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Everything posted by sakazaki

  1. [color="#2F4F4F"][size="2"][font="Tahoma"](I'm sorry if this post is in the wrong place...) I just transferred to a new school in the beginning of this year. Everything was going on really well since that. I prefer knowing and keeping a small circle of friends, so, in my new school, I met a few of them; eight friends that I love and trust dearly. I'm truly grateful for that. But recently, there is this one friend...let's name her as Kate for now...just thinking of her irritates me. She was tolerable at first but now, day after day, it seems harder and harder to cope with her attitude. She's not a bad person. She's just, I don't know. I feel very annoyed. My friends think the same way towards her too... Like for instance, she drags my friends and to join or participate something without our consent. Just this week, my school's Chinese Society Club was planning for their Lantern Festival event, and one of my friends is the organizer for it. So, Kate got interested and started submitting our names for a performance in that event without asking our permissions first. After we knew that we done that, we tried telling her that we really did not want to perform. But she was so persistent. Whatever we say, she wouldn't listen...she would just give other reasons to counter us. That wasn't the first time. There was another time where she did the same thing for a chess competition. She submitted my name for it without me actually agreeing to join the competition. In the end, I was forced to go and accompany her. Also, she's loud. She was loud to begin with. But she's getting more and more out of control recently. It's like, she wants the whole world to know what she's going through and stuff. For example, a few days ago, Kate and her mom got into a big fight, and she wasn't happy about it. She was telling us about it in a very loud manner, so loud that other students in my school actually came and 'listened' to her (in other words, not minding their own business). Funny. She told us not to tell other people anything about what she said, but she was the one actually blurting every single thing out for the world to hear. Besides that, she's very very irritating. She still talks when u specifically told her to shut up and that happens for most of the time. You tell her to go 'shh', she will go quiet but then she'll start talking again. Then, she over reacts. Like there was this time she was over reacting about what happened between Kate and her other friend. She was like, "...that's the girl who made me cry." And the reason she cried is because the other friend did not want to help pass some papers to the teacher. Kate is being boastful recently too. She talks about herself. Everything was on her. Even some of my classmates came up to me and asked why does she act that way. Then there's one thing I hate about her. It's when I call her to stop doing something, she won't listen. She likes to hug me...if she hugs me normally, I won't mind. But she hugs me aggressively. I hate that. I had a bad experience when I was fifteen, and so, I really don't like people hugging me forcefully. Kate likes to place her cheek onto mine so that there's some skin contact. I tried to struggle but she would just forcefully continue doing that. My friend knew about my past...but she doesn't (because I don't intend to tell her, she's loud, remember?)...so, they have to pull her away for me before I enter into trauma mode. Right now, we're seriously reconsidering to end our friendship with her. We plan to tell her nicely about how we feel about her and stuff on this Monday. And if she still doesn't change after that, then, we're certain that our friendship with her will end. My question is... 1) Does being the only child in the family might actually cause her to act that way? 2) How should we talk to her nicely about asking her to change or something like that? Like, how should we start and how to go on from there? 3) I know ignoring won't work, but we're pretty attached too, so, is there a way for us to avoid her or something? 4) Do you think that being seriously pissed while explaining to her, like yelling and maybe getting a little physical after a few days of explaining to her in a nice manner will work? Gosh, I don't know. Right now, I feel like ending this friendship too. It's stressing me out. So, help will be very appreciated. Thanks. [/font][/size][/color]
