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Everything posted by BabyGirl
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Arcadia [/i] [B][size=1]It was just more comfortable to think that she was still in Ohio, miles away, and that would be the only thing that stopped me from seeing her. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]That's exactly how I had been dealing with my brother's death throughout an intense period of personal denial. It [i]is[/i] way easier to pretend that they're simply 2000+ miles away, still living, still breathing, still making people smile. I suppose I still think of it this way to some extent, but being home for three weeks at Christmas helped me come to further terms with the ordeal, and being able to visit the grave site lessened the denial a great deal. But yeah, coming to terms with death is hard. I know that it'll take me a long time to fully understand how I feel about it. I know that the worst thing someone can do is close themselves off from any emotion that they may be feeling, because that's what I've done and it's been horrible. Just recently have I realized that it's ok to simply break down and cry about it; no one is going to think any less of me for having human feelings.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i] [B][size=1] But back to the topic at hand--the funeral. Does the funeral provide any amount of closure? I don't think so. Tell me, does seeing your loved one one last time, all dolled up, all superficial, and dead, does this make any closure? I doubt it. [/quote][/b][/size] [color=deeppink]Personally, I don't think so. But it depends on the person who has died. For the 16-year-old girl I hardly knew who died of leukemia, the funeral brought closure because it seemed like the right thing for me to do; pay my respects and all. For my brother's death, closure hasn't exactly happened yet. The closest thing to 'closure' I have found is being able to visit the grave site and see all of the things friends and family have brought there. It's so great to know that so many people still think of him.[/color] [B][size=1][quote]I know that if I would see someone dead-eyed, in their casket, it is not going to make me feel better, it is going to make me feel worse; and it is going to stay in my memories--a memory that is the last time I saw this person before they were forever inhumed, or cremated, or whatever they so sought to do.[/quote][/size][/b] [color=deeppink]Again, I agree. It seems very unnatural and very uncomfortable, like I'm looking at something that I shouldn't be. My brother [I'll use Eric from now on] looked nothing like he did while he was alive, and this was slightly creepy. It's definitely something that disturbed me more than anything.[/color] [quote][b][size=1]So, with life support, and whatever else money, one gets one "finale," one last toast to life's good fortune--they get a party where they don't even exist, at least physically, that is all about sadness, eulogies, ineffable emotions, all the things which death is so-set to be.[/b][/size][/quote] [color=deeppink]Funerals are definitely a part of American culture [and other cultures, indeed]. It's the socially correct thing to do, and the funeral industry thrives off of the fact that people are upset enough to make irrational decisions about money when it comes to righting any wrongs they committed toward the deceased during their lifetime. Emotions are easy to play like that.[/color] [size=1][b][quote]Realistically, what is death? It's dying. Nothing more. Death is not a funeral, death is not embalming, death is not mourning, death is not being buried in the ground; death is a Fate, one which we must accept on some ground, and go on with our lives until it happens to us. Death isn't some big deal. It's just what it is--it's death--it is not some flowery, fluent, immortalizing, tantalizing thing. It's death. It is "a permanent cessation of all vital functions," it is the ending of a life. [/quote][/b][/size] [color=deeppink]Literally speaking, you're correct. But it's easy to simplify death when you don't want to think of it as being a big deal. It's hard for me to believe that people can deny death as being an impactful occurance on people who love the deceased party. Simplify it all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that [i]someone[/i] is going to be deeply effected by another person's death.