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Everything posted by Pave-Low

  1. Im not sure. I guess just do whatever feels right. I know if my parents disapproved of the one i loved they would just have to get over it, because thats a decision they are in no position to make.
  2. what do you look for in a girl or guy? Anything particular or do you just rely on looks or the feeling or what?
  3. Well, kniow one wants to here the if there really your friend they would not make you choose. Half the times thats not true. They dont mean it when they say it they just dont know what to do. Just keep talking to them both. Best thing you can do is talk it out with them. Tell them if they can settle it like real men you wont be friends with either of them. that should be enough to open their eyes. Sounds like they really like you though.
  4. Wow, thats a tough choice. I like them all. I guess Ill have to vote for Staind. Although you should have included Rammstein cause they are awesome.
  5. Well, You should turn him into the police immediatly. But if someone did that to my friend I would have to handle it myself.
  6. And I love Fantasy too. Anything about dragons, wizards, and such I try and read. Speaking of Dragons. On a side note, I was looking up Dragon Lord on the pictures part of the google search engine, and I was suprised that the first picture that popped up was a picture of Moe from the three stooges.
  7. Anyone know of any good Knight Fiction? I love reading about that stuff. I read Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and I loved it. Le mort de arthur is good too.
  8. If we have to, ill just shorten everything down, like only have two dragoon knights. Everyone check back in tomorrow night and if we dont have ten will do some trimming.
  9. Yeah we need a mod. Without one it makes us Gundam fans feel left out. I know we have several people here who would make good ones. I know I would love to do it.
  10. Well, Although Im not a big fan with Gundam Wing as I am the others. My favorite characters are from GW. That would be Zechs and Treize. These guys where true, honorable, warriors. They practiced chivalry, honor, and bravery. Thats what sat them apart from all the rest.
  11. Pave-Low


    I have seen them all about 3 times. I own half the series. I didnt think GW was that great but I love gundam and collect gundam items so I boguth the DVDS.
  12. I would like to join. Are you taking position requests?
  13. You should Lady. Its one of the few decent, meaningfull things they show on tv. I almost wish everyone should be forced to watch it. I will admit, I used to feel a little weird around gay people, but after seeing MTV's Flipped, it changed my whole perspective. The one about, For race and nation was a good one as well. The really get you thinking when you see people murdered just because they are black.
  14. I know how it feels. As I stated in my email, Im here for you. Betrayal is never good, even if its for a good cause. I recently lost the person I love to a guy who only thinks of her as a hot chick he can score with. I dont think anyone knows how painfull it is to see that everyday. Just seeing him makes me furious. I want to do something, something to stop it but I realize theres nothing I can do, that she is the one who has to make her on decision in her life. Its that helpless feeling that leaves you empty inside siiting at home wondering what will happen the next day. I try to do other things to take mind mind of of things but they always continue to run through my head. You cant stop them, the only thing you can do is stand up and face them like a man. Sure it hurts like hell, but there are times when you have to be brave. Im am learning this now. If you sit around and let it get to you, it only makes things worse. You have to just put it all behind you. I have to see her everyday, you dont know the pain untill you have to look the one you love in the eyes daily and know that she doesnt love you anymore and that you will never be able to feel her soft beautifull face again. Once you over come that pain, nothing else in the world will be able to deal you a blow that is harder......
  15. Is FFXI going to be all online like it has been said, and if so, are they going to charge for play? I think charging people is bull****. And I refuse to play any game online that charges. Thats why I hope they dont ruin it by charging. Think about it, alot of the gaming majority are teens who dont have credit cards and most of us have parents who think spending money on such thing is wasting it asnd want pay for it for you. See my point.....
  16. Chocobo Breeding? I hated that, I have wasted more time trying to do that then anywhere else in the whole game. My favorite mini game is probably the sub hunt. Side Quest would probably be, Getting Bahamuet in FF8 because he is the god of all the summons!!!!