  2. [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DarkGreen]OOC: Sorry, I?m still occupied with examinations?hehe, but I will try my best to get online and RP of course?^.~ IC: [B]?Zeke!?[/B] Lyon rushed into the bridge, [B]?What?s going on here??[/B] Anya went up to Lyon, [B]?As you can see, Lyon, we were attacked. What else could there be??[/B] She sighed. [B] ?But don?t worry too much though?lady luck is on our side??[/B] Zeke explained about the pirate attack once more. Lyon understands every single detail of it. Then, Anya pointed to several pieces of junk outside. It took a while for Lyon to realize that they?ve crashed on a junkyard. [B]?Well, we were about to set out to hunt for the parts to fix our engines?haha, well, since lady luck is on our side, I strongly believe that we can make it in time??[/B] Zeke said. [B] ?Of course, it will be faster if they are more of us searching??[/B] added Kilo. Without hesitating, Lyon agreed. [B]?Well, what are we waiting for??[/B][/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR=DarkGreen][I]?This is embarrassing?[/I] The other performers were chuckling at him. Even worse, one of them started laughing hysterically. Lyon felt uneasy, as this costume was by far the worst costume that he had put on. He tried to pretend like the doesn?t know anything?but, it was too much. Anya was laughing so much that he decided to take things into his own hands. [B]?Explain to me again about why must I be the one to take the RIDICULE OUTFIT?!?[/B] Anya tried to regain her composure, but it wasn?t easy, [B]?Why, it's because all of us would LOVE to see you it it?haha?look at you?don?t you realize that you?re cute in this outfit? Besides, you never tried wearing this outfit before??[/B] [I]?cute is not in my vocabulary?[/I] Zeke walked towards Lyon, with a little grin on his face. Out from nowhere, a flashing light suddenly hit Lyon?s eyes. It took awhile for Lyon to realize that Zeke actually took a photo of him! [B]?ZEKE, DELETE IT! I?M WARNING YOU!!? ?Hey,?[/B] Zeke passed the camera around for other to look at Lyon?s picture, [B]?Chill out, man! What?s the big deal??[/B] Lyon held his anger back. He knew that getting angry won?t solve this problem. [B]?Hey, we still haven?t fluff out Lyon?s bunny tail yet,?[/B] Kilo reminded them, [B]?Haha?a bunny without a bunny tail is?just too weird?? ?Right, right,?[/B] Anya commented, [B]?I?ll help out.?[/B] [I]?dang, it will be better if you find me a replacement or a better outfit?[/I][/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [FONT=TAHOMA][COLOR=NAVY][SIZE=1][B]Military File SG01-4693: Lyon Higurashi Project Turbulence Android Age[/B]: 18 years old [B]Classification[/B]: BIO-ANDROID [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Height[/B]: 6'4" [B]Weight[/B]: 159 lbs [B]Specialty components[/B]: ? Nanotek Synthesizer ? Specialty Synthetic L5 Class Radiator System ? Lightweight Frame ? Air Manipulation Device (a device which lets Lyon manipulate the air around him, thus making him able to use the air to his advantage) ? Distortion Generators/Absorbers [B]External Weaponry[/B]: Lyon is equipped with a pair of metallic blue Tonfa Guns (similar to what Elie from Groove Adventure RAVE! uses) which was made for him to adapt to close combat as well as ranged combat. This weapon has automatic lock-on function if Lyon wishes to enter ranged combat. [B]Personality Sidenotes[/B]: Very serious. Lyon can be fun sometimes, but that is a very rare moment. He is able to solve puzzles with speed and accuracy... [B]Original usage[/B]: Offensive Tactics [B]Android status[/B]: STOLEN [B]Known history[/B]: Turbulence was a special case; they actually used a living human being and started to modify him into what he is now. After the modification, Turbulence was known as the most rebellious of its kind. However, with several ?correcting measures?, Turbulence was programmed to obey every single command given to him by his superiors. Years passed, and Turbulence was finally enrolled in an offensive mission. But, during deployment,Turbulence was no where to be found. Investigation states that Turbulence was stolen, but the culprit is unknown. [B]Appearance[/B]: [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l174/Tears92/Anime%20Guys/warofgenesis3.jpg?t=1240831812[/IMG] Hope that is acceptable, I was a little confused whether to use ?Lyon? or ?Turbulence? for the history part?[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Hm..I'm still a student, so... [B]Mangaka.[/B] Well, I have always been interested in making manga since I was young. Last year, I even joined a manga making competition ([URL="http://juniormangachallenge.blogspot.com"]http://juniormangachallenge.blogspot.com[/URL]). I got consolation and an award of Best Story and Art for it..haha... [B]Graphic Designer.