[/color] [quote][b][size=1]From the graves--tombstones--cosmetics used by embalmers--on and on and on--it's just to the point where I can't even see why people would waste such large amounts of money on such an inevitable thing.[/b][/quote][/size] [color=deeppink]I find my brother's tombstone to be extremely beautiful, a perfect tribute to someone so young and wonderful. I don't think it was a waste of money at all, it's marking his final resting place for as long as it stands on the earth. It's an object that marks the place where people can come to feel closer to the boy that they knew and continue to love. I didn't read the article because I don't think I'm necessarily ready to read it yet. Maybe later on when I've come to better grips with the whole death issue.[/color]
[color=deeppink]My high school's band was good, but they seemed to have issues with the rest of the school. I think they thought we all hated them for being band groupies, when instead we all admired them for their talent. They turned themselves into an exclusive group that snubbed their noses at the rest of the school...it was a very strange thing indeed. I was in band from 6th-8th grade, along with 75% of my school. Everyone except the dedicated ones basically quit band after middle school. I didn't really enjoy it because I was really bad. I played coronet and was first chair in 6th grade before braces ruined my ability to play well. For the rest of my middle school band career I was pretty far down the line when it came to talent, heh. In high school I was a cheerleader. My boyfriend was a band geek. Go figure :p[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darkness [/i] [B]It may not be the greatest, but it's worth watching. As for Pokemon being a good starter, BG, I hope you were kidding. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Tehe, nope. If someone has never seen anime, they're not going to know how horrible Pokemon really is in comparison to the better series out there. All truth be told, I started watching Pokemon for the cool animation style and later found out that this was called 'anime'. It hooked me I guess, so it could work for someone else, especially younger viewers :whoops:[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darkness [/i] [B]Then what about the second part....What would you all consider a good anime to present to the sceptic? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Absolutely not. It will only create a greater skeptic. I think most people need to be eased into anime by more mindless shows like, as CrH said, Pokemon or DBZ. To them, confusing shows will only support their claims that anime is 'stupid'. If it's an older skeptic, someone who would appreciate gritty, thoughtful anime, Cowboy Bebop is a good one. But not Noir, definitely not.[/color]
[color=deeppink]I do not like Noir >.>; I watched the first two DVDs until I was absolutely bored out of my skull. I couldn't bring myself to watch any further episodes for fear of seeing the same sequence and hearing the same music five times in every half hour of the series. I think that they sorely underestimated the intelligence of their viewers by how many times they repeated certain scenes and flashbacks...agh. I realize that this is just the way the show is, especially at first, but I just couldn't take it. Foreshadowing never really snags my intrest, anime or otherwise, it only serves to irritate me. I liked the characters, though, they were rather fun.[/color]
[color=deeppink]I think chivalry is really rather sweet. My boyfriend of 1+ year still holds doors for me and treats me like the lady that I am. In a world where a lot of girls get screwed over in relationships, it's refreshing that there are some good men out there raising their sons to be curteous to a woman. It may be outdated in a lot of ways [like standing up every time a woman enters or leaves the room], but random acts of kindness are always appreciated. Men often hold doors for me or let me go in front of them in line, and I don't find that to be sexist, I think they're just being nice. Maybe people shouldn't worry so much about silly things like that, women should take it as a compliment, not an insult.[/color]
