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Everything posted by Linkk

  1. Thank You, I know and I feel better that I talked to my friend. Wether they listen or not ( I know they do) But whatever my friend does they know I'm there for them and how I feel. So I feel better for having talked to them instead of just worrying myself sick. I mean I can still be worried but I know I've done what I can. That makes me feel better if only a little.
  2. Linkk

    Music Track Game

    1. Pick a band or artist: [COLOR=Red]Bon Jovi[/COLOR] 2. Are you male or female: [COLOR=Indigo]Miss Fourth of July[/COLOR] 3.Describe yourself: [COLOR=DarkGreen]Misunderstood[/COLOR] 4. How do some people feel about you:[COLOR=DarkRed]Only Lonely[/COLOR] 5. Describe your exboyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=Blue]You Give Love A Bad Name[/COLOR] 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=YellowGreen]You Had Me From Hello[/COLOR] 7.Describe where you want to be:[COLOR=Olive]Garageland[/COLOR] 8.Describe how you love:[COLOR=SlateGray]In And Out Of Love[/COLOR] 9.What would you ask if you had just one wish: [COLOR=SandyBrown]Kidnap An Angel[/COLOR] 10. Share A few words of wisdom: [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Good Guys Don't Always Wear White[/COLOR] 11. Now say goodbye: [COLOR=DimGray]Never Say Goodbye[/COLOR]
  3. Linkk

    Music Track Game

    1. Pick a band or artits: [COLOR=Indigo]Dokken[/COLOR] 2. Are you male or female: [COLOR=SeaGreen]Crazy Mary Goes Round[/COLOR] 3. Desribe yourself: [COLOR=SandyBrown]Jaded Heart[/COLOR] 4. How do some people feel about you: [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Hole In My Head[/COLOR] 5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=SlateGray]So Many Tears[/COLOR] 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=Teal]Heaven Sent[/COLOR] 7.Describe where you want to be: [COLOR=Sienna]Inside Loooking Out[/COLOR] 8.Describe how you love: [COLOR=Gray]Stick To Your Guns[/COLOR] 9.What would you ask if you had just one wish: [COLOR=DarkRed]Don't Lie To Me[/COLOR] 10.Share a Few Words of Wisdom: [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Live To Rock( Rock To Li ve)[/COLOR] 11. Now Say Googbye: [COLOR=Purple]The Last Goodbye[/COLOR]
  4. That's a hard one. Especially for me. If it were me in your shoes hell I can't say what'd I do. Most likely not say anything till I felt really ready. I mean, I know what being in love is like as I am. But, I was very very hesitant about telling this person that I had even a crush on them. More factors than just was it too soon in this case ;). However, I was put in a ( looking back) funny situation where this person already knew. I tried to hide it. But one day they locked themselves in their car trunk till I opened up. LOL! As they already knew lying wouldn't have been any good. Was it good to tell.....yes I guess it was. I didn't expect anything actually I was scared shitless that this friend of mine would laugh at me, tell me I was crazy and say that they didn't want to be friends anymore. Our frienship is extemly important. I did not want to lose this person. That was another reason I didn't want to tell them about my other feelings. But they weren't angry( at least seemed not to be) at all. Infact, it was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I can't help the way I feel. I mean I've tried so hard, so long. That sounds horrible, I know. But I did in the begining. But I feel the way I do and that's that. It's my prblem...if it's a problem. Actaully, a few weeks before the locking themselves in a car trunck incident I had a nightmare!!!!!! About this person. They were in a terrible car crash. I was scared of losing them. And I was in the hospital by their bed crying. I felt sick! Plus I kept thinking in the dream as well I was saying to myself. You never told him? You might never get the chance now. It was awful! And after I did tell my friend I felt better in that respect too. I mean I can't say what to do. It's really your choice. I know though after 2 weeks I might not be ready or want to say it. But if I ever fall in love again...not holding my breath! But depending on the relationship, how long we've been going out as well as how long we've known eachother...if I ever fell this strong about that kind of relationship again I might be brave or smart or stupid enough to tell them. I mean ( Ex) I've shared how I feel...( you know) I can't say things that you might listen too LOL! JK I know you listene. Just as a friend recently told me "do what feels right, follow your heart!" but if you aren't sure then you might want to wait till you are. I know you can't help how you feel or more how the other person feels. Maybe wait till you've both gotten to know eachother and when the time is right it'll happen. I'm no expert just trying to help.
  5. [QUOTE=ForgottenRaider]Redundant, most redundant. Linkk I'm honestly very impressed...In just over two hundred and fifty words and three posts you've kept a thread going and finalised it without giving the posters any small hint to what they are posting about. I've never seen any one pull that off before. Kudos! :)[/QUOTE] Thank You :)
  6. Plain and simple I like it! I listen to what I want no matter what others think. I love Rock, Rock 'N Roll, Classic Rock...WHATEVER IT'S CALLED LOL! Heavy Metal,Metal..... Ok I listen to a pretty big variety from the 50's to ...00's. Mostly I like older stuff as new stuff to me is very I just don't like it. I love 80's. I just love good music. It keeps me going. Makes me happy. When I feel sad it makes me feel a little better. I live and breath music. Whatever sounds good to me. I could care less ( but not worth the effort..LOL!)about anything else!
  7. Linkk