[/B] Ever since I got my AdobePhotoshop CS2, I really considered becoming a graphic designer. All I need now is a digital tablet...haha. [B]Karate Instructor or perhaps, continue in helping my juniors...[/B] Karate is something which I've gotten into since I was 7...(I'm 16 now..haha). Got my black belt (1st Dan) at the age of ten. Currently, I'm the coach of my school...and a senior/assistant for teaching the new karatekas at the dojo...[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Well, as for me, I would wish: 1) ...for Taurus (my Rottweiler), to come and live with me, instead of living at my grandfather's house... 2) ...that my friends will never forget me until the very end, and perhaps we'll get together every week?...LOL 3) ...and lastly, for being able to endure all hardships that is going to happen next year for my public exam...T.T How I wish that wishes could come true...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  7. ...I'm claiming the next...^.~ EDIT: [url=http://www.imagehosting.com/][img]http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/6909/soraescapefromdarknesszi0.jpg[/img][/url]
  8. [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]My name is Theodora and I'm going to be confirmed this 25th October, but I do not have a confirmation name yet... Making things worse, I have to choose one by this Saturday (because my teacher said that I must pass up the form by this Sunday)... ...so then...any suggestions?[/FONT][/COLOR]
  9. [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Well, I love dogs. I have one of my own as well. He is a Rottweiler and goes by the name Taurus. I chose that name because when he was still a puppy, he likes to run around and will eventually crash into something...(reminds you of a bull eh?) [URL="http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k296/blingkaching4693/TheverycuteversionofTaurushehe.jpg"]http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k296/blingkaching4693/TheverycuteversionofTaurushehe.jpg[/URL] (This is Taurus when he is still a puppy! :animesmil) [URL="http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k296/blingkaching4693/Taurus.jpg"]http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k296/blingkaching4693/Taurus.jpg[/URL] (This is the two-year old version of Taurus. Very big in size...) Well, my family have some other dogs too, but, I personally love Taurus very very much...^.~[/FONT][/COLOR]
  10. [quote name='Desbreko'][color=#4B0082]I had to do some editing on the piece anyway so the conversion to jpg didn't actually end up being any more trouble. But, yes, please make sure to use jpg when submitting pieces or else they'll just end up being converted anyway. Anyway, you should be a bit more careful with the edges of your pieces, sakazaki. The white drop shadow on the left side of Kenshin's sword was cut off so I removed it to keep it from looking awkward. Also, there was a one pixel line of brown along the black part of the left edge that I had to fill in. Please remember to always preview your piece next to the previous one, to make sure it matches up correctly, before posting it.[/color][/QUOTE] I'm really sorry for the trouble I caused you guys...:animeswea Don't worry, it won't happen again...that I'm certain.
  11. ...If I'm bored, I will take my guitar and play it...although I'm still not quite good at it...XD If I'm free, I will do some photoshoping, or play the PS2 with my bro... But nowadays, I don't get so many free time as I did before. It's my exam week now...so yeah, all the free time I have is for studying.
  12. hmm...if no one's claiming, then I would like to claim...hehe...^.~ Edit: [URL=http://img159.imageshack.us/my.php?image=kenshinjj5.png][IMG]http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/9739/kenshinjj5.th.png[/IMG][/URL]
  13. [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE=1]Well, this is basically a thread about some of the stuff I use to do with my new AdobePhotoshop CS2...hehe, so to get things started, this is an anime wallpaper featuring Sakura and Syaoran from Tsubasa Chronicles. I made this last week. It is supposed to be a random gift for one of my closest friend. [IMG]http://photos-184.friendster.com/e1/photos/48/11/25141184/1_746824936l.jpg[/IMG] ...comments and critisisms are welcomed! ^.~[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  14. I'm claiming the next one...^.~ EDIT: [URL=http://img120.imageshack.us/my.php?image=musicgivesyouenergyea1.jpg][IMG]http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/9319/musicgivesyouenergyea1.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  15. [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Okay, here's the final result...hehe... Avatar: [IMG]http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k296/blingkaching4693/CowboyBebop_requestgunslinger_avi.png[/IMG] Sig: [IMG]http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k296/blingkaching4693/CowboyBebop_requestgunslinger_si-1.png[/IMG] Hope you'll like them...^.~[/FONT][/COLOR]