[color=deeppink]Legally the pedestrian [i]does[/i] have the right-of-way. Once you start driving you start understanding why it's annoying that people take too long to cross the street. Because, honestly, in some situations you could at least hurry yourselves across [speaking in general terms]. However, a good driver is always attentive to the road around them, especially to cross walks. It's probably a better idea to wait for a car to stop [i]for[/i] you [if that's possible where you're trying to cross], because they're willing to stop their own journey to let you cross in front of them. Heh, is that making sense? Sometimes I guess you have no other alternative than stepping out into traffic and hoping cars will stop, but that's always a last-ditch option for me. I'd rather wait for a nice person to stop who doesn't want to run me over :p. And I have faith that there are people like that out there, because I stop for pedestrians, too! [/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dan L [/i] [B]There's a difference between mental breakdown and teenage angst.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I think that's definitely the best way to say it. Teenage angst is such an ugly thing, too. It's unpleasant for both the giving and receiving ends, but it's also avoidable. There [i]are[/i] ways to make yourself happy during those angst-prone years, or at least keep yourself occupied enough to stop dark thoughts from roaming around in your head. Contrary to the angst situation, I'm assuming that mental breakdowns are triggered by things that someone has trouble controling or are impossible to overcome. And while they're maybe avoidable in certain situations [ie. causing oneself too much stress], in other cases they may not. I obviously do not know from experience what a mental breakdown is like, and I am quite honestly glad of that ^_~. Even under the whole situation of my brother passing away, I'm surprised with how well I've dealt with how deep in denial I am about the whole ordeal. It's amazing that I haven't had some sort of emotional collapse from it all. But you know what? I think it's because I am so very happy with my life that even the dark periods are pretty easy to overcome. You just have to look at things from their good side, not their bad side. It takes some getting used to, but it's so much better than letting angst get the better of you. Just some words of wisdom, I guess. Didn't mean to turn it into a motivational speech >.>. Heh :whoops:[/color]
[b][u]General Awards[/b][/u] Overall Member of the Year: [color=deeppink][b]Charles[/b][/color] [size=1]Honorable Mention: [b][color=deeppink]Drix D'Zanth[/color][/b][/size] Male Otaku of the Year: [b][color=deeppink]James[/b][/color] [size=1]Honorable Mention: [color=deeppink][b]Shy[/b][/color][/size] Female Otaku of the Year: [color=deeppink][b]Lady Asphyxia[/b][/color] [size=1]Honorable Mention: [color=deeppink][b]Queen Asuka[/b][/color] [/size] Staff Member of the Year: [color=deeppink][b]Arcadia[/b][/color] [size=1]Honorable Mention: [color=deeppink][b]DeathKnight[/b][/color][/size] Funniest Member: [color=deeppink][b]Heaven's Cloud[/b][/color] [size=1]Honorable Mention: [color=deeppink][b]Arcadia[/b][/color][/size] Most Opinionated Otaku: [color=deeppink][b]PoisonTongue[/b][/color] [size=1]Honorable Mention: [color=deeppink][b]cloricus[/b][/color][/size] Member most likely to be here in two years: [b][color=deeppink]Sara[/b][/color] [size=1]Honorable Mention: [b][color=deeppink]Shy[/color][/b][/size] Best Newbie: [b][color=deeppink]KarmaOfChaos[/color][/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention: [b][color=deeppink]Adahn[/b][/color][/size] Best Oldie: [color=deeppink][b]Liamc2[/b][/color] [size=1]Honorable Mention: [b][color=deeppink]Red[/b][/color][/size] Most likely to become a Staff Member: [color=deeppink][b]Lady Asphy[/b][/color] [size=1]Honorable Mention: [b][color=deeppink]Anyone who already used to be and isn't at the moment.