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Everything posted by sakazaki

  1. sakazaki


    [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]When she was about to leave the park, she remembered that Dowser?s food was finished yesterday. Changing plans, she went towards the town which is not quite far from her current position; only fifteen minutes if you walk. Deciding not to waste anymore time, she quickly went towards her destination. After fifteen minutes, she arrived at the town. She walked and walked until she reached ?Agnes?s Pet Shop?. She can?t bear the thought that Dowser will be mad at her, just because she did not feed him in time. Without wasting any more time, she went in the shop. A bell sound as soon as she went in. [B]"Why, hello there, Ashley. Dowser?s food finished??[/B] Ashley just nodded at the sweet shopkeeper. Sometimes she freaks herself out, thinking that Agnes can really read people?s minds; like what she did just now. Agnes went towards a shelf of animal food and took out a packet of Dowser?s favorite. Ashley paid for the packet of food and thanked her. When she was about to walk out of the door, Agnes stopped her for some reason. [B]? It?s going to rain soon, you can at least take this umbrella.? ?No thanks. My house is close by, I?m sure I can make it there without getting wet.? ?If you say so?? ?Thanks for your concern. Anyway, good bye!?[/B] She walked out the shop and started to walk towards home. But when she reached the town square, the rain was pouring down. Ashley went inside the town square which is sheltered from the rain. She really hoped that the rain will stop soon. The packet of rabbit food will get soggy, and she knows, Dowser is not going to like it.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [FONT=Tahoma][COLOr=DarkRed]Name: Lyon Maxwell Age: 17 Gender: Male Personality: Lyon is the quiet and serious type. He doesn?t really talk much but he only talks when he thinks it is the appropriate time to do it. Although he may seem cold hearted, but to the ones that knows him, he is actually very friendly and responsible. Appearance: Standing at 6?2, he has short dark red hair which falls on the left and small, serious eyes which is black in color. For his attire, he puts on a gray round collared shirt and black trousers. Besides that, he has a black headband and sometimes, he wears his dark red cape. Skills: Wind magic. He can summon big gust of wind as well, but he never intends to unless he has a good reason. Bio: Before the roving bands of monsters and demonic humans step a foot in this planet, Lyon was living with his mother in a hut on a nearby cliff. His mother was dying from tuberculosis, but there isn?t anything that he can do about it. After his mother dies when he was all alone, surviving by himself in his surroundings. Days later, Lyon went out to hunt, but he found himself head-to-head with a group of thugs. He tried to defend himself from them. In the battle, he found out that he was gifted with the power to control the wind when he was about 14 years of age. The group of thugs left because they think it is suicide to fight him. After that, he went back to his little hut and tried perfecting his magic. He is still perfecting his skills now. Weapons: Twin daggers which he calls: Lucifer and Prism.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DarkRed][B][U]The Oracles [PG-LV][/U] [RIGHT][I]?Oracles?It is time?[/I][/B][/RIGHT] [CENTER]-----------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] *kringggg!* The alarm clock rang even louder for the fifth time already. This time, she reached for the alarm clock which was placed on the table just beside her bed. With blurry eyes, she stared at the alarm clock. 4.17a.m it says. She stared harder, as if like she couldn?t believe her eyes. [I]Great?[/I]she thought. As quick as lightning, she threw the covers on the floor, took her favorite attire from the cupboard and rushed into the bathroom, trying not to make any sound to let his tyrant father wake up though. Fifteen minutes later, she came out of the bathroom, already dressed for school. She stuck herself onto the wall and peered into the hallway through the corner of her eye. Her father was still asleep. Happily she ran down the stairs quietly towards the kitchen. She made herself a tuna sandwich and ate it while she was packing her gray bag pack. After that, she took the house keys and walked towards school. [RIGHT][B][I][U].:Tohru High School:...:Very early in the morning:.[/B][/I][/U][/RIGHT] She was the first student to step in the unlocked gates of Tohru High School, a school with not half bad education and has a high reputation of 'undisciplined' students. She thought that getting in the school early means getting to explore the school more. The first place she went after placing her bag in class 3-A1 was the school library hidden archives. It took her quite a long time trying to force the lock open with her hair clip. A few minutes later, her patience paid off. In front of her is the school's most secretive secrets... She went over and took a book which seems to be a diary and flipped the pages one by one... [/COLOR][B][U][I]September 4th, 1346[/U] Finally this school is done after a year of self preservation and hard work. I was indeed proud of myself. Not one human being believed that I will build this school. Well, I proved them wrong; this school will be the most renowned school in the world. I have high hopes for this school...