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Everything posted by Billie_Forever

  1. I used to like them..i watch a couple of episodes every now and again..they are still really good...but we can only see them on Toonami now which is a shame..and they are getting taken off...you can bet that i will be sending a strongly worded letter to the Cartoon Network executive..*damn them!!*
  2. Well...I have a little crush on Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day...mainly because of musical tlent and becuase he is a very nice, honest and down-to-earth person..plus hes a great guy who loves his family and friends very much...besides..he is very very good looking..hehe :animeblus :catgirl:
  3. The film that i absolutly HATED...the most..EVER...was "the day after tomorrow"..i thought that it was far too long...utter rubbish and even though the graphics were good it was very predictable and i wanted a MAIN character to die...*sigh* Alas it didnt happen and everyone was happy in the end..as i said i didnt like this film..at all
  4. Bless..I know..Green Day wrote another song that i relate to..but I didnt really want to post yet another song...Good Riddance/ Time of your life is a good song when reflecting on events....even though it doesnt mean exactly as you would first think..as long as you dont think about its lyrics too much at the time..you'll be fine..
  5. I thought this film was REALLY good...Even though it was rather long and seems to go on forever..it was still a good wastch..i found it funny though..that after all the times Kong saved Anne..she put up a pitiful excuse of a struggle when they were trying to take her back to the ship and snatch Kong to take him home...I shouted at the screen for her to get her act on...selfish bugger!...*sigh*.. Dispite this though i have to say that it was a spectacular show and the special effects on the island were amazing..(oh the bugs...oh gosh i was creeped out..)..I can even say that i cried when Kong was shot and then later died...I expected more of a mess when he fell though...did the photographers not think of the people the poor overly sized deceased ape landed on though?...honestly..!... As for Jack Black's last line.."It seems it was beauty that killed the beast"..i pratically screamed..."NO IT WAS YOU..ITS [I]YOUR[/I] FAULT!!!"..needless to say i was rather emotional by this point :animeblus
  6. When Im sad...Or when i have a problem there are only two songs that i relate to: [COLOR=RoyalBlue]'Till Kingdom Come- Coldplay Steal my heart and hold my tongue I feel my time My time has come Let me in Unlock the door I never felt this way before And the wheels just keep on turning The drummer begins to drum I don?t know which way I?m going I don?t know which way I?ve come Hold my head inside your hands I need someone who understands I need someone, someone who hears For you I?ve waited all these years For you I?d wait till kingdom come Until my day, my day is done And say you'll come and set me free Just say you'll wait, you'll wait for me In your tears and in your blood In your fire and in your flood I hear you laugh, I heard you sing And I wouldn?t change a single thing And the wheels just keep on turning The drummers begin to drum I don?t know which way I?m going I don?t know what I?ve become For you I?d wait till kingdom come Until my days, my days are done Say you'll come and set me free Just say you'll wait, you'll wait for me Just say you'll wait, you'll wait for me Just say you'll wait, you'll wait for me[/COLOR] And the song [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Welcome To My Life" By Simple Plan: Do you ever feel like breaking down? Do you ever feel out of place? Like somehow you just don?t belong And no one understands you Do you ever wanna run away? Do you lock yourself in your room? With the radio on turned up so loud That no one hears you screaming No you don?t know what it?s like When nothing feels alright You don?t know what it?s like to be like me To be hurt To feel lost To be left out in the dark To be kicked When you?re down To feel like you?ve been pushed around To be on the edge of breaking down And no one?s there to save you No you don?t know what it?s like Welcome to my life Do you wanna be somebody else? Are you sick of feeling so left out? Are you desperate to find something more Before your life is over? Are you stuck inside a world you hate? Are you sick of everyone around? With the big fake smiles and stupid lies While deep inside you?re bleeding No you don?t know what it?s like When nothing feels alright You don?t know what it?s like to be like