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Everything posted by Ai.sAkUrA.chan
[FONT=Tahoma]Recently, I've heard "Last Christmas" by Jimmy Eat World. It was pretty okay i guess. But i agree with Clurr on one of them, Carol of the Bells/Ukrainian Bell Carol. I love that song :][/FONT]
80's. Probably cause of the same reaons as Heero Yuy. Especially the music and fashion. Dunno why.
[quote name='Sara][color=#b0000b][size=1]I don't regret things; I learn from them.[/size'][/color][/quote] [FONT=Tahoma]Agreed. Regrets have made me stronger, in a way. And who I am, basically. I always think," I should've done this", but it's too late. Then, I've learned what to do next time it happens.[/FONT]
[quote name='Papa Smurf']Plus, I get the feeling that Steve Irwin would have been laughing his *** off had he seen the episode featuring him. I mean, hell, he made fun of himself on his own show. He obviously had a sense of humor, albeit a crazy and disturbing one. He was pretty twisted, and I seriously doubt he's rolling in his grave, offended because Satan thinks it's "just too early" for Steve Irwin Halloween costumes. Dude, if there's an afterlife, I'd bet money that Irwin is having a mighty good laugh about that episode.[/quote] [FONT=Tahoma]Haha, I definantly agree. If you can't stand the Steve Irwin episode, don't watch it. I've seen it before, South Park has gone way farther than that, so why are [I]we[/I] talking about this episode when there are other ones that have gone to a much more shocking extreme? I wasn't offended. They didn't make him do anything to...you know, South Park-ish. Sooo...why do people get so worked up about it? (Don't you dare answer my question above, I know the answer, and I've heard too many times).[/FONT]
[FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]I've seen... [U]Tale of Two Sisters [/U] I saw it in spanish (Los Poseidos) and it...the dubbing wasn't sooo great, besides that, this movie left me sleeping with my (old) night light on. [U]The Eye[/U] Again, saw it in spanish (El Ojo) dubbing sucked. I don't know, the ending kinda disappointed me. I was hoping for an okay ending...as happy endings don't occur in horror films. [U]The Eye 2[/U] I found this one a bit scarier,although I hated the whole plot, and was confused...even though I paid close attention. Damn that sucky spanish dubbing. I've actually never had a chance to see Ringu. A few friends of mine have, and said it sucked (with all due respect). But, I dunno, they like weird things.[/FONT]
[FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]I don't know why, but most of my dreams have been focusing on Pokemon (don't ask) Like recently, I had this weird dream were I was in a really pretty meadow, all rainbows and stuff...and Pikachu came and started poking me. Then he called Charmander and Bulbasaur and they all circled me and started singing or something. Yes I know, wtf. Suddenly, we went on this huge adventure trying to find Squirtle and Pichu. And yeeaah.........I just humiliated (sp?) myself in public. Damn.[/FONT]
[FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Junk food...yeah, I'm glancing around my room as well, and... lessee there's Dr.Pepper, Sprite and a few Mountain Dew's here and there. Yess, I am big on sodas. I have tried cutting back...but it's not working. And... as I look around more...I see lots of other things... that I hadn't noticed. Not sure if I'm planning on stopping anytime soon... I know, I know I should. But it'll be preeetyy hard for me.[/FONT]
[FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Halloween is nearly dead for me. And I miss it. My friends and I used to go around our neighborhood and scare little kids. But I would always feel bad, so usually, I'd watch from afar. We would also go to the Scream Factor X, which is like a haunted house that is ACTUALLY scary. I'd scream and cling on to my friends, while they tried to pry me off, haha. Later, we'd go to my house (usually) and watch horror movies while giving out candy. They'd end up spending the night, and we would go for a walk at 3 AM. Just for the heck of it. Now, my mom won't allow me celebrating Halloween, cause..it's "evil" mehh. I won't go into details.[/FONT]
[COLOR=Navy][B]Panda[/B]- Muñeca [B]Moenia[/B]- Ni tu ni Nadie [B]Taking Back Sunday[/B]- You're so last summer [B]blink 182[/B]- Adam's Song [B]Nirvana[/B]- Heart Shaped Box [B]Miranda!- [/B] Don [B]NIN[/B]- Animal [B]Green Day[/B]- She [B]Radiohead[/B]- Promise [B]AFI[/B]- Prelude 12/21 [B]AFI[/B]- Girls not Grey [B]Panda[/B]- Si Supieras [B]Panda[/B]- Disculpa los malos pensamientos [B]Panda[/B]- Cuando no es como deberia ser [B]Panda[/B]- De Sangre es mi... Oh my....[/COLOR]
I get pissed off..quite easily, really. But, people always think of me as the "nice" and "sane" one of my friends. So, whenenever I am angry, my friends think I'm playing around, and start making...umm..fun? Yes, fun at me, which just irritates me even MORE. And finally...that's pretty much when they know I'm pissed off. Hmm, yeeah, nuff said.
