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[COLOR=SeaGreen]Here are a few of mine The Lord of The Rings Trilogy Back To The Future Trilogy Indiana Jones Trilogy Star Wars Trilogy ( The originals) The new ones are well blah...Episode 3 isn't too bad though. The Last Unicorn Young Guns 1 and 2 Wayne's Worls 1 and 2 Monty Python and The Holy Grail Blazing Saddles History of The world Part 1 Peter Pan Airplane 1 and 2 Munchies( a bad B movie but I use to watch it all the time when I was little) Robin Hood Men in Tights The Craft Some Kind Of Monster The Princess Bride[/COLOR]
I saw it and I thought it was terrible! It was disturbing and just blah! I'm not really into horror cut'em up slash em up movies. But this one was really bad. No offence.
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]Kylipso was caught off gaurd. She looked at Dred and blinked her eyes. They were swore from all the crying and stress she'd been feeling. [I]We're all stressed out[/I] She giggled. " I though we were going to talk after we found Leo?" She felt flush. " Well, I actually said I'd tell you about myself after we found Leo." He was coy. " Ha ha! Alright then." She continued to search but though she mind as well talk to help take the edge off of this whole stituation. She needed to talk to someone about well anything. " I grew up in Kadud. It's not that big it's quit as ways away. I came to Niffelheim when I was 18. I wanted to go to the school here. That's where my frinds and I just came from. Guess we won't be going back there anytime soon." Kylipso's eyes cast to the ground as they began to tear up. [I]Oh stop this don't let himsee you cry. Just relax keep focused on finding Leo[/I] " I'm sorry." Dred replied. " Thanks." She blinked her tears away for now. " Say we need to find food and water too. Perhapse we should go in groups to the city Kay came from. Go look for things....after we find Leo." " Ya. Hope he turns up soon. I'm getting kinda hungry come to think of it." Dred realized. " If you see a rabbit or something run by get it with your arrow." He winked at her. " Sure thing." She smiled. It felt good talking to him. It was almost as if things were normal. They had wondered a far way away from where Katie was waiting. But they had to keep going and find him. " LEO!" Dred hollered. All they could hear was his voice ehcoing across the mountain. Thay came to a little cave type in a rock . They both looked in and begaon calling. " Hey Leo are you hear?" Kylipso called into the darkness. " Maybe he's out looking for food." Dred suggested. " Ya but why would he leave without saying something?" Kylipso asked. " Well, I know him even less than you. Maybe he's one of those hero types or something." Dred was joking. " Ya right. " Kylipso made a face. They continuied their search.[/COLOR]
[quote name='Rei']Thats so coo that you know someone involve and the character is Angel the actor is Ben Foster. I am so excited to see my favorite X-Man Rogue I'm ecited to see why Iceman leaves her for Shadowcat.[/quote] Ya it's cool. Sweet! My friend resembles him. I knew as soonas I saw tha add that that was the guy he was the photo double for! Wow! Rogue gets dumped! Well I guess he was sick of never being able to kiss her or touch her or anything. But I bet there's way more to it than that.
I'm really excited to see it. Plus my friend who is an actor. Is in it. Well he's the photo double for the blond x-men with wings. Not sure what the character's name or the actor's name is. But my hot friend sure resembles him! Too bad he wasn't just playing the whole part. So I'm excited!
