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  1. Mr. Happy? =O That's what my brother and I called him. :D
  2. I say The End in Metal Gesr Solid 3. You're trying to find him, and BAM! You get a tranquilizer dart in your head. Frikkin' creepy. Unless you know how to cheat at this fight.
  3. Solid/Naked Snake. Need I say more?
  4. UDen


    Myspace is just another blog site. Whoop-de-frikking-doo. Will I go there? No. Will I ever have a blog? No.
  5. I am a geek. They say that since I'm a freshman and I'm outsmarting juniors. No one can tell I'm a freshman. Everyone at my school seems to hate the freshmen >_>
  6. My alias is UD, but UD is too short for a username. >_>
  7. My alias is UD, short for my GameFAQs username UltimateDarkness *which was stolen*, beside the fact UD is way too short to be a username XP. My real name is Nick. I'm 14, and I live in San Jose, California. I have an older brother who treats me like crap *he's working on trying to stop >_>* and a half-sister.
  8. My childhood boogeyman? Swarms of flying insects. I went camping when I was 5 or 6 years old. My brother and his friend were jumping on a stump and a little twig jutting out from the side. That twig had a nest on it. Then I jumped on it. There were A LOT of them little suckers chasing us. THEY LOCKED ME OUT OF THE TRUCK. So I got the full brunt. Must I explain further? *shudders*
  9. I'd be a half Dark Fire Dragon, half-human. For the wings, the tail, the spines, and the burning, cutting, and/or slashing with a greatsword at anyone who dares insult me about the former three qualities. Or a half-kitsune, half-human. All of dem fluffy tails! :3 But black and red. >=D
  10. As soon as I finish spriting my avatar and signature pic, you'll see what I mean! :smirk:
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