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Everything posted by Sojio

  1. Just started watching Samurai Champloo and its awesome cant wait to see volume two but ive got a question. What is the Track used in the trailer (the trailer with "it is a time of honour, a time for Hip Hip *cue the scratch*)
  2. Alert Alert Alert Howls Moving Castle released in Perth, Western Australia yesterday Friday 10th March. Has it been released in America on DVD?
  3. Hello Hello Hello. :animesmil I've heard alot about this upcoming Studio Ghibli Film from many sources. If anyone has heard anything about this movie share it around. Personally I've read the Earthsea Quartet and I'll say it was one of the best series of books I'be read in a long time. Gedo Senki was offered to Hayao Miyazaki and his son Goro by Ursula K le Guin. At the time, however, Hayao Miyazaki was tied up working on Hauru no ugoku shiro ( Howl's Moving Castle) , and could not come on board at the right time. Not wanting to miss his opportunity Goro Miyazaki took upon himself the task of Directing Gedo Senki which is to be released this year I believe. :D
  4. UNfortunately Hayao Miyazaki did not recieve the Award for best animated feature it was given to Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Ware rabbit. Now there has got to be a hell of alot of people out there who think that Hayao Miyazaki Should Have won. :animeangr
  5. Blogs are great. They are a great source of information and are usually set out user friendly. My blog [url]www.unofficial-ghibli.piczo.com[/url] is a source of information on Studio Ghibli movies directors and news.
  6. I recently heard this movie was voted one of the greatest war stories ever told1 amazing. I am yet to see it but from what i've heard it seems to be one of Isao Takahata's greatest features. Its sometimes dissapointing to hear when people talk about Studio Ghibli they rarely talk much about Isao Takahata and more about Hayao. Although Hayao is one of the Greatest animators of all time i think Isao should recieve more recognition for his works some of them are way up there with Hayao's. :animesigh
  7. In all the excitement Ichigo let rip. Byakuya realises and sees Ichigo trying to keep a straight face. Icigo: " i knew burritos and battle dont mix" Byakuya:" I've been telling you that for ages now damn!"
  8. I recently placed and order for the limited edition and i recieve it on March 15. Also what do people belive on the outcome of the academy awards?
  9. Mate just some advice for the future. I am not admin but still this caught my attention. The reason they closed your original thread down was lack of post quality. You cant just say 'so who do you like?' you have to say who you like and explain make your posts interesting. Keep smiling, Sojio
  10. Hey, I agree with you and have to say that this movie is fantastic and its great to see another Ghibli fan on Otaku. I lovedthis film for its great depiction of love. These great styles of film the likes of which are made by Kondou are all fabulous. I am a great fan of Studio Ghibli and I love all of the movies. If you havent seen it check out the new Miyazaki movie Howls moving castle. Please check out my site [url]www.unofficial-ghibli.piczo.com[/url] for all your ghibli needs :animesmil keep smiling, Sojio
  11. WHAAAAA!!!!! is this what my conscience look like oh crap!!!! that cannot be good for me I knew that cosplaying with sock puppets was a bad idea!!!!
  12. Hey guys/gals Whats your favourite anime soundtrack(s) and why Mine personally would have to be the R.O.D The TV Soundtrack. I am a student of Jazz and i really like the Jazz and fusion tracks on this album. Plus the contrast between Upbeat to ballad is excellent and well created. Also the Soundtrack to Princess Mononoke and Howls moving castle are great for the same nature. [B]OH And please write why you like these soundtracks or else this thread will be closed [/B] Sojio,XD
  13. Hey Guys/ Gals I'm not sure if there is a thread specifically for Full Metal Panic 2nd Raid so here it is. If anyone has seen this show could they give me the low down because i just heard about it and i wanted to know if it comes before or after FUMOFFU. If it comes before then I would like to see it before FUMOFFU so not to spoil the continuety.
  14. The Katana i own does actually have a name. It is called yoru-shakou which means Night-Shade in Japanese. :cool:
  15. I think the my most painfull time was when i was sitting in a hammock and my friend was swinging me it was kinda fun cause i was going really high... But all that ended when my friend decided to step back and knee me in the thigh as hard as he could. :animenose Ow I had like internall bleeding into my leg The Worst apin i have ever had...
  16. I'd have to say Read or Die and R.O.D the TV they are excellent great plots and twists. It also has great characters and the animation is great.
  17. I would love to be Sonny Wong the Paper master who works for Dokusencha in R.O.D The TV. Because of his almighty powers :animesmil
  18. General: Sir this is the funeral for the Three brazilian Soldiers who died in Iraq you dont need the Binoculars Bush: No its ok general stand down General: But sir the lens... Bush: GE-NER-AL PLEASE!!!... now tell me... how many is there in a brazilian
  19. Well Sojio is my Alias for preatty much every site im a member of. It originally started as Soji from Peacemaker Kurogane but then i thought that was sorta copying so i cahnged it to Sojio becase that is original and kinda cool. XD
  20. Does anyone know the name of the song used in the first action scene where you first see the Papermasters' powers. When they save Nenene from the bomb. Also does anyone know of an Anime which is like to this one because i just finished it and i really loved it to bits. Thanks XD, Sojio
  21. I just recenly saw this Movie at a local Theater and I can tell you Its definately worth purchasing. It really does raise the bar on Animated cinema. I have also mput in an order for the Limited Edition DVD. SOOOO EXITED XD
  22. I feel a bit out of place considering what you guys have been saying. I just finished PMK and i was dissapointed with the outcome. The story was not completed and the characters did not reach their full potencial. This would be understanderble if there was another series but I am unaware of such an occurance. Sorry Guys but it had to be said. But if you do know of another series please tell because it will be a great relief because this show has massive potencial to be a great classic. :animeswea
  23. I started watching R.O.D a few days ago and I am hooked. But I have to admit i only just realised that R.O.D standed for Read or Die:animeshy:. But still it has to be one of my all time favourite series. 5/5 stars the characters are funny and exciting and the plot is great.
  24. R.O.D the TV is, i suppose you could say, a series from the Movie R.O.D. Its story is based around a highly acclaimed author who is saved by three sisters from another author who threatend to kill her. These three sisters posess special powers they can manipulate paper with their minds and are called papermasters. I am halfway through watching this series and enjoying it thoroughly its storyline and characters are exceptional. Personally I like Anime with an original idea and i recommend this show to anyone who has seen the original movie
  25. After Chairman Kaga unveals the Secret ingredient Potato we see challenger wufei looking quite calm and content and considering the possiblilities of todays outcome. While his assistant Trowa looking quitee determined to win.
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