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Everything posted by BabyGirl

  1. [color=deeppink]And so continues the sizzling hot trend of nominating more than one person, no matter how many times people are told to only nomiate one. [Excluding some]: Can anyone think outside of the box?[/color]
  2. [color=purple]Where has everyone else gone? ::runs around frantically trying to find everyone but Juu and Raiha::... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Dria had lost round one, but she wasn't going to go out like a loser. Keith had been snide, and she should have seen it coming, their last night together hadn't really been a pleasant one. Of COURSE he wasn't giong to want to help her after the way she treated him. Perhaps she'd have to approach the issue in a much more feminine way, showing off her assets and such. She could even get Genocide's approval first, considering that she wasn't about to **** with that particular subject again without his consent. Nah, Keith was already too aware of her true intentions. But then again...Dria could think of one other mouth-watering male who had contacts on the market she was investigating. Amazing how so many of her flings weren't clean at all; not even close. Dria flipped open her cell phone and spoke Luyii's name. As it rang, she contemplated what exactly she was going to say to her elder sister.[/i] [i]"Ms. Star." Her voice was slightly amused. [/i]"Hi Luyii darling. Where are you right now?" [i]"Walking the beast down Alpine."[/i] "Tell him I wuv him." [i]"Get to the point of your call, Dria."[/i] "Tell Genocide I've taken the job." [i]"Why can't you tell him yourself?"[/i] "Because his eyes are cold like winter. I'm afraid that I'll turn to stone if I look at them for too long." [i]Luyii's laugh bubbled up from the other end of the phone, "Ok, you don't know him at all, do you?"[/i] "Just because I didn't **** him doesn't mean that I can't tell what kind of person he is, babe. I'm on my way home, ciao." [i]She shut her phone before Luyii could say anything else. Dria hated that Luyii could be so calm with every insult she hurled at her, it was impossible to irritate her. As she wound her way out of the alleyways, Dria decided to take a chance and caught a cab home.[/i][/color]
  3. [color=deeppink]My brother changed me in ways that I can't even see; without him I would have turned out to be a much different person. He helped ME help to educate people about persons with special needs because so many people are ignorant and think that it's a subject to laugh about a social gatherings, which makes me quietly ill. Because of him I'll always want to enlighten others to the knowledge that everyone with special needs is amazing in one way or another and that making fun of the issue makes you look incredibly stupid. Perhaps this will turn into a sermon if I continue, so I'll leave it at that. I love my brother, I'll miss him forever :whoops:[/color]
  4. [color=purple][i]Dria found herself knocking on another fling's door, confident and composed as always. But this time was for work, not play, even if she had to fight to keep it that way. As Keith's door swung open Dria gave him a dazzling smile, but her eyes were as sharp as a snake's,[/i] "Keith, hello." [i]His ice blue eyes roamed up and down her body until she cleared her throat to distract him.[/i] "Dria. What brings your hot self my way today?" [i]Dria supressed a grimace, he was such a dirty talker and at the moment it simply made her ill,[/i] "My 'hot self' hasn't been brought your way today, Keith, my ears have. I need some information." [i]Keith threw her an equally dazzling smile,[/i] "Well come on in then, ma'am." [i]An accent from his Southern childhood still lingered in his voice. Dria merely rolled her eyes; he was talking through his teeth.[/i] "Now what do you need to know today me'lady?" "Jesus, Keith, stop with the pretenses." [i]He ignored her, [/i]"Would you like something to drink?" [i]Instead, Dria matched his pseudo-friendly tone,[/i] "A beer would be nice, honey. And," [i]she added after circling a tongue around the rim of her beer bottle,[/i] "I've been wandering all day and I'm absolutely [i]parched[/i] for information..."[/color]