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]They split into groups. Kay , Qiuncy and Kim went in one direction. Kylipso and Dred decided to go look for Leo together. Katie volunteered to stay and wait in case he came back. Kylipso and Dred began searching the east side of the mountain. Looking under and around boulders and in holes. " Leo! Leo where are you!" Kylipso hollred. It echoed all around. She could hear the others voices echo as well. " Leo! Hey Leo" It filled the air. " I wonder where he went?" Kylipso said almost to herself. " Well I'm sure he's around somewhere. He wouldn't just take off. Would he?" Dred inquired. " I don't think so no. Why would anyone just leave in this kind of stuiation?" Kylipso stated. " But I guess I really don't know him that well. We go to school together. Katie knows him more. I guess Kim and I were officially introduced to him yesterday afternoon. Before that meteor storm hit. It's just starnge. I hoep he's alright." " Quit. I'm sure he's around somewhere. So what are you taking in school?" Dred asked just making samll talk although he wasn't really use to it. " Oh just taking international studieds and stuff...and still archery." Kylipso half hadelry said. [I]Who knows when things will ever get back to normal. It's going to be a long while[/I] " Leo, come on now. We're getting hungry. We gotta go find food and figure things out!" Dred yelled. " Well we can't stop until we find him." Kylipso said sternly. " So where are you from?"[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]Kylipso woke with a start. She had hoped that everything that had happened the day before was just a horrible nightmare. That when she opened her eyes she's be in her bed in her room at school. No luck when everything came into focus she realized where she was on top of a mountain. Everyone else was still asleep. She got up and went a few feet away and begand shooting arrows at a piece of wood that was leaning on a rock. This was what she did to calm herself get rid of stress. As she shot another arrow hitting the wood in the middle a voice said " Nice shot" She turned around to see Dred smiling at her. " Uh thanks. How long have you been standing there?" She wondered. " Long enough." And he smiled more and let out a little chuckle. [I]What's with this guy[/I] Kylipso couldn't help smile then laugh herself. " How long have you been into archery?" Dred asked as he sat on a big rock next to her. " I sarted when I was about 13. I've been doing it ever since. In and out of school. That's where I found this one. When Kim and I were leaving the ruins of our school I found it. So, Dred, I'm Kylipso." She said moving towards him a holding out her hand. " Nice to meet you." He was a little unsure but he thought [I]She seems nice[/I] " Nice to meet you too." He replied shaking her hand.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Kylipso could see the others getting up. She wanted to talk to them especially Katie and Kim...And Leo too. She saw them all moving around getting the sleep out of their eyes. " So Kylipso....." Dred began. " Hey Where's Leo" Kylipso asked looking all around[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]Motoki grabbed Miho's hand and they tore down the hall after Dred and Haiku. " Oh, I hope Sable found the file and got away" She said as she pulled Miho along. When they turned the corner she saw the boys split up. [I]Ok who should I follow[/I] " I want to go home now, Motoki." Miho said. Motoki looked at her and decided she's better bring the girl home and then go find the others. So after they ran out of the school Motoki took Miho home. She remembered where she lived. Not far from her. Infact her and Sable use to play together when they were younger. Come to think of it a few of them use to be close in elementary and the begining of hight school. Motoki wondered why they drifted sp far apart. She missed them. They came to the house. " Thanks Motoki. See you later." with that Miho went inside. " Wait....." Motoki was about to ask if Sable was at home yet. The door opened as she was making her way home. " Sable's not here yet. I'll tell her to call you or go see you." Miho smiled and went back inside. Mohoki was going to go look for Dred and Haiku but when she passed her house the door flew open. " Where have you been?" Motomo asked. " Get in here right now." " Oh I'm sorry I was just hanging out with some friends and I lost track of time. We're going to go to the mall now so...." Her brother didn't care. "No get in here. We need to clean up before mom and dad get home. I told you this morning." Motomo said as he closed the door behind her. " Where's Ayet?" Motoki asked. " See I have no idea either. You too just go off and never say a word." He was trying to be all that but could not hide that he was a little worried. " Look I'm sorry but you two made me so mad this morning I didn't want to come home." Motoki said trying not to catch hie eye. Lately they'd been fighting a lot. It seemed Motomo was realizing he had to be more responsible for his little sisters. Just then the door bell rang.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Raphael][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Wah, I'm fallen behind....college works gets tougher day by day, sorry guys.... :animeshy: Anyway, I'd like to ask everybody a question....do my Seishirou's battle costume (the one that I showed on my sign-up)'s too modern and should be changed? If it do, I'll change it soon.[/FONT][/QUOTE] I don't think it's too modern. After all it's a Final Fantasy style world. That's "modern" Personally I think it's fine. If you want to change it then you can. But I don't see any problems.
I love[B] Metallica[/B]!!!!!!! They're one of the best bands ever. One of my favorite bands ever too. I have all their albums. I've been lucky to see them in concert a couple of years ago too. Because of them ( not only them) but they pushed it I statred playing drums. After I saw their video for " ONE" I was blown away. It left such an impact. I was in love and wanted to be just like them and play the drums just like Lars, My HEROS!!!!! The song you are thinking of is of the album [B]"And justice for all"[/B] I hope I get to see them again. The song is called [B]" To live is to die" [/B] I'm pretty sure that's what you are thinking. It has very little singing it it.