    quik question

    Ok that's a weird question. But I don't like Scary kids scaring kids. Excatly how or what do you mean? Like bullies? No bullies suck, are cruel and have no life. But really I dont think I get this question LOL! No scary kids scary other kids is not good.
  8. Linkk

    Music Track Game

    Alright can't resist 1. Pick a band or artist: [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Hanson[/COLOR] 2. Are you male or female: [COLOR=DarkGreen]Lucy[/COLOR] 3. Describe yourself: [COLOR=Navy]Strong Enough To Break[/COLOR] 4. How do some people feel about you: [COLOR=Indigo]If Only[/COLOR] 5. Decsribe youe ex boyfriend/ girlfriend;[COLOR=Teal]Weird[/COLOR] 6. Desribe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=Olive]Crazy Beautiful[/COLOR] 7.Descrobe where you want to be: [COLOR=Red]In The City[/COLOR] 8. Describe how you love: [COLOR=Green]Deeper[/COLOR] 9. What would you ask if you had just one wish: [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Where's The Love[/COLOR] 10. Share a few words of wisdom: [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Dying To Be Alive[/COLOR] 11. Now say goodbye: [COLOR=SandyBrown]Get Up And GO[/COLOR]
  9. Linkk

    Music Track Game

    1. Pick a band or artist: [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Metallica[/COLOR] 2. Are you male or female: [COLOR=Sienna]Sweet Amber[/COLOR] 3. Describe yourself:[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Poor Twisted Me[/COLOR] 4. How do some people feel about you: [COLOR=DarkGreen]Invisible Kid[/COLOR] 5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Bad Seed[/COLOR] 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=Indigo]Better Than You[/COLOR] 7. Describe Where You want To be: [COLOR=DarkRed]Where The Wild Things Are[/COLOR] 8. Describe How You love: [COLOR=SeaGreen]Wherever I may Roam[/COLOR] 9. What would you ask if you had just one question: [COLOR=DarkOrange]...And Justice For All[/COLOR] 10. Share a few words of wisdom: [COLOR=SandyBrown]Nothing Else Matters[/COLOR] 11. Now say goodbye: [COLOR=Purple]Hit The Lights[/COLOR]
  10. Thank you all for the awesome advice. I told my friend. They say they aren't mad. Still Was it the best thing to do? We'll I though so So that's that.
  11. Soryy about before.!!!!!!!!!!!!!just a song i wrote.I have a few but i'll just put one for now. I wrote this song a long time ago 6 and a half years ago. Wow! LOL! Time flies. I remember it well. It's ovious it's about being depressed feeling alone like no one cares. And no it's not about me pre say although I'm sure we've all felt like that at one time or another. I know I have. It happens. But when I wrote it I wasn't feeling down at all. It was just an idea. Not personall emotions in this one. I just was in a good mood about writting and had an idea. Seems morbid I know. But people relate to things like this. Like I said this song was just a made up not about me song. Hell Left alone by myself Will this be my entire life I'll only be a memory in someone's box About high school and dances and the chicken pox In my box there will be no memories No more ties for my family I feel like hell! I see hell in front of my eyes I taste hell burning in my mouth I touch hell but wish I could not At moments when alone There's nobody there on the phone I sit and cry my poor heart out And leave sad messages with nothing about Nobody phones back and cares Not even when my messages say it's skin I'll tear Confussion in my head As I lie in bed Oh I wish I were dead Can't stand the pain That is locked inside Sad as can be as I wish for thee Bleed until dead As I lie in bed What can I do to get out of hell? At moments when alone There's nobody there on the phone I sit and cry my poor heart out And leave sad messages with nothing about Nobody phines back and cares Not even when my messages say it's skin I'll tear I'm in hell As I deal apon this nightmare Bleeding and screaming What else can I do to get out of here? I fell like hell I'm in hell I taste it I see it Wish I could break it It is pulling me down Down under the ground I fall down and hit the ground At moments when alone There's nobody there on the phone I sit and cry my poor heart out And leave sad messages with nothing about Nobody phones back and cares Not even when my message says it's skin I'll tear Think about tomorrow, Don't forget yesterday and know that today is here And Now For Something Compeletly Different A man with a tape recorder up his brother's nose
  12. Linkk

