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Everything posted by Ai.sAkUrA.chan
ah yes, this has happened to me once! I think you should move on,there's alot of people out there!! maybe you'll find someone else...just don't be so down! There's many things you can do to take your mind off her. Ask advice from your friends, maybe.
[COLOR=Blue][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]i hope this doesn't sound like the one below this thread!! Well okay, i have been friends with michelle (frend ^^) ever since 3rd grade. We're practically like sisters. One day she came to me and confessed her love for my best guy friend. I was really excited and decided to encourage her to tell him. At first she was all shy and whatever, but then, she agreed to it. Comes Tuesday after school, i heard she already told him. so i look for her, to see how it went, and i found her crying in a restroom stall. I asked her what was wrong. all she did was yell at me, telling me i was the worst friend there could ever be. I felt hurt, and wondered what made her say this. I asked but she SLAPPED me,(it still hurts!). I couldn't bring myself to ask her again and "ran" away. I didn't know why. Well, anyways, i had to go on the bus that day, when I saw my best guy friend, Bobby. I felt furious at him, i thought he was the cause of michelle crying. and he was. I asked him about the whole confession thing and he said, i don't like michelle..i like you. Right there i was so puzzled!!! I had no idea what to do, get mad at him, or what. He had been my best guy friend since 5th grade!! I've been avoiding him ever since then. About michelle, i told her I knew why she was crying. She's been giving me the cold shoulder,and is telling my other friends to do the same,but they won't. What do i do??? If i do this, it'll mess up my friendship with my sister-like friend. If i do that, i won't ever be friends with bobby. PLease, i need help, i have never been in this position before!!!Plus, my other friends can't help...[/FONT][/COLOR]
i seriously want contacts and at least a piercing!! i hate the color of my eyes (brown) and i hate having to squint at the overhead whenever i'm at school. I've considered getting either gray/purple-ish or green, dark green. I dunno, i think it suits me. About the piercing, i've always wanted one too. either on my nose or tongue...but thing is...i dead scared about needles. Well that sux, XD
Aaaahh!! How can someone not love Underworld?! I've seen both, and i can honestly say they were one of my favorite movies!! I mean, there's blood (hell yea), action, vampires, werewolves, creepy hybrids,.betrayal(!!!)...it's just there!!! I guess that's just my type of movie...i mean we all have different tastes and all.
[quote name='Fullmetal1']I think Charlie and the Chocolate Factoy sucked. The Village too. No offense to anybody.[/quote] Yay!! Someone else, other than me, thought the village was the stupidest, pointless movie yet!!! It was all, omg he's coming, sooo retarded... -.-...i liked charlie and the chocolate factory... [b][font=Verdana][color=blue]Edit:[/color][/font][/b] [QUOTE=Endymion][color=darkslateblue][size=1] I'm not sure why people would consider The Village one of the worst movies ever seen. It's your usual M. Night movie...good plot and nice twist at the end. Might have been over looked by the previously mentioned angsty preteens. Not sure how anyone could hate The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Just can't see the logic in that. The Day After Tomorrow? Please! It's one of Dennis Quaid's better movies. In no way could they be the worst movies ever seen, unless you've lived a very shallow movie life and the only movies you've ever seen were The Empire Strikes Back and The Village, then the Village would be the lesser of the two. They're great movies...so thats the input of my two-cents. I'll probably add some more to this post when I decide to re-read the thread.[/size][/color][/QUOTE] ....i guess there's always someone that will stick out like a sore thumb huh? I personaly didnt like The Village, i saw it...and it just didnt really stay on my mind, or more like...it was just there. It was just a movie that simply DID NOT grasp my attention as others have recently. I agree on the day after tomorrow, that movie was really good! how can people hate it?? [font=Verdana][color=blue]Double posting is not allowed so I merged your two posts together. In the future, please use the edit button if you would like to say more after you post.[/color][/font] [font=Verdana][color=blue]- Petie[/color][/font]
i guess i just listened to a certain type of music because it feels that that's part of what makes me ME. heck, i can listen to Madonna, Gorillaz, Coldplay, Slipknot, Foo Fighters, RBD, and what not, and NOT compare. I don't have a fave genre, really. Although i dress like i only listen to one type of genre, I DONT. I can be listening to Rancid, and the minute next, singing to James Blunt "You're Beautiful". Whether it's screamo, punk-pop, rock, indie, electropop, it doesnt really matter. As long as the song flows through ur mind and sticks to it!! Sometimes I'll just feel like dancing and i'll play an old, salsa-like, yet "bailable" song of Chayanne. Or i'll just lock myself up in my room, cry,yet listen to Simple Plan's poppy "Welcome to my life". Music is just a part that makes me complete. It shows sides of me not many people have seen, or have ever imagined of me...