[QUOTE=Tical Blue]It probably shouldn't. Athena, your pics are pretty kewl, I like the cell phone one although you look rather displeased in it. That guy did a damn good Jack Sparrow as well.[/QUOTE] i was being sarcastic XP Hmmm...I actually thought that WAS Johnny Depp...props to the dude.
[QUOTE=Tical Blue]*raises hand* feel not alone. Ai.Sakura.chan - the reason you are bombarded by compliments here is because we are perverts >_> Ziggy - ROFLMAO! Marsh - your pic is awesome albeit small. That expression is priceless :animesmil[/QUOTE] Niiice. That makes me feel so much better, haha
(White) ...I think it's just me but.. you look like that guy from Hannah Montana. I don't know his name..but he's that GUY dammit.
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][B]People I Now envy:[/B] Color_me_evil- You're so pretty and flawless =x Sakurasaku-I'd feel wrong saying you're hot like everybody else is saying, but you have the cutest face and beautiful eyes. Cancer-I want your hair and Rifles-Super pretty eyes, I want them. Well here are two other pictures I just found, hehe[/FONT] [IMG]http://i3.tinypic.com/2dt5clg.jpg[/IMG]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS]hmmm..I guess I forgot to mention this but.. Color_Me_Evil, you're sooo pretty >____< *huggles* I love your first picture. Great Rikku =][/FONT]
1-Cita en el Quirofano (Panda) 2-Fragil (Allison) 3-Rebel Girl (Bikini Killl) 4-Hot Topic(Le Tigre) 5-Dime Ven (Motel) 6-Anarchy in the UK (The Sex Pistols) 7-Dear Jamie...Sincerely Me (HelloGoodbye) 8-I'm so Sick (Flyleaf) 9-Rape Me (Nirvana) 10-Blitzkierg Bop (The Ramones) 11-Tainted Love (Soft Cell) 12-Headfirst for Halos (My Chemical Romance) 13-Iron Man (Black Sabbath) 14-Stars are Blind (Paris Hilton,haha) 15-Lenght of Love (Interpol)
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=3]hmm..People seem to like my appearance on the OB...why can't that happen in real life?? >__< Must be a curse...[/SIZE][/FONT] Oh and Cancer(I feel weird saying this,haha)...you're pretty hot
[SIZE=3]Seriously, I have never met anyone else with the exact same name as mine. Raeza. (it's pronouced Rai-zah) eek. I completely hate it. It sounds bitter and sour. Bleh. It's a Russian name. Funny thing though, when they were...umm, getting me my passport, when I was a wee lass, they misspelled my name. It was suppose to be Raisa, like that Russian president's wife. How can you turn Raisa into Raeza? Either way, I hate both of em >__< I've had so many nicknames...my current one is Rizzle. As in the whole fo' shizzle thing, I find it comforting ^^,lol.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]Well, my avatar is actually me, so yay,lol. Just to give you an idea (or image) of what I look like =3 And my avatar is just a little line that my friend made up while she was really depressed, and I ended up liking it...hmmm, yeah, depression, oh God, >__
Wow..I look butt-ugly in this picture XD It's kinda old, but the only one I have for now. I've changed alot...>___< So enjoy: [IMG]http://i4.tinypic.com/2zicvgk.jpg[/IMG]
so many anime has made me cry. One that I can really remember would have to be Chobits. Was it just me? Well Chrono Crusade was pretty sad, and I can barely remember shedding a few tears. I could make a list but it would just be too long.
