[QUOTE=Dagger]Well, DMP published Ring Finger under their yaoi line. But if you're going to distinguish between yaoi and shounen-ai in the usual sense (that is, with shounen-ai being less explicit), then it would qualify as shounen-ai, as would Eerie Queerie. Interestingly, I've heard that in Japan, shounen-ai has come to mean something more like shota...
Some people still insist on only using the term yaoi when referring to boys' love doujinshi. It varies. Among English-speaking fans, however, anyone who attempts to draw a distinction between shounen-ai and yaoi usually means to say that yaoi is sexually explicit, whereas shounen-ai is more tame.
Part of what makes it confusing is that the major publishers take different approaches to the whole terminology issue. Tokyopop calls Gravitation & their other BL titles shounen-ai. DMP calls everything yaoi, and I'm pretty sure Be Beautiful does as well. Blu calls everything boys' love.
i would think that eerie queerie is more sexually explicit than ring finger...but oh well. thanks for answering that. :)