[/B][/I][COLOR=DarkRed] Bla, bla, bla... Not interesting, she thought. She flipped a couple more pages and found something that caught her attention. [U][I][B][/COLOR]June 15th, 1353[/U] I began my usual rounds inspecting this school; from top to bottom. But as far as I remembered, I never placed any weird book like that on that particular shelf. And when I say weird, I mean it. It?s a blue book, about the size of a normal school textbook with silver linings on the edge and a key hole beside it. I was curious and I decided to open it. I was surprised when it was not locked. The book contained characters which I've never had seen it before. A combination of numbers and words were on the pages. Then, at the back of the pages was a small compartment which consists of cards. Picture cards if I've not mistaken. On the cards were pictures of various species of animals... Well, I don't dare to bring the book home, so I left it there at the same shelf beside the library's front west door...[/B][/I][COLOR=DarkRed] Bringing the book along with her, she ran towards the shelf and rummaged the books there. And there it is, still in the exact same condition; blue book with silver lining and a key hole. She opened the book slowly and suddenly, a flash of light shined at her. She was blinded for awhile but regained her sight a few seconds later. Then, from nowhere a loud, eerie voice is heard? [B]??I am the Oracle of Truth??[/B][/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [quote name='duoikari']no it's not[/quote][FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Really? Oh well...plan B then... The picture is attached here, so hopefully...it works...^^[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Name: Lyon Matthews Age: 17 Appearance: Lyon stands at 6?2, has dark blue hair which is short and falls towards his left. His small dark blue eyes and frameless black spectacles make him look serious and quiet. Lyon prefers to wear his light blue round-collared shirt that has a stripe which runs across his chest in white. He wears a pair of brown colored shorts which drops below his knees. On his left hand, he has a black glove which he uses to hide his ?mark of curse?. Personality: Lyon is a serious person. He only talks when he thinks that it is the appropriate time to talk. His seriousness can sometimes make him look like a heartless person, which he is not. Although he can be really cold sometimes, behind that cold personality of his, he is actually very caring and friendly. Those that really knows Lyon knows that he is dependable and a good friend to have. How he/she got The Curse: Born on the night of Christmas Eve in a farmer?s house, Lyon was a happy child living together with his parents. Although his parents were poor, they led a happy life together. That all ended when his father was threatened to give his farm over to a group of thugs or else Lyon will be killed. His dad was forced to steal money from local banks nearby for the thugs. However, one night, his dad was sick of stealing for them. He went alone to the thug?s hideout with a shotgun after telling his wife. Lyon?s father told them that he refuses to do anything for the thugs. But the thugs were angered, and their leader sent out a force to dispose of his happy family. His father heard this and he used the shotgun to kill the leader. But right after their leader?s death, the thugs killed his father too. At that same night, the force that was sent out to kill his family rammed into their house. Both his mother and Lyon were awake during that time. Her mother was murdered while she was protecting Lyon. Lyon was raged but he knows that he couldn?t do anything, so he fled. He fled from his father?s farm and into the city. Exhausted and soaked by the rain, he went to rest in a dark alley. Hungry and cold, he lost his will to live; he prayed to God to just let him die. And that is when Sasu, the Almighty Curse Bringer recruited him as one of his followers. Urmm...If there is anything that is needed to be changed, please PM me.