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Everything posted by Linkk
HUGE FAN!!!!! I love them! I have all their albums. They area fav of mine hands down no questions asked. My fav song that so hard! So is my fav album cause i love em all! Ok a fav of a fav song would be " Until It Sleeps" And for album ohhh ahhh ummmmm "Master Of Puppets". They're great!
I'm a band geek I guess lol. I love music and I play in a band. I play the drums. I never though of this as being geeky though hahaha! I listen to music all the time. I have over 100 cds i have cassettes...yes remember those. I even have records! Oh ya and Im going to a film and music school in a couple of weeks and Im taking the film and music buisness program. Its gonna be exciting!!!!! So Im totally a band geek than I guess. Meh I love it! Keeps me going!
omg! that might be very weird!!!! But hopefully he'll do a good job...but i duno sounds stingy to me.
im 21. But i usually get between 15-18. LOL! Hey thatll be good when im really old! Ya i dont feel 21 really but meh its ok. I dont mind that i look young. i dont wanna look old lol
not much to tell my best friend esctacy told me about it. i checked it out and i liked it.
pink floyd a momentary relapse of reason very good!
I loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg i cant wait for number 3 to come out. It's so good!!!!!!!! but elizabeth is so annyoning!!!!!!!! lol!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I love it!!!!! I have seen every season and own them...waiting for the last one! I am so pumped for next season too! It is like my fav show ever! I love it! Jack Buaer rocks!!!!! Im a huge Keifer Sutherland fan! That is one sexy man! OO lala!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have you seen all the season? I got my family and friends hooked on the show too. I love it!
Ya I m in one in a way. My bets friend and guitar player and I have been playing togther for 7 years now. We love it but dont always get time to jam as much as we want. We have had a few bass players over the years......they all fel through! Damn bass players lol no offence. We are still looking. Recenlty Shalina( the guitar player) her boyfriend has kinda joined us. He plays guitar too but must settle for rythem...no one takes over the lead from her lol! OR ELSE!!!!! Mostly tho when a new mwmber jojns you can so tell it's us and this new person but our rythem gutarist not so much as he is her boyfriend and my friend too. We all get along great. Me I'm the drummer! WE play all kinds of music. We love rock and metal. Some of our fav bands: Metallica Europe Dokken Bon Jovi Rolling Stones The Beatles Led Zepplin Def Leppard Pink Folyd Dire Straits Simon Ahd Garfunkel The Clash Green Day Hanson Cher The Corrs Abba
Well I think thats it's ok as long as you have been together for awhile and really love eachother. Cause if you just boom bang move in together thats just weird. I'd want to really know and feel comfortable with this person. I mean ok my aunt and uncle lived together for many many years before they got married. They just decided why the hell not ya know. And things are still great and still the same. By many years i mean like over 20. To me they were married and my aunt has always been my aunt. A piece of paper can't ever make or break that. Personally i dont even know how i feel about marriage. I cant picture getting married anytime soon. But If I loved someone and wanted to move in with them then im sure i would. But I mean everyone has the right to do what they want and what is best for them.