25! Holy! [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]1. Pick a band or artist: John Norum 2. Are you male or female: Jillana 3. Describe yourself: Losing My Mind 4. How do sompe people feel about you: Blind 5. Describe your exboyfriend/girlfriend: In chase of the wind 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: Good Man Shining 7.Describe where you want to be: Spirit World 8. Describe how you love: In Chase Of the Wind 9.What would you ask if you had just one wish: Let Me Love You 10. Share a few words of wisdom: Time Will Find The Answer 11. Now say goodbye: Back On The Streets[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]Kylipso and Kim had walked to the Temple. The journey was filled with the desruction from the metoers. Everything looked touched by this evil. Buildings, houses, streets the city all destroyed. The sight devestated them. " I hope Leo's at the Temple." Kylipso exclaimed. " I hope Katie is alright too" They countiniued when they came to a mountain. They looked at eachother. The sun was starting to set. " We better hurry" Kim said. " Well as fast as we can go. I'm so tired." " Me too." Kylipso said as the two of them trugged up the mountain. It too was a massive mess left by the meteors. The once green grass now brown and balck with ash crumbled under their feet. " Hey Kim? What happened back at the university after the meteors hit? I mean how'd did......." Kylipso was cut off by someone's yells. They looked up. They could see a figure pacing back and forth along a trail at the top. They looked at eachother and Kim started to walk faster. " Wait a minute. Aren't you going to tell me what that was about?" She lifted an eyebrow. " Yes I will. Later" Kim replied with a pleading look in her eye. The two ran up the moutain to meet the figure. It was Leo. Kylipso was so happy to see him she wanted to hug him. Only she stopped herself. After all she didn't know him that well. " Are you guys alright?" Leo asked. He looked reliefed to see them. " As good as we can be and just tired." Kim said. Kylipso cast her eyes to the ground. Her face and eyes were red and swore from the cuts and bruises she receivedas well as all the crying she'd been doing. " Hey Kylipso." Leo said gentelness in his voice. " Are you ok?" " I'm....." She stopped for when she looked up she saw Katie. Kylipso ran to her throwing her arms around her. " I was so worried and so scared!" Tears began to run down Kylipo's face. Not wanting to seem different or weird plus still happy to see her friends. " I'm so happy to see you two." She replied pulling Kim into her arms as well. " Hey where'd you get that?" Kim asked pointing to Katie's staff. " I uh found it" Katie said. Then Kay, Dred and Quincy came and introdueced themselves to Kylipso and Kim. Thay all were now trying to figure out where to go from here.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]Kylipso stared at Leo as he walked away. Kim grabbed her arm and the two set off aroung the school grounds looking for Katie.People every where dead, alive hurt, in shock. Those that were alright were scarmbling around looking for friends and what to do. " Katie!" Kylipso yelled. " AH! She drives me crazy where did dhe go?" She was talking to herself still Kim replied " I don't know let's try her room." Realizing what she said the girls looked at each other and made their what use to be the main entrance. They passed the buliding where the gym use to be. Sports equipment scattered the area. Kylipso saw a bow and arrow amongst the rubble. She was fond of archery and pick it up slinging it over her shoulder. [I]Might be useful[/I] They decided to go to Katie's house and see if she were there. The sight was horrible. Kylipso felt the pain even more so. One of her best friend's house in ruins. " I wonder if her parents made it" Kylipso said in a whisper. Tears began to stream down her face. She was glad her parents lived in other city far away but had the meteor shower destroyed everything all over. Kim hugged her and said " We better get going to the temple so we'll be there before Leo." Kylipso took one final look at Katie's house and they began the journey[/COLOR].