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. [quote name='duoikari']the pic that you have linked doesn't not come up can you please reload it[/quote] [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Oic...never knew...hehe... Anyway, here's the [URL=http://swordmaster.altervista.org/Saiyuki/Immagini/hakkai/images/hakkai08.jpg]picture[/URL][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  7. [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Urmm...okay. I'm requesting for a Cho Hakkai (the one from Saiyuki series) banner and avatar set. Dimensions and color scheme are up to you. Prefered picture [URL=http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A9gnMiDDgCBGCfMAAMKjzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBsMW5yM3VoBHNlYwNwcm9mBHZ0aWQDSTA2Nl84OA--/SIG=131k1teo4/EXP=1176621635/**http%3A//swordmaster.altervista.org/Saiyuki/Immagini/hakkai/images/hakkai08.jpg]here[/URL] Well, unless you have a picture of Hakkai which you think looks better on the set, you can use it, I don't mind...^^ The text 'sakazaki' is placed somewhere in the avatar and banner while the text 'Kill to survive' is placed somewhere in the banner... Credits go to whoever who makes this! ^^ Thanks and good luck![/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  8. sakazaki


    [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]All it took was just ten minutes to reach her parent?s house. Well, now it belongs to her though. She walked slowly on the cement pavement in the park; looking at the green trees, the younger children playing tag with their playmates and the senior citizens just sat on the bench; enjoying the semi-sunny weather. She preferred to take the shorter way to home but something urged her to take the longer way instead, that is through the park. When she was young, she used to come here and play with her pet rabbit. Her mother and father can be seen under that big, shady tree having they?re picnic. She walks towards that certain tree and searched its thick trunk. Indeed, the picture was still there: a picture with her family holding hands that she drew when she was younger. Ashley had always tried to put that certain ?family incident? aside, but somehow that memory came back today. Remembering she has to get home quickly to feed Dowser, she walked slowly towards home with her head gazing into the sky.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  9. sakazaki


    [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]OOC: Alright, let?s start! [B]?Ms. Thompson, can you come to the board and show the calculations for question 3??[/B] Without saying a word, she rose from her seat and began to walk towards the whiteboard. With the teacher?s black marker pen in her right hand, she started writing the calculations on the whiteboard. When she is done writing, she sat on her seat located just beside the window. Their Mathematics teacher stared at the calculations Ashley did for awhile. [B]?Very good, Ms. Thompson. The answer is corect.?[/B] *kringg!* The bell for home rang. The students in their respective classes rushed out after they were dismissed. Some of them went to the canteen to get some food, while the others spend time with their ?gang?. There are some students still loitering around the school grounds too. Unlike every normal day at school, Ashley went out by herself today. She went to the roof. She wanted to be alone for some unknown reason. Maybe it was the nightmare that was bothering her sleep last night; it has to be. In her ?dream? she seems to recall the tragedy that happened in her family years ago; about her mother committing suicide after realizing that her father has another girl. Since then she was left alone with only her pet rabbit, Dowser. Brushing that thought aside, she decides that it is time to go back home. Quickly she ran outside the school grounds with her gray bag pack on her shoulder. She has to feed Dowser after all.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Those gangsters in my school really does grind my gears... I just hate the way they thought it is cool to talk back at their teachers and when they start threatening the school prefects just because they did something which broke the school laws. However, I do give them credit for their cool hair fashion, although they got caught by us, the prefects and the teachers... Once, there was this girl (yea...a girl gangster... I think she's around 16/17. I'm 14 and she's shorter than me. Oh well...) who purposely broke the glass window in front of everybody else nearby. I was one of the people nearby together with my friend, Yvonne. I was staring at her and she knew that she did something wrong alright. Then, she walked up to me and started threatening me in Mandrin. Although I'm a 1/2 Chinese (I forget what's my other half...), I don't speak Mandrin... so I was like looking at her, dumbfounded. After that, she got impatient with me (I can tell...) and shouted some foul languges which I perfectly understand. Humph, I felt her rage alright... Well, she was lucky that I managed to keep my cool that time. If not, I will pick a fight with her. Although I am a prefect (and proud of it) I just can't stand people like her. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Yeah, school's killing me with projects and homeworks too... It's alright, I can wait... very patiently...^^[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  12. Haha...I'm in too! Need to take a break from school...the homeworks are killing me!
