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Everything posted by Pave-Low

  1. Well, at least your honest. Thats all I can say good.
  2. Does your school have social classes? Like Middle class and stuff? If so what class do you see yourself in? Im pretty sure everyones school is like that, its practicly a way of life. Also how strict is everything? Is a "High Class" Person not supposed to associate with a "Low" or "middle class" person? I disagrea with the whole system but I dont think there is anything anyone can do about it.
  3. I usually listen to some music like Staind. Also try breaking stuff, it vents alot of anger and stress. But make sure it belongs to you and its something you dont want. :)
  4. Thanx kottonot. As for the battle system, Im not buying anything, I just ment its going to be a fightibng game where you fight a monster in a Final; Fantasy battle type way. Im going to code the fighting egine myself.
  5. Pave-Low

    Battle of Gaia

    Name-: Denen-Gei Magic: Necromancy Weapon: Venus Gospel Dragon: Libra Magic: Black (Evil powered magic) Colors: Green and Gold Side= Gaia
  6. Right now, I would be full of joy if that was the only girl problem I had. Sadly enough its not.
  7. I have tried it. Smoking that is. Its not fun and it serves no purpose so why is: To smoke or not to smoke such a big problem?
  8. I like being in a relationship, but at the same time, I hate it. Like right now. My relationship is going down the toilet. I really hate it too. But at the same trime I love it. I dunno, its just one of those things.
  9. Thats nothing really, wait till you get to about 10th grade. Ive seen some dumb, dumb, stuff at my school.
  10. I prefer steady relationship. I only want to go out with someone I really, really like, and that they really like me. I hate it when you get into a relationship that lasts maybe 2 weeks. I also dont see the point in wasting time with someone you cant see yourself with for several years. Im different from most but thats okay. I have only had a Relationship with 3 people. and Im 16. I have a nice steady relationship with a girl right now that has already lasted about 2 months. Im pretty sure it will go one for a while though. I have no intentions of breaking up with her.
  11. Thanx for the info. Right now me and my freinds are making a Abnimated movie, but im the only one who nows any programming and capable of using action script so Im making a game right now. I just help them on the side. Right now Im making a Fighting RPG game, its nothing special but youll be able to pick a character and then fight Final Fantasy style. I will have my website up soon so if interested, take a look at it when its ready.
  12. It looks cool, Its kinda like having a T-1000 times about 30.
  13. Anybody here work with flash any? Im doing alot with it like building a new website, but me and a few of my friends are going to make an animated movie with it and Im trying to learn more about it. Anyone know of any good help sites out there?
  14. Yeah, ghuess your right, as a final fantasy it sucked. I did notice how alot of the characters where like one in a game. Also theres two times where they sneak a picture of a chocobo in. Like I said, if it would have been something exactly like final fantasy 7 it would have been the best. I wanted more magic, swords, and some fricken summons. Mabye theyll do a better one later. Overall though, I really enjoyed the movie. I really liked how they went into the story of the life stream. It was alittle too short for a FF though. YOu cant make a good final fantasy short, thats all part of what makes the game. IT should have been about a 4 or 5 hour movie..lol..then it would be just like the games and could tell the story a whole lot better.
  15. Yeah, after all animals are here to feed us. Killing animals for the heck of it is wrong. Just like murdering humans. Everytime an Indian killed an animal, before taking it away he would neel beside it and pray to the gods for it.
  16. Where stealing is wrong to most, what about steeling money from a rich man to save your baby sister who is dieing of lucemia and you cant afford the medicine? The Rich man doesnt need the moeny, but is it still wrong? or are you just willing to do something wrong? Its mostly a moral thing that varies from people to people. Although some things everyone can pretty much agree on suchs as Murder.
  17. Maybe its caffine (sp?) I drink alot of cokes. thats the only possibility that i can think of........
  18. Here are some plain and simply ones: The 2 Matrix games will be exclusivly for X-Box. We will see Max Payne on X-Box Built in Harddrive Up and playing game in less then 8 seconds. Blending of computer exclusive game market with console exclusive market. Controller is best ever. HALO Microsoft will do whatever they can to top the others so hopefully that will be a good thing. Well you can agrea or disagrea, but my mind is made up I am buying X-box over PS2 and definetly over Gamecube/
  19. The controller is one of the best parts of the new X-Box. Theres just somethign about it when you hold it in your hand it just fits perfectly, its like a missing body part being reattached. I know a bunch of people who feel this way too. X box will be great, When I played it the load times where no worse than PS2. and Munches oddessy loaded pretty fast. The graphics are great too. I like it cause it will blend the computer game market in with the console game market. On one last note, Nintendo really screwed the gamecube controller up. Wait until you get to try and play with it. They tried to copy the PS2 and just screwed it even more. I will not even think of buying a GC untill about a year after its launched cause I made the mistake of buying a 64 and only own a few games cause all the other where childrens games. Nintendo has tried to copy sony way to much this time.
  20. I think shyness is something we will all grow out of eventually, I used to be really bad but recently I am more open. Some people think if you dont talk as much as them your different or something. Some people at school blurt out stuff all the time trying to be funny and get attention. Thats something I just dont do. I dont like having conversations that much that seem useless. Like I hate it when my mother asks me about my day. I say it was fine and she wants to know everything that happend. For me to tell her everything would be a big waste of time and energy to me. Im a person who listens. I forget the name of the man who said it but he said that, The reason we have two ears and one mouth is so that we can listen more than speak.
  21. Well, I just purchased the SE DVD today and all I have to say is, The movie was Awesome. I would have rather had it on the lines of something like Final Fantasy 7 or 8 but it was still great. And the Graphics make you wet your pants. Oh, well thought I would share that. Anyone else have any comments?
  22. Well i got to hit the sack for tonight. Thanx for your help though. Maybe we can pick this conversation up tomorrow
  23. Thats basically me right there. I love my girl and if we are still together when we graduate I will Marry her but right now we are having some probs and I just pray they will work out.
  24. Yeah, I know but I guess its just something you have to work out. It sucks though. It makes you wish you could just read minds.
  25. Yeah, but I never get to watch it m,uch.
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