[/color][/b][/size] Favorite Banned Member: [color=deeppink][b]Kevin[/b] [we had our good days][/color] [size=1]Honorable Mention: [color=deeppink][b]Zeh[/b][/color][/size] [strike]Most improved Member of the Year: [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike] Thread of the Year: [b][color=deeppink]Star Wars 411[/b][/color] [size=1]Honorable Mention: [color=deeppink][b]Kill Adam[/b][/color][/size] Silliest Thread of the Year: [color=deeppink][b]Year of Otaku [what was I THINKING? lol][/color][/b] [strike][size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike] [b][u]Random Awards[/u][/b] Avatar Award: [color=deeppink][b]Queen Asuka[/b][/color] [size=1]Honorable Mention: [color=deeppink][b]Baron Samedie[/b][/color][/size] Signature Award: [color=deeppink][b]Sara[/b][/color] [size=1]Honorable Mention: [b][color=deeppink]Baron Samedie[/b][/color][/size] [strike]Best Location: [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike] Best Otaku Couple: [color=deeppink][b]Queen Asuka + PiroMunkie[/b][/color] [size=1]Honorable Mention: [color=deeppink][b]Charles + Japan_86[/color][/b][/size] Best looking Otaku: [b][color=deeppink]Liamc2[/b][/color] [size=1]Honorable Mention: [b][color=deeppink]James[/b][/color][/size] Otaku clique of the Year: [b][color=deeppink]Adam's Angels[/b][/color] [strike][size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike] Best MyOtaku: [color=deeppink][b]Arcadia[/b] [I love reading it!][/color] [size=1]Honorable Mention: [b][color=deeppink]Queen Asuka[/b] [always pretty!][/color][/size] [b][u]Otaku Writers[/u][/b] Poet Laureate: [b][color=deeppink]Raiha[/b][/color] [size=1]Honorable Mention: [color=deeppink][b]Drix D'Zanth[/b][/color][/size] Writer of the Year: [b][color=deeppink]Mitch[/b][/color] [size=1]Honorable Mention: [color=deeppink][b]Charles[/b][/color][/size] Orginal Story of the Year: [color=deeppink][b]Body Language[/b] because that counts in a way I think...[/color] [size=1]Honorable Mention: [color=deeppink][b]PoisonTongue's story about the college guy who goes to work for Bond's Dr. No. The title fails me.[/b][/color][/size] Role-Player of the Year: [b][color=deeppink]DeathKnight[/b][/color] [size=1]Honorable Mention: [color=deeppink][b]Queen Asuka[/b][/color][/size] [strike][b]Brawler of the Year (sparring):[/b] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike] Role-Playing Game of the Year: [b][color=deeppink]SYF 3[/b][/color] [size=1]Honorable Mention: [b][color=deeppink]Kill Adam[/b] [which was a hard decision placing those two, because Kill Adam was very well done, but SYF is still going so it gets the top spot][/color][/size] [b][u]Social Otakus[/u][/b] Otaku Social member of the year: [b][color=deeppink]Semjaza Azazel[/b][/color] [size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size] [b][color=deeppink]ChibiHorsewoman[/b][/color] Entertainment Otaku of the Year: [b][color=deeppink]Manic[/b][/color] [strike][size=1]Honorable Mention:[/size][/strike] --- [color=deeppink]That's as far as I can go, my knowledge of the other categories is too limited :)[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by anatema [/i] [B]I'm all over the place, but after some thought and a brand new camera I went for photography.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I'm glad to hear someone else from OB is on the same path as me ^_^. What type of camera did you buy? I am currently in my second year at Brooks Institute of Photography for 'visual journalism', the new age term for photojournalism. I basically know that I'm going to be a photojournalist, which probably means I'll start out shooting as an intern for smaller newspapers and work my way up. I'd be very content staying at a mid-size newspaper rather than working for something huge like the LA Times or Detroit Free Press. I prefer being laid back instead of being on the go all of the time. But seeing as how the photojournalism career is in constant motion, we'll just have to see what the future holds. One thing I know is that I do love photojournalism :D[/color]
[color=deeppink]After not attending church for a few years, I actually attended a [i]Catholic[/i] church service for Christmas Eve. The whole ordeal made me feel oddly out of place, seeing as how I knew none of the reply chant/songs, nor did I even like being there. Being in church personally annoys me...but that's just me. To make a point, Christmas means family time. I'm sure Jesus was a way cool person and his birth is important, but the whole religious/church process is too formal and totally not for me. I just like being home for the holidays and seeing everyone I love.[/color]