  5. [color=purple]"W-wait. Apocolypse, please." [i]He stopped at her change in tone, so unlike her tough exterior,[/i] "What if I want to kill H just as much as you do?" [i]Apocolypse didn't turn around, but he gave a grim smile toward the ground, little did she know that it was really [b]him[/b] she wanted to harm,[/i] "I don't think you do, Dria. I really don't think you do." [i]And with that he disappeared from the alleyway.[/i] "So much for making sure no one hassels me." [i]Dria muttered as she bent to retrieve her weapon. Her throat still felt pinched, she was sure that bruises would form shortly. He could have killed her so easily...why hadn't she been afraid? And, then again, why hadn't he just squeezed a little bit harder? There was Genocide to consider, she supposed, but such a change from violence to void... Dria decided not to dwell on the scene that had just been played out, but instead thought about his offer. It seemed reasonable enough; ten thousand for a job that wouldn't be all too hard. But there was Ren to consider, and she felt too responsible for his death to not take care of it herself. She sighed, rubbing her fingers gingerly around her sore neck. Say she did it his way, accepted his offer and let him take care of Mr. H; would it just be their little secret? She didn't know Genocide well enough to predict whether or not he'd be angry if he discovered the truth...what if Apocolypse ratted her out? Doing business in blood certainly never gaurunteed anyone's life. [/i]Too much to think about![i] Dria's brain was whirling again, she couldn't handle everything that was going on. What had Luyii gotten them into this time? She sighed once again and started down the next alleyway, hoping that finding a junkie would bring her information and clear her head of worry.[/i][/color]
  6. [color=purple][i]Dria waited until Luyii had settled in before she spoke to her,[/i] "Glad to see you made it home ok, sister dear." [i]But her lips were curled into a sneer as she got to her feet and crossed the room, throwing her arms wide in defeat,[/i] "I'm being followed!" [i]Butch let out a bark at her outburst, and both of them promptly told him to shut up.[/i] "Tell me something I don't know, sweetheart." [i]She rounded on Luyii, [/i]"You could have at least warned me." "How was I supposed to know?" [i]But that was a blatant lie.[/i] [i]Dria's temper rose, but her voice fell cool and accusing[/i], "Because you're Genocide's little whore." [i]Luyii studied Dria calmly, she knew that her Sister was looking for a heated reply, but she wouldn't give her the satisfaction,[/i] "Oh. Well," [i]she smiled and walked toward the kitchen,[/i] "I seem to remember you telling me that getting 'fresh with the boss man' was something quite wonderful, Dria." "Oh shut up, Luyii." [i]She threw her arms up again, pacing in angry circles around the living room[/i]. [i]Luyii smiled down at her glass of water. She knew how to defeat Dria's moods, she'd only been doing it for nearly 20 years,[/i] "Fine, I'll stay quiet. This is for you." [i]She tossed the envelope she had been carrying across the kitchen, and Dria caught it with a glare.[/i] "What is this." [i]But it was more of a demand for explaination than a question.[/i] "I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise, honey." [i]She waited until the papers had been pulled half way out of the envelope, then spoke softly,[/i] "It's from Genocide." "Agh." [i]Dria set to stuffing them back in the envelope, but changed her mind...[/i] "A job?" [i]Luyii studied her, she looked cautious, but extremely interested, [/i]"For you. Alone. Look, I don't know what's inside, but just open it and see what he's offering you. He's trying to help you out." "Oh how? By putting limits on who I can and can't screw?" [i]Luyii didn't respond, the question hit too close to what was resting inside that envelope. The crime scene photos were on top, and she watche Dria's face carefully for any sign of recognition.[/i] "What is this?" [i]She shifted through the pictures,[/i] "Someone had too much fun with..." [i]Her voice trailed off and her face fell still. She recognized not the body, but the location. Everything fell slowly out of her hands, and littered the floor around her feet.[/i] "This is sick." [i]Dria pressed a hand against her stomach, then kneeled down to study the photographs again,[/i] "Who would do this to him?" [i]Luyii was surprised by Dria's lack of shock at the issue,[/i] "What is it?" [i]She joined her younger Sister on the floor, staring at the bloody scene laid out before her,[/i] "Jesus. What a mess. Wasn't this Ren's place?" [i]Dria nodded and felt like she was going to be violently ill. This was obviously her fault, someone hadn't done this to Ren, they'd done it to [b]her[/b]. She should have known better...