[quote name='Kaise']Ai, as i've said, suicide is a last-resort thing. Him strangling me, i tried to call a social worker, but they said, "if it happens again, then we'll do something". I don't want the police to find me because they'll put me back in with him. I can understand what you meant by that. I've hated the guy since i can remember. I'd like to emancipate myself, but you have to be "abused or neglected". and have proof of it. I have no proof of such abuse, so...yeah. I've tried going to the police, they can't do anything about it...or so they say.[/quote] Yeah, well i didn't get to read that, sorry! I'm starting to understand more though... geez, how the hell can you live with that phsyco?? Honestly, at first i just thought you were doing this cuz of the typical "I hate my dad, he didnt let me go to-" crap...but...whoa... I'd probably want to run away too.. I have a question (not sure if you've mentioned it, but): is he your step-dad or biological dad? ...
A tradition my frends and i have...(i guess u could call it tradition) would be... oh, on every birthday we have, we always have a sleepover... :animeshy: Yea...um..okay, not sure how u people find sleepovers, but we get together and start acting...weird...or more like ourselfs...lke we're not afraid a cute boy will see you,and you have to act all differently. We've done this for...4 years now...wow...but somehow i think its gonna stop when were like 15!
[QUOTE=Kaise] Unless you can come up with a better option to get him out of my life, then running away is the best choice of action. Either that, or suicide.[/QUOTE] Um...i really don't think suicide is the best one...it's an option...but.. it's...just not right. You suicide yourself, people usually think it's the cowards way out. And i think it is... But, like i said, it's your life... (Just DONT commit suicide...think of the peole that care about you..your mom?)
Since i'm such a sucker for cute anime, i'd picked other. and demon..-.- well, i'd like to be half human half demon (like inuyasha) but...i would just love to be like one of those cute shojou anime girls...like Misha, or Sakura, or...i dunno. Something cute, yet half demon...cat demon... :catgirl: I'm so girly when it comes to anime -.- (some)
Yeah, well...no. Just don't run away. If you think all your problems will be fixed, think of this: where the hell will you live? Yea, you think...a frends house maybe, ya' think your frends gonna want you there forever? (Just how old are you anyway?) Look, i'm 13 and even i know running away isn't the solution to most of your problems. There are people in the streets probly wishing to be where you are at, at least. But i can't stop you from doing anything, you don't know me, and i don't know you...so it's your decision. I'm just telling you it's not the best choice...