[color=deeppink]I had to dig this image out of my old computer files, but I used it as an avatar a long while ago. I'm not sure why I used Mara, seeing as how I don't necessarily like her, but I think I wanted a real photograph of a woman with a lightsaber and those were hard to come by before the prequels. At least she has a purple lightsaber in this image, that wins her a few points with me ^_~. [But UGH! That leather cat suit?!][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deedlit [/i] [B][color=009966]lol It really freaks her out when I wear it because I look like a ringwraith[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Or the Grim Reaper, ehehe... --- I got my beautiful 20mm f/2.8 lens, so nothing else matters. My life is complete.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinmaru [/i] [B]Plus, it'd be worth it to see Mara Jade on the big screen ~_^ [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]As long as we don't have to see her make out with Luke, icky. I'm sure you've seen the image they conjured up for the SW Universe cards [or some extended universe thing], and while the model is pretty, they made her look like a tramp. Sooooo un-Mara like. If they made movies out of the Thrawn trilogy, which would be way cool, they'd need to make a much sleeker Mara image.[/color]
[color=deeppink][size=1][b]A[/b]dam's Angels -- My sexy homegirls. [b]B[/b]ooks -- They're the best boredom solution ever. [b]C[/b]hloe -- My baby kitty girl. [b]D[/b]igital Photography -- Life is 10x easier with my Canon 10D. [b]E[/b]rik -- My best friend and lover. [b]F[/b]ashion -- Something I've always loved wearing and creating. [b]G[/b]irly Things -- I love kittens, pink, getting dressed up, and boys. [b]H[/b]GP -- My group of best friends. Hello Kitty rocks, too. [b]I[/b]mages -- Things that inspire me to try new things with my photography. [b]J[/b]ournalism/photojournalism -- It is my choice of career, afterall. [b]K[/b]rispy Kreme -- Quality donuts that are cheaper by the dozen. [b]L[/b]indsay -- My roommate who never lets our apartment get too messy. [b]M[/b]idwestern People -- There's something so friendly about us all. [b]N[/b]yQuil -- Lately it has saved me from sick and sleepless nights. [b]O[/b]takuBoards -- For all of the friendships I have made here over the years. [b]P[/b]owerBooks -- My 12" G4 Macintosh laptop ^_^. And PhotoShop, yay. [b]Q[/b]ueen Asuka -- She's lovely and wonderful and awesome. [b]R[/b]andom Acts of Kindness -- I try to perform them every day, and when a stranger is nice to you it just feels great. [b]S[/b]outhern California Weather -- 60 degrees in December? Fine by me ^_~ [b]T[/b]rauma -- It has made me stronger and view life in a different [and better] light. [b]U[/b]ndergarments -- I really like underwear ^_^. [b]V[/b]entura -- My current hometown, it's very lovely and next to the ocean. [b]W[/b]inne the Pooh -- I used to watch it all the time with my brother, and the ride at Disneyland is just too cute. [b]X[/b]ephon -- Or more specifically, [i]Rah-Xephon[/i]. [b]Y[/b]oung -- Still being young enough to have a lot of my life ahead of me. [b]Z[/b]zzzz -- Sleeping, especially when it involves cuddling with my Erik.[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by satan665 [/i] [B] Weird though that most of my gf's names have started with J, including 2 Jill's.... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Me too!!! ...only with boys. J's have been bad news for me. My first meaningful kiss was when I was 15 and with a 17-year-old [a J, nonetheless] who was far more experienced than me. I honestly don't know what he saw in me back then, maybe my innocence intrigued him, hm... We had just seen a movie I think, and we were talking in the car and he just leaned over and kissed me. I felt so stupid and inexperienced and clumsy all in one. Good thing I've gotten better. Erik is the best kisser by far.[/color]
