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Everything posted by Billie_Forever
Ok sorry about posting on the other board...here we go..^^ I like the idea...It reminds me of a sort of Shamn King feel where you were talking about the whole school situation (yes i dont getit either)... But the main plot seems quite sound..though the name "cloud king" makes him seem like some sort of soft character..I didnt really get it but hey i suppose it could be sarcasm..^^... Oh does he get mixed up on his new path of life and turns for a while back to his old wats but then it all gets too much and he is brought back to his new compassionate and caring side by his group of friends..sorry im getting carried away with myself..i can see it all developing in my head :animeswea :catgirl:
[quote name='Avenged666fold']There is no better villian between men and women. Also seniors and children are not genders they are ages of a persons growth. I honestly hope this thread is closed.[/quote] That is a little bit harsh....
Wait..where are all the nice guys around my city then Gosh darn it!!.. :rolleyes: . Im only joking...i know two..One is a close friend of mine and he is a very lovely person though I'd never go out with him as I've known him for years upon years and he is a year younger than me and my friends are a little peculiar about that...Damn it..it was his birthday yesterday....Must buy him a GREAT present for all the crap he has gotten me through... I think that he is not just a good guy..but pshysic too...he can just sence when im sad and calls me asking me how my day went (even though we go to the same school..hehe)...hes one of my best friends for life and he doesnt judge me or mind when i call him and cry on the phone..in fact when i hang up by accident he calls me straight back to see if im ok..and he risks getting killed by his family because of the phone bill and sits there talkiing it out and making me feel loads better for 3 hours...He really is one of the most perfect guys i have ever met... The other went to my primary school and he really is lovely..always making me laugh and making sure im ok.... He walks me home when we have been out for a while and its getting dark..even if it means him having to walk all the way back home in the pitch-black by himself..he really is just that nice... He can tell when im upset too...and makes sure i talk about it becuase he always says that if i dont..then it will all build up and it will destroy me from the inside...He knows me too well...When i dont speak to him right away on IM then he asks me whats wrong and i have to tell him because he is one of the few people i actully trust...I dont think i would be anything with these two guys...and DAMN IT..its HIS birthday next week...i think January is a good month for the goo guys to be born in...(Note to self...buy presents...)...I would love to go out with this guy..but !) I wouldnt stand a chance...2) I dont think i think of him that way..well i dont think i do..and even if i did what if i lost him.. You see its not some girls faults if they really dont want to ruin a friendship..becuase i know too well...that when something goes wrong and you break up..you can no longer be as close as before...and taking that risk may seem all well and good for some guys but girls are genuinlly scared they will lose the one perfectly desent guy in their lives...and it would really..REALLY..hurt... Anyhoo...i reckon all the nice guys should come over here...by the sound of it..there are far too many in the U.S.... :catgirl: :animeswea
Hi Im Colette im a girl and im 15 until april 17th (yay!)...I currently reside in the north west of England, In cheshire (well its IN Manchester..but i always thought cheshire sounded better..hehe)...I have one little brother though Im pretty sure we arnt realated... I like Rock and Punk music sometimes punk pop if it is of a good quality :p Erm i go to high school until next year where im going to college to study law..psychology and history as A-levels...My favourite subjects in school are art, history and english (as i actually do ok-ish in them)...erm..if you were looking for a type of "group" i was in you would class me as a kind of "[I]mosher/skater/punk" [/I] thingy..though i hate lables...these are just what I've been called... I play the piano and sing as a part of my music GCSE..and i suppose i sound ok-ish...Besides that i do LIKE to sing as its a way to express my self.. I have two pets a doggy called Tess which is a little jack russle (she is VERY cute) and i little french lop bunny rabbit called Lola..who i love to bits.^^ Erm...I dont know what else to say really..apart from the fact that i have just realised my life is VERY dull...^^..hehe [B]Likes:[/B] Music, friends,drawing + painting, singing, roller blading, movies, writing and recieving letters..(dont ask) :animesmil [B]Hates[/B]: R 'n' B *shiver*...School, shopping (its very dull)...make-up..strange little boy crazy girls, fake people, blood and spiders (ewww...:( )...Going to church (Im Catholic)...erm...mainly alot of things i hate..Oh i hate people who think they are tough by bulling other people...( I dislike the people who are called chavs and scallies as they do just that...though i dont like using that lable..*sigh* oh well..) :cussing:
Children..the children *shudder* They are pure evil..they scratch..they bite (with thoise sharp little milk teeth)...they act all sweet and innocent but really want to get you....And its creepy what they do...Its like that film with all the children who live in a small village and they kill all the people in it with their magical powers and their eyes glow..*shudder*..ah the children..the children..the children of the corn..*shudder*.... Women would be my next choice mainly because they MUST be tougher than men i mean...come on..we go through child birth i mean...O-U-C-H!!!..hehe...plus we can hold one HELL of a grudge..if i could..i know id get revenge with magical powers...Muwahhhahahaha..*deep breath*...Yes well women were my next choice..hehe Plus i think that in many Animes Men villain have the better story line...its descrimination i tell you...SEXIST..heheh..only joking..but in most circumstances they do have the better "villian" storyline..