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Okay..shoes... I'm 6 and 7, either one. I have checkered Vans, pink converse, black converse, and adio's ^^. I don't really wear flip-flops, only when I'm at my house, or when the occasion is right. I usually stick to those kind, and ocassionally will switch. ...why shoes though? [/FONT]
[FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Where to begin..? Well, for one, I'm terrified of snakes. I get paranoid whenever I see one, I'll think they're everywhere. Like I'll sit down, and feel something rub against my arm or so, and start screaming. *sigh* Do I sound like a freak? XD Another thing... Sharks. Another reason why I get to shaky and paranoid. Jaws isn't the reason. When I'm in a pool, I can't stand being alone, because I always imagine some white shark coming after me. Again...am I weird?..:S And let's see... the ocean. Alot of people find it beautiful and soothing, I just find it terrifying. Instantly, I'll think of everything that's in it, and how dark it is, it just creeps me out. Maybe going alone wouldn't scare me so much, but by myself, oh yeah. I guess that's all I can really think of right now...I'm sure more will come to me though ^^[/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS]I think anyone with siblings can relate to this topic. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters. My brothers aren't all that bad. Neither is my baby sister, but my annoying, self-centered 12 year-old sister...God, we have the worst fights,lol. It really pisses me off how she says she hates me, and that I'm useless and crap. It's not that it hurts me alot, it's more that I hate it how she thinks she can lecture me when she's younger. Our physical fights haven't happened in a long time, but I can assure you they're not pretty. One thing that bothers me so much is that she ALWAYS gets my stuff (ex:CD's, manga's, video games, clothes etc.) without permission. And she get's really mad when I touch her stuff. It just pisses me off. She herself is just a horrible person,lol, well not entirely.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I can't remember alot of moments..but there was this one time... Okay, i was like 5 or 6, and we were having my cousins graduation party. He had invited a few of his friends, and what not. Well, i had to go to the restroom really badly, and I didn't know if someone was using it, i mean the lights were off in there. So I just barged in, being the little impatient 5 or 6 year-old i was. Then...I saw it. My cousins best friend was using the restroom, and I had walked in on him. Thing is, I didn't know how a guy looked like from below the waist, so I started crying really loud, and ran into the living room where everybody was. I started crying and yelling at my mom, "Why can't I pee-pee standing up??". XD, everyone stared at me. And my mom was like, "What do you mean..?". And then I told her how I saw Kevin's (cousin) friend umm..peeing standing up. She started laughing. And then I said, "I want one of those! I want to pee-pee like that!" Eveybody laughed at me, I didn't care though, I was 5 or 6, come on. My mom keeps bugging me with that though. and a recent one... I was at the mall, with my best friend and my sis. We were at Hot Topic when these really cute guys came in. My friend, Michelle, kept telling me that one of them was staring at me alot. She told me I should go to talk to him. I'm too shy of course, so she HAD to drag me over there, but I ran off,lol. A few minutes passed and we were still at the store, when the really cute guy that was staring at me, came and said, "You have a stain on your...umm butt". I wanted to die right there and then. One of his friends was laughing a bit. He wasn't though, he was just like stain.on.your.butt type of face,lol. All I said was, "Oh...thanks for noticing". And I forced my sis and Michelle to leave that store immidiently. Well, it turns out I had sat on the some cheesecake I had eaten earlier XD. That really sucked. Like I said, it was recent, but I still laugh at it ^^.[/FONT]