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Everything posted by Linkk

  1. Linkk

    Music Track Game

    20! Made it.... 1. Pick A band/artist: [COLOR=Purple]The Everly Brothers[/COLOR] 2. Are you male or female: [COLOR=Magenta]Wake Up Little Susie[/COLOR] 3.Describe yourself: [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Born Yesterday[/COLOR] 4. How do some people feel about you: [COLOR=Teal]Not Fade Away[/COLOR] 5. Describe your exboyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=DarkRed]Danger Danger[/COLOR] 6.Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]More Than I Can Handle[/COLOR] 7. Describe where you want to be: [COLOR=Indigo]On The Wings Of A Nightengale[/COLOR] 8.Decsribe how you love: [COLOR=Green]All I have to do is dream[/COLOR] 9. What would you ask if you had just one wish: [COLOR=Sienna]Don't Say Goodnight[/COLOR] 10. Share a few words of wisdom: [COLOR=DimGray]Always Drive A Cadillac[/COLOR] 11.Now say goodbye: [COLOR=Blue]Abandoned Love[/COLOR]
  2. Linkk

    Favorite Musicals

    My favorites are [B]The Sound Of Music:[/B] I love the songs and the story. Being based on thruth as well makes it even better. I've always loved this movie. My favorite part is when they do the Marrionet Show! I use to rewind it and waych it over and over when I was little. [B]The Wizard Of Oz:[/B] It's fun.full of magic and imagination. The songs are great and Judy Garland is awesome! [B]Seven Brides For Seven Brothers:[/B] This movie is rather silly. But it's fun. The songs are good and in the end everything works out. My favorite when I was lillte. [B]Grease:[/B] THis movie is just awesome. The songs are good and catchy. It's just fun to watch and sing along with the songs.
  3. I love music and I've got many fav bands/artits Europe Metallica Def Leppard Dokken Hanson The Beatles Bon Jovi The Corrs The Everly Brothers Cher Donovan The Bee Gees The Rankin Family Joey Tempest David Cassidy Abba The Rolling Stones White Lion Skid Row Dire Straits The Mamas and The Papas John Norum Think that's it.....
  4. Linkk

    Music Track Game

    19 1. Pick a band or artist: [COLOR=DarkOrange]The Monkees[/COLOR] 2. Are you male or female: [COLOR=Teal]Valleri[/COLOR] 3. Describe yourself: [COLOR=Indigo]I'm a Believer[/COLOR] 4. How do some people feel about you: [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Daydream Believer[/COLOR] 5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend:[COLOR=DimGray]That was then, This is now[/COLOR] 6. describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=DarkRed]It's nice to be with you[/COLOR] 7.Describe where you want to be: [COLOR=Purple]Pleasant Valley Sunday[/COLOR] 8. Describe how you love: [COLOR=SeaGreen]Heart And Soul[/COLOR] 9.What would you ask if you had just one wish: [COLOR=SandyBrown]I Want To Be Free[/COLOR] 10.Share a few words of wisdom: [COLOR=Navy]Listen To The Band[/COLOR] 11. Now say goodbye: [COLOR=Red]Goin' Down[/COLOR]
  5. This sounds intiguing!!!!!! Name: Cylipso Age: 22 Class: Warrior Personality: Tough'n Rough! LOL! But she always plays fair....Or at least what she perseves to be fair. She is not what you'd say shy but she seems quiet. When she has something to say you'll know. She can be as quiet as a churh mouse and yet when she wants a real motor mouth. She is sweet, loving and caring...but she'll do what she has to to stay alive, protect the ones she loves and her cause.]A little scerective and mysterious as well. Others try to figure her out. Appearance: Stands 5'6", slim, well built,green eyes, short auburn hair. She wears it slitly spiked. It comes just past her ears in lenght. Her wardrobe attire constits of leathers, jean, warrior type clothing. She has black leather biker type gloves ( you know the ones without the fingers)But she likes wearing a pair of black leather pants,her shirt is leather with criss cross strapes and wears big steal toe boots. Weapon: will add Stats: Good in combat and horse riding. Head on attacks,hand to hand combat. Writing Sample: Her attacker pinned her to the ground. She was thinking how she'd gotten in the situation. They restled ror awhile. Back and for her atop of this other woman then back again. The dirt got into her eyes. She finally got ontop of her and put her dagger to the woman's throt. ( Finish later on tonight sorry got to run)
  6. Linkk