    Music Track Game

    Another one! Glad to see people are enjoying this! 1.Pick a band or artist: [COLOR=Navy]Ozzy Osbourne[/COLOR] 2. Are you male or female:[COLOR=Purple]Devil's Daughter[/COLOR] 3.Describe yourself: [COLOR=SeaGreen]I don't Want To Change The World[/COLOR] 4.How do some people feel about you:[COLOR=Blue]Secret Loser[/COLOR] 5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=DimGray]No More Tears[/COLOR] 6. Dscribe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=DarkRed]Miracle Man[/COLOR] 7.Describe where you want to be: [COLOR=Cyan]Back On Earth[/COLOR] 8.Describe how you love: [COLOR=SandyBrown]Believer[/COLOR] 9.What would you ask if you had just one wish: [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I just want you[/COLOR] 10.Share a few words of wisdom: [COLOR=Purple]You can't kill Rock 'N Roll[/COLOR] 11. Now say goodbye: [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]See You On The Other Side[/COLOR]
  13. just a song i wrote.I have a few but i'll just put one for now. I wrote this song a long time ago 6 and a half years ago. Wow! LOL! Time flies. I remember it well. It's ovious it's about being depressed feeling alone like no one cares. And no it's not about me pre say although I'm sure we've all felt like that at one time or another. I know I have. It happens. But when I wrote it I wasn't feeling down at all. It was just an idea. Not personall emotions in this one. I just was in a good mood about writting and had an idea. Seems morbid I know. But people relate to things like this. Like I said this song was just a made up not about me song. [SIZE=3]Hell[/SIZE] Left alone by myself Will this be my entire life I'll only be a memory in someone's box About high school and dances and the chicken pox In my box there will be no memories No more ties for my family I feel like hell! I see hell in front of my eyes I taste hell burning in my mouth I touch hell but wish I could not At moments when alone There's nobody there on the phone I sit and cry my poor heart out And leave sad messages with nothing about Nobody phones back and cares Not even when my messages say it's skin I'll tear Confussion in my head As I lie in bed Oh I wish I were dead Can't stand the pain That is locked inside Sad as can be as I wish for thee Bleed until dead As I lie in bed What can I do to get out of hell? At moments when alone There's nobody there on the phone I sit and cry my poor heart out And leave sad messages with nothing about Nobody phines back and cares Not even when my messages say it's skin I'll tear I'm in hell As I deal apon this nightmare Bleeding and screaming What else can I do to get out of here? I fell like hell I'm in hell I taste it I see it Wish I could break it It is pulling me down Down under the ground I fall down and hit the ground At moments when alone There's nobody there on the phone I sit and cry my poor heart out And leave sad messages with nothing about Nobody phones back and cares Not even when my message says it's skin I'll tear
  14. Linkk

    Music Track Game

    Well This is addicting. Here's my next one 1.Pick and band/artist: [COLOR=Gray]The Beatles[/COLOR] 2. Are you male or female: [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Elenor Rigby[/COLOR] 3.Describe yourself: [COLOR=Red]I feel fine[/COLOR] 4. How do some people feel about you: [COLOR=SeaGreen]Day Tripper[/COLOR] 5.Describe your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=DarkOrange]Mean Mr. Mustard[/COLOR] 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=Yellow]Golden Slumbers[/COLOR] 7.Describe where you want to be: [COLOR=Olive]Here,There, And Everywhere[/COLOR] 8.Describe how you love: [COLOR=DarkRed]Eight Days A Week[/COLOR] 9. What would you ask if you had just one wish:[COLOR=SlateGray]Got to get you into my life[/COLOR] 10.Share a few words of wisdome: [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Come Together[/COLOR] 11. Now say goodbye: [COLOR=Green]Hello, Goodbye[/COLOR]
  15. [QUOTE=Random][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]Linkk, speaking from experience, I'm sure that this friend will be able to handle whatever it is you plan on throwing at him/her. You have a natural way to getting to people, and I'm sure that your friend will listen, no matter what you have to say...now, about what happened, one can only guess, but if it's about what I think, don't worry about it. People make decisions, after all. And, if you really are worried about them, go and tell them that...no matter how much they don't want to hear it. As a friend, that's part of your "job," per say. So, my advice to you is to follow your heart, and do what you feel is right...you know what I mean. ~_^ -Random[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Thanks for the advice. I know if it were any of my friends and they were worried or concered or whatever about me...they'd say so. LOL! They do all the time! I know what I should do I think. I never though I had a natural way of getting people to listen to me..you think so? Thanks. It means a lot.
  16. Linkk