  16. [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Well, I'm currently watching Fate/Stay Night that's currently showing in Animax. So far I've enjoyed watching it. I like the storyline of this anime and some of its funny parts...^^ So far, this anime is really intersting...hehe...[/FONT][/COLOR]
  17. [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Hehe, I'm kinda new into making signatures and avatars... But, I would like to try to make this one for you! ^.~ So, here it is: [IMG]http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k296/blingkaching4693/Bloodrequestdc781_avi.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k296/blingkaching4693/Bloodrequestdc781_sig.png[/IMG] Hope you'll like them! ^^[/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. [FONT=TrebuchetMS][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Well, my day was pretty average. Other than eating breakfast and drinking, I played PS2 as well as the Duel Masters' TCG with my brother. Then I did some Photoshoping as well...hehe... But, it's just boring actually... I can't disturrb any of my classmates and do anything with them...:animecry: Just thinking that I must survive two months like this (it's my holiday you see...^^) is just terrifiying...[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][U][I]Outside of Game[/U][/I] Name: Rico Vanguard Age: 15 Personality: A hyper active tomboy. She dislikes wearing dresses and skirts and probably doing other feminine tasks. However, she bakes very well and cares deeply for her loved ones. Appearance: [URL="http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k296/blingkaching4693/MizukiTsujimoto.jpg"]Rico Vanguard[/URL] [I][U]Inside the Game[/I][/U] Name: Mizuki Tsujimoto Age: 21 Appearance: [URL="http://www.suikosource.com/images/gs4/062-063.jpg"]Mizuki's the one on the right[/URL] Weapons: A pair of short katanas, and some shuriken [/FONT][/COLOR]
  20. [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Well, because the number of episodes in this anime is quite few, I managed to finish watching this anime in less than 2 weeks. Yeah, I agree that this anime is funny. I like the part where no one else except Tazusa can see Pete, this made her look like and idiot. Like the part where she seemed to shout to herself in town, school, to her coach and her best friend, Mika...^^ In my opinion, (...well, maybe I just love sport-based anime), overall, this anime is just OK-OK...[/FONT][/COLOR]
  21. [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]sakazaki presents: [B][U]Trinity Limit [PG-LV][/B][/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k296/blingkaching4693/TL-C1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Mizuki sat jolted up, sweating all over and panted really hard. The alarm clock was ringing very loudly. Just a nightmare, she thought. She pressed hard on the alarm clock which made it stop ringing. Shaken and confused she kicked the covers off and went towards the bathroom. After taking her bath and brushed her teeth, she went towards the chest of drawers. She ransacked for her light green kimono with butterflies and wore it. It was New Year’s Eve and she promised her friends that she will come early. Mizuki then went in front of her mirror and placed her butterfly hair ornament on the right side of her short light brown hair. She was all set. Mizuki took her handbag that was left on the table and rushed towards the festival. It took her approximately ten minutes to reach Tenjo Bridge, the bridge which lies along Sakura River. The time now was currently half-past ten, which was the time Mizuki promised to meet her friends underneath the bridge. The people there were staring at her when she lifted her kimono up slightly and jumped over the bridge. Being a martial artist, jumping off the bridge and landing on the platform below it was a piece of cake. When she successfully done it, Sho and Hikaru were there already. [B]“Konichiwa, minna-san! How long have you waited?” “We just arrived as well,”[/B] said Sho. Sho stands at 6”2 which makes him the tallest and the eldest of the three of them. He was wearing a brown kimono that has blue vertical lines that really matched with his semi-spiky black hair. Both his eyes are black in color as well. Sho and Mizuki met when they were just five years of age, during a game. Now, Sho is a very good friend to Mizuki, specializing in his great endurance in fighting, he always plays the role of both Hikaru and Mizuki’s bodyguards although they can take care of themselves quite well. [B]“So…you finally woke up, huh?”