    Music Track Game

    18 1. Pick a band or artist: [COLOR=DarkRed]Dire Straits[/COLOR] 2. Are you male or female:[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Lady Writer[/COLOR] 3. Dsecribe yourself: [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Sultans Of Swing[/COLOR] 4.How do some people feel about you? [COLOR=Blue]So Far Away[/COLOR] 5. Describe your exboyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=Green]Heavy Fuel[/COLOR] 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Walk Of Life[/COLOR] 7.Describe where you want to be: [COLOR=SandyBrown]On Every Street[/COLOR] 8. Describe how you love: [COLOR=DarkOrange]Love Over Gold[/COLOR] 9.What would you ask if yuo had just one wish: [COLOR=Teal]Why Worry[/COLOR] 10. Share a few words of wisdom: [COLOR=Gray]Money For Nothing[/COLOR] 11. Now say goodbye: [COLOR=Navy]Ride Across The River[/COLOR]
  7. Linkk

    Music Track Game

    seventeen 1. Pick a band or artist: [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Black Sabbath[/COLOR] 2. Are you male or female:[COLOR=SeaGreen]Iron Man[/COLOR] ( had to ;) ) 3. Describe yourself: [COLOR=SandyBrown] A National Acrobat[/COLOR] 4. How do some people feel about you: [COLOR=Blue]Sweet Leaf[/COLOR] 5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=DarkRed]Fluff[/COLOR] 6.Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend:[COLOR=Orange]Shock Wave[/COLOR] 7.Describe where you want to be: [COLOR=Purple]Solitude[/COLOR] 8.Describe how you love: [COLOR=DimGray]After Forever[/COLOR] 9.What would you ask if you had just one wish: [COLOR=Indigo]Who Are You?[/COLOR] 10. Share a few words of wisdom: [COLOR=DarkOrange]Never Say Die[/COLOR] 11. Now say goodbye: [COLOR=Green]Into The Void[/COLOR]
  8. Linkk

    Music Track Game

    + Nomad Tical+ WOw! I think you've passed Ryhm hey? LOL! I'm on 16! 1. Pick a band or artist: [COLOR=Purple]Ace Of Base[/COLOR] 2. Are you male or female: [COLOR=DarkRed]Cecilia[/COLOR] 3. Describe yourself: [COLOR=Green]Young and Proud[/COLOR] 4. How do some people feel about you: [COLOR=Indigo]Wheel Of Fortune[/COLOR] 5. Describe your exboyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Waiting For Magic[/COLOR] 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Experience Pearls[/COLOR] 7.Describe where you want to be: [COLOR=Blue]Perfect World[/COLOR] 8. Describe how you love: [COLOR=Sienna]Always have, Always will[/COLOR] 9.What would you ask if you had just one question: [COLOR=DimGray]Voulez Vous Danser[/COLOR] 10. Share a few words of wisdom: [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Beautiful Life[/COLOR] 11. Now say goodbye: [COLOR=SandyBrown]Wave Wet Sand[/COLOR]
  9. Linkk

