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Tarma threw her arms around Jarrius. She was so happy to finally have found him. She could hardly believe it. Her Jarrius, standing here with her. She eyes starting to feel hot as tears filled and overflowed. Jarrius, smiled and wiped them away. [COLOR=SandyBrown]I'm so glad you're here. I have questions for you as well. But we'll talk about all that later- [/COLOR] " I've been looking for you for years Tarms. I'm so happy to have finally found you." Jar said beaming. He could fell tears weelling up as well but he quickly blinked them away. Tarma told Jarrius everything that had happened that morning since she saw him stealing the fish in the market right up to now. [COLOR=SandyBrown]I need to find this Ash, character. More importantly I must find Escari. [/COLOR] Feeling brave, strong and couragous as always Jar, immediately started dancing around Tarma, still in awe that she was here. " Alright" He said grinning. " I'll help you find him. We'll figure this mysterious happenings out." [COLOR=SandyBrown]I guess we'd better head back to the Blak Craven. He might still be there. -[/COLOR] " Tarma, I...." Jar began but decided he'd say what he had to when they got a chance to talk about what happened to on another since they last saw eachother. [COLOR=SandyBrown]Jar? What is it?- [/COLOR] Tarma looked at him with concern. " I'll tell you later" Jar replied [I]I need to tell him something too[/I] She though as they headed back to the pub. It was starting to get dark out.
I have read the book twice and seen the movie a lot. I think they are both awesome! I have read all the vampire chronicle books. Only Interview with the vampire and The Vampire Lestat are good. I though the other ones sucked!
Tarma and Leviiril follow Ash. But they see her being crabbed by a Slake. He shows her something but the two Mahrims can't quit see what is going on. They hide behide the corner of the building. Ash and the Slake begin to talk. They are whispering so it's hard to hear. "Shit! What is she doing! Has she forgotten we are here?" Leviriil asks. [COLOR=SandyBrown]Shut up lets try and hear what they are saying[/COLOR] Tarma peered around the corner. But Ash and the Slake took off. [COLOR=SandyBrown]Well,Leviiril .....we should follow them.[/COLOR] " See ya Brindel." She was gone [I]Danm it! Now who should I follow. I wonder what happened to Escari.[/I] She decided to go back and look instead of getting into more trouble. Good thing she never told either of them her name. But as she was leaving she heard a commotion coming from one of the shops. She decided to check in out. She followed the noise. Inside she saw The Slake that had just been talking to Ash. [I]But where was Ash now[/I] She saw that the Mahrim that was talking to the Slake was brindel coloured like herself. [I]That's must be whom, Leviiril was mistaking me for.[/I] The two were talking about tecnology as well as other things. " Thanks for fixing my bow" Felas said " My pleasure" Sazurothz smiled Tarma continued to watch them. While a million things raced through her head. [I]Who were these two? Why was Ash so important? I need to find her as well as Escari. I hope he's alright. I need to find them. Why is Leviiril interested in me, rather this Mahrim here?[/I] Not only that, she had been thiking about the Mahrim from the market whom run into her and Escari then dashewd off just as fast. He looked familiar infact it had to be him. Her long lost childhood friend, Jarius. Yet she last heared he was in jail. Maybe he was dead. [I]No he can't be. But why did he run away from me? Maybe he didn't realize it was me? Maybe he has forgotten about me anyhow. I still need to find out.[/I] " So do expect Nana back soon?" Sazuroth asked " I'm not sure when she'll be back" Felas stated. " Well I should...." Sazuroth began He looked out the store window. Just then a Mahrim went by. Followed by another whom seemed to be in a hurry. It was him the one who looked like Jarius. She stood up to follow after him. Sazuroth saw her and called out " Well, little Missy what have you been doing? Easves dropping. Haha, didn't curiousty kill the cat." He went to grab her. [COLOR=SandyBrown]Not this kitty-[/COLOR] And she ran after the other Mahrim. [I]I need to find out if it's him. Then I'll look for Escari. I wonder what happened-[/I]