[color=deeppink]It reminds me of the days where wearing purple meant you were a lesbian or having your hand in your front pocket meant you were 'touching' yourself. It's no different, really, because kids that age don't really know what they're talking about anyway. They'll grow up and be like, "Hey, remember when...? Yeah, we were so stupid."[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i] [B][size=1] I'm going to say Ynot whenever the chance comes up when speaking with Tony from now on. It shall be classic...classic just like "peach head."[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I used to have a crush on a guy named Tony, but my friends and I called him Y-Not so that no one knew who we were talking about. ...except you guys now know my secret :shifty:[/color]
[color=deeppink][size=1] What is your name? [b]Jenna[/b] Spell your name backwards. [b]annej[/b] Date of birth: [b]9-24-84[/b] Male or female? [b]Take a guess.[/b] Astrological sign: [b]Libra[/b] Nicknames: [b]Jen, Jha Jha, Crim, Guava, Baby[/b] Occupation? [b]College student[/b] Height: [b]5'7"[/b] Weight: [b]135 lbs.[/b] Hair color: [b]Deep red.[/b] Eye color: [b]Brown.[/b] Where were you born? [b]Lansing, Michigan[/b] Where do you reside now? [b]Ventura, California[/b] Age: [b]19[/b] Screen names: [b]Ange de Cramoisi[/b] E-mail addy: [b]shutterbabe7@hellokitty.com[/b] What does your screen name stand for? [b]Crimson Angel[/b] What is your gangsta name? [b]Womanly Panther...rar ^_~[/b] What does your diary name stand for? [b]My diary has a name?[/b] Pets: [b]Dimitrius, my fat goldfish.[/b] Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake? [b]I'm 19, I told you.[/b] Piercings? [b]Belly button.[/b] Tattoos? [b]Soon.[/b] Shoe size: [b]8.5 American[/b] Righty or lefty? [b]Righty[/b] Wearing right now: [b]Black yoga pants, t-shirt and sweatshirt. I just went hiking.[/b] Hearing: [b]My roommate watching Clean Sweep[/b] Feeling: [b]Tired and cold[/b] Eating/drinking: [b]Diet Pepsi[/b] ~Guys/Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff~ Have you ever been in love? [b]I suppose so[/b] How many people have you told "I love you"? [b]Other than my family/close friends in a friendly sort of way: 1. My Erik.[/b] How many people have you been in love with? [b]1[/b] How many people have you kissed? [b]6 or so?[/b] Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? [b]Nope.[/b] How many people have you dated? [b]More than I care to remember[/b] What do you look for in a guy? [b]Humor, thoughtfulness, selflessness, loving, strong.[/b] What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? [b]Usually clothes and overall appearance.[/b] What type of guy do you usually go for? [b]It depends. I am very attracted to guys with dark hair/dark features.[/b] Do you have a bf? [b]Yes[/b] If so where did you meet them? [b]Orientation week of college[/b] What do you like most about your bf? [b]Everything! He's so sweet.[/b] Do you have a crush right now? [b]Nah.[/b] Do you believe in love at first sight? [b]No.[/b] Do you remember your first love? [b]Well, 'first love' is a debatable term.[/b] Who is the first person you kissed? [b]A boy named Matt during spin the bottle.[/b] Do you believe in fate? [b]Sure do.[/b] Do you believe in soul mates? [b]50%[/b] If so do you believe you'll ever find yours? [b]I have.[/b] ~Family Stuff~ How many siblings do you have? [b]I had one.[/b] What are your parents names? [b]Dick and Judy...yes, Dick, really.[/b] What are your siblings names? [b][strike]Eric[/strike][/b] How many siblings does your mother have? [b]Two[/b] How many siblings does your father have? [b]Three[/b] Where are your parents from? [b]St. Charles and Lansing, Michigan.[/b] Is your family close? [b]So-so[/b] Does your family get together for holidays? [b]Always.[/b] Do you have a drunk uncle? [b]Nope! My family isn't very colorful.[/b] Any medical problems run through your family? [b]Breast cancer.[/b] Does someone in your family wear a toupee? [b]Hee, no.[/b] Do you have any nieces or nephews? [b]Nah. I'm the oldest cousin/grandchild.[/b] Are your parents divorced? [b]No.[/b] Do you have step parents? [b]No.[/b] Has your family ever disowned another member of your family? [b]No.[/b] Did some of your family come to America from another country? [b]Er...didn't everyone's at one point or another?[/b] ~Music Stuff~ What song do you swear was written about you or your life? [b]Incubus' [i]I Miss You[/i]...but only the first verse.[/b] What's the most embarrasing cd you own? [b]I'm proud of all my CD's[/b] What's the best CD you own? [b]Incubus' [i]Morning View[/i] What song do you absolutely hate? [b]CELINE DION'S ENTIRE COLLECTION OF SONGS[/b] Do you sing in the shower? [b]Not any more.[/b] What song reminds you of that special someone? [b]John Mayer's [i]Comfortable[/i][/b] ...That wasn't so bad.[/color][/size]
