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Jewel 4 Souls

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Everything posted by Jewel 4 Souls

  1. What I have read on it, the tv episodes do quite after 167. As for the episodes on Aduil Swim on cartoon net work. They should be starting up again with in the next week or so. It seams that they take the new episodes off the air for the holidays. Put them back on the air after the holidays are over. So no one miss them.
  2. I have played with drawing some anime. I found free hand sometimes easier than trying to get the right shape. But using half of the a shape works. Another thing is a lot of, I mean a lot of patience and practice, tell you find you own drawing style. So keep your easer near and you pencil sharp. Good luck......^_^
  3. Inuyasha any day has a good story line and you grow to love the charaters. besides who would like to touch those adorable ear that Inuyasha has.
  4. my best gift this year was a new bluetooth head set for my cell since lost my other one day after thanksgiving shopping or doing chores. my most fav. gift was one year I got a new saddle for my hores from my mom as b-day present.
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