    Music Track Game

    15.... 1. Pick a band or artist: [COLOR=Purple]Joey Tempest[/COLOR] 2. Are you male or female: [COLOR=Blue]Lord Of The Manor[/COLOR] ( this one was hard. He only has 3 solo albums, Lead singer for Europe) 3. Describe yourself: [COLOR=SandyBrown]Superhuman[/COLOR] 4. How do some people feel about you: [COLOR=SeaGreen]Magnificent[/COLOR] 5. Describe your exboyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=Green]Not Welcome Anymore[/COLOR] 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=Indigo]Better Than Real[/COLOR] 7. Describe where you want to be: [COLOR=Sienna]A Place To Call Home[/COLOR] 8.Describe How You Love: [COLOR=DarkRed]In Confidence[/COLOR] 9.What would you ask if you had just one wish: [COLOR=Navy]How Come You're Not Dead Yet?[/COLOR] 10. Share a few words of wisdom: [COLOR=DarkGreen]Harder To Leave A Friend Than A Lover[/COLOR] 11. Now Say Goodbye:[COLOR=Olive]If We Stay Or If We Go[/COLOR]
  10. Lifting Timmons, onto his back Cephus, followed the group out into the hall way. Nox stayed and closed the doors behind them. As the others went to the Great Hall, Cephus took Timmons to his room. [I]Poor fool. Julosophia too. That was some magic she has.[/I] He opened the door to Timmons room. He had thoughs swirling through his head. The room had a draft. He lay Timmons on the bed. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]" You're lucky old friend. I'll tell you what Jul has to say once you've awaken. For now you need rest"[/COLOR]. As he closed the door he thought to himself, [I]I hope Jul, is alright[/I], He entered the great hall. He stood next to Tanner and Perish. Umbradeus was in front of him. The Guradians of Darkness talked amongst one another as they waited. Cephus stood in silence,scanning the room deep in thought.
  11. He loocked the door behind him. His sword emitted the dark light. He holstered it as well as his gun and daggers. [I]Stupid Timmons. Why I bother with anything[/I] He opened the window and climed out. He'd just take a stroll into the city see what good old Timmons was up to. He certainly wasn't anywhere in the Temple. " What are you up to, Starkeeper" Her childlike yet dark voice said as he turned to face her. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]I'm just going for a walk[/COLOR] He made to jump to the ground. " Cephus, I think you'd better stay. The Guardians of Light are on their way. We need.... [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Perish, I don't think they'll be here as soon as we'd all hoped. [/COLOR] He watched her move towards him. After all these centuries she was still a child to him.....yet somehow a woman all at once. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]I'm going to find Timmons. He seems to have lost track of time.[/COLOR] " Can I come?" She smiled. If only she were as innocent as that smile depicted. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]No. You're too young. I'll be back shortly.[/COLOR] " Too young. HA! Cephus, I've seen just as many centuries as you. " To him she was still very young. [I]No matter how much time passes it touches her not.[/I] Ske looked excatly the same as the day he met her, if one knew not how long they'd been around it could have been yesterday.He peferred to go alone...yet company was inviting these days. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Alright. it's been awhile since we've spent time together.[/COLOR] The minutes seemed eternity.As they made their way into the city, they checked in all the usual places. They were walking the alley ways when they passed an old facility. One of the rooms had a window opened.Perish gasped. Haging form the ceiling was Timmons. She went to get him.Cephus held her back. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Wait. What is this place?[/COLOR] " I don't know. We can't leave him here." They crawled in and untied the poor Guardian. Cephus swung him over his shoulder and they quiclky departed for the Temple. " Who? Light Guardian?"Perish asked as they raced inside. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]No. They're coming here. We're on the same side......[/COLOR] Guardians followed them gathering around. " Where've you two....." Tanner stopped in his tracks. " Cephus, Perish for crying out loud I've been...." Nox also was taken aback when he saw the disfigured Timmons. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Found Timmons[/COLOR] Cephus said. Looking untouched by the situation. Deeply he was screaming with rage inside. Umbradeus watched from the shawdows. " Is he dead?" Someone asked " Almost" Nox carried him to the queens chambers. ([B]OOC: Hope this is ok. I'll edit if needed)[/B]
  12. Linkk

    Music Track Game

    14 1. Pick a band or artist: [COLOR=Orange]The Rankin Family[/COLOR] 2. Are you male or female: [COLOR=SandyBrown]Tailor's Daughter[/COLOR] 3. Describe yourself: [COLOR=DarkOrange]Tramp Miner[/COLOR] 4. How do some people feel about you: [COLOR=Green]Endless Seasons[/COLOR] 5. Describe your exboyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=Red]Let It Go[/COLOR] 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Loving Arms[/COLOR] 7.Describe where you want to be: [COLOR=Sienna]North Country[/COLOR] 8.Describe how you love: [COLOR=DarkRed]Loving Arms[/COLOR] 9.What would you ask if you had just one wish: [COLOR=Navy]You feel the same way too[/COLOR] 10. Share a few words of wisdom: [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Movin' On[/COLOR] 11. Now say goodbye: [COLOR=Olive]Farewell thee love[/COLOR]
  13. Cephus watched as the lights and decorations were strung up. He wasn't sure how much he liked this. Yet, it had a pleasing aura to it. [I]It's only for a little while.....no harm[/I] As he made his way towards his room he felt an odd sensation like something weren't quit right. Infact after Nox had mentioned to Tanner and himself about not beable to find Timmons, he had been looking for him as well. He leaned against a wall. It was in a in a corridor where no one was around. Shadow engulfed the surroundings.He could feel something there. " Interesting isn't it" The shadows seemed to say. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Yes. I suppose so. What are you doing, Umbradues?[/COLOR] Cephus asked still looking straight ahead. " Observing the festivities." Staying concelled in the shadows he moved towrads Cephus so as to leasen the need to whisper. " What are you doing, Starkeeper?" [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Samething I guess. Anxious to hear what our Queen has to say. We should be hearing shortly, According To Nox, in any case. By the way have you seen Timmons lately[/COLOR] " No. Why?" He asked sounding interested. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Not sure. Nox, said he was looking for him. Can't find him is all. Just seems odd. Shouldn't we all be back here getting ready for the arrival of the Guradians of Light.[/COLOR] " Of course. I'm sure he's around. You know Timmons." [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]You're right I....[/COLOR] Umbradeus clamped a shadowing mist over Cephus' mouth. Someone was heading down the corridor. Cephus decided to leave as he knew Umbradeus didn't want anyone else bothering him. He wanted to just watch the proccedings. Cephus turned the corner and contiuned on to his room.
  14. Linkk