[/B] Hikaru interrupted. Standing at 5”5, Hikaru has short dark blue hair. Hikaru’s left eye is dark blue while the right eye is light green in color, because she met with an accident a long time ago. Both Mizuki and Hikaru treat each other like sisters. Her full name is Kanasawa Hikaru. Hikaru is normally called as Hiku by Mizuki. She possesses lighting speed but unfortunately, she lack stamina. Well…singing is her other talent… [B]“New Year's Eve will end like two hours later. Let’s kill some time, how’s that?”[/B] Both Hikaru and Mizuki nodded at Sho’s suggestion. The three of them climbed back up the bridge and played some of the festival games which include ‘catching the fishes with paper net’ and ‘throwing balls at various targets’. When it was fifteen minutes to midnight, they went to a pond where Sho said that fireworks can be seen very clearly there. There was still fifteen minutes left till midnight, so they sat beside the pond and talked about the past. [B]“Hey, Mizuki…”[/B] said Sho. [B]“Yeah?” “Do you still remember the time when you were just five and kick the soccer ball? I say, you’re a pretty good soccer player.” “Why you said that?”[/B] asked Hikaru with curiosity gleaming in her eyes. [B]“It’s because the ball that she kicked landed on my stomach with so much force, sent me flying back until I reached the big oak tree. Haha, you ought to see the look on Miki’s face, boy was she worried…” “Of course I was worried, Sho. Who wouldn’t be worried when her best friend went flying and banged onto a tree like that? Then again Sho, do you still remember the time when you were drowning and Tohru saved you?” “Heck, yeah. Where is he anyway? He promised to meet us here.” “Okurei mashite, sumimasen!”[/B] Tohru’s voice can be heard among the bushes. Tohru Honda is 17 years old, his appearance closely resembles to Fye from Tsubasa Chronicles. He saved Sho’s life from drowning a long time ago, that’s how they met. For the festival, he wore a black gi and a white hakama. Now that everyone had arrived and there are still five minutes before midnight, they decided to wait patiently. What they didn’t know is that someone or something is lurking in the shadows, ready to strike. [B]“Somehow I feel that something bad is going to happen…”[/B] said Mizuki. [B]“Oh, come on Miki. Don’t say things like that, you should be optimistic, like you’ve always been!”[/B] replied Hikaru. [B]“No…she’s right, you should be afraid…be very afraid…” “Who’s that?!”[/B] Sho and Tohru got up and became more cautious than before. [B]“Be alert you two, someone’s there…”[/B] Mizuki and Hikaru nodded. The wind died down suddenly and only the sounds of crickets singing can be heard. Then, a crack is heard among the bushes, which instantly tells them that the intruder is in there somewhere. Being brave, Tohru and Sho close in on the bushes, ready to strike whenever possible. Slowly, they crept nearer and nearer towards the bushes without any sound. Both Hikaru and Mizuki followed behind slowly. Suddenly, a black figure can be seen flying out from the bushes, lashing on Tohru’s ankle which sends him into the bushes. Sho ran towards him but stopped when the black figure jumped out from the bushes. The figure stared and grinned at them. Tohru was still screaming for help, he also tried to free himself but to no avail. The figure then jumped high and disappeared into the sky together with Tohru. After that, fireworks began shooting into the sky as if there were trying to shoot down the black figure. The three of them couldn’t believe their eyes. Tohru was taken by an unknown black figure. How should they explain to his parents? [B]“Tohru-kun…”[/B] Hikaru can hear Mizuki whispering to herself. [B]“It’s alright, he’ll be fine…”[/B] [CENTER]|*|[/CENTER] [RIGHT]The next day…[/RIGHT] Mizuki walked down the staircase slowly and then sat beside the dining table. She placed her head on the table and tried to close her eyes but failed to because Hikaru gave her a light slap on the back. Hikaru placed a cup of Milo on the table beside her head together with two pieces of bread which was placed on a plate. Then, Hikaru sat in front of her which made Misuki’s eyes follow. [B]“Still worried about Tohru-kun? Sho and I will go to his parents’ house after this. You want to tag along?” “What we will say to his parents, Hiku?” “Sho and I will think about that on the way. So, are you coming or not?” “Sure. Wait ‘till I finished breakfast.”