    Music Track Game

    LOL I like this one so I've got another. 1. Pick a band or artist: [COLOR=Sienna]Def Leppard[/COLOR] 2. Are you male or female:[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Sorrow Is a Woman[/COLOR] 3.Describe Yourself: [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Lady Strange[/COLOR] 4. Describe how some people feel about you: [COLOR=YellowGreen]Hysteria[/COLOR] 5.Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=SeaGreen]Let It Go[/COLOR] 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=Orange]Gift Of Flesh[/COLOR] 7. Describe where you want to be: [COLOR=Blue]Paper Sun[/COLOR] 8.Describe how you love: [COLOR=DarkRed]Everyday[/COLOR] 9.What would you ask if you had just one wish: [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]It don't matter[/COLOR] 10.Share a few words of wisdom: [COLOR=DimGray]Love Don't LIe[/COLOR] 11. Now say goodbye: [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Rocks Off[/COLOR]
  17. Everyone has or will have regrets! I have them foe sure! It's part of life. I try not to have them but hell that's impossible. And I know there will be more to come. I don't know how, when or what but they'll happene. **** happenes unfortunatly. Let's see here's some...... Giving up the Bon Jovi tickets I had...STUPID! Not meeting Def Leppard both times they came to my town when I could have...STUPID! Not going to school right away after grad...well...in a way I do but in another way I'd never met the friends I met or did the things I did so.... not too bad. Falling in love.....WAS I EVER STUPID! Telling that and letting them know how I truly feel.....well...see I'm glad they know so well i don't regret that so much. Being me..LOL ya no jk Going back to my hell job ya STUPID! Not going to Toronto last may...STUPID! Listening to lies and not my friends...STUPID! I have them, will have them and will try not too but you can't always know. Be happy! Even though I'm really depressed now still be happy!!!!!
  18. Well, I have this delema kind of. I was just wondering. See one of my dear precious friends is well, I'm really very worried about them. I don't know if I should tell them this as they might get angry. And I don't want them to be angry at me and stop being my friend. I care about my friends as a good friend should. However, I don't know if telling them how I feel about what they've gotten into is good. Still if something ever happened to them I'd regret it forever and blame myself. I'll always think ...what if I just told them how I felt? On the other hand if I do and they get mad at me and start hating me I'll regret that too! I'm just worried and don't want anything bad to happene to them. I don't know what to do or if I'll say anything. I'm just really worried about this friend. :animedepr
  19. Here's a fun game. You pick a band or artist and answer the questions using only song names from that band or artist! It's fun and can be played many times! 1. Pick a Band or Artist:[COLOR=Purple]Europe[/COLOR] 2.Are you male or female:[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Girl From Lebanon[/COLOR] 3.Describe yourself: [COLOR=SeaGreen]Superstitious[/COLOR] 4. How do some people feel about you:[COLOR=SandyBrown]More Than Meets The Eye[/COLOR] 5.Desscribe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Danger On The Track[/COLOR] 6.Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [COLOR=Olive]Hero[/COLOR] 7.Describe where you want to be: [COLOR=Blue]Paradize Bay[/COLOR] 8.Describe how you love: [COLOR=DimGray]'Til My Heart Beats Down Your Door[/COLOR] 9.What would you ask if you had just one wish:[COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Open Your Heart[/COLOR] 10.Share a few words of wisdome: [COLOR=Sienna]Got To Have Faith[/COLOR] 11.Now say goodbye: Farewell
  20. Linkk