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Arial Black]I don't think it really matters. Other people think the guys should the girls out...that was back then...not now So it doesn't really matter, as long as the girl has interest in the boy, so people won't call her slut and all...same goes for the boy.[/FONT][/COLOR]
This is very hard...considering i've done over thousands of stupid things... =flashbacks= "Oh yeeeeeah, look at me ya fulgy *****!!!" (talking to the most popular girl in the school) *gets *****-slapped by her* ouch... "I love you, Nessie-kun!" *huggles Nestor...guy i used to like* (I was in 6th grade!!! Wait..heh, that was last year) =END OF FLASHBACKS= But...god, i feel sooooo stupid...but...: I had a sleepover, my 3 best frends came over: Michelle,Fern and Nadia. My sister invited her frend Elizabeth. We were playing truth or dare (bleh, typical game) And mishy had to give me a dare. Since i had a pool, she told me to go skinny dipping. And it was 3 AM in the morning!! I had to stay in there 'till 4:30... God, WHY,Why?? Did i listen to her??!!? :animecry:
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=2][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Geez, that was a sad,tragic ending...it wasnt so in the manga, why in the anime? But yet again in the manga it was more of a steady friendship between Rosette and Chrono...unlike in the anime..they loved each other and all...maybe that´s why they had different endings. God!! I wish i could change the anime ending of Chrono Crusade!!! Sooo,sooo sad...one of the few animes i've cried in... [/FONT] [/SIZE][/COLOR] :animecry:
[SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=RoyalBlue]It can be two or three colors or whatever. Like pink sometimes symbolizes...happiness...or blue is depression...or just what u usually feel like. Example: I sometimes go with the color pink: happy, active and annoying. Other times i feel like blue fits me: depressed, lonely, distant and etc... And just like sometimes i feel like black: i don´t give a damn about anyone and/or anything at all... Anyway, something like that. Just be specific and explain and everything![/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
[QUOTE=auramere]Well, crying :animecry: is normal, but over an anime??!!, you got to be kidding me. Cute may not be the word but a bit feminine on the inside... a bit only.... ;) . Guys, animes are animes, they're drawn anything they do, they may even kill each other without any clear reasons. :D[/QUOTE] hey, understand me. i´m weird. i used cute to mean...i dunno...and ur right...it´s not really normal if u cry over an anime...it just shows the guys really sensitive or sumthing...
Art Okay I know this isn't manga......
Ai.sAkUrA.chan replied to Tsurigane's topic in Creative Works
that´s cute i´m not very..."fond" of bunnies...so that´s cute and funny... -.-....looks like something that could happen in Happy Tree Friends... -
hmm... well, Green Day is a heck of a band, and gives "punk" (or whatever they are) a good name. I have 3 of their CD´s and the one i liked the most was probably Dookie. Their song Macy´s Day Parade is probably my favorite one. Their new CD American Idiot, is also pretty good, but in my personal opinion...it´s not the best. I heard Green Day´s greatest hit is "Basket Case", which i think is a sweet song, and that before that, they were just a simple punk band... but, they´re cool... :catgirl:
Anime PowerPuff Girls Z (NOT A JOKE!)
Ai.sAkUrA.chan replied to EVA Unit 100's topic in Otaku Central
sweet. i used to be obsessed with the powerpuff´s when i was in 2nd and 3rd and i finally get to see them as an anime!...someone posted they were already an anime...well at least now they look more anime-like! my fave´s Bubbles.... :animeblus they´re all so cute!... -
I can probably relate to....hmm... "Stay Together for the Kids" ....by blink-182... One. because i´ve suffered alot with the absence of my dad and mom together And although they get along...there´s still some...not hate...but close to it... it´s like the only reason they try to get along is because of us, me and my sis. Well, here are the lyrics: BLINK-182 (STAY TOGETHER FOR THE KIDS) It's hard to wake up When the shades have been pulled shut This house is haunted It's so pathetic It makes no sense at all I'm ripe with things to say The words rot and fall away What stupid poem could fix this home I'd read it everyday So here's your holiday hope you enjoy it this time You gave it all away It was mine So when you're dead and gone Will you remember this night, twenty years now lost It's not right Their anger hurts my ears Been running strong for seven years Rather than fix the problems, they never solve them It makes no sense at all I see them everyday We get along, so why can't they? If this is what he wants and it's what she wants Then why's there so much pain? So here's your holiday hope you enjoy it this time You gave it all away It was mine So when you're dead and gone Will you remember this night, twenty years now lost It's not right So here's your holiday hope you enjoy it this time You gave it all away It was mine So when you're dead and gone Will you remember this night, twenty years now lost It's not right It's not right It's not right It's not right! It's not right
NO idea what it means to me...not yet at least. Sometimes i find myself hating it, other times i love it
Well, if anybody´s interested in DDR, please reply to this! What´s your fave songs?Why? What level are you at? Well, my fave songs are: Healing Vision (de-sire) Butterfly (Smile.DK, upswing mix) Orion.78 Captain Jack (Grandale mix) Candy(Riyu Osaka) Kakumei and...alot more! Well....if there are some people that don´t know what DDR is, feel free to ask! Oh, has anyone been to any tournaments? Add what ya´want!
