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Everything posted by Panache

  1. Panache

    Extreme Music

    If your going to gang up on me and force your your opinions down my throat fine. If you wanna go on and on about the same old **** fine. Excuse me for trying to talk about something else for once.
  2. Panache

    Extreme Music

    And every other genre of music without a core at the end...
  3. In 8th grade I was a shut in. Just like I am now. Drama is boring. That's why I don't get into it. Anyhoo why does everyone has to keep secrets eh? Why not just tell the truth? Your in 8th grade it most likely isn't that serious.
  4. Panache

    Extreme Music

    [QUOTE]I think the point of the thread is to talk about Extreme music though, not music that is more underground than it is mainstream. [/QUOTE]One of the definitions of Extreme is [QUOTE]situated at the farthest possible point from a center [/QUOTE]. If you use pop music as the center I'd say NMH is pretty for away from that. Making them extreme in that sense of the definition. Also they fit in with the definition given at the beginning of this thread. [QUOTE]Extreme Music is categorized as forms of music that use elements that the average mainstream fan might find unappealing or even repulsive.[/QUOTE] Anyway talking about these core bands gets so boring after awhile. I'm actually starting to understand Jakes stance on the whole thing. So yea I am gonna do my best to bring up things that aren't what people normally think of as extreme but still fit in. It will keep the thread interesting. Dammit.
  5. Panache

    Extreme Music

    [QUOTE]Hmm, you do have something there. But extreme music in my mind... is stuff that's just freaking insane. Hardcore punk, mathcore, screamo, deathcore, death metal... all the heavy stuff. Haha.. Neutral Milk Hotel aren't exactly my number one mosh-to band. [/QUOTE] Yea I know but to be honest I am just trying to bring different things to the table. I mean sure most people here could name a thousand good whatever core bands but I think it's more interesting to look over other types of music that don't get much popular expose. Does Neutral Milk hotel make heavy music? No. does it make strange music that the masses might have trouble digesting? Why yes it does.
  6. [quote name='ledzepplinrules']I'm still convinced it works. Don't bring me down man.[/QUOTE] OK if your going to go against common sense. I just finished watching the show today. [spoiler]Ed actually says that Alchemy does not work in this world.[/spoiler] Therefore both my reasonable and unreasonable bases are covered. Oh yea and after watching the whole show Lust is my favorite character. I could just sympathize with her is all.
  7. [B]Afro Man-Beacause I got high [/B] This song still brings me amazing lulz.
  8. [QUOTE]becase we both love Alchemy (I'm convinced it works)[/QUOTE] No it doesn't. People tried it thousands of years ago and ditched it for actual science. Anyway I am at episode 40 and my favorite character so far is Scar. He was a douche at first but now his actions all make sense. Plus he isn't a little girl about killing people.
  9. Panache

    Extreme Music

    [QUOTE]Haha... Extremely un- extreme.. My ex-girlfriend loved them... along with This Providence... Rocket to the Moon... Honorary Title.. Brand New and other un-extreme bands. She did like some extremely extreme bands though. Fizzy Dino Pop, for instance. Those... kids.. guys.. girls... whatever they are... were Extreme. But Neutral Milk Hotel are strange. I'll give you that.[/QUOTE]Well they are outside the norm of general pop music which is what I thought we were going for.
  10. Panache

    Extreme Music

    [quote name='Aberinkula'][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][SIZE="1"]Heh, [B]Timmy & the Lords of Destruction [/B]from South Park is a bonus song on Rock Band. Anyways I just finished listening to 'Desecrete Through Reverance' proof that [B]Waking the Fallen[/B] is Avenged Sevenfolds best work, I just wish they'd go back to their roots :([/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I don't. City of Evil>All as far as I'm concerned. There is plenty of "chuuga chuuga" out there as it is. That's just my opinion though. And I do like metalcore. It's just that so much of it is the same old ****. The same riffs, rhythms and lyrics over and over until you don't care anymore.
  11. Panache

    Extreme Music

    [QUOTE]One Bad Pig[/QUOTE] Man I thought you said Man Bear Pig. Extreme Southpark related band=win. Oh yea[B] Neutral Milk Hotel[/B]. These guys have some weird indie alternative folk vibe to em. Very odd stuff to say the least. It was one hell off a pain in the *** to find them. Now that I have I can enjoy their strange strange music. A must hear if you into indie.
  12. Panache

    Extreme Music

    [QUOTE]Speaking of trendy metalcore... I've been listening to As I Lay Dying a little bit... After hanging with my friend Oran last night (drummer for my old band) and jamming, I started playing "Through Struggle" since he could play it on drums... I believe we might practice this song more.. AILD is a good metalcore band, though it seems they try too hard to appeal to scene kids... They also, should work on... individuality. Their songs all sound, well.. Extremely similar. Nonetheless, I enjoy the music. [/QUOTE]They are one of the first metal core bands I tuned into. I never liked them that much their vocals were just too bad and their instrumentals did not make up for it at all. However I do like All that Remains which is a pretty"trendy" metalcore band. But wait...why are we talking about trendy music in this thread?
  13. Panache