[color=purple]"Yes." "Yes. So." Bailey swung one leg back and forth off the edge of the cot and turned her head to face Zharra. Both were obviously in need of something to do or risked becoming antsy, "Tell me, Zharra, what does it feel like to be the only one in SYF who is getting laid?" The playful twinkle in her eye took any sting out of the comment. Zharra wiggled her eyebrows, "It's quite fabulous. Except for when you're stuck in the middle of the sweltering Colombian jungle..." "So close yet so far away." Bailey echoed. "Or something of the sort. I heard you have some boy toy of your own?" Bailey snorted a laugh, "Not a boy toy, no. Not right now anyway." She rubbed her eyes, momentarily erasing the vague memories from the night her and Nick and spent out, "Does everyone know everyone's personal lives around here?" "Well-" "Wait, nevermind, that was a dumb question. That's all there is to do for entertainment...gossip." Zharra grinned, "And dressing up vulnerable boys to resemble disturbingly ugly girls." "That too." Bailey snickered at the thought of it, "Liam'll laugh at the whole ordeal later, it's too bad he couldn't see the humor in it now." "He's not all smiles and happiness, you know." Zharra stated, waiting for a reaction. She waited, thinking it over, "Yes, I know. It's sad, really. No one person should have to go through too much in life." "We all have." The tent was silent as both women subconsciously reflected on their past memories. Zharra thought of something suddenly, "You're not falling for him, are you?" "Who, Liam?" "Yes, him." Bailey laughed and shook her head, "Of course not. The whole 'humor on the outside but tormented on the inside' thing just doesn't really do it for me." "Ok," Zharra smiled coyly, "just checking. Don't you just love girl talk?" But Bailey sensed a heavy underlying layer of sarcasm.[/color]
[color=deeppink] 1) I find OtakuBoards rules easy to understand and follow. [b]A[/b] 2) I feel that the staff at OtakuBoards understand their job and are capable of performing it appropriately. [b]B[/b] 3) OtakuBoards is easy to navigate. [b]A[/b] 4) OtakuBoards has a friendly atmosphere. [b]A[/b] SECTION B Please try to keep your answers relatively short in this section. 5) How often do you visit OtakuBoards? [b]Every day or every other day.[/b] 6) Do you feel that the rules are too strict/not strict enough/fine as they are? [b]They're perfectly fine as they are.[/b] 7) Should we continue to uncensor the creative writing areas on OtakuBoards? [b]Yes. Definitely.[/b] 8) Would you rather a decentralized forum system on OB (more forums, less activity per forum) or a centralized forum system (less forums, more activity per forum)? [b]Less forums, more activity.[/b] 9) Would you like to see a closer integration of myOtaku and OtakuBoards? [b]Nah. Enough people are on both already.[/b] 10) Are you signed up to myOtaku.com? [b]Yes.[/b] 11) If you are not signed up to myOtaku.com, do you plan to sign up in the near future? [b]----[/b] 12) Do you read Announcements at OtakuBoards? [b]When I notice them.[/b] 13) Which single Category (Category, as opposed to individual Forum) do you spend most of your time visiting? [b]It rotates between the Otaku Lounge and the Adventure Arena[/b] 14) Do you think that OtakuBoards should offer an in-built chat system as part of our service? If we included a chat, would you use it? [b]I wouldn't use it, so I wouldn't care either way.[/b] 15) If we offered an "OtakuBoards Wireless" service that would be accessible via Internet-capable cellphones, would you use it? [b]Probably not. Navigating websites on cell phones is too much work.[/b] 16) When we offer a next generation version of OtakuBoards, should we continue to provide semi-regular community events in our Event Arena or a similar forum? [b]Yes![/b] 17) If you could add one new Category (Category, not Forum) to OtakuBoards, what would it be? [b]Mmm...n/a.