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]Motoki took Miho by the hand. Sable got reeady to run to the administration building. " Fight, Figh!" Motoki hollered. Haiku and Dred went at it. Students began to fill the hallway near the office. " Alright...a fight we haven't had one in awhile ..this better be good." Kaiya said as she moved in closer. She chuckled when she saw who it was. Haiku threw Dred against the lockers. [I]SMACK![/I] " OH!" Motoki said. She couldn't believe she was doing this. She didn't want either of them to get hurt but they'd have to make it as reaslistic as possible. " Come on Dred let him have it!" Neko yelled " Haiku will kick your ass!" Motoki shot in. She had to be part of this too and had to play it up as well. "FIGHT, FIGHT!!!" The students voices echoed in the hall. Sable waiting on the outside saw her chance and ran no one noticed her. Haiku and Dred were saying things to each other but Motoki couldn't catch it all through the rest of the kids yells. Miho gasped, eyes wide opned watching the two boys beating eachother up. Motoki saw her look and said to her " Don't you ever try this sort of thing. It's not good to fight"......[I]Great example for her. [/I] Miho nodded still watching the two go at it. Sable reached the administration buliding where she frantackly looked through files. " It's got to be here." She said to herself flipping through every file. Back in the school the principal was heading to break up the fight.Should they run now Motoki wondered or wait a few more minutes to give Sable some more time. If she hadn't known this was a staged fight she would have though Dred and Haiku were actually wanting to tear eachother apart. As she was sure her class mates and the rest of the school though. " Well we'll all have something to talk about tomorrow in class. Won't Mr. Yevan love that." Sge smiled to herself. She was hoping Sable was making good progress.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]Kylipso stood with the other girls as her friend Katie went to talk to some guy. She didn't catch what was said but could tell he had angered Katie. For she stormed off down the hall. [I]I wonder what that was all about?[/I] " I'll see you guys later" Kylipso said as she followed Katie,while still watching the guy she had been talking to. " Ya later" One of the girls replied. Katie had told Kylipso his name was Leo. She wasn't sure if they were friends or not but she assumed Katie liked him or at least knew him. Kylipso had seen him around before but she'd never met him. He was rather cute. As she turned the corner she found Katie at her locker. She was shoving some books into it. " Hey Katie, you ok?" Kylipso asked as she opned her own locker to put some things away. " I"m fine....." Kylipso could tell she was a little annoyed. " Well what did he say to you? You seem a little upset." " He 's just a stupid boy is all. Started talking about sleeping around for the sheer fun of it and how he at least doesn't do it." Her brow frowned even more. It was none of her buisness not really. She cared about Katie but as the same as this Leo guy she didn't feel Katie's choses were the best. It wasn't what she did or agreed with. In fact she though Katie hated her for it sometimes. " Oh welll, it's really none of his buisness right? You know how I feel just the same. I'm sorry everyone talks so much around here though. Especially when it's not any of their concern. Just forget about it." She smiled and closed her locker. " Ya well thanks. Even though you agree with him." Katie responded still looking into the locker. The scarcasm was there at the same time as not being there. [I]What am I going to do with her[/I] " Well I'm going to go outside and study for awhile, what to come?" Kylipso invited. " No. I'm going to find Jim. I'll see you later." Katie waved and walked down the hall. Kylipso made her way outside and sat at a picnic table near the fountain. She had a weird feeling. She wasn't sure what but she felt rather strange all day.[/COLOR]
I'm sure he'll get things going soon. But you don't have to wait for it to post. Although I guess it'll pick up but things need to happen first before as well. So just hang tight. Whatever you can add to the story before the catalysm will help too.After all the catalysm happen during the story it's not waht starts the story off. I talked to Ecstacy he will try and have it posted by saturday so please just hang tight. As well keep it so we are all on the same day ( it's day as of now) Catalysm will happen at night so stay on the day. On another note I changed my first post as the one I had didn't work so I re did it. Sorry for any confusion and inconvience!