me To be hurt To feel lost To be left out in the dark To be kicked When you?re down To feel like you?ve been pushed around To be on the edge of breaking down And no one?s there to save you No you don?t know what it?s like Welcome to my life No one ever lied straight to your face And no one ever stabbed you in the back You might think I?m happy But I?m not gonna be okay! Everybody always gave you what you wanted You never had to work it was always there You don?t know what it?s like What it?s like! To be hurt To feel lost To be left out in the dark To be kicked When you?re down To feel like you?ve been pushed around To be on the edge of breaking down And no one?s there to save you No you don?t know what it?s like (what it's like) To be hurt To feel lost To be left out in the dark To be kicked When you?re down To feel like you?ve been pushed around To be on the edge of breaking down And no one?s there to save you No you don?t know what it?s like Welcome to my life Welcome to my life Welcome to my life[/COLOR] These songs really fell like it came from me and its about me... :catgirl:
  7. Hehe mine are funny...They are all really REALLY bad..i used to be into alot of pop music...i dont bother listening to the first one anyhoo..lets see: Disney- The Disney Collection Volume One..(i didnt even know i had that) Now Cd's (for all those non-british folk thses are compalation CD's)-41,44,50,46,56,52,53,55,51,49,60,58,59. Steps:Steptacular, Step One..(HEHE OH MY GOSH I WAS VERYYY SAD) Spice Girls:Spice world..(so sad..) B*Witched:B*Witched :animeblus Britney Spears:Baby One More Time, Britney (Oh gosh...) Hilary Duff: Metamorphosis... :animeblus :animeswea Interactive: Forever Young..( Not too bad-a-dance tune) ABBA: Greatest Hits..(I was a sheltered child) Pink:Misunderstood ( I listened to UTTER rubbish...) Ok ones i know ive listed to recently..or that im not ashamed of: Avril Lavigne: Let Go, Under My Skin Good Charlotte: Lifestyles Of The Rich And Famous, Cronicals Of Life And Death Alkaline Trio: From Here To Infirmary Green Day: 1039 Smooth, 1,000 Hours, Dookie, Kerplunk,Nimrod, God Bless Amerika, Boring Days In Paradise, Shennangins, Warning, International Super Hits, American Idiot, Bullet In A Bible. Foo Fighters-In Your Honour,One By One,There Is Nothing Left To Lose Lost Prophets:Start Something Sum 41:Chuck, All Killer No filler, Still Waiting, Does This Look Infected? Simple Plan: No Pads, No Helmets, Just Balls, Still Not Getting Any... Blink 182: Greatest Hits David Gray: Life In Slow Motion Coldplay: X&Y, A Rush Of Blood To The Head Bowling For Soup:Lets Do It For Johnny!, Drunk Enough To Dance,A Hang Over You Dont Deserve Kelly Clarkson: Breakaway KY Tunsall: Suddenly I See Yeah tere are more..but ive spent wayyyyyyy too much time looking..im going..*walks away*
  8. I loved this album...Dispite the fact that is it very much a concept album and has been called so by Billie Joe himself and on some levels i dont wholly enjoy concepts albums but in this case i really did like it... I think that American Idiot as well as Dookie were the best by far, though i did enjoy the change of styles and experimentations that were set out in Warning and Nimrod... And even though it was a very over-played song "Good Riddance/Time Of Your Life" is still my favourite song, when i first heard it i was as oblivious as many about the lyrics meanings but after a brief investigation i became to fully understand that it wasnt a "sweet goodbye" but more of a "******* off"...Still love it though.. :catgirl: My favourite songs off the album would probably be JoS, Homecoming and Are We The Waiting..I dont really have reasons that can list because i cant think of the words to describe it.... I really am tired of people saying that this album ruined Green Day's career and made them too main stream...I mean sure they are very popular now...and many little "Groupie" girls all like it because of Billie Joe..but really most bands tend to eventually and i think it is stupid how they are getting "ripped" by older fans just because they are doing what they set out to do...bring their music to epople all over the world and raise awarness.... :animesmil Anyhow..i could go on for hours...but i wont....I just wanted to say i did love this album and that more than two songs delt with political thoughts...though many only see "Holiday" and "American Idiot" as the two that deal with these issues as it is a granted from the powerful lyrics such as: "Don't wanna be an American idiot. Don't want a nation under the new media. And can you hear the sound of hysteria? The subliminal mindf*** America."