  17. this is what I do, I use Dreamweaver 4 to make the layout (mainly the tables and cells) then I use AceHTML to finish off the coding cause it is a great editor and it comes packed with dhtml, java, and javascript ready to go or edit. It speeds things up a whole lot. I hate just using note pad cause it takes longer and you have to load the page everytime you want to see how something will turn out.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Well I think what they mean by Muslim women wearing vails is a sign of stereotyping.... as if all muslim women wore vails, which they don't.... kinda like the girl that was talking... Anyway, I support MTV 100% on FFYR, hence why there is always a link in my sig to it. [/B][/QUOTE] I see, I think I understand now. Like I said before Ignorance is the main problem. People who discrimanet others are just ignorant if not stupid people. If they were not, they would see that there is no reason to be like that. I too wish for the same, but I fear a day like that can not exist because as long as we are on this earth, we will have to live with evil. And where evil resides no good can either.
  19. Hands down, Dead or Alive 3. The girls are sweeter than ever. :) Im also getting HALO first thing. Oh, and I would get NFL Fever instead of Madden. Its a whole lot better.
  20. I based it on that, I just finished it this weekend. :) Im glad everyone thinks its great because it was and alot of people dissed it saying it was just a FF copy. Any way, Peekabooicu, you need to redo your stats to comply with the rules I stated in my post or I cant let you compete.
  21. This is mainly a question but I do want to say I think they are doing a good thing and there shows on discrimantion and all like Flipped are really good. I was watching mtv and their Muslim FFYR commerial came on. It has a white girl asking question that some may ask a muslim. Im not sure if all the question were ment to be portrayed as Racist questions or not, but one of the questions was: Why do muslim women where vails (or whatever) I thought, how is that racist? Several other questions where questionable as well. Im asking this question so I can eliminate some of my ignorance. All Im saying is, I think you should ask questions like that. after all ignorance is halve of whats wrong with the world today. I hope everyone understands what im saying. I know wh ythey do, but I mean alot of people dont. Like I said Im not disapproving of FFYR or anything, Im just asking, How are some of the questions racist. But then again, I could hjave misunderstood comletly. Like I said Im just trying to rid myself of some ignorance. As should we all.
  22. [i]Dragoon Knights where very powerfull, dragon possessed, warriors. They defended the earth a long time ago during the Lion and Tiger War. These Knights where elite. When the threat of Dragons attacking the human raise, nothing could stop them. NO human stood match against a dragon. But 5 elite warriors who where chosen by the dragon spirits rose up to defeat the dragons and save the earth. Once again, A dark an evil force has arissen and summone 5 powerfull dragons. The dragons are incapacitated with summoning sickniss at the moment but will be 100% in 13 days. [/i] Thats the background info up to this point. This is how the rpg will work. I am the DM so to say, I am running things. Im not a Dragoon Knight but im the force that summoned the dragons. First off we will hold a tournament to see who the best fighters are so that they may be possed by the dragon spirits. Theres only 5 spirits so in the end, only five people will face the Dragons (me). If you want to join the tournament. Enter your stats following my example. We eed at least 10 people to make a good tournament for the spirits. Like I said after the tournasment the chosen fighters will face the Dragons. My stats: Name: Trijon Weapon: Dragon Lance Magic: Black Race:Wingly (You may only choose human) HP: 99,000 Strength: 68 Defense: 80 Magic: 66 Accuracy: 77 Agility: 120 Special Abilities: Control Dragon, Invisibility, and PLanet Shifter (strong energy beam attack from sword) Follow suit with your stats. You are alotted 75 points for stats and everyone starts out at 150 hp. Let the the sign up begin. oh and dont worry, by the time the five people win the tourny their stats will have increased a good deal.
  23. My Favorites: [list] [*]Hunt For the Red October [*]The Running Man [*]A Gathering Of Spies [*]The Stand [*]Dept of Honor [*]Tales of the Bounty Hunters [/list] Anyone know if, The Redemption of Althalus is any good?
  24. Just wanted to clear things up: Tadie (justin g/f) and I have been getting really really close latelly. I meant we where getting close. Its more her than me though. Especially today. She is really coming on to me so like i said, i dont know what to do.
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