    Extreme Music

    Whoa I just started listening to [B]Mr.Bungle[/B]. What the hell? How did they make the money to make more than one album? Don't get me wrong I do like it very much. It's just...I don't really see how anyone else could. It's infectious yet it's just basically random sound... Ah oh well I like it and that's all that matters.
  14. I am listening to Radiohead and a few songs from their greatest hits record. My Iron Lung is a really nice song. It has that gloomy creepy vibe to it which is neat. Yea Radiohead ftw!
  15. Panache

    Extreme Music

    Woo let's argue about subjective things! Hell yea that's productive. Anyhoo I just started to listening to these bands yesterday. [B]Kylesa[/B] Goodbye Face recommended this as a metal band with a good female vocalist. And he was right! They have a sorta thrashy sludgy feel which is cool. I should get more of their music. [B]Unexpect[/B] I found out on my own about them. They have a really weird feel. Like if you mixed Ion Dissonance with a female Opera singer this would be the result. Very good stuff but I doubt most of you guys would like it. [B]Made out of Babies[/B] Another goodbye Face rec here. The lead signer of this band joined Battle of Mice afterwards. I think I prefer this as it is a bit more abrasive and faster. Also it has rhythms that are a bit better than Battle of Mice. Yup that's it.
  16. [QUOTE]Anyway, to those who pay attention, you quickly notice it's not a religious story, it's a growing story told through metaphor.[/QUOTE] I always thought it was a story about growing up and didn't pick up on the religious stuff till afterwards.
  17. [quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Finally, my Humanities 300 series class is applicable to the modern...world. [URL="http://youtube.com/watch?v=e3_sML4prLE"]The Concierto De Aranjuez[/URL] By Joaquin Rodrigo. Capable of making fully grown men cry, provided they are Spaniards. And when played in class through a massive sound system, made me and about half the girls tear up.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Wow that is some good stuff. I need to put that on my ipod. Thanks Raiha!
  18. Hmm Uncle Ruckus v.s. Vin deisel Just because uncle ruckuses commentary would be hilarious. I would make an example but I am not trying to get banned today...
  19. Panache

    Extreme Music

    [QUOTE]I just want to remind people that the "average mainstream music fan" generally holds the Classical genre in a high degree of contempt. [/QUOTE] In that line of thinking I have for you. [B]John Cage[/B] Extremely Extreme classical muzaak! This is not how I am used to listening to classical music at all. It sounds epic hopeful and melancholic all at the same time. And it almost seems as if the guy is throwing in some industrial stuff at times. Yea Industrial meets classical wtf is the world coming to? Edit Where the hell did Phillip Glass come from?
  20. Panache

    Extreme Music

    [QUOTE]Though I'd have to say... bands like Senses Fail and Rise Against aren't extreme at all. [/QUOTE]That's subjective no?
  21. Panache

    Extreme Music

    [QUOTE]Before this goes much farther, I just want to remind people that the "average mainstream music fan" generally holds the Classical genre in a high degree of contempt. The same people may also be repulsed by Jazz. It all depends on your upbringing.[/QUOTE] I think the average music fan differes depending on where you are. For instance the average mainstream music fan in DC is most likely a fan of go-go. While the average mainstream music fan in wisconsin probably listens blah rock(a term I came up with to describe rock bands that have no spice i ntheir music whatsoever). So I don't really think that applies generally. But that really is off topic. So yes ignore this.
  22. Panache

    Extreme Music

    As of now I am really into this whole funky jazzy circus sounding thing. No one I know can tolerate it but me at this point. This basically consists of [B]Dog Fashion Disco[/B] This is the main group. I have every song by them except the live stuff. It has a sort of "It's the end of the world but hey lets have a festival!" feel to it. They have a really odd sound. Imagine if Hardcore mixed with metal had an affair with disco went ahead and raped jazz and all the while was listening to classical music mixed with carnival music. [B]Polkadot Cadaver[/B] It's an offshoot of Dog Fashion Disco. Strangely this band has a lot more Disco elements than the aforementioned band. They also incorporate a lot of electronica/industrial into their music. They switch from a sort of Thrashy to a sort of Death Metally sound from song to song. Very good stuff. [B]Stolen Babies[/B] I haven't listened to them that much but they sound sort of like a female dog fashion disco. Another band that is completely unique that I feel is extreme is [B] Puscifer[/B] It's as if you combined prog rock,easy listening and industrial together. It's just...really hard to explain how they sound. but they sound damn good with Maynard as the lead singer.
  23. [quote name='Aceburner']I'm Ace. I will be your spelling, grammar and irony checker for the evening. Okay, I'm done. I'm sorry. Couldn't help it. EDIT: And there I go forgetting to capitalize an "I."[/QUOTE] :animeblus Well it was still far worse when I first started posting.
  24. Well when I first started posting I really didn't post anything that was worth reading. It wasn't spell checked the grammar was atrocious and it was all very useless information overall. My posts are still not worth reading but at least they're a bit more tidy!
  25. So uh whats up with the little titles for these stages? Should I go back and do that?
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