  13. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Name: Ashley Thompson Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Ashley stands at 5? 3 and has short black with dark red highlights on the right side of her hair which drops somewhere below her ears. Her hair tends to be longer on the right side. Her eyes are dark blue in color, not too big and not too small; which suits really well with her hair color. She prefers to wear her white collared t-shirt with a dark blue stripe running across her chest together with her brown baggy trousers. Her shoes are black in color. She has this wristband which is white in color to make her look ?cool?. At least that is what she thinks. General Mood: Ashley is an optimistic girl; she can smile when she is sad. She learnt to do that after ?the incident?. When someone ticks her off, she tends to pick fights to reduce her rage. Quirks: Ashley tends to laugh and laugh without stopping. She can even laugh when she cries on when there is nothing to laugh about. Powers: Air Manipulation. She can manipulate the air to any forms that she wanted. She hasn?t mastered it fully though. That?s why she may tend to hurt herself while training (since the air is EVERYWHERE). Background: Born on the night of Christmas Eve in a farmer?s house; and raised by her mother and father. Her father works as a military commander and he was always out for immediate missions. One night, her father said the same thing to her mother about infiltrating the enemy?s base. From that day onwards, her father never came home; both Ashley and her mother were worried. Weeks passed and her mother wanted answers. She called her husband?s boss to ask his whereabouts. However, the boss said that he was never sent to an infiltration mission that night. She dropped the phone and ran out of the house towards where the wind brought her. She stopped in front of the restaurant to rest for awhile. Then, she saw a figure which closely resembles her husband. Indeed, the figure she saw was his husband. But, he was with another girl. After watching that, she went to commit suicide. After those incidents, Ashley was left alone with her pet rabbit, Dowser. She learnt to be independent over the years and never said a thing about her family. Occupation: Student and Part-Time Newspaper Distributor[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. Well, this is supposed to be a logo for a group in friendster.com. This group doesn't have any logo yet so maybe you can help make one...haha...^^ Dimensions: 200x200 Color scheme: blue or green, any of them is possible Desired text: "2L: Although we are LAME...we are definately not LOZERS!" (emphasize on the word '2L, please!) Desired picture: Well, [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/37194980/?qo=6&q=Anime+school+&qh=boost%3Apopular+age_sigma%3A24h+age_scale%3A5]this is the best picture [/URL] I can find...but if you have other picture which you think it looks better, I don't mind. As long it's invoved with anime, school or students... Good luck and thanks in advance! ^^
  15. [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DarkRed][B]Oracles? It is time?[/B] [CENTER]-----------------------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] [RIGHT][B][I].:Tohru High School:...:Very early in the morning:.[/RIGHT][/B][/I] She was the first student to step in the unlocked gates of Tohru High School, a school with not half bad education and has a high reputation of 'undisciplined' students. She thought that getting in the school early means getting to explore the school more. The first place she went after placing her bag in class 3-A1 was the school library hidden archives. It took her quite a long time trying to force the lock open with her hair clip. A few minutes later, her patience paid off. In front of her is the school's most secretive secrets... She went over and took a book which seems to be a diary and flipped the pages one by one...[/COLOR] [B][I][U]September 4th, 1346[/U] Finally this school is done after a year of self preservation and hard work. I was indeed proud of myself. Not one human being believed that I will build this school. Well, I proved them wrong; this school will be the most renowned school in the world. I have high hopes for this school...[/B][/I] [COLOR=DarkRed]Bla, bla, bla... Not interesting, she thought. She flipped a couple more pages and found something that caught her attention.[/COLOR] [B][I][U]June 15th, 1353[/U] I began my usual rounds inspecting this school; from top to bottom. But as far as I remembered, I never placed any weird book like that on that particular shelf. And when I say weird, I mean it. It?s a blue book, about the size of a normal school textbook with silver linings on the edge and a key hole beside it. I was curious and I decided to open it. I was surprised when it was not locked. The book contained characters which I've never had seen it before. A combination of numbers and words were on the pages. Then, at the back of the pages was a small compartment which consists of cards. Picture cards if I've not mistaken. On the cards were pictures of various species of animals... Well, I don't dare to bring the book home, so I left it there at the same shelf beside the library's front west door...