[/i] [i]Luyii stood up and perched her hands on her hips,[/i] "You don't seem too upset." "He was a fling, Lu. He was someone that was extremely sexy and great in bed. But he was just that." [i]But her insides were screaming[/i], "He was so sweet..."[i] She stopped for fear that her voice would break.[/i] "What's the contract then?" [i]Luyii said at some length, handing the document to Dria.[/i] [i]Dria began to skim it, but then it all seemed to jump out and slap her across the face,[/i] "[i][b]H?![/b][/i]" [i]She was so speechless, completely at a loss as for why notorious Mr. H would dip into such petty, wasteful crimes,[/i] "A contract on H's life," [i]Dria bit her lip, everything inside of her was spinning, it was too much information at once,[/i] "Excuse me." [i]Dria hurried to the bathroom and lurched until her stomach muscles ached.[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]She had work to do. Genocide was offering her an opportunity to avenge something that made her heart ache with loss. And even if she wouldn't admit to anyone how much it hurt, she could prove herself worthy by pulling off this job. She would do it, and she would do it flawlessly. The first problem was getting in touch with Mr. H, finding him was a *******, pain in the *** chore.[/i][Why is a s s edited?][i] She had stumbled upon him last time by pure luck, an overheard conversation had given her the amount of information she needed to even contact him to set up an apointment. She'd have to start at the bottom, work her way up. Dria made sure her gun was in place as she gave Juu a kiss on the head,[/i] "I'm out, sis. Don't let Luyii crawl up your *** or anything." "I heard that!" "***** off! I'm still angry with you!" [i]But Dria gave Juu a wink, and the youngest knew she wasn't seriously upset. She slammed the door behind her anyway, just to make a show of things. The evenings were getting colder as Dria set out on foot. She had somewhere that she wanted to try first, to see if she could find any information. If she had to give personal favors, it wouldn't bother her too much, and she figured Genocide woudln't mind TOO much, considering it would all benefit him in the end... Then again, minions weren't too hard to polish off. They were simply mindless drones working for a greater evil, honestly loyal to nothing but a skewered concept of a generous boss. What ******** that was. It had been no longer than 20 minutes when Dria's neck tingled; she had always trusted her instincts. However, she ignored it. If she was being followed by Genocide's own minions, then it didn't really matter. She was on a job for him, afterall. As she reached the dirtier side of the neighborhood, Dria stayed in the alleyways. She knew very well that there would be someone around here offering to sell her their precious stash. Crackheads with the inside scoop, that's what she needed to find. Her neck tingled again as she rounded a corner, and this time the feeling was stronger. Someone was getting too close for her comfort... She chose a dark corner, surrounded by trash and bum huts, and crouched down well hidden. If she hadn't been distrated by a rat running over her shoe, she would have noticed that a darkly clad figure, an enormous one at that, was coming silently up the alleyway. When she looked up, he was passing so close to her that a sharp intake of breath on her behalf would have signaled him to where she crouched. Instead, she rose swiftly and cocked her gun, aiming it straight at his head,[/i] "Why are you following me?" [i]The man moved nothing but his head, which he turned to study her, his dark eyes staring back into hers. She knew that she was physically no match for him, Apocolypse, Genocide's violent partner. He saw the recognition in her eyes, she knew who he was. He merely smiled at the gun in her hands, moving swiftly enough to knock it out of the way as he circled his fingers around her throat. The gun had fired, the bullet letting out an ear splitting noise in the alleyway before it tore through a dirty broken window. Dria didn't struggle as his hand pinned her against the brick wall, his eyes still boring into her. The grin widened across his face...[/color][/i] [size=1]Oh gods, that was ******* LONG. Sorry.[/size]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Red [/i] [B][color=002E55]*stares*[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]::slaps Ger out of his trance:: Pervert :p I was referring to the [i]drunken-ness[/i] as being good, wholesome fun, sillies![/color]