let´s see...(most of them crappy...old CD´s!) 0. Slipknot Live 9.0, Vol.3 Subliminal Verses, Iowa 1. Garbage-Bleed like Me 2. Interpol-Antics 3. Gorillaz-Demon Days 4. The Killers-Hot Fuss 5. System of a Down-Mesmerize,Hypnotize,Toxicity 6. Chobits Character Collection 7. Green Day- American Idiot, Dookie, Nimrod, International Superhits 8. Robbie Williams-Intensive Care (I see nothing wrong with Robbie Williams..) 9. Miranda!- Sin Restricciones 10. Burned CD of AFI songs 11. My Chemical Romance- Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge, and burned CD of old songs from them (like: Honey, this mirror isn´t big enough for the both of us) 12. Simple Plan- Still not getting any... 13. blink-182- Greatest Hits 14. HIM-Funeral of Hearts (I hate his song Wings of a butterfly though..) 15. Burned CD of The Ramones 16. Linkin Park (live in Texas,DVD) 17. The Postal Service 18. O-zone- Dragostea din Tea (Yeah,yeah,call em´gay or whatever u´d like..) 19. Avril Lavigne- Under My Skin (I think it was a waste of money..no offense if u like it) 20.Foo Fighters-The Colour and the Shape, In Your Honor 21. RBD-Nuestro Amor, Rebelde (God, i´m such a sucker from cheesy novela bands..!) 22. NIN (Nine Inch Nails)-With Teeth That´s most of them...don´t wanna go through all...too lazy... i want an ipod!!! >.<
the worst movies i´ve seen yet would have to be: The Village The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (both remake and old) Hide and Seek (it was like a copy of The Secret Window) The Boogeyman (Crappiest and cheesiest scary movie i´ve seen, thats cuzz i´m scared of EVERYTHING) Bambi (did his mom have to die??) Uptown Girls (dont ask) and...... that´s all i can think of at the top of my head...
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=RoyalBlue]i usually listen to: punk (gets annoying after a while though)like: My Chemical Romance (i just hate the fact that they´re being called MCR), Fall Out Boy (it´s okay), Good Charlotte (in my opinion, i think their new songs suck), and Green Day (kick ***) spanish electro-pop, like: Miranda!(luv-wuv,XOXO), Belanova (it´s a girly electro-pop band..), Moenia (a little bit better than Miranda!...just a little) spanish,like: RBD (another girly, born from a novela,or soap operah, band), Juanes (girly,pop-rock), Shakira (a little...she´s getting annoying...like her old songs..), Reik (girly pop), and Natalia y La Forquatina (sweeet) Indie,like (least i think they´re indie!): Interpol, Gorillaz (mix with techno and rock), Coldplay (Clocks rocks!), and Oasis (more like british rock) Techno/Trance, like: SMILE.Dk, Sarina Paris, Hypnosis, alots more... and these are some other stuff i like, just dont know (and dont really care) what it falls under: Foo Fighters. Slipknot. Marilyn Manson. The White Stripes. Nine Inch Nails. System of a Down (i don´t like that new song soo much though). KoRn. The Smashing Pumpkins The Postal Service I don´t like pop sooo much, but...: Gwen Stefani (so-so...i dont like that banana song...creepy...just like What are you waiting for?) and Kelly Clarkson...no more... As for some classic rock...: Motley Crue (I have 3 of their CD´s) AC/DC Guns n´ Roses The Ramones (I wanna be sedated!!) Metallica Pink Floyd (Another brick in the wall!! teehee) The Rolling Stones...(a little bit) ........ .......... ............... that´s basically what kinda music i like >.< ................[/COLOR][/FONT]