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]After coming out of shock from whatever was coming from Dred, Klylipso regained her senses and began fighting again. She used her bow and arrows aimimg right at The Devours heads'. " Take that vile beats." She said as she shot an arrow straight at one of their eyes. The creature screamed funmbling forward almost crushing her and Kim. They jumped out of the way. Only now Kylipso was on one side, Kim on the on the other. Kylipso couldn't see any of the others either. The creatur wa scareming in pain thrashoing out in all directions. [I]Danm. These horrid servants.[/I] Kylipso rolled out of the way once more. She began stabbing at the creature with a small knife she had found. It wiggled and cried. She could hear the other beasts cries as well. And the holler and shouts of her friends. She seemed to have been seperated from the others. [I]This is it I need to find a way back over or around this thing.[/I] As she went to make her move she heard a sound coming from behind her. She turned and saw another grusome servant. This one however, had octopus like arms with six heads. Each one displaying a set of enormous fangs. It was heading for her. Drooling and making growling like noises. She gasped and shot an arrow at one of the heads. It paused for a moment. Then looking twice as marn and anry moved towards her. She could hear Kim still battle the disgruntled beats she's blinded in one eye. " GUYS! I need some help" She hollered and tried to get out of her cornered in cage made up of Seleastia's servants.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]OCC: Kylipso is a girl! IC: When she saw Leo was awkae Kylipso ran towards him trowing her arms around him and palinting a kiss ao his cheek. She had been so worries about him. " Oh Leo I'm so glad you're...." She stopped when she noticed the strange look on his face. "Leo's lost his memory," Kay said sounding in despare. " I've told him everything" Katie said. Moving towards her friend. " But he doesn't remember anything or any of us." Thay all sat down and prepared something to eat. And the stream was great to wash off lost of the filth they'd all accumilated over the last few days. It was refreshing. Dred sat in silence. Kylipso watched as he seemed to be in his own world. And Leo was well acting rather odd. [I]I just hope he gets his memory back soon[/I] " So what are we all excatly trying to do here?" Leo asked. Breaking the akward silence. The others looked around at eachother. None of them were quite sure what to say. " Well I want to find my daughter." Quincy replied. " I'm looking for tha kst man I saw in this valley long ago." Dred sighed. " We came here to help fix your leg and get some rest." Kylipso said. " But ya where are we going to go now? What are we going to do?" She asked saying what everyone else was feeling. Just then they heard a nose. It seemed as though a wind or presence was around. They looked around it was if someone or something was there. But everytime they turned in the direction of whatever it was they felt there was nothing there. " What was that?" Kylipso said ina whisper.[/COLOR]
Ya myspace it has some cool things about it. I go on there quit a bit i guess. But I hate how it alwyas has something wrong with it. It's cool as long as you use it in a good way and don't be stupid about it. Just like anything on the copm I guess. It's fun. But after awhile it gets boring so i 'm not on there for long periods of time. uaully i try not to stay on the copm that long anytime. But ya I've met some cool people, foudn frins on there, and become reauianted with old friends too. So it's pretty cool.
Hey everyone. I know things have been kinda slow here. I don't want it to die off either. For those who need their characters to be taken over for awhile we can certainly do that. I see that a few people haven't been here in awhile. Like Ectasy. I need to get him to post again. I keep waiting for everyone else to post. LOL. It still has a chance and Ex will be happy to hear. I think he thinks it died and I though so a while too but it still is going. So I hope we can keep it coming along. So ya we can get to this valley already and get into other cool things. Linkk
I'm a huge fan! I've seen every season and this one is as good as any. I hope it's not the last season! I heard they were going to make a movie. I have no idea how that will work...a 24 hour movie with Keifer Sutherland..I think I could handel that quit nicely. :animesmil However I'm sure this movie will rock. I hope they really do do one. It seems as though it might be the last season with lots that has happened. But I haven't heard that it is going to be. As for all the rumours until I hear it from Jack or someone else on the show I don't believe any of them. Maybe the movie is just one too. But yes Jack should go out the way a true hero should.
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]As they made their way towards the cave Kylipso was thinking about what Katie had said. " Do you think that's possible?" Kylipso was thiking out loud not to anyone in paticular. " Of course not." Katie replied half heartly. " Well we know you don't think so" Quincy said. They came to a moutain it and headed towards the east side. The land around seemed slithly barren. Dred and Quincy were in the lead as they carried Leo. Leo was still asleep but had been mumbbling for sometime. But no one could really understand what he was saying. " Ah, see there it is." Dred indicated with his head. " That's the cave we need to go through to get to the valley." They made their way into the entrance. It was huge with jagged rockes hanging down and it had a cool breeze flowing through it. " Are you sure this is the way?" Kay asked looking around. " Of course" Dred answered. An odd tone in his voice. " Don't you think I know how to get to my own home?" Being retorical he didn't want an answer. " Yes we do." Kylipso said. " Maybe we should take a few minutes to rest here and eat." Everyone nodded. Dred and Quincy gently placed Leo on the ground. They ate some of the food they had found in the ruins. Since that was sarce they had to be diligent with it. Until they reached Utopia. Kylipso sat by Leo. They ate in silence. She placed her hand on his forehead. It was slihlty warm. Dred saw the concered look in her face. " Don't worry as soon ae we get there we will beable to clean and bandage his leg. He'll be fine." Kylipso smiled and tried not to worry. " So Dred, How long is it to this valey throught the cave." Katie asked. " A few hours. About 5 or 6. Depending on how fast we move." Dred replied. " Well we can't be too slow Leo's leg needs tending too." Just then Leo said in an dream like state " Who am I?" "Leo are you ok? It's me Kylipso. And Katie and Kim are here. So are Kay, Dred and Quincy." Leo's eyes opened and he looked up at all the faces peering down at him.[/COLOR]
LOVE IT! This show is so awesome! Ok first off I only started watching it mostly because Dominic Monaghan aka Merry Bradybuck was in it. I love him. But to my surprise it turne dout to be way better than I ever expected. I've seen every episode. My parents and I love it! Every week you get left in ore suspense and evry time they answer a question there's 10 more! It's weird too. I'm excited to see what happens next!
