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About ssjlouie

  • Birthday 01/23/1985

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    i love anime. whatever kind it doesnt matter, but dragonball z is the best
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  1. actually roshi destroyed it in dragonball, but picallo destroyed the moon in dragonball z, when the projection came on he had to destroy the pod that it came from.
  2. man that was hilarious and the thing said about if piccolo was there about the ginyu force thing was funny. Man that was one of the craziest things I've ever seen on this show. Man to think that Supreme Kai is going crazy b/c he cant believe how calm the fighters are. LMAO. Man I cant wait to see how they act against Debora I wonder if they are going to laugh and play games with him too lol:laugh:
  3. the j in ssj stands for jin. I have no clue what jin stands for though
  4. yes but broli is in the movies that took place sometime in the GT era.
  5. Okay I just remembered a really funny thing that happened on GT. Chibi Trunks yells to broli and then when broli looks he pulls down his pants and moons broli and yells"kiss these" It was the funniest thing that I have ever seen on a Dragonball Z/GT other than when Krillin was fighting Bacterian on the original Dragonball when the fight was almost over Krillin pulls down his pants, puts his butt in Bacterian's face and farts and then knocks Bacterian out to win the match.:mad:
  6. Well I've seen a few Dragonball GT episodes, but they were in Japanese, but they had subtitles and I like GT better because everyone is so strong and Gokou looks really cool through most of the sagas. You have many challenging bad guys such as baby.
  7. What do you DragonBall fans think?? Is Dragonball z, where everyone becomes super saiyans, or Dragonball GT, where Gokuo is turned into chibi Gokou and SS4Gokou, is better? And what are your views on everything.
  8. yes it is true krillin and android 18 do have a child together. There child looks like krillin except she has blonde hair.:laugh: she appears soon on the bobidi saga.
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