Art Slackers In Slacks [UPDATED DAILY]
Billie_Forever replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=red][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Wow..these are really funny...I still love "Idle Chit-Chat".."thats a gudden" as i like to say..hehe....they are all really good..guy..you are gonna be famous... Good luck with that and keep 'em up!!![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[quote name='WindFox17']This thread is made so that people can get together and be able to help with whatever is on there mind. Because if someone knows that there are peolpe out there that want to help them they just might not give up(suicide). For instance I have depression, but when I am near my firefly I am happy.[/quote] How sweet..I'm apparently "clinically depressed"..i refused to take the pills they give me..(I'll show them!)...My family hate me and one of my best friends cant talk to me anymore...Anyone else?
I say "I love you" to people sometimes...but they know that i dont mean..."love" in [I]that[/I] way (as in a way a girl would love her boyfriend) but it means i really care for them.... When i say it to some friends it means that i would do anything to help them or make them feel better...and when i say it to other friends it means i love you like family...as a brohter or sister... I think Ive only ever said i "loved" someone in a more serious way once...and ii almost died when they told me they didnt like as more than a good friend.. my heart broke into lots of little pieces and i haven't bothered to repair them after that...so i haven't be able to love that way since... I may only be young...but...im not one to get confused easily about this issue..i know what i mean and what i feel.... But as for the efect of those words "I love you" being said...Ive had them said to me before and I've told the guys who have said it i was sorry but i just couldnt think of them like that...they were like family..and it was only after it happened to me that i realised how much it hurt...and i had to find them and apologise fully...Anyhoo..i think that it is rather silly saying that you love someone straight off the bat (as many of my friends do about their new bf's and gf's) as i think that the people who it is being said to may actually feel that way and when it all ends...it would be like a big lie.... Hehe...i dont remember what this topic was about now..Oh yeah..I think those words CAN mean alot..but only when they are used in a certain way and if you know that you really feel it...
Personally...I think that a abortion is wrong as it kills something that could potentially go on to become a wonderful person..then again i suppose it could be the opposit.e..i do realise that those who have abortions do not want children..but i think that they should give their children up for adoption to a couple who would actually care and love for the child....but i suppose it could be acceptable in cases such as rape... Anyhoo...that isnt really the point of this thread..I think that life starts at the point that the egg is penetrated by the sperm..but...i do think that abortion is acceptable until the point in which the brain and heart has developed (much like the law here in the UK, though im not sure about other countries)..anyhow..thats my view...
Everyone loves Magical Trevor.... right?
Billie_Forever replied to Ryoko Lita's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Ryoko Lita]Look at all three cartoons, and tell me what you think. [URL=http://gprime.net/flash.php/magicaltrevor][COLOR=Magenta]Magical Trevor 1[/COLOR][/URL] [URL=http://gprime.net/flash.php/magicaltrevor2][COLOR=Magenta]Magical Trevor 2[/COLOR][/URL] [URL=http://gprime.net/flash.php/magicaltrevor3][COLOR=Magenta]Magical Trevor 3[/COLOR][/URL] CARTOONS ORIGINALLY CREATED BY [URL=http://www.weeblsstuff.com][COLOR=Magenta]WEEBLS' STUFF![/COLOR][/URL] I, personally, think that they are quite funny. I love the randomness![/QUOTE] They were...very...erm..random and intersting..the music drove me insane though..hehe -
What color most suits your personality
Billie_Forever replied to Ai.sAkUrA.chan's topic in General Discussion
Hmm..i Think the colours yellow....blue and green...suit my personality Yellow: This is because i can be like a little kid and yellow always reminds me of a sort of eternal youth and innocence...I love acting like a little kid again...it suits me...apparently...hehe Blue: This is because i can become quite depressed and moody yet not so moody as to be the colour black..i can make jokes and make others happy even though im upset....my sarcasm come in the form of this colour AND... Green:..This is because it is my favourite coulour..every thing i wear is green really..my eyes are green and i look at the world with "fresh eyes"...sound really corney huh? (plus NOBODY ever uses the OLIVE GREEN crayon)..im pretty laid back and mellow...though sometimes i can get pretty angry.. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=3]QUESTION:what animal would you guys be?[/SIZE] [/COLOR] -
How the woman's body is used. [Mature Topic]
Billie_Forever replied to Citrus's topic in General Discussion
I think that it is morally degrading and the fact that some times the person who initiates it has no permission is just a compleate violation...though with permission it is still very VERY sick...but i suppose some women go for that sort of thing for money or just because they want to...i dont know what would drive them to do such a thing but... -
[quote name='The Newfie']That movie was hilarious... The cold is chasing them and they run into a room and stop it... by... closing the door. Funny funny stuff.[/quote] I know..what flipping p*** take!!...Like the cold would go.."Oh no..i better stop the main character has closed the door on me!!!"..stupid freaky rubbish film...*deep breath* Im calm now.hehe
Lets see..^^ *quivers with exsitement* Letterbomb-Green Day Call Me Lighting-The Who Words I Might Of Ate-Green Day Disappearing World-David Grey Christie Road-Green Day Caroulsel- Blink 182 This Could Be My Moment-The Verve Hey Now!-Hilary Duff The Boys Are Back In Town-Thin Lizzy Dead Ringer For Love- Meat Loaf and Cher Well...lets say they wernt exactly what i expexted but they were fun to listen to..evn that gosh damn Hilary Duff..I didnt know i had that on here...*thinks*..hmm..ahhh well..quite a bit of green day..considering i have each album on here..not too surprising..i like my list..^^
Well they have been around for around 19 years relased many records and have recently became a huge thing...But what do YOU really think about them. Do you think they should give up after their last album..or did you really enjoy it? (as i did..^^) Personally i think that Green Day is a great band has mad amazing music (both new and old). And i think that it is wrong that people are syaing they wont listen to the music because it has become too "mainstream" and that they are sell outs... Please Discuss: [list] [*]What song/album is your favourite and why [*]If you think that Green Day has become too mainstream and is now over-rated.. [*]Gigs/ shows you have been to [*]What you think of the band as a whole [/list] I'll be back soon keep posting!!