[/B] Mizuki gobbled her breakfast and walked upstairs towards her room gloomily. She shut the door behind her slowly and slid down with her back against it. She was clearly very stressed out. Lazily, she took her casual outfit which consists of a white jacket, her light brown trousers and a black shirt to be worn inside. The jacket was zipped until her chest level. Then she shook her hair wildly which strangely made her brown hair look better. After getting dressed, the doorbell was heard ringing in their apartment. Thinking that her sister Hikaru might still be getting dressed, she went downstairs to greet their visitor. Hurriedly, she slide down the staircase’s handle and jumped off just before it ended towards the door. As she opened it, the door gave a slight push. This made her whole body pushed backwards. Surprised, she stared at the door. From where she is, she can hear Hikaru calling her to greet Sho in. But, her sixth sense told her not to. When Hikaru came downstairs, the door pushed until it opened. Mizuki managed to shield her sister from harm. Then, at the door was the black figure, but only now its figure is more man-like. Just as the figure was about to strike, Sho’s presence seemed to alert it. [B]“Hey! What do you think you’re doing, huh?!”[/B] After he said that sentence, the figure disappeared. Sho rushed over to Hikaru and Mizuki. Both of were unharmed, except maybe for a few minor scratches on Mizuki’s arms. Hikaru walked over to where the first-aid kit was and took out a bottle of antiseptic and applied it on Mizuki’s injury. [B]“You okay, Mizuki?” “Yeah. You worry too much, Sho.” “I’m just concerned. I’m sure that Hikaru feels the same as I do.” “…I guess so… Anyway, aren’t we going to Tohru’s house?” “Right. Let’s get going then.”[/B] The three of them went towards their destination which was the house of the Honda family. The feeling of nervousness and anxiety are tingling in their spines. Questions such as ‘what will his mother feel?’ and ‘what’s going to happen to the family next?’ raced through their minds. When they’ve reached the auburn roofed house, Sho pressed the doorbell and both Tohru’s mom and dad opened the door. [B]“Ohayou, Mr. and Mrs. Honda,”[/B] Sho greeted them. [B]“Ohayou gozaimasu, minnasan,”[/B] they replied. Hikaru can see that Sho is unable to start a serious conversation so, she does what she does best, [B]“Well you see Mr. and Mrs. Honda, you’re son Tohru Honda had been kidnapped…or so it seems…”[/B] Both Mr. and Mrs. Honda looked at each other, [B]“Kidnapped? Oh come on, Hikaru. You know us much better than we do; since when do we even HAVE a son?”[/B] Mrs. Honda chuckled. [B]“But I’m not joking! I’m DEAD serious.” “Now, Hikaru, girls at your age shouldn’t speak like that; it’s rude. Anyway, don’t bother us over some petty joke about my ‘son’ being kidnapped. If I’ve not mistaken, the only ‘son’ that we have is an Akita named Kuri.”[/B] Mizuki stepped up, defending her friend, [B]“Hey, pretending that you don’t even have a son is much ruder than Hiku!” “Why you--”[/B] Mr. Honda threatened to punch Mizuki. [B]“Aaahhh…Mr. Honda, you’re no fun at all,”[/B] Sho stepped in between Tohru’s dad and Mizuki. [B]“You’ve got us. It was a joke…heheh…heh… Anyway, see ya!”[/B] Sho grabbed his two friends at their wrists and dragged them far from their sight. The three ran until they’ve reached the Sakura River. The festival is over by now so it was empty. Mizuki jumped over the bridge and landed on the pavement below. The other two did the same. After a few minutes of silence, Mizuki got fed up and took a rock just to throw it at the calm river. [B]“What the heck does Mr. Honda thinks, huh? He HAD a son for like seventeen years now!” “Calm down, Miki. I was surprised as well. So, our next move, Sho?”[/B] Sho was bummed as well. They couldn’t be pretending…could they? Maybe they’re trying to hide their true feelings from them, or maybe…it’s something else. After all, anything could happen after New Year’s Day. [B]“I don’t know. Just let time pass maybe?” “Miki is going nuts. She’s losing control every second.” “I know that…” “Arrgghh! I just can’t take it! How is it possible for them to not even know that they had a son?!” “…because I wiped their memory of him, silly girl...” “Huh?”[/B] the three exclaimed. A black shadow seemed to turned into a human figure right in front of them. A tall person wearing a black trench coat with a hood; it was the shadow that they’ve seen last night! [B]“Give us back our Tohru!” “Haha… You must be joking. Give you back your Tohru Honda? I believe that’s impossible…” “Impossible is nothing. Give him back.”[/B] Sho added. [B]“Well I’m not giving him for free.”