn't anything big. I just took him luch while he was working. I wanted to smooth things over from earlier today." Eclair replied in her defense, she could see the mischevious smile crossing Rufus' lips. "You know every officer under him has been trying to get him with a decent lady for over 3 years now?" Rufus replied. "Oh is that so?" Elciar acted as though it wasn't anything. "Dante, what are you're plans for reconstruction? If you need any help I know a few people that could get you the man power you would need." Rufus offered kindly. OOC: Yay Filler from the plain guy!
OOC: Yay visitors for MEEEEEEE! Rufus had spent the last 47 minutes, which felt like forever, starring at the window across from the bed hoping that it might open by sheer will... no sucess. A knock came at the door and Rufus jumped slightly in his bed, flinching from the pain as he did so. "Yes? Who--" But before he could finish his sentence the door opened and his dear wife Ariana stepped inside. A rather large arm full of books and a cake balancing on top, she was quite cute as she tried to balance them. "Afternoon Love!" He replied excitedly. "What do you have there, a decades worth of novels?" He asked jokingly as she placed them on the bedside table. "There from Miss Eclair. I told here that you had read everything we have at home already and she insisted upon lending you some of her library." She sat on the bad next to him and placed a hand on his cheek smiling brightly. She was like the sun after a months supply of rain. "How are you dear?" "Well, the Doctor says that I don't have a chance leaving here out of his sight for at least a week. Then I get to spend 3 or 4 more weeks at home in bed, and then I can at least sit in a chair after that for a few weeks." He placed his hand over Ariana's, her skin was soft to the touch. "Will you ever fully recover." She asked a tinge of sadness in her voice. Rufus heaved a small sigh and gave her a smile. "Hes afraid not, its practical walking sticks for me, and there will be scars left over from all three wounds. I'm sorry you'll never have the face I once had back." He replied glancing away for a moment. OOC: Take it away honey!
OOC: Sorry this is gonna be short folks! IC: Rufus sat quietly in the room by himself, he thought that if the wounds hadn't killed him, boredom might. He had his top hat, which Ariana had brought to hm when she came the night before, sitting on the edge of the bed, and he was entertaining himself by throwing cards at it. He'd thrown half the deck already and he only made 4 into the hat. The doctor came in once to check his bandages. "So how soon do you think I'll be outta here?" Rufus asked with a pleading look. The doctor raised an eyebrow and smiled. "Well you're recovering well, but I'm afraid that you won't be out for at least a week. And then you'll be in bed at home for another three weeks, then you will only be allowed to sit for another three weeks." Rufus gave the doctor an exasperated smile and threw another card, and missed the hat. "Thanks for the good news."
Rufus awoke as Ariana moved beneath his hand. He opene dhis eyes to find the mid morning sun streaking through the curtains. "Morning love." His voice was quiet. Ariana gave a faint smile then looked out the window. "How long was--" She started, rubbering her eyes. "Well I'm not quite sure the last several hours have just kinda blurred together for me." Rufus stated. "How do you feel?" Ariana asked gently touching the bandage across his eye. "Well, I'm afraid I have to admit that I've been better." He replied truthfully, wincing as he adjusted his arm. "But you have no need to worry your little head about me. I'll be back on my feet as soon as---" "I say so." The doctor chimed in entering the room. "Theres the miricle worker himself." Rufus grined. "I hate to interupt you two but a messenger just came from Lord Dante's estate. It seems that there was a fire last night. Him and Miss Geniveve are all right, but an entire wing of his home was destroyed, and they say that it was no accident." Ariana looked over at Rufus whos face had turned serious. "You should probably pay them a visit." Rufus suggested quietly. Ariana looked like she was about to object. "I'm not going anywhere, I'll be right here when you return." Ariana nodded her head then turned to the doctor. "I've already sent for your carriage to take you home. I figured that you might want to change, and freshen up a bit." He replied motioning at her dress. She looked down and realized that she hadn't even noticed that she was still where the blood stained evening gown from the ballet. "Thank You." OOC: Yay! my frist official post as a member!