  8. [color=deeppink]Er, Cheer Camp anyone? ::room falls silent, is stared at like a weirdo:: Hee :sweat: Yeah, there was two years of cheer camp, what a horrific experience that was. Standing outside for four straight days under the blazing sun working your [i]asses[/i] off while the other teams pretend to be happy and peppy, just to win awards! Oh, gag me. Our team wasn't there for the "spirit", we were there to actually work and get better. (And, dammit, it paid off!) Before anyone comments about cheerleading now... I also am a long time attendee of a more geek-oriented camp. I started out going to the week-long camp for writing, poetry, and acting, and then just fell in love with the entire place. As I got older I ended up counseling for two years and would have done it again this year if I hadn't been back in California when they needed counselors. Oh, the fond memories...[/color]
  9. [color=deeppink]If summer could be considered a three-week break, then mine was actually kind of boring ^_^; I go to school year-round, so the three weeks we got off I flew back to Michigan and did family things. Most of my friends were out of town, but I actually had a lot of fun going places with my mom and dad for a change. I went to Detroit for my boyfriend's 21st birthday, and THAT was good, wholesome fun :toothy: I went to up to northern Michigan and spent a day at Lake Michigan, and a day on Mackinac Island, which are both treats in themselves. I cleaned out my old room because my parents are going to be moving, now that the nest is completely empty. So I got to sort through lots of old **** that I dind't even know I had! The day before I flew back to California, though, all of my friends came over to say goodbye, and that was so great :) That was my "summer", fairly uneventful! I do much more while I'm in school than when I'm on break :D[/color]
  10. [color=purple][i]Dria's grip on her arm made Juu painfully aware of how angry she was; she was literally dragged to the bathroom in the wake of her Sister's fury.[/i] "Bastard!" [i]Dria flung her champagne flute across the small space room, a shower of glass shards raining back down upon them. She hated herself for her temper, but she hated herself more for not biting back at Genocide. It was lucky that she had kept both business and her life in thought as his words sliced through her like red hot taunts. His voice was so cruel. If she hadn't, well, she could have destroyed everything,[/i] "Controlling my sex life now, is he?" "Dria," [i]Juu moved to settle her, placing both hands on her shoulders and matching her eyes, which had nearly turned the color of smoldering embers,[/i] "at least now you know. Everything depends on this connection, and you know that." [i]Dria clenched her teeth, trying to tame the whirl of emotions that was dancing wildly through her body. Luyii had said that dealing with this boss, Genocide, would be a good deal. She remembered the conversation so clearly... So this man expected her to [/i]sell[i] herself?[/i] "Or does he just expect me not to **** anyone for a long time?" She asked aloud, directing her question towards Juu. "Ri?" "No." [i]She shook her head and suddenly became aware that the remains of the champagne now drizzled down her leg, mixed with her blood where a stray shard had sliced.[/i] "Oh, Juu," [i]her Sister's shoulder had fallen prey to another flying shard,[/i] "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry." [i]Juu relaxed as Dria started to clean up her shoulder, fussing over her as if she were dying. She knew this side of Dria the best, and she liked it far more than the angry one who couldn't control her own temper,[/i] "Your temprament matches your hair." [i]Dria looked down into Juu's eyes, and was relieved to see her smiling, [/i]"It does, it matches." [i]Dria felt herself smile and placed her hands on her hips, feining confrontation,[/i] "Oh yeah?" "Definitely! Your hair is all dark until the light hits it, then it's the color of deep red blood. And you're great with being placid until someone strikes a nerve, then you get all worked up." [i]Dria's smiled broadened and she pulled Juu into a fierce hug,[/i] "You're the only thing that's going to keep me sane tonight, lil' sis."[/color]
  11. [color=deeppink]TO further partonize this topic: Photography? Nobody seems to consider that a very relevant topic around here. People [i]do[/i] need to branch out...[/color]