    Music Track Game

    thirteen 1. Pick a band or artist:[COLOR=RoyalBlue] Rush[/COLOR] 2. Are you male or female: [COLOR=Orange]Xanadu[/COLOR] 3.Describe yourself: [COLOR=Purple]The Analog Kid[/COLOR] 4. How do some people feel about you: [COLOR=SeaGreen]Distant Early Warning[/COLOR] 5. Describe your exboyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=Red]Beneath,Between and Behind[/COLOR] 6. Decribe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=Teal]The Body Electric[/COLOR] 7. Describe where you want to be: [COLOR=Green]Rivendell[/COLOR] 8. Decsribe how you love: [COLOR=Blue]Best I Can[/COLOR] 9. What would you ask if you had just one wish: [COLOR=Indigo]Time Stand Still[/COLOR] 10. Share a few words of wisdom: [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Roll The Bones[/COLOR] 11. Now say goodbye: [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]In The End[/COLOR]
  15. Hey, Love the picture!!!!! I'm posting for Ecstacy, he's sick right now. Don't worry he'll try to get it the next couple of days.
  16. Linkk

    Music Track Game

    1. Pick a band or artist: [COLOR=Purple]White Lion[/COLOR] 2. Are you male or female: [COLOR=DarkOrange]Lady Of The Valley[/COLOR] 3. Describe yourself: [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Little Fighter[/COLOR] 4. How do some people feel about you: [COLOR=SeaGreen]Hungry[/COLOR] 5. decsribe your exboyfrine/girlfriend: [COLOR=SandyBrown]It's Over[/COLOR] 6. Describe your currrent boyfriend/girlfriend:[COLOR=Blue]Till Death Do Us Part[/COLOR] 7.Describe where you want to be: [COLOR=Gray]Out with the boys[/COLOR] 8. Describe how you love: [COLOR=Red]Sweet little loving[/COLOR] 9. What would you ask if you had just one wish: [COLOR=Green]Leave Me Alone[/COLOR] 10. Share a few words of widsom: [COLOR=Orange]All you need is Rock'N Roll[/COLOR] 11. Now say goodbye: [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Farewell To You[/COLOR]
  17. Linkk

    Music Track Game

    1. Pick a band or artist: [COLOR=Lime]Poison[/COLOR] 2. Are you male or female: [COLOR=DarkRed]Fallen Angel[/COLOR] 3. Describe yourself: [COLOR=Sienna]Unskinny Bop[/COLOR] 4. How do some people feel about you: [COLOR=Blue]Something To Believe In[/COLOR] 5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=Olive]I won't forget you[/COLOR] 6.Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend:[COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Sexual Thing[/COLOR] 7.Describe where you want to be: [COLOR=Navy]Ride The Wind[/COLOR] 8.Describe how you love: [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]( Flesh and Blood) Sacrifice[/COLOR] 9.What would you ask if you had just one wish: [COLOR=Teal]So Tell Me Why[/COLOR] 10. Share a few words of wisdom: [COLOR=DarkOrange]Every Rose Has It's Thorn[/COLOR] 11. Now say goodbye: [COLOR=DimGray]Life Goes On[/COLOR]
  18. Cephus was taking a strole around the Temple of Darkness' grounds. He couldn't stand all this waiting around. If fact he wished the propehcy weren't about to come true. But the way things were going these days it seemed inevitable. [I]Why can't we just go and get rid of all the trouble makers get things back to normal[/I] He could feel someone watching him. [I]Ah well everyone's watching everyone else these days[/I] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Well, Nox[/COLOR] He turned slightly [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]What has your sister got planned. Things are heating up eh? [/COLOR] " Jul,knows what she's doing. We'll all be meeting shortly to discuss that matter. We need to get ready to fight. Form an alliance with The Guradians of Light. Destroy the Traitors and then.. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Kill off the light?[/COLOR] He sneered. To an unkowing eye Cephus was well a jerk to say the least. But he grew on people.He had odd ways about him. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]I'm looking forward to finding out our plans, Nox. [/COLOR] He motioned to a tree by the temple wall. Someone was watching and listening. Both of them knew of the presence early on. " Well, Tanner why are you hiding?" Nox called out. " Aww just having some fun with my two pals" Tanner's smile was curious. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Indeed, well what do you think of the Prophecy? Think it'll come to pass? Think we'll beable to stop it?[/COLOR] " You two better not take off. I'm going to go talk to Julosophia. Be good...by the way either of you see Timmons? They shrugged. " If you see him tell him to report at once. I've been looking for him all day" Nox returded inside the Temple. " So they're coming. Never though I'd see the day...excuse the pun." Tanner laughed Cephus mouth formed a crokeded smile. They made their way inside too. Their leader would soon be informing them all exactly what to prepare for.
  19. Linkk