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Where to start! I love Disney movies....Ok not all there are some bad ones but there are lots and lots of good ones too! Oh I have lots so My favorites....Well Here are some of my favorite ones of all time...... [B]Peter Pan:[/B] Because I'd love to never grow up! I use too ( still do) Wish I could fly away to Never Never Land and live there forever and never grow -up! Never get old and have fun! It's true and sad that when many people grow up they lose their sense of fun adventure, sillyness...IMAGINATION! [B]Bambi:[/B] TEAR JERKER! Of course the book is even sadder than the movie! Disney tonned it down a little but it's still sad! I love animals! I've always liked it...expect when his mom dies! Evil HUNTERS! Stupid humans!!!!!! Why is it that if it's Disney and there is animlas in in...it usually SAD!? [B]Bambi 2: Bambi and The Prince of the forest:[/B] Ok so normallY I find Diesney's seqeuls especially the made 50 years after the original and brought straight out to video not so good! But with this I was so sruprised! It's so funny! It's so good! Honestly it's like the best one of it's kind...and they did it so well. It could have been made right after the fisrt one. Only thing is it's alittle too short. I think it could have been longer. And no one dies! But they still put in a sad tear jerker part..of course! [B]The Incredible Journey[/B]: It's so close to the book. Very well done,...cute animals...and they don't die! I'm talking about the original 1960's version. Ya it was made around that time. Good movie. [B]The Incredible Journey: Homewardbound:[/B] Now this is the newer version still based on the same book. I really like it too. The adding of the voices to the animals adds lots to it. This one has moredifferences in it from the book. Best of all the pets don't get killed. [B]The Incredicle Journey: Lost in San Fransico:[/B] So the seqeul here is actually good. Just made up not based on a book same pest difdernt adventure. Oh ya no one dies either! :) [B]The Lion King:[/B] I remember seeing this when it came out..a few times! Ok a big step with them showing Mufasa's death too. I mean before in Disney cartoons "deaths" weren't shown as in Bambi where hey you hear it and it's understood. For a little kid movie this was I know pwople were upset when it came out and they showed. But I love this movie. [B] Snow Whit and The Seven Dwarfs:[/B] Well based a a classic fairy tale and it's a classic. The fisrt full lenght cartoon movie ever! A big step...everything that has come since it and everything to come is because of it! Walt Disney was an amazing person with an awesome imagination! His name means, magic,fun,adventure,fantasy,heors,rides,believing.....still being a kid! Ok I could go on forever..LOl but that's agood note to leave it on.[/COLOR]
Well everyone on their way to Dred's valley. Lets have a journey there. Not just on so they walked and eventually came to this valley. Lets make it so things happene along they way...any twits or little thing can happene. This will be interesting too. So lets have the journey last for a few posts!
