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Kage Hakara

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Everything posted by Kage Hakara

  1. [QUOTE=][/QUOTE] Oh Bleach is cool! I watched a few episodes of it but I never got to watch the rest....
  2. [QUOTE=][/QUOTE] If I was stranded on a island with no chance of rescue,I think I would bring Mint from Galaxy Angel because Mint has the "Lost Technolligy" to communicate with the others! So would that count with a chance of rescue?!
  3. [QUOTE=][/QUOTE] wow they keep on repeating inuyasha?! thats just sad...... i havent watched inuyasha in a year 'cause we lost cable.... too bad...
  4. i think inuyasha cause theres action and a bit of romance in it!
  5. [QUOTE=][/QUOTE] Tough call.... Naruto has all the ninjetsu and jinjetsu and the ninja stuff... On the other hand,Inuyasha can go all demony plus the tetsaiga! So i would really say both!
  6. i suggest Inuyasha! Though it has action and pretyy much romance. You could get it at Best Buy or at Border Express at Westminster Mall!
  7. thats hard...... why'd u cum up with that freakin' thread?!! well,anyway i think naruto with the chakra and all that...... yea but then inuyasha's tetsaiga and all the demon power...
  8. [QUOTE=][/QUOTE] Anime:Sango from Inuyasha! Manga:Karou from Rurouni Kenshin! Reasons: Sango-Pretty -Stong -Has Kirara Karou-Pretty -Has great swordsmanship! Yup. I would like to be them!
  9. [QUOTE=][/QUOTE] man! i cant seem to go to any other avatars either! anyways,i think naruto rocks!! i just saw one movie of it though........... if u guys wanna know wat it was about,then listen up! "There was this pretty little princess.(Just about 9 or 10...) She had a beautiful garden,nice servants,and a wonderful dad.(I didn't mention mom 'cuz she lost her mom at birth...) Then, one night,her dad was murdered! A servant sent her to a safe place. There she grew up,as a movie star! When the servant sent her away,she gave the young princess an enchanted crystal! But,some bad people were after the crystal!(This is where Sasuke(my fav!),Sakura,and Naruto come along!) The three uhh.....what's the word for it? Oh,well... And Kakashi too! Protect the princess! But on the night her father was murdered,she forgot everything! So she must find out who murdered her father! (Though it's really obvious that it's the guys who are after the crystal!)" Now,that's all I can tell you! ------- [QUOTE=][/QUOTE] oh! i think that sasuke is the coolest too! but the english voices are definately messed up! the *** voices r so much cooler! ------- [QUOTE=Sasukekunsgirl]I love Sasuke-kun! :heart: Even though[COLOR=Black] he [spoiler]betrayed the village and almost killed Naruto[/spoiler][/COLOR], I still love him! I just like him so much! And yes, to answer you, I don't like any of the voices. Naruto - too annoying Sasuke - not cool enough Sakura - thought it would be a bit more girly Shikamaru - doesn't sound annoyed enough Ino - same as Sakura Chouji - Same as Naruto Iruka - thought it would sound a bit younger, but that one is actually okay Hokage-sama - thought it would sound a bit older, but that is okay too I am okay with Kakashi's, Zabuza's, Tazuna's voices. I thought some of the editing could have been better. Like when they cut out when Tsunami said she would bite her tongue and then die. I also don't like the way they translated the techs. 'Shadow Clone Jutsu?' :twitch: But I still have high hopes. [COLOR=Black][spoiler]Haku, Zabuza, Why?! I loved Zabuza and he died![/spoiler][/COLOR] I am a bit nervous about, Tenten, Neji, and Gaara's voices. :nervous:[/QUOTE] we have a lot in common! i do think that the english voices r messed up! they ruined it! and yes,i love Sasuke -kun too! i hope u dont mind me adding u to my friend list? [color=navy][size=1]I merged your three consecutive replies. In the future, please don't double (or triple) post. Thanks. - Dagger[/size][/color]
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