[/B][/I][COLOR=DarkRed] Bringing the book along with her, she ran towards the shelf and rummaged the books there. And there it is, still in the exact same condition; blue book with silver lining and a key hole. She opened the book slowly and suddenly, a flash of light shined at her. She was blinded for awhile but regained her sight a few seconds later. Then, somewhere a loud, eerie voice is heard? [B]??I am the Oracle of Truth??[/B] [CENTER]----------------------------------------------------------------- Millions of years ago, a war raged between Mother Nature and the God of Death. This war has caused extinction to Earth. No greenery was found on the rocky earth. Lakes, rivers and seas disappeared and neither a single animal nor mankind can be found. This war lasted for several years and then ended with Mother Nature?s victory. Mother Nature pitied the earth?s condition so she created a force which consists of many species of animals; the force was called, The Oracles. These oracles help rebuild the land. This process was slow; the animals do not have abilities like humans do. To help quicken the process, she created two humans; a male and a female. These two humans helped The Oracles in many kinds of way. Now cutting logs is done much more quickly using simple tools rather than using a woodpeckers? beak. Slowly, mankind began to duplicate itself and human population increased. After years and years of hard work, Earth?s condition has returned to normal. The God of Death despised Earth?s revival and vows to return Earth to its worst condition. He managed to seal The Oracles in a book without Mother Nature?s knowledge. All of that changed when a high-school girl discovered it and released the seal. The Oracles was free but they were greatly weakened. Now, they need involve mankind in order to save Earth. History is about to repeat itself? Are you ready? ----------------------------------------------------------------- [B][U]The Oracles[/CENTER][/B][/U] The Oracles is a group created by Mother Nature herself. But after the God of Death seal them in the mysterious book, The Oracles were greatly weakened and they need mankind to function properly. There are many types of Oracles due to the many different species of animals. The Oracles status varies in different names, from ?The Oracle of Anxiety? to ?The Oracle of Loneliness?. Due to their weakened power, The Oracles can now transform into humans temporarily. While they are in their human form, they can do almost anything but using their true powers. Their human form ranged from a little, innocent child to an old, wise person based on their species. The oracles are invisible while they are in their animal form. They will be visible to mankind in their human form though. That is why they can?t use their powers in their human forms. [CENTER][B][U]Sign-ups[/B][/U][/CENTER] You will be playing as one of The Oracles? ?partner?? Name: Japanese please, unless you?re a transfer student Age: High-school ages Gender: Appearance: Picture of description or both, your choice Personality: History: A brief explanation of your character before he/she received The Oracles How did you end up in Tohru High School?: Oracle Name: Oracle status: Your oracle?s status (Oracle of ______________ ) Oracle type: What species of animal your oracle is? Specialty: Must be appropriate with the Oracle Status or the Oracle Type Powers: Limited to three, again must be appropriate with the Oracle Status or the Oracle Type Appearance: In animal and human form Personality: Overall personality?^^ And that is all? Good Luck and have fun! I?ll post mine a later?[/FONT][/COLOR]
  16. [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DarkRed][B]Chapter 1[/B] The sound of footsteps echoed into Rico's ears; she knows someone was following her in the school hallway. She quickened her paced a little and held tightly on her pendant that she used as a necklace. Her follower quickened his pace even more after noticing that Rico was far ahead. She managed to keep a distance between him and her, for awhile that is... [B]"Stop right there Rico Vanguard!"[/B] She stopped and stared ahead with confusion. How the stranger did knew her name, she thought. Rico then turned towards her follower slowly, and there it is. It's that sign again, located at his lower right knee: the sign of the evil Gangirock... [B]"What do you want?" "Ahh...so you know who I am then?"[/B] She shook her head lightly. Darkness was coming in after the sun set just a minute ago. She knew that whoever it was won't be taking things lightly. Rico went into her fighting stance, her opponent just stood there. [B]"Oh, want to fight now eh? Chances of you escaping are slim, you know." "What if I escape now?" "You have to deal with me first then. Here comes!"