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Everything posted by Anna-sama

  1. Pretty easy question =) Asakura Yoh of Shaman king. :animesmil
  2. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]I wanna be Anna Kyouyama of Shaman King :D Picture as shown on my avatar and siggy XD *over-excited till falls off chair* [/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]I haven't watched Naruto, but I'm going to get the disc this weekend! *Woots* =P I heard its pretty good so I'm pretty excited about it. =) As for dubbing... Some are nice but some are just terrible. I guess it varies :animeknow[/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Georgia]I think its okay for a guy to cry. =) But don't cry too much or people will start calling you names =( I don't like to cry 'cause it makes me tired and feel sick. I don't know why :[/FONT]p
  5. [FONT=Georgia]For starters, My name's Jolene. I'm from Singapore, the itty-bitty island of the planet. =) Watashiwa 14 years old and have an older brother. Physical looks would be long black hair,pretty skinny. My interests are anime/manga, animals & nature. :animesmil I'm an expert slacker. :rotflmao:[/FONT]
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