[COLOR=SeaGreen]1. Pick a band or artist: The Bee Gees 2. Are you male or female: Fanny ( Be Tender with my love) 3.Describe yourself: Irresistable Force 4. How do some people feel about you: More Than A Woman 5. Describe your exboyfriend/girlfriend: Man In The Middle 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: Love So Right 7. Describe where you want to be: Massachusetts 8. Describe how you love: With My Eyes Closed 9. If you had one wish what would it be: I've Gotta Get A Message To You 10. Share a few words of wisdom: Miracles Happen 11. Now say goodbye: Holiday[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]What a hell of a class. This was such a terrible day. Motoki gathered her things and headed for the door. As she entered the hall way she heard Dred say " Hey whatcha up to" She turned around. " Oh not much" " Hey you feeling better" He smiled " humm oh ya I'm alright" She said hoping he wouldn't ask her any more questions. At the momment she didn't feel like talking about it. " What was the matter?" He inquired [I]Oh great....[/I] " Nothing" Motoki said looking down the hall. " Well it didn't seem like nothing.....you looked pretty upset" He could see she wasn't wanting to dicuss this. " So Sable said she wanted me to help her with sopmething after school and asked if I could find anyone else if they wanted to help too...so want to help?" " Help her do what" " Well...." He laughed " She never said. " I'm assuming she'll come back here. Want to help" Motoki was still feeling bad and really didn't feel like going home just now. " Ya sure why not" She shrugged. Haiku walked by still playing with his necklace. " Hey Haiku......" Dred called after him. " Doing anything right now?"[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]As the students enetred the class with hesitation and found their seats, she saw the door close. She raced towads it and opened it and qiuckly made her way to her desk and sat down. Her class mates were looking at her. [I]Oh no. They can tell I've been crying. Stupid...stupid....[/I] " Uhmmm Ms... Uhhmmmmm...." With her head still down she rolled her eyes then looked up. " It's Yasser. Motoki Yasser." [I]Why can't he remember anyone's name. He's been here a week[/I] " Yes, Ms. Yasser. How come you're late?" As if she had been late it was a second after the door closed. Mr. Forester, wouldn't have cared. After having a terrible start to the day she could see it was only going to get worse. " I'm sorry. I was just....." " Oh nevermind. Just don't let it happene again." She could tell everyone was looking at her. Her eyes were all red and puffy and now she could feel her face go hot. " Hey, Motoki. Are You alright?" Kelak asked "Ya I'm fine thanks" Turning her head to ther front of the class she though [I]I don't like this Mr.Yevan[/I][/COLOR]
23 [COLOR=RoyalBlue]1.Pick a band or artist: Richie Sambora 2. Are you male or female: Rosie 3. Describe yourself: If God Was A Woman 4. Describe how some people feel about you: Church Of Desire 5.Describe your exboyfriend/girlfriend: Downside Of Love 6.Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: All That Really Matters 7.Describe where you want to be: Stranger In This Town 8.Describe how you love: River Of Love 9.If you had one wish what would you ask: Who Am I 10. Share a few words of wisdom: You're Not Alone 11. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Now say goodbye:[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Rest In Peace[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]Name: Motoki Yasser Age: 17 Gender: Female Apperance: She stands 5'4". Her hair is long and jet black. Her eyes are light blue. She wears whatever she wants. Wether it's cool or trendy she doen't care. Personality: She is quit shy and thus quiet. She loves hanging out with her friends and just having fun. She is generous and ia always thinking of others as well as herself. She likes school ok but isn't a scholar my any means. But she is a good student. Well she tries her best. Fact: Loves music. Always has earphones on.She plays the drums. She is shy though and doesn't like playing for others except her friends who are in her band. She wants to travel all over. She loves going to concerts. Home life: She lives with her older brother ( 22) Motomo and her younger sister (15)Ayet. Ya middle child JOY! Her Mom is a flight attendant while her Dad is a Soccer coach. They're always out of town. The kids fend for themselves and have been since they were young. It sucks. They wish that they're parents were home more or that they could at least go with them once and a while on these trips. Her music is her passion. She loves her drums and listening to music. Her siblings don't always like her to play her drums or have jam seesions ( never use to be such a prob) So sometimes they get into heated arguments about that as well as many other things. That is why she likes to be alone even though at oter times she despises it. Quote: "Think about tomorrow, Remember yesterday and Know that today is here"[/COLOR]
22 [B]1. Pick a band or artist: [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Abba[/COLOR] 2. Are you male or female: [COLOR=Magenta]Nina Pretty Ballerina[/COLOR] 3. Describe yourself: [COLOR=DarkOrange]Dancing Queen[/COLOR] 4. How do some people feel about you: [COLOR=DarkRed]That's Me[/COLOR] 5. Describe your exboyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=Purple]If It Wasn't For The Nights[/COLOR] 6.Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=YellowGreen]Lovelight[/COLOR] 7.Describe where you want to be: [COLOR=Blue]Summer Night City[/COLOR] 8. Describe how you love: [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]On And On And On[/COLOR] 9.What would you ask if you had just one wish: [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Voulez-Vous[/COLOR] 10. Share a few words of wisdom: [COLOR=Plum]Dance ( While The Music Still Goes On)[/COLOR] 11. Now say goodbye: [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]So Long[/COLOR][/B]
OCC: Ok I've been waiting what happened to everyone? And to those who signed up and have never posted????? Why sign up? Anyways...... Cephus couldn't stop thinking about Jul and Timmons. [I]And where are those Guardians of Light!!!!!!!!! Maybe they had something to do with this? [/I] " Alright everyone just calm down please....." Nox was saying as he entered the great hall full of risen voices. " Jul, is going to be down shortly. She just needs to...collect herself....she's feeling drained" Only those who had been in the room knew the full meaning of that statement. " How Timmons seem?" Perish whispered. Not that anyone but himself, Tanner , and Umbradeus could hear her anyways. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]" He seems like he's going to be alright. Still sleeping though. He'll come around soon and beable to tell us who did this"[/COLOR] " What happened? How did she cure him?" Tanner asked. Perish and Umbradues looked at Cephus. Slightly tilting his head he said [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]" You know the Guardians of Darkness powers."[/COLOR] They all knew none of them could say a word of what had happene din that room. For none of them knew. Feeling bad for Tanner was one of Cephus' closes friends he knew it could comprimise everything. He couldn't tell Tanner or Timmons for that matter. Nox was still trying to calm the Guardians down. Trying to answer question after question the best he could. As he passed Cephus grabbed his arm. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]" She is here."[/COLOR] The room suddenly went silent. Everyone looked up. Julosophia was standing in the entrance way. She looked at Nox and made her way to the center of the hall. OCC: OK so if anything happens and Ecstacy still wants me to post the speech that's ok with me. I'll ask what he wants me to put.