[/B] All of the sudden, her opponent disappears and reappears again behind her. Rico noticed this but she couldn't evade his super fast kick to her side. The force of his kick sent Rico flying and crashed onto a nearby locker. Strangely enough, her opponent walked towards her. It's like he is giving some time for her to get up. She put all her efforts into getting up, but she still sat there, and he is just a feet away from her. [B]"Who are you?"[/B] she yelled at him. [B]"I see, you don't know then..."[/B] As he said that, flashes of lighting can be seen and the sounds of thunder can be heard. [B]"I am the Evil Gangirock of Lightning Speed, Arlin!" "What do you want from me then?!" "Nothing much, just that blue thing that shines on your neck."[/B] She looked down at her neck and realized that he was talking about her necklace. Rico tightened her grip on the pendant, as a sign saying,[I] no way![/I] Arlin, knowing that something like this was going to happen, crouched down until he can feel her breath and try to pry open the little girl?s grip. With her left hand free, she launched a powerful punch towards him. He fell back after that. [B]?Gah! It?s getting late?? [/B]he got up and brushed the dust from his black uniform. [B]?I?ll let you go this time, but you?d better watch out in the future!?[/B] And with that, he left instantly. Picking herself up, she noticed that the man had left something for her on the floor. At least, she thinks it is for her. She bent down and picked the envelope up. With steady hands, she opened it easily. In it was a piece of white blank paper and on it, words. She read the out quietly and at the same time walked in the direction of home, [RIGHT][B][I]?Arlin, start project Operation Exterminate Vanguards phase 2. You?ve better not fail us.?[/B][/RIGHT][/I] Looks like it was for that guy she fought just now. Being a Vanguard, she knows that she was in great danger from the start. It all happened when her father, Jeremy Vanguard, heir of the Vanguard family, let the secret of Gangirock lose in the fire.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  17. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Name: Katashi Hiroko @ Hiro Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: [URL=http://www.animegalleries.net/albums/userpics/63487/Ninja%20Girl.jpg]Katashi Kiroko[/URL] Rank: Genin Personality: Hiroko is a tomboy. She prefers the name 'Hiro' rather than her real name 'Hiroko' due to her tomboyness. Besides that, Hiro can be a real klutz (passed down from her mom); always messing things up and sometimes she even fall down on some ocasions... She can make really good food; always make her friends stomach full and they never get stomach upsets... ^^ And that's a good thing. Hiroko is a friendly girl. She doesn't get mad easily when some stranger stood up to her and called her a tomboy; she is well aware of that. With her great humor sense, it's not impossible for her to make new friends. She can, however, be in an emotional state due to her mother's death, and it's best not to make her made during this time. Equipment: 1) 10 small sized shuriken 2) 1 Kibaku Fuda (Bomb Tag) Main weapon: She has a pair of specially made katanas (shorter and much more durable to the normal ones). This is passed down from generations in her family. She normally use this weapon for melee combat. Main Technique: (no japanese translations though...) Ninjutsu: 1)[B] Requiem Soul:[/B] Simillar to Chidori. She doesn't need the sharingan eye to activate this skill though. 2)[B] Fire Breathing Dragon[/B] A dragon like figure will appear with schorching flames. Her most basic technique. Normally, she will use this technique after 'Sharp Talons'. Taijutsu: 1)[B]Sharp Talons of the Great Eagle[/B] She lauches this attack after knocking her opponent back. Then she will scratch her opponent's face with the mighty sharp talons like the eagle. 2) [B]Dynamic Kicks of Fury[/B] Kicks will rain down on the opponent in the opponent is still in the air. 3) [B]Furious Slashes[/B] As the name says, she use her twin katanas to slash her opponents into shreds. Her signature move. Biography: When she was young, she doesn't really know how to make friends. Her mother and father are the only friends that time. At the age of eight, she can make hillarious jokes (taught by her father) and this helped her into making lots of friends. She treasure them greatly. After her mother's death (her mother died during the attack initiated by Hidden Village of Sand), she became depressed; locking herself from the outside world. She doesn't even want to live; she even thought of suicide once. The genin exams are near too. Pressure was hemming on her deeply. At last, her father was able to talk about her problems and she passed the genin exams with flying colours. Now, Hiroko lived her life happilly with her father. She treasures every moment of her life. Extra Notes: -Her best dish was called 'Hot-n-Spicy Chicken Stew'. She made this dish after passing her genin exams. -Birthday is on June 4th If there is anything to be corrected, pls PM me...