2005 was a rubbish year for me along with 2000 when my nana died... This year has been utterly uwful ive lost numerous best friends..i turned 15 and had an awful party...the holidays dragged on and have been boring..ive had my heart broken...my arm sliced open...my family have fell out because my aunty called me disturbed...(evil woman)...but i did meet a really great friend this year and im totally grateful for that..but then they left me and went away..so now..it sux again..but 2006....Hmm...i have my 16th i can LEGALLY move out...erm...but apart from that i cant say its going to be ANY BETTER than last year..*sigh* Ahhhh Well... :animesigh
I did like them..i think this album was a little bit of a disappointment though..then again im not into that sort of music really....
My guilty pleasure is really wierd...and i mean super wierd..lol...well when i was a child..my cousins used to make me eat papaer...you know the normal A4 white paper..it was their way of saying.."WE OWN YOU"..but after a while..i became accustomed to it and erm...i still do it evcery down and then..yeah it a little sick and slightly twisted...but..it stops me being hungry and it makes me happy...hehe...i once told my doctor becuase i thought it was some strange disease..and he said i should stop because it can seriously mess up my insides..but i just couldnt...
Anime If you were stranded on a deserted island....
Billie_Forever replied to a topic in Otaku Central
Hmmm..Id want...neigh...DEMAND..Gohan from Dragonball Z...he can fly..he can find food..his mannerisms are soooo cute and hes dead cute too...and bless him he aint half a dear..hehe :catgirl: -
Anime If you could be in any anime or manga what would it be?
Billie_Forever replied to HeartStopper's topic in Otaku Central
Id love to be in Dragonball Z...it always appealed to me...getting homeschool...flying about..killing the bad guys and turning my hair blonde and my eyes green when i felt like a new look...hehe..ohh yeahhh what a life.. :animesmil :D :p -
I always though that if the person was more powerful it was like a steriod for the hair..thats why it grew...Then again i talk nonesence...quite alot... :catgirl:
[QUOTE=orbindo]Well, guess i'll jump in. Yes, American Idiot was a great album. It was such a success that the band went on a world tour, that finished up in Australia this past month, named the American Idiot World Tour. As you can guess from the name the entire tour was dedicated to the album. Also, to expand on what ive just said and add some conversation, i heard that the band wrote the album so that people could easily sing along to it (thus making American Idiot great concert material). what do you guys think of that?[/QUOTE] Well they wrote it because their first attemp was stolen and is to this day still lost somewhere...they wanted to make a better album..one that would make people aware of what was happening in the world and telling them they didnt have to conform to President Bush's views... The whole writing it so it was easy to sing along with view..may of been an included factor but...I dont think it was made solely to make an interesting and very involving concert
I refuse to watch TV anymore except a few shows here and there...Its all mindless drivel..i actaully felt my IQ plummet (which isnt that much seeing as my IQ is rather small) when i watch "The New Worst Witch"...It was confusing...abnormal..and i regretted turning on the TV...my brother on the other hand lives off Cartoon Network shows such as CODENAME:KIS NEXT DOOR and that show about the blue blob that is an imaginary friend...*sigh*
I used to LOVE the muppet show where you could see behind the curtains where they were are messing about and the star guest was messed about...those two old men who were always sat on the balcony seat were quite funny... I remember going to Florida about two years ago and going into unversal studios and watching a show to do with the muppets where the room had be compleatly re-made..it was a 3-D show was really quite amusing...Ahh i miss those shows...now we have stupid low-quality shows to fill saturday mornings....