At first Tarma hesitated. But then took off. She was so confussed! She couldn't stop thiking about that mahrim that asked her who she and Eskari were. But it was strange as Leviiril had said she looked like someone from the town who worked in a shop.Rubbish Tarma though. I've never worked here. I've only been here a few weeks. Leviriil had decided not to botrher them ...only at the moment as they seemed quit busy. However as swoon as she saw Tarma run after whoever that mahrim was she too followed them. Tarma though she heared someone following her but whenever she turned around nothing. " HUmmm" She though. " Just because I can't see you doesn't mean you're not there" Ash was just ahead and turned a corner however she dicovered it was a dead end. She turned around but no one was there. " Ha. Guess I lost her." Just then Tarma leaped down from the roof of the building. And caught Ash. At the same moment she turned and threw one of her sais at Leviiril. Sending her falling against some gabage cans. " Why are you so important? Who are you two" Tarma asked them. "How...uh did you? Leviriil began. " Who am I who the hell are you guys!" Ash shoot back. " Scary saidyou were important" Tarma said remember not to use his other name." "Do you know him?" Leviriil was looking at them. Tarma seemed familiar but no she still didn't look quite the same as huh Fellas. She rembered her name. Ash was still just checking these two out.
Tarma was leary as she approached the skale. But if this was her contact she had to know. Kinda cute she though but not her type. Eskari moved towards her. She pulled out her sais. He looked at her and said. " I'm Eskari. You don't need to be affaird" She lowered her weapons " Yes I do as does everyone else.Didn't you see what just happened? That police officer was beheaded." " Well he was going to kill that mahrim." " Like I said we all need to be affaird. I'm Tarma." " Well follow me" And she quickly took off. Like a lightning bolt she was gone. "WAIT" Eskari ran after her. But he wasn't sure of where she went. He rounded the corner searching his eyes darting everywhere. " Impressive. You're as fast as a mahrim" A soft voice said. He turned to see two yellow eyes pearing at him. She moved out of the shadows. " We need to find a safe place to talk" He said. " I agree. I'm not familiar with this town. I haven't been here long. And I never stay anywhere for long. If you understand" She was very coy. " Well we can go to this little pub down by the river. It's out of the way, quiet." " Lead on" As they started to walk they heard a noise behind the boxes and barrels along the building walls. They also heared two voices approaching. " Well you didn't have to kill him!" Eskari , Tarma and the third hidden presence scramled out of sight.
Ok sorry sais are well you know those things that the ninja turtle Raph uses? tHey look kinda like ok they are small and have tree points to them like pitch fork. Oh ya that handsome Mahrim is named Jar!
Name: Tarma sex: female age: 18 race: Mahrim class: Adaptor meaning she'll do what she has to do for what she believes in. And to protect her friends, family and the innocent. Alignment: illuminati Weapon of choice: Sais Personality: Tries to hide and and hold in feelings and emotions. But this does lead to break downs. Isn't too good and hiding her feelinngs though. Her friends seem to always know....sometimes they can be wrong. Wants friends but is scared at the same time. Apperance: Pretty. Her fur is brown,orange,black mixed. A brindel colour. Almost tigger like with stripes. Her clothes are usually jean and leather.....but whatever she can find on her way with have to do. Her eyes are bright yellow. She is 5 foot 5 and slim but well built. Bio: Her life was pretty good. She had a loving home with her family and friends. But when her fathers secrect identity in the government was leaked out ( she was 15)her house was attacked. She was taken but managed to escape her captors of whom she is still not sure who they all are but is still running from them. She started a new life helping and healing others whereever she went. Seen as a loner of sorts but a gentel creature. However, helping others and getting involved in their problems gets her into trouble but she nevers turns her back on a friend. Making her sometimes to good and too NICE FOR HER OWN DAMN GOOD! Will she ever learn? Still uncertain of her families satuues. But frears the worse.One of her travels led her to a tiny village. She tried keeping to herself. However, she caugh the attention of a hansome Mahrim...named Jar...... Is this where another adventure begins?