[/B] Mizuki clenched her fists and darted towards the mysterious man, [B]“You took him for free!” “You don’t know who you’re dealing with! Shadow Vortex!”[/B] OOC: Hehe...do send some feedback... I've just started this yesterday...^^[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  22. [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Both Mizuki and Tyke are finally at the first steps of becoming a Pokemon Trainer. The road to Pollen Village is surrounded by greenery. The sound of leaves can be heard rustling among each other and several Pidgeys? playing among them. Tyke finds it easy to follow beside Mizuki, except sometimes he tends to walk faster than her. When they saw the little Hopsie and the sleeping Hoothoot, Mizuki doesn?t really seem to have any interest in those Pokemon. Maybe it?s because she doesn?t really know their characteristics yet. And besides, she is sure to see and perhaps catch them another day. After all, she has only two pokeballs to start with. She reached in her pockets and took out some Pokemon treats that her brother gave her before leaving. Tyke knew what she was going to do; so he quicken his pace and walk in front of her, almost hopping at the same time. Mizuki tossed a Pokemon treat towards Tyke and he got it immediately. Mizuki grinned at her Pokemon, [B]?You are really one cute Pokemon??[/B][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  23. [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]She was finally able to follow her brother footsteps of becoming a Pokemon Trainer. She looked around and saw the other trainers? expressions; happiness was scribbled all over their faces. Mizuki stared at the Pokeball that Professor Willow just gave her. She was thinking about the statement that Professor Willow said about her Pokemon; she told her that her Pokemon is really a fun one to be around and certainly one of the most enjoyable. She was anxious; anxious to know what her first Pokemon will turn out to be. Mizuki took a deep breath and threw her Pokeball into the air. Her dark red eyes were focused on the Pokeball. Then, the Pokeball opened and a red figure which seemed transparent followed after that. She waited eagerly for her Pokemon to show up but just after the Pokeball closed itself and dropped onto the ground, she was somewhat disappointed. Mizuki bent over to pick up the closed Pokeball. Just before she was about to ask Professor Willow what is wrong with her Pokeball, she heard a thumping noise behind her. The noise seemed to get louder and louder in her opinion. Slowly, she calmly turned around and from the corner of her right eye, she saw it; her very first Pokemon: a Growlithe, and it?s running towards her! The running Growlithe jumped and landed in Mizuki?s arms but despite all of it happening so suddenly, both Mizuki and her Growlithe fell down on the floor. All the other trainers were busy with their starter, so they do not know what was going on around them. The fall gave a sudden jolt to Mizuki. A soft ?Ouch!? came out from her mouth, which only her Growlithe can hear. Her Growlthe licked her face as a sign of saying ?Hello!?. [B]?Well, hello there. I guess I know why Professor Willow says that you are certainly a fun Pokemon to be with.? ?Grrooww~~?[/B] he said with a smile. [B]?Yeah, we?re gonna have a great time,?[/B] she patted the dog-like Pokemon on its head, [B]?The first thing I want to do with you is to give you a name?lemme see?ummm?how about?Tyke??[/B] Tyke applied pressure on its paws and pushed Mizuki who was already sitting on the ground to make her lie on the ground instead. It was not as sudden as their first meeting so Mizuki landed softly on the ground. Tyke gave a big lick on her face after that. Thinking that her Growlithe wanted to be called as Tyke, she turned it over and rubbed its belly, intending to tickle it. While she was doing this, the dark red color Pokevice that Professor Willow gave her dropped out from one of her pockets. She went over and picked it up. With curiosity engulfing her, she opened the device. The first thing she noticed about the device was the screen. The words ?Hello!? and a chibi version of Professor Willow?s face and her waving hand flashed over the screen twice. Then, there were several menus? on the screen: ?Badge Info?, ?Address Book?, ?Email?, ?Pokemon Stats?, ?Camera?, ?Map?, and ?Help?. The tiny camera fitted on the surface of the Pokevice transferred the image of the real world into the Pokevice, which means whatever you see with your eyes, you can also see them with your Pokevice. The bottom part of the screen has the buttons labeled as numbers 0 to 9 and a touchpad. [B]?It works just like a digital camera, a phone and a laptop as well! Cool!?