    I think drugs are bad! That includes pot. No I do not beliieve it's a safe drug! It makes you retartded. I have never tried drugs not even pot! I never have never will and I have no desire nor reason to. My brother is a druggie. All his friends are too. They smell of pot like all the time. They think they're so cool! They act like we ( my parents and I) Are the stupid ones really it's fried their brains and they can't tell if they're coming or going. They've also done more worse drugs too, crystal meth, coke,speed.......it's SCARY! I've had friends who've been addicted to drugs, some just smoke pot...LOTS. I don't like it. They also sell it. My brother gets really angry when he's high too....yes even on pot. One night he and my mom had this fight ( like any other) lots of yelling, screaming name calling. I get so pissed off at him...my parents too for letting him get away with his crap. So I got mouthy at him like always. He tried to hit me. I ducked at the last minute thank god. He put a hole right through the wall! I big one! If that was my face.....I know he would have vroken my nose and everything else. He was so high too I could tell. I was so angry and upset! It scares me, I hate him but still worry about him. My friends too. Luclky some of them have stoped all they're drugs but some still do them. Some just started. It's sad. I don't like drugs.
  20. Well I've been reading it. It's really good. I'm excited to see what happens next! You're both doing an awesome job. Keep it up. I'll be reading it. Looking forward to the next chapter. I can hardly wait!!!!!!
  21. Linkk