  12. [color=deeppink]After much thought, I decided that I'd post in here, even if it takes me forever to remember everyone ^_^; [u]Justin[/u]- first and foremost. That one should explain itself. [u]Russ[/u]- He's just too damn funny. [u]Sara[/u]- Lovely and witty. She has always made me laugh, and if it wasn't a laugh, it was a smirk because I got her joke when nobody else did. [u]Semja-Tony[/u]- Well he's just a fabulous person to talk to. Introduced me to a band that I don't really like, but that doesn't matter. He's still nice in my book. [u]Ger-Red[/u]- Oi, mate! [u]Toriness[/u]- She likes pink and girly things like me. And she's an Angel..they kick *** ;) [u]Deb[/u]- I just admire her for everything she's ever said and done...and the Angels still kick *** ;) [u]Raiha[/u]- Nobody else has *sensual* prowess like this girl ;) [u]kuja[/u]- Made me realize just how important good grammar really is when it comes to assuming one's intelligence. [u]James[/u]- For giving me that first oppurtunity to moderate when I wasn't even expecting it, which in turn helped me make some of the coolest friendships with staff members here. [u]Rick Hunter[/u]- Or, wait, no. [u]Ken and Medra[/u]- They don't follow popular culture and are damn proud of it. How cool is that? I know I'm missing some...I always do :sweat:[/color]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by noodleboy [/i] [B]make friends in high places fast. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]But don't try [i]too[/i] hard, the upperclassmen will let you know if they want your company or not ;) I remember my freshman year and how nervous I was. I was so young, I started high school when I was only 13, so I felt like I didn't belong there. But eventually things got ok. We moved into a new building after Christmas break, so the classes got more separated by halls. It was nice to know that now the freshmen weren't the only ones completely lost trying to find their classes; everyone was now in the same boat [and each floor of that school looks the exact same, so it was SO confusing at first!] And, to be honest, the first half of my freshman year I don't really remember. I never remember the beginning of things; first year of high school, first year at camp, first weeks on these boards. I have a bad memory for stuff like that ^_^; Anyway, it's ok that you're nervous, I think everyone is when they start high school. You'll learn the ropes soon enough :)[/color]
  14. [color=purple][i]Car rides were always an event when Luyii or Dria was driving. Tonight, the latter one was behind the wheel and Juu's eyes were shut tight, knuckles white from gripping her armrest.[/i] "You're going to kill us, Ri!" [i]Juu opened her eyes just long enough to see a stop sign -blatantly advertised- fly by without a second look from her Sister.[/i] "This thing wasn't meant for sitting still."[i] Luyii lovingly pet the soft leather seat of their blazing red Audi TT. Genocide's penthouse wasn't too far from where the three of them lived, and they were all pleased about that. It made running easier if necessary, for they were already familiar with the area.[/i] "Remember," [i]Luyii spoke to them in a hushed voice as she handed her keys to the valet,[/i] "make it look like you're drinking a bit too much, that way they won't think we're going to be of any threat. The less harmless we look, the better." [i]Juu frowned,[/i], "I have to drink?" [i]Dria threw her an encouraging grin,[/i] "It's never too early to start, babe." [i]Before she could protest, Luyii patted her shoulder,[/i] "Take a flute of champagne and nurse it all night, it won't hurt you. I promise." [i]The youngest merely scowled and didn't say a word. As they reached the top floor, Juu started to adjust her taser and both Dria and Luyii reached out hands to stop her.[/i] "Cameras." [i]Dria muttered[/i], "They're everywhere. You're visible everywhere while you're here, so keep that in mind." [i]The three of them fell into performance mode. As the doors opened, they were greeted -if it could be called that- by stony stares from Genocide's personal stash of henchmen. One of them looked the three over and motioned them toward the doors of their superior's lair.[/i] [i]Luyii glanced sidelong at her companions,[/i] "Smiles, ladies."[/color]