[/B] Just when she was busy examining the other features the Pokevice has in stored for her, Tyke went over to take a look as well. Then, a picture of a Growlithe appeared in front, side and top view. Later, the Pokevice spoke to them, revealing some information about the Pokemon.[/COLOR] [I]Growlithe, the puppy Pokemon. Growlithe is a hyperactive pooch that always seems to have a bundle of energy with it. Although Growlithe can be a little mischievous sometimes, they are, however, very loyal to their trainers and will do whatever to ensure they?re well being.[/I] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Then, the picture of Growlithe faded and it showed a conclusion of the Pokemon statistics:[/COLOR] -Tyke- Species: Growlithe Gender: Male Type: Fire Level: 5 Location: Party Ability: Intimidate/Flash Fire Attacks: Roar, bite [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]?Well?I have to admit, being a Pokemon Trainer can be very exciting indeed. Do you agree with me, Tyke?? ?Grrrooww~~?[/B] he said nodding his head.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  24. [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][B]?Brother, I?m going now!? ?Yeah, take care. And good luck!?[/B] Mizuki waved at her brother for the last time before going to Seaport City. From where she lives, Seaport City is not that far; just a thirty minutes boat ride from Fuschia City. She took her time walking to the port to take a ship. The ship is going to leave her current city at 10 a.m and the time now is just 9.30 a.m. She knows that she will miss her house, her brother, her brother?s pokemon and her homeland. But she knows, she will make her own destiny in becoming a pokemon trainer. Mizuki continued walked for another ten more minutes and she arrived at the port. Fuschia City?s port is the busiest place in the city. Everyday, about thirty-five boats depart from here. There is five minutes left for Seaport City. Mizuki decided to check out the food stall that had been set up there. She bought five packets of peanuts for the journey. Then, the loud speakers in the area made an announcement. [B]?The ship leaving for Seaport City will have to be delayed for two hours. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.?[/B] Half of the passengers eager to go to Seaport City sighed including. She thought, [I]?What could have caused the delay??[/I] Curious, she went over to ask the driver. [B]?Engine failure, young one. The ship won?t start with an engine failure. Something is wrong with the engines.? ?Where is the port?s mechanic?? ??Currently in Pallet Town, visiting his family.? ?You need a mechanic?? ?If we don?t fix it, don?t expect me to bring you to Seaport.? ?Where is the engine?? ?Why do you need to know?? ?I?m a mechanic.? ??Very well then, follow me.?[/B] Mizuki followed the driver to the ship?s engine. She took out a mini toolbox from her bag pack and placed in on the floor. She inspected every single detail of the engine. The engine is an old model, but has been customized to fulfill its needs. Then, she saw the root of the problem, a worn-down wire in the engine. She took out a new set of wires from her tool box and carefully fixed the problem. [B]?The engine should be fixed by now. Go test it.? ?Very well.?[/B] The driver did as what Mizuki has requested and on the first try, the engine showed no problems. She took a glimpse at her watch; 10.15 a.m it says. Slowly, she placed her tool box back into her bag pack and walked outside. Fixing a broken engine is easy for her as she has seen her brother doing it so many times already. [B]?I would like to show my gratitude to a young female mechanic who fixed the ride to Seaport City. The ship for Seaport will depart in another ten minutes, all passengers please board the boat. Thank you.?[/B] Mizuki hurried to board the ship for Seaport. She arrived at Seaport City at noon. Remembering that she has to meet up with the other pokemon trainers to-be at Professor Willow?s lab. Wait, she doesn?t even know where the lab is? She went asking for the directions to the lab and a young man told her where it is. She thanked the man and followed the directions he gave her. When she arrived at the lab, she saw a lady in a lab coat, a boy and another girl talking to each other. She assumed that the lady in the lab coat has to be Professor Willow and the other two are the pokemon trainers to be. [B]?Hello there,?[/B] Professor Willow greeted her, [B]?We?ve been expecting you.?[/B][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  25. 1) Chi (Chobits) 2) Inuyasha (Inuyasha) 3) Mokona (Tsubasa Chronicles) 4) Pikachu (Pokemon)
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