^^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]1. What name would you like to be used for you during this competition?[/B] sakazaki or Theo (or even Doraemon) suits me?^^ [B]2. What is your age and gender?[/B] Age: 14. Gender: Female (a little tomboyish though) [B]3. What country do you come from?[/B] Malaysia [B]4. What areas of OtakuBoards you consider to be your strengths and weaknesses? (Choose one or two for both.)[/B] Strengths: Anime/Manga and RPG Weaknesses: Discussion/Debate and Music (I just can't get the artist's name right...) [B]5. Name one member of OtakuBoards that you consider your friend here.[/B] My not-so-popular bro: dragonoid [B]6. What one thing would you take with you to a deserted island?[/B] My laptop, I can?t live without it?^^ [B]7. Why do you want to participate to OtakuBoards Survivor 4?[/B] It has been about two years since I was at OB (I was not on9 for a year because I was busy studying for a big exam) and I?ve never seen anything like this, so I thought: why not give it a shot? Guess I'll be on the stand-by list by now... Patience... I will prevail![/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Name: Hikaru Imai Gender: Female Age: 21 Country of Birth: Japan Appearance:[URL=http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k296/blingkaching4693/maggiemui2.jpg] Picture[/URL] Personality: Hikaru is a tomboy. She prefers to kick the football rather than staying in the kitchen to cook. She, however, can bake cakes and cookies very well due to the knowledge her friends and mother had given her. She also likes to take walks during rainy days. Besides that, Hikaru is the optimist type. Whenever the war stopped temporarily, she will assist those in need in any way she can. She even learned how to smile when she?s sad from her best friend who perished during the war. She will be the shoulder to lean on when you?re sad. One more thing: she can be really annoying and hyper; one of her bad habits. Hikaru always disturb other people when they are doing something important, she likes to ask many stupid questions. She still has this habit, but she doesn?t do it often. Mech Type: [URL=http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k296/blingkaching4693/hunchback.gif]Gunner Type[/URL] Mech Model #: JE-469 Weapons: 3 semi automatic rifles that fires simultaneously (One at each shoulder and the smaller one on the torso) together with a missile launcher situated above the mech?s right shoulder. Biography: Hikaru Imai was living with her father after her mom died in the war when she was just sixteen. Her best friend died too, which only left her with her dad, her one and only source of happiness. The death of her mother and her only friend gave a big impact in her life. She became less cheerful than before, however, she acted to be happy in front of her dad so that he would not be worried. Together with her father, they?ve raised a farm and they relied on this for living. Having no particular studies, her dad tried his best to teach her everything about mech?s because that is about the only thing that he knows; how to operate one, take care of one and most important: how to use it for the good of mankind. The war still kept on going, and the farm that Hikaru and her dad raised was partially destroyed. A series of machine guns fired in their direction. Some of their farm animals fled in disarray and some died on the spot. Her father died while working on the farm. She survived because Hikaru was out when it happened. After finding out what had happened, for two days and two nights, she cried and sulked in bed. Once she remembered what her best friend once said: ?Crying is not going to change anything, instead just smile!? She changed her point of view and vowed to help the helpless in any way she can. When she was eighteen, she helps the poor by giving them some of her homemade muffins. She sells some of her cakes to the rich to earn some money then uses them to buy flour and other baking materials. She kept on doing this as a source of income. When she was twenty-one, she joined the military after hearing that the army used mech?s in battle. If there is anything that is needed to change, please PM me. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Pokemon: Allies in Danger [PG-L][/B] [CENTER][I]Danger lurking around the street; unable to foretell what will happen next. After what Giovanni planned for the ?sake? of the pokemon, he has turned Earth into a city of chaos. With a new device called the ?Poke Controller? or most likely known to the public as ?Evil Collar?, pokemon that are controlled by him has became more intellectual, they can act even without further thinking. Well, that is for some pokemon? For those without the Evil Collar, well? they are who they used to be.