Well I knew someone out there must know them. Do you know their other stuff though too? They are more than just the Final Countdown. Did any of you know they are back together? Last year they released a kick *** album and had a huge tour and released a double new DVD. Anyhow glad to see people know them. I didn't want to put hey know the guys who sing the Final countdown? That's how I must describe them to many people :( AAhhh well havea huge community of fans on the official web site
Male or Female? Female POB: Prince George, Canada DOB: 09/10/84 age: 21 hobbiesand interests: Photography, sailing, art, music, playing drums, animals, hanging with friends,going to concerts, listening to music, walks, volunteering at the SPCA,reading... Have a younger brother 2 cats fav bands: Hanson, Metallica, Bon Jovi, Cher, The Everly Brothers, Europe, Dokken,The Corrs,Abba, The Bee Gess, Def Leppard, The Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel,The Rolling Stones, The Monkess,The Beach Boys, Black Sabbath, Rush,Phil Collins,Colin James, Frozen Ghost, Led Zepplin,............ Fave movies: Lord Of the Rings Trilogy, Ghostbusters 1 and 2, Back To the Future Trilogy, Indianna Jones Trilogy, The Last Unicorn, Young Guns 1 and 2, Blazzing Saddles, Dead Men don't wear plaid,....... Fav TV shows: Seinfeld, 24, Lost, Desperate Housewives, Fraiser, Third Rock From the sun,Third Watch, The X Files,Judging Amy, The Law and Orders, the CSI's.... My friends, Shalina, Melissa, Carolyn, Alycia, Erik,Sheena,Daniel,Anais,Sterling,Bob, That's me in a nut shell LOL!
I love concerts and I love going to see them. Am expensive hobby of mine. So far all the concerts I have seen have been great. Especially the ones that I'm a huge fan of LOL. Here they are.... * ( means fav band) The Rankin Family- November 1995 * Def Leppard- Sept 20, 2003 * Bryan Adams with Colin James- Nov 10,2003 Metallica-March 26,2004 * Colin James- April 3,2004 The Corrs- August 5, 2004* L.A. Guns- sept 13, 2004 Chiliwack with Prism-October 15,2004 54*40- Nov 26,2004 Colin James- Nov 27, 2004 Def Leppard- August 27, 2005 * Abbamania with Stayin' Alive the Bee gees- October 5, 2005 Glass Tiger and HoneyMoon Suite- January 28, 2006 All the concerts have been fun and great. Can't wait to see who'll be added to the list I hope Bon Jovi, Europe and Dokken REAL SOON!
Hi I love heavy metal My favorite is Metallica, Def Leppard, Dokken, Black Sabbath and Ozzy Osbourne. I like true heavy metal none of this spped **** or death whatever just pure good heavy metal and heavr rock or whatever it is you call it. I have lots of other fav bands but I guess they don't fit under this catergory.
Well I have a few friends I consider "best" "close" whatever you call them.But one who is well like a sister I met in kindergarden.I don't remember details just she's been around forever. We've grown up together. She lives a 10 minute walk away. Went to elementary school together. Have shared good times,bad times,sad times, all times together. We think a like, finish eacother's sentances, know what the other is thinking and say it before they do! LOL! I love all my friends. We've always been there for eachother and always will. Long friendships are rare I guess. I'm very lucky to have the friends I have. So we were 5 when we met now we're 21. That's special!
[COLOR=MediumTurquoise]undefined[/COLOR] Hi I'm new here. My friend got me to join up. Anyhow my first serious crush. Last year...LOL WEll he's one of my close/best friends. And unfortunatly I fell in love with him. We've been through lots and lots has been pain and hurt. But I still love him. Even when I've been angry and didn't care or think I didn't care ...part of me still did in a weird strange way. I'll always love him. I though I lost him ( a few times) too and it hurt so much. He means more to be than he knows. :animeblus All my other friends think I shouldn't be friends with him and I know they care about me and don't want me hurt anymore. But I'm still in love with him. Falling out of love is harder than falling in love sometimes!