[/b] 18) If you could remove one Category from OtakuBoards, what would it be? [b]I would remove probably any of the forums I don't visit, but since I don't go in them, it's not up to me to say which ones should be removed ^_^[/b] 19) If you could add anything to OtakuBoards (in terms of a new forum, a technical tool/feature, etc), what would it be? [b]Probably the code for the strikeout text feature to the vB code page!!!!![/b] 20) On a scale of 1-10 (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest), how would you rate your experience at OtakuBoards since you registered? [b]8. I've had my ups and downs, but it's been positive overall :whoops:[/b][/color]
[size=1]Beh, sorry I've taken so long :P[/size] [color=purple]Curiously watching the surveying Colombians from a safe distance, Bailey's fingers tapped along the keys of her PowerBook. She, like the others who weren't adapted to such a climate, had taken refuge in the shade and pulled all of her hair up and away from her neck. She stayed outside in the hopes of catching a small bit of breeze. Bailey had yet to introduce herself to Eve, but she decided it was best to wait. Eve had looked a bit assulted by all of the friendly attention she was getting, and Bailey didn't want to paramount her distress. She'd find a quieter moment when her overt friendliness wouldn't come off as too abrasive. She paused to re-read the paragraphs she had typed so far. It had been a good idea to keep a log-slash-journal of her time in the field, and Bailey was happy she had started it. Though she nearly felt the uncomfortable weight of anti-sociality every time she told her thoughts to a little silver laptop instead of a real person, Bailey shrugged it off. She just didn't want to dump any doubts on everyone else around her. "Whas'sat?" Bailey looked up slowly, as if absorbed in her work, "Hm?" "What is it that you type about?" She had seen the Colombian coming and had prepared, "Oh," she smiled innocently, "recent archeological findings. Data about each piece and its history. Would you like to see?" "Eh." He grunted slightly and eyed her, an automatic weapon slung over one shoulder, "No." Bailey thickened her French accent and enjoyed the momentary role play, "Are you sure?" "Yeh." His accent was so thick that she hardly understood him, but Bailey smiled into her laptop as he turned to walk away. He must have figured she was a harmless little scientist, and that thought made her smile even wider. When she heard delighted laughter coming from one of the near by tents, Bailey snapped her PowerBook shut and brushed off the seat of her pants. When she ducked inside the tent, she was greeted by several faces gone red with amusement and one very feminine looking Liam. Bailey's jaw dropped in temporary humor shock before her laughter joined the chorus.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by rttocs77 [/i] [B]In fact, in a way it might show that they are more able to adapt to social settings than you are. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]:rotflmao: Yes. I think it's dumb that so many people [yes, many of you on these boards] are like, "OMG preps are TEH SUCKORS bcause they're stuck up! Har har har!" In all reality, darlings, you're making your own exclusive group by labeling youself as anything else. You think that they hate you so you hate them...who's any different in that situation? All it does it cause you angst. Maybe you're just jealous because they're prettier than you, who knows. [Yeah, that's harsh, but these discussions are so dumb. Get over your outcast selves.][/color]
Pro-life Pro choice. Let's be mature, kay?
BabyGirl replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1] As for partial-birth abortion, it is the most disgusting practice ever. The baby by then is capable of living outside of the mother's womb, but they kill it anyway. That is SAD. I've seen some very disgusting pictures of it, too. That should be illegal.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]That is one form of abortion that I disagree with. I never even knew it was [i]legal[/i] until recently. I think that when pro-life extremists protest, they show you pictures of ONLY this type of abortion...silly extremists. *What are everyone's thoughts on [i]medical[/i] abortions?[/color]