[/I] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, so you have the brief summary. Giovanni is trying to take over the world, this time: with the ?Poke Controller.? Many trainers have lost their pokemon because of this. Pokemon used to help the public such as Nurse Joy(s)?s Chansy are rebelling. Even Proffesor Oak and Officer Jenny(s) are going nuts. And that is where you come in. Both Prof. Oak and Officer Jenny(s) can?t do this alone. You are entrusted by them to bring peace back to the world by eliminating the source of the ?Poke Controller?. The world is in your hands? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sign-up Sheet Name: Age: (12 and above) Pokemon: (Basic Pokemon only) Appearance: Personality: Bio: And that is all...good luck and have fun![/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][I]Hey, get up... Scallion needs you...[/I] Rico covers her eyes from the blinding morning sunlight. She rubs her eyes several times before opening them, As her eyes begins to adjust to the brightness, she remembers something called Scalllion. Putting that aside, she makes sure that she has her daggers with her. Then, she got up and started to travel wherever the wind brings her. After fifteen minutes of traveling, the word ?Scallion? came to her mind once more. The same thing happens over and over again until she decides to take things seriously. She ran into a very old man with a stick. He looked very wise so Rico tried asking him about Scallion. [B]?Scallion? Why ask about that place, young one?? ?It?s been disrupting my concentration?I can?t think properly.?[/B] The old man sat on the bare ground with his arms crossed. [B]?Well, if you?ve heard of the name Scallion, which no ordinary human could; you should go there.? ?But, where is that place? I?ve been traveling all my time and I?ve never heard of that place until today.? ?You?ve been traveling every time ya? say? Then I don?t think you?ll have any problem locating it,?[/B] he said with a smile. [B]?All I know is that you must go there as the legend speaks.? ?Legend? What legend?? ?You?ve been called to arms. I suggest that you prepare yourself.?[/B] He got up and we exchanged good-byes. Rico thanked this old man and she continued her journey, this time, to Scallion.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  22. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Okay, so far these are the users that will be joining this RP:- Satoshi [konkse] - I don't see any problems with your post, good luck in the RP. Tony Maxwell [dragonoid] - You just need to improve your character's bio, aside than that: welcome to Trigger, bro! Prowler Dawn [prowlingdarkness] - Just like dragonoid, you need to improve your character's bio, seriously. Try adding more sentences to it and hopefully it will make your character stand out. Good luck![/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  23. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Kay, I really wanted a Saiyuki banner and avatar that has Son Goku in it. Hopefully these pictures can help. [URL=http://dixy-pixy.org/Portfolio/anime.jpg]First picture[/URL] [URL=http://dixy-pixy.org/png_d.php?case=download&id=32]Second picture[/URL] [URL=http://dixy-pixy.org/png_d.php?case=download&id=29]Third picture[/URL] Size and color scheme is completely up to you. If possible put 'sakazaki' somewhere in the banner and avatar. The quote "The journey begins..." will be placed somewhere in the banner. Good luck and thanks in advance for those who tried! ^^[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Name: Yukiko Swen Age: 17 Personality: She prefers to be called as 'Yuki' instead of Yukiko due to her tomboyish additude. Those that doesn't know her will ignore her, thinking that she is a troubled kid; causing chaos wherever she goes. Well, what they thought was totally WRONG. Yuki is always thinking positively, putting her friends life as a priority one, enjoys hanging around with her pals and bashing the bad guys. She sometimes get mad easily. When she is mad her red hair tends to make her look even angrier than before...so it's best not to make her angry. Apprearance: Stands on 5"5, short red hair that hangs above her shoulders by at least an inch. She has black eyes and a of well-structured nose. Normally she will be seen without make-up as she hates lipsticks and all; she believes that she has natural beauty and doesn't need make-up to look pretty. When she smiles, she looks really cute...^^ She loves wearing her white T-shirt together with her blue jacket that she ties around her waist. She prefers her baggy light brown trousers rather than a pink mini-skirt... Besides that, she also wears a pair of white Reebok sneakers. Hanging around her neck is a necklace which her mom gave to her when she is younger and more 'feminin'. She also has the 'tonfa-holder' clipped on her belt. Weapons: Hand to hand combat and her trusty bladed tonfas.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Name: Layla Ashley Age: 23 Gender: Female Blood type: O Height: 5" 12 Weight: 56 kgs Allergies: none Phobias: Homichlophobia (fear of fog/foggy areas)[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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