[COLOR=Purple]Name: Kylipso Age: 22 Gender: female Class: Warrior Race: Caucassian Personality: Tough'n Rough! LOL! But she always plays fair....Or at least what she perseves to be fair. She is not what you'd say shy but she seems quiet. When she has something to say you'll know. She can be as quiet as a churh mouse and yet when she wants a real motor mouth. She is sweet, loving and caring...but she'll do what she has to to stay alive, protect the ones she loves and her cause.]A little scerective and mysterious as well. Others try to figure her out. Appearance: Stands 5'6", slim, well built,green eyes, short auburn hair. She wears it slitly spiked. It comes just past her ears in lenght. Her wardrobe attire constits of leathers, jean, warrior type clothing. She has black leather biker type gloves ( you know the ones without the fingers)But she likes wearing a pair of black leather pants,her shirt is leather with criss cross strapes and wears big steal toe boots. Weapon: Katana, Bow and arrows ( is that ok) and daggers. Stats: Good in combat and horse riding. Head on attacks,hand to hand combat. Writing Sample: Her attacker pinned her to the ground. She though to herself how foolish she had been in letting her gaurd down even if it was just for a split second. One of the rules in fighting never let yourself think you are safe. As the woman attacked her they turned and tumbled over and over again. At times Kylipso was on top then just as sudenly she was on the ground again. [I]Can't Give Up![/I] The woman shrieked as Kylipso,managed to pull the dark hair out of the woman's head by the root.Maybe that was cheap but hell this lady was choking her to death. The woman held her dagger to Kylipso's throat once more. " Speak up! Tell me where the others are!" She pushed the dagger closer to the throat. A tiny bit of blood trickled down Kylipso's neck. She spat in the woman's face. " I'll never tell you. Your Goddess will fall." As she pulled the dark hair once more she managed to catch her assailant off gaurd flipping her onto her back. " This is it" Kylipso said, now holding her dagger to the throat. " You're going to be delivering a message to your Goddess. Se is about to meet her maker!" Will that Kylipso slit the woman's throat. Blood squirted onto her face. Whipping it with the back of her hand she got up. [I]I better look for these others myself[/I] [/COLOR]
21 [B]1. Pick a band or artist: [COLOR=Sienna]Jon Bon Jovi[/COLOR] 2. Are you male or female: [COLOR=Olive]Queen Of New Orleans[/COLOR] 3. Describe yourself: [COLOR=Red]Learning How To Fall[/COLOR] 4. How do some people feel about you: [COLOR=Blue]Ugly[/COLOR] 5. Describe your exboyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=Navy]It's Just Me[/COLOR] 6.Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend:[COLOR=Teal]Miracle[/COLOR] 7.Describe where you want to be: [COLOR=DimGray]Destitnation Anywhere[/COLOR] 8. Describe how you love: [COLOR=DarkRed]Every Word Was A piece Of My Heart[/COLOR] 9.What would you ask if yuo had just one wish: [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Justice In A Barrel[/COLOR] 10. Sheare a few words of wisdome: [COLOR=SeaGreen]Never Say Die[/COLOR] 11.Now say goodbye:[/B] [COLOR=Purple]Staring At Your Window With A Suitcase In My Hand[/COLOR]