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About FloopusControl

  • Birthday 10/10/1989

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  • Biography
    I'm 16 and enjoy drawing, skateboarding, and web design.
  • Occupation
    School . Sophmore

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  1. Inuyasha:[spoiler]I got mad when it just ended with Inuyasha and Kagome just sitting in the tree. It leaves everything unsolved. Kohaku is till under Naraku's control, Kikyo's still alive, and Inuyasha and Kagome are still not together. [/spoiler] DragonBall:[spoiler]Well, DragonBall is what started my anime addiction, so I can't leave this one out. Honestly, I didn't like the idea of the Dragon Balls merging with Goku and Goku running off with Shenlong to wherever eternal dragons go.[/spoiler]
  2. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=Red]Well, my signature basically is about Nyquill and how drowsy you get :animeswea Lol and my banner is just for my website :animesmil [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/FONT]
  3. [quote name='kurin']:catgirl: I would probably match up yukina and touya up if I had the chance but who would be with Kuwabara?? :( Maybe Genkai.. :p[/quote] Hmm ok Inuyasha and Kagome {Inuyasha}, Miroku and Sango {Inuyasha}, Shippo and Rin {Inuyasha}, Sesshomaru and Kagura {Inuyasha}, Roy and Riza {FMA}, Ed and Winry {FM}, Ranma and Akane {Ranma 1/2}, Sasuke or Naruto and Sakura (cant make up my mind :animeswea ) {Naruto, Ino and Shikamaru {Naruto}. I think thats it from those animes. :animesmil
  4. Wow, never thought about this. I guess I'd want Mrs. Higarashi (Inuyasha) just because she lets her kid do whatever she wants. I mean, being aloud to jump down a time portal to fight demons? ...awsome...
  5. Well, I was addicted to Pokemon during 3rd and 4th grade. Waking up and watching Pokemon was a routine. They are putting out too much Pokemon though. What happened to the good old days when there were 150 and not 500 or however many they have now. Since I'm out of the whole Pokemon craze, it drives me nuts everytime they send out a new set or cards or a new game. :animeknow
  6. I'd like to see Naruto VS Ed or Naruto VS Inuyasha, just because it would be intresting to see what fight would look like.
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