    Music Track Game

    On 10! 1. Pick a band or artist: [COLOR=DarkGreen]The Corrs[/COLOR] 2. Are you male or female: [COLOR=Blue]Queen Of Hollywood[/COLOR] 3. Describe Yourself: [COLOR=Purple]Rebel Heart[/COLOR] 4. How do some people feel about you:[COLOR=Magenta]Irresistable[/COLOR] 5. Describe your exboyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=SeaGreen]I never loved you anyway[/COLOR] 6. Decsribe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=Blue]Haste To The Wedding[/COLOR] 7.Describe where you want to be: [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Borrowed Heaven[/COLOR] 8.Decsribe how you love: [COLOR=Orange]When He's Not Around[/COLOR] 9.What would you ask if you had just one wish: [COLOR=Gray]Love To Love You[/COLOR] 10. Share a few words of wisdom: [COLOR=Green]Love Gives, Love Takes[/COLOR] 11. Now say goodbye: [COLOR=Navy]Dimming Of The Day[/COLOR]
  22. This sounds really good. So I'll try my hand. Name: Cephus Starkeeper. Age: Looks about 29. However, he's about a few centuries old. But who's counting. Gender: Male Race: Guardian Position: Guardian of Darkness Appearance: He is 5'9". Tall, slim but well bulit. Has grey blue eyes. His hair is shoulder lenght and dirty blonde. Usualy wears it tied in a pony tail with a dark blue ribbon. He's handsome with a mysterious aura about him that one can't quit place their finger on.His clothes are 18th century style siuts. A tie if the occasion is more formal. But he'll usual be wearing a casual dress pant with a opened collar dress shirt. Classy but not over done. A navy blue blazzer to finish it off. Personality: Warm heart surrounded by a cold barrier.Comes off as being a little cold. And well, he is. Keeps others at a distance. However, has a genlter side and once he gets to know and care about another will show it...well in his own strange way. He'll protect those he feels he should. Intimidating and sometimes emotiless. It's hard to tell what he is really thinking. He is cunning and deceptive as well. But he's been known to slip up. Weapons: Sword of darkness, the dark flame yields within. Handed down thorough centuries. And a small dagger and hand gun. Powers: Well darkness and ice manupulation. Tackling more than one at a time. Caharacter Snippet: Another night had passed. It was Cephus' turn to keep watch during the day. His eyes darted around as he made his way around town. He knew who the Light Guardians were. He could sense it as well as feel it. The daylight didn't bother him as much as it was did. He use to hide like a vampire during the days. It was rare indeed to see a Starkeeper out. His family name. A long history of dark guardians. After the wars he realized day and light had their patrs in the world....if they must. Character Snippet: The days were long. Well not as long as they use to be. Infact, Cephus was rather begining to like a little sun and light......as they must be apart of the world. " Goodday, Sir. Beautiful morinig." A man passing by said. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Quite[/COLOR]. Cephus smiled. However, being on day watch babysitting the Light Gaurdians wasn't his cup of tea. [I]Rather annoying[/I] He stepped out of the light into the sahde of a building. He could feel a hand coming for him. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I could hear you a mile away. Breathing like a bloody freaight train[/COLOR] A smile appeared across his face. The frightened boy of about 14 or 15, at least appeared to be. Just stood there unblinking. He was sure he was being as quiet as a mouse. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I don't have time for juvinile......[/COLOR] Cephus looked up to see an acountance approaching. " Just teaching the boy what I once taught you." Terance said motioning the boy away. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]You tauht me nothing. It was I who taught you. Don't know where this traitor buiness came from. I certainly never..[/COLOR] " Nonesense. Of course not. I just know that both sides need to be equal. None the less I have no use for these silly games. We need to come to a proper agreement Cephus. I'm still a Guardian of Darkness. I'm no traitor. You're a fool. You're just upset I have no use for you anymore." [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Poppy talk. Tanner, you forget too easily that it was I who betrayed you. [/COLOR] Tanner scowled at Starkeeper. He knew this was true. He only ever wanted to be like Cephus. Yet they both harboured a drak serect.....rather a bright one. The love of both their lives Krystal,who happened to be a Light Gaurdian. Only Tanner, was a fake and led her to her death. This was years and years ago. " You miss her. I can see it. It was ages ago. Forget it. Cephus she was the enemy." [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]As I said you forget too easily, back then none of us were enemies![/COLOR] " Well, there's still enemies amongst even our own kind Cephus. You'd better get back on watch. Those Light Gaurdains seem to be up to no good. Until next time my dear Starkeeper." He blew him a kiss. [I]***. [/I] It never ended. He pulled out his sword and went to stop the fight that was about to break out. The Dark Glow from the sword caught the Light Gaurdians by surprise as the luged at another Dark Guardian. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]We've been through this. TSK. We all have our parts to play. We're watching you.[/COLOR] They fell to the ground gasping for breath. The two Dark Guradians made their way to a shady area. [I]Another hell of day. [/I]
  23. OCC: WEll that sucks! I swish you hadf not done that. As you had a door open full of oportunities for Sazuroth! :( I had swet ideas for the city walk in as well. But seeing as how a main character beheaded himself. Well, it's too bad. I really like this story. Maybe, you'll change your minds> I duno but I guess for now it's over.
  24. Linkk

    Music Track Game

    1. Pick a band/artits: [B]Cher[/B] 2. Are you male or female:[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Dark Lady[/COLOR] 3. Describe yourself: [COLOR=Sienna]Working Girl[/COLOR] 4. How do some people feel about you: [COLOR=DarkRed]I'm Blowin' Away[/COLOR] 5.Describe your exboyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I wouldn't treat a dog ( the way you treated me)[/COLOR] 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend:[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Just What I've Been lookin' For[/COLOR] 7.Describe where you want to be: [COLOR=Purple]Walking In Memphis[/COLOR] 8.Describe how you love: [COLOR=Indigo]I Paralyze[/COLOR] 9. What would you ask if you had just one wish: [COLOR=SandyBrown]When you find out where you're goin' let me know[/COLOR] 10. Share a few words of wisdom: [COLOR=Red]Apples Don't Fall Far From The Tree[/COLOR] 11. Now say goodbye: [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Touch And Go[/COLOR]
  25. Linkk

    Dead Like Me

    My info from a friend might be wrong. My mom told me that she saw an ad for a new DEad Like Me season! So until I see it or don't see it I'm not sure. But I really hope there is a 3 season!
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