    I love Rush. They are one of my favorite bands! In gr 12 I was in charege of the music for grad ceremony. I put " Time Stand Still" on the list! Although the 2 friends you were also on the comitte and wanted to be part of mine were well less eithusiastic about it. I have no idea why. But heck I was incharge I said look I'm putting it on there. I'd love to see Rush one day. They better come to Vancouver soon. They're deffinetly one of the best bands ever!
  21. Jar and Tama curled up in a corner of the cave. " Tarma, apparently I have a rune....the Might rune inside of me. I didn't know anything about it. Until, I though you were...dead! Try told me to use the light. I was so confussed! I still don't really know. I mean I have no idea how this got in me. Why hadn't I ever know." The tone in his voice was scared. [COLOR=SandyBrown]You mean like Tyr?[/COLOR] " How did you know? I guess I don't know. Tarms, I'm scared." He said clutching her paw tighter. [COLOR=SandyBrown]I'm frightened too Jarrius. The Runes are powerful and dangerous especially in the wrong hands. I just suspected something about Tyr. I'm not sure about it all myself. The agent who saved me told me about their curse. But I wasn't really filled in. I don't know how you have it in you or how you've only just discovered it.[/COLOR] [I]My poor Jarrius[/I] " I need more answers from Tyr. I suppose I'll find out in due time...still it's unerving to say the least. Tarma, I was so scared today. I though...I though I'd lost you forever! I mean it never do anything like that again. Do you hear me?" Urgency in his whispered voice. [COLOR=SandyBrown]I'll try. I guess I'm not that strong.[/COLOR] She rested her head on his shoulder. " Yes, you are. Just don't do it again" He laughed half hardtly. As did she. They kissed. Drog whimpered in his sleep. He was curled up next to Thorkell. The fire had died down.
  22. Day light was begining to ease. As they made their way through the trees, Jar, coouldn't stop thinking about what Tyr had told him. [I]Stupid might Rune...it's impossible how could I have one in me.[/I] His thoughs raced through his head at a rapid pace. " Well, where are we staying the night? Or are we just going to keep going?" Thorkell asked. [COLOR=SandyBrown]I think I can walk now[/COLOR] Tarma suddenly said. " No. You were hurt badly. You need to recover your strenght." Tyr repiled not meeting her eyes. [COLOR=SandyBrown]Thorkell, thank you for carrying me but I'll walk now[/COLOR] She made to jump off his back. " Tarma, maybe you should just wait till morning, Hun." Jar said placing a reasuring paw on hers. [COLOR=SandyBrown]Look we need answers here[/COLOR] Sounding tough she relentlessly stayed put. " I agree." Jar said eyeing Tyr. A cave came into view. They decided it'd be a good place to spend the night. The entrance was half covered by over haging tree branches. The y slowly crapt in to make sure it was clear. " Right, we'll start a fire and eat." Tyr commanded "Tyr what makes you and Dred so sure there are runes left in Tanis" Thorkell started. " Trust me" Was all he said [COLOR=SandyBrown]That's all you ever say. Seeing as how Eskari and I were set up as seems so were we all, I can't really trust anyone....except Jar[/COLOR] The blaze of the fire was begining to warm them. Jar and Tarma cuddled together as they cooked their fish. Drod was curled up at Kanya's feet waiting for his meal. He licked his chops. In was an akward silence. None of them were sure of who should talk or what they should say. As they decided they prayed their other companions were out of harms way.
  23. well personally i think it's a good poem. I mean falling past the bar can mean a number of things. I think it's one pf the best peoms I've seen in awhile.
  24. Being a huge music lover I have tons. But here's one of my favorites. The solo in " Revelation ( Mother Earth) of the Ozzy Osbourne album Blizzard of Ozz. This powerful solo by Randy Rhoads is just awesome. The song starts off kinda slow. Near the end BAM! It forcefully rocks out! I use to not like this song too much. But now I do and the solo is the best part and the reason I listened to it even when I wasn't big on it.
  25. As Thorkell, Kanya, Tyr and Jar walked on, Tarma was coming to. She woke with a start. [COLOR=SandyBrown]hummm Jar?[/COLOR] Jarrius looked up. " Tarma. Oh Tarms how are you feeling" " We're not done talking" Tyr reminded him. " Whatever" Jar said as he hurried to walk besides Tarma. [COLOR=SandyBrown]Jar are you alright[/COLOR] "Yes" He said hestitantly. " What about you? Don't ever do that again. You hear me! I though ....I mean....You scared me to death!" He tried sounding angry but he wasn't at all. "I think we need to rest" Kanya suggested. " No. Not yet." Tyr said moving forward at a steading pace." We rest when I say" " So what's with that light? Eh Jar?" Thorkel inquired. [COLOR=SandyBrown]Light? Jar? What's he talking about?[/COLOR] She remember something just before she zoonked out. " I'm not sure. Tarma I'll tell you later." Jar could see Tyr looking at him out of the corner of his eye. [I]Right after I find out more myself [/I] He though as the forrest became denser. Tyr beant down as if studying the ground. " Wait" Tyr held out his hand. " For what?" Jar snapped. " Something else to try and kill us. Yeah right. You know I'm tried. We need to get to that city. But we need to rest too" " Jar, clam down......" Tyr began. In the dinstance they heard the cries of the giant worms. Fearing for their comrands they qickened the pace. Tarma's head was pounding again. She closed her eyes again. The trees scartched them as they made their way towards the city.
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