  9. [quote name='? Nomad Tical ?']Um... what are "IRC" and "mates"? And "Computer lags"? Sorry if I sound dumb for asking.[/quote] I dont know what IRC is but "mates" means friends...and "Computer Lags" are what makes you computer slow and makes images didstorted etc.. :animesmil [quote name='Billie_Forever']I dont know what IRC is but "mates" means friends...and "Computer Lags" are what makes you computer slow and makes images didstorted etc.. :animesmil[/quote] But he ment computer laungages...well i think so anyhoo... :animeswea
  10. Well for one..you wouldnt be asking this question..hehe.. I always thought that the meaning of life was to reproduce and then die..Its a rather morbid point of view but I dont honestly see there being any other point....I mean...why would we NEED to change the world..if we hadnt of CHANGED the world in the first point...we would NEED to change it now...Gosh we are stupid!! :animeblus :animedepr
  11. *Gasp* Aww poor bunny!....hehe....*places back the top of the head..*...Im calling the RSPCA... :catgirl: ...oh...do a kitty!! Yay-Shes drawing a kitty..hehe poor kitty...inform me when done..so i can clap for you...^^
  12. Me and all my friends dressed up and ran down the road singing the "YMCA" and wishing every body a "happy new year!!!" ....yes we were slightly tipsy...apart from that it was a stupid new year... :animesmil
  13. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]For starters i never REALLY liked the idea of four different coloured aliens living in a glass dome eating "tubby-toast" and "tubby-custard" being shown on T.V...but oh well..im getting off subject... When the show first came on over here in the UK many things were said about the characters in the Tellitubbies..The fact that the two male characters "Tinky-Winkey" and "Dipsy" both sported rather female pieces ofd clothing set most adult of on a large scale homo-sexual rant and called them "obscene" and "outragous"...but personally i think that, as long as it keeps the children happy and doesnt warp their minds too much with the idea that they live in a world where they can wear a cow printed hat on their heads with out being shouted at or beaten up..then its perfectly fine... Next the argument that the show provokes the children to speak in strange tounges or even de-gress may actually be true but in the society we live in right now the tellitubbies is the least of our problems...Most young adults and adolecents are rotting the minds of children as it is and they are tearing up the english laungage with stupid words and the lingering of letters when it is utterly un-nessisary... And finally for those who may think that the message that taking drugs is O.K was delivered daily by the four hyperactive aliens..i think that this is a rather strange thing to say as i dont think that the BBC would actually let something so obserd be broadcast without a thorough search through the messages and morals of the storylines..therefore if a episode did actually contain that message then it would be cut...The fact that these things have been said is rather stupid and were probably started by a bunch over overly protective parents who like to look deeper for meanings...even though their children will have NO IDEA what these messages are and with the small attension span that some children have..they probably wouldnt take in half of the show anyhow....In my opinoin the show was made to be bright..colourful and let children watch somewthing enjoyable...and was not made to rot the minds of the next generation as many think... This though..is only the opinion of a 15 year old.... :animeswea [/COLOR]
  14. [quote name='Morpheus']Here at otakuboards, we have a wide variety of the most insane people on the planet. I've always wondered: Are we all 10-year-old-wants-to-burn-down-everything crazy because we're all ten?[/quote] Im 15 and I've only just joined up to this site...My reason for doing so is so that i didnt lose touch with a very good friend of mine...yes..he conned me into joining..but i dont mind to much...wow..I've just realised its my first post...I suppose i SHOULD celebrate but im rather tired...*throws some confetti in the air*..yay...first post...woo hoo..etc...yes we all get it by now... :p Anyhoo dont want to bore you with my life story...even though i made a jolly good start...erm im a very sarcastic, strange and tapped person who enjoys nothing more than talking to people and helping people out...but seeing as i cant do that i suppose I'll settle for annoying the hell out of you all..hehe... :catgirl: And i dont intend to burn anything down just yet..Ive been there..done that..bought the matches..used them regularly..I did try tried to burn my house down..it wasnt that bad a fire...a couple of flickers..some smoke...then a bucket of water..it was all a bit hazy after that...:D :animeswea
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