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]This was going to a long and tiring journey but really they had no other choice. Dred and Quincy carried Leo. They walked in silence for awhile. Each absored in their own thoughts and worlds. [I]I hope things get btter soon and start making sense. It's going to be awhile though...this is just the begining.[/I] " Kim are you going to explain about that ripple in space stuff?" Kylipso finally sopke. The silence was begining to get scary. Everyone looked towards Kim. She wasn't sure what to say. " well I just know that I knew it was going to happen. Like all day I had a weird feeling. I had a terrible headach and it was weird...but I never expected that meteor shower to hit." Kim found it surprisily easy to beable to speak and was enjoing it. Leo mummured in his sleep. " I know I had a weird feeling too all day." Kylipso said. " But I coulsn't put my finger on it. I surely never expected what did occur though." " Ya neither did i." Dred answered. " I had a weird dream about a carriage and it's driver and everyone were missing......" He stopped short. [I]What was that all about anyways...I still don't know[/I] Looking to one another they all realized they had felt something. Thay all looked to one another. The events that had taken place were all weird...whatever was to come was going to be weirder still. " well I believe the events saved my life." Quincy said." Although they were terrible." The land was barren in ruins. Trees flattened, huge cracks in the earth. Kylipso almost fell. Kay immedialty pulled her back. " Wow. Careful we don't need you hurt two." " Thanks." Kylipso said, peering into the dark hole. Kylipso was keeping an eye out for any animal that went by. They needed food and soon. " so what's the name of this valley?" Kylipso asked as she stepped besides Dred.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Ninjah][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Argh!, I'm sorry everyone for not posting much. My reasoning is about the same as Illusion's. I've been trying to kick up my grades before the end of the year. I've also been having this major writer's block. And think my posts lack quality. Back onto the story. Travelling to another town would be great, though, maybe we could travel to a town with a smith or something. Because, if you haven't noticed... Quincy is weaponless at the moment. His gun was confinscated by the officials that had taken him in. And since, Niffleheim is in ruins, it'd be hard to find that gun. So,,, Why not have an NPC make a new gun for him and daggers? But I guess it's up to you guys. I'll just have Quincy search for a smith. [spoiler]I think when we get more settled, I might have Quincy go off and look for his daughter. Maybe.[/spoiler] Other than all that. I like how several people are including Quincy in their posts. It's quite relieving to see how my character isn't just there, and transparent. Because then I won't have a hard time getting back into the storyline once I start posting again. - Ninjah I'll start posting again in a couple(1-3) days or so.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Hey that sounds like a good idea. To go to a city that isn't in ruins. I see no problems. It'll make it that much more interesting too. Perhapse they travel thruogh Nifflehem as well on their way and see a little of what's going on?
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]She thought she could hear something. Kylipso ran few feet ahead of Dred. " Hey what is it" He called ashe quickened his pace. " Look....Qiuncy and Kim" She answered still running towards them. " We found Leo!" Kim said pointing in the direction she and Qiuncy had just come from. " He fell down a hole. We need to help him. He said he cut his leg and that it had been bleeding." Quincy said as Dred and Klylipso meet up with them. " Should we go get Katie first?" Kylipso asked. " No we're closer to Kay and Leo than Katie. We need to get him out now." Quincy said. They made their way back to the the ruins of Bahamut. Kay...Leo...bout hot..." Kim muttered when they climed the samll hill and came to the temple. " The weirdest thing happened. There was this light and then Atrime said he'd watch over us." Kay blurted out when she say the others. They all looked at eachother utterly confussed. Leo was sleeping. [I]How had she managed to get get him out[/I] " Kay how did you get him and yourself out of that hole?" Kylipso asked. " Artime he came and heples...but Leo needs this wound fixed." Kay excalimed. "Alright." Dred pipped in. Quincy and I will carry him..We'll go get Katie then head to a city." Dred said lifting Leo's legs very gently as not to injure the wound more. Quincy lifted Leo's arms. They started back to where they had left Katie.[/COLOR]
Sounds good everyone. I think it would be good if they the "good guys" do accidentially find themselves in a city run by Selestiae's followers after they get Leo out and regroup with Katie. Ya a mention of finding food was all i had in mind. I didn't mean to have it go on and on lol about them finding it. Don't forget to be reading all the psots since your last one before posting again or else we'll run into problems with the story not connecting. Things seem on the right track!
An idea it could work two ways...or more if you all have ideas too LOL! Ok sop the [B]good[/B] guys are looking for Leo. Now I was thinking that either a few of them or all of them go to Kay's city to check things out. As well as look for food or they could go to Dred's town too. But they will start to discover that things are even more out of wack than they thought. They'kll see the city folk who are followers or made to follow Selestia doing bad things. And of course Katie will have to keep their noses where they don't belong. And she'll still be doing in a way that won't cause suspicion about her... ( I don't know if or when thatwill happen.) And perhapse she can meet her counterparts ( Rhym and Raphael)Each of the characters will also find out info about frinds family pasts and the like along their way. Ok so that's my idea to get things started towards their goals. Any ideas please post.
Well that sounds sweet! I'd totally do something like that. I'm still new at the whole thing too. But I enjoy it and it sounds like a good idea. At the moment I'm not sure what it would be about but I'll get back to you on that ok. I hope others will think it's good too. Half animal half people. I love the whole fantasy adventure type thing.