  15. [color=purple][i]It was Ren's housekeeper who found him first early Saturday morning. Maria had walked in the knocked down door and promptly fainted at the sight of so much blood. When she came to, she was surrounded by Ren's neighbor and dozens of swarming policemen. She scowled at the uniformed men; they had sent her only son to prison, leaving her to fend for herself in this horrible, horrible city. As the paramedics helped Maria recover from her initial shock, they started drilling her about who and where and why and had she seen anything at all? Tight-lipped, Maria answered their questions stonily, staring at the sloppy letter H painted out in Ren's blood. It was one less customer, one less job that paid. Old Maria cursed the man who had done this, he had just made her life harder. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dria had forgotten about the pouch in her closet, lost in the excitement of finding an outfit to wear. The party wasn't necessarily a joyous occasion, but any situation that required playing dress-up absolutely thrilled her. It was Luyii who reminded her about the previous night,[/i] "So how'd the job go, Ri?" [i]Dria paused momentarily and set down the dress she had been holding up in the mirror,[/i] "I completely forgot." [i]She dug out the prize from its hiding place,[/i] "Here. This will sell for a lot, that H guy gives me the absolute creeps, but his stuff is prime." [i]Luyii untied the small package and glanced down at its snowy white contents.[/i] "We could always keep it, too. I got a pretty good deal on it." [i]Dria shrugged and started to rifle through her shoe collection,[/i] "It's up to you." "I'll think about it." [i]Luyii returned the pouch back to its original spot and looked through the dresses that Dria was debating. She held up a particularily revealing, muted-red dress that would show off Dria's rather superior legs,[/i] "This one. It's mouth watering. I want their eyes to be on us tonight." "Fair enough." [i]Dria stripped to her lingerie and slid into the dress, loving the feeling of the silky material against her skin.[/i] "Oh yes, I have always loved this dress."[i] She picked through her heels again,[/i] "Juu! Come here! What are you wearing tonight?" "I'll find something!" [i]Came the unenthusiastic reply from down the hall.[/i] "Go help her, Luyii, we need to make her look at least four years older." [i]As Luyii agreed and left the room, Dria put on a beautiful pair of Jimmy Chu stilettos and cooed in delight. All three of them would look ravishing tonight.[/i][/color]
  16. [color=purple][i]Her heels echoed down the long, dank hallway that was lined with flickering flourescents and the smell of stale urine. It reminded Dria of walking into well-hidden raves, strobes beckoning wildly from under the party doors. But this was no party. Fingering the gun that was tucked into the back of her jeans, Dria counted the doors as she passed.[/i] 17th door on the right...[i] the directions had been very precise. She had done business with Mr. H before, a man notorious for evading everything and everyone that he didn't want to deal with. Tonight, however, she knew he wanted to deal with her. As she passed the 14th door, Dria thought it over in her head. She'd get what she came for, then leave. She would give him nothing but the money, then leave. She'd leave before he could pull anything else. The 17th door seemed to arrive more suddenly that she expected. She took a deep, steadying breath and then knocked softly upon the door. It seemed to echo through the entire hallway, and Dria made one last glance around to make sure that she hadn't been followed. The door creaked open to reveal a shadow backlit by a blinding spotlight, but Dria merely slit her eyes against it and didn't shy away.[/i] [i]His voice was soft and scratchy, but it intimidated many,[/i] "Leila." [i]Dria set her jaw and nodded at her pseudonym, smiling a grim hello. As he opened the door wide enough for her to enter, Mr. H's arm snaked around to her back, and Dria had to shift to prevent him from felling her weapon.[/i] "Here for your order, I imagine." [i]She nodded again, following him inside and hovering close to the doorway. As he retreated to his makeshift bed, he motioned her to follow. When Dria didn't respond, Mr. H's eyes narrowed and his smile warped to a frown.[/i] "All right, suit yourself." [i]He crossed to her and handed her a small leather pouch,[/i] "Here. Money please." [i]Dria removed the small fold of $100's and handed it to him with a slight 'there, are you happy? are we done?' expression.[/i] "Good doing business with you, as always, Leila." [i]His voice turned thick, and his large frame moved closer to her. With speed Dria didn't think he posessed, Mr. H launched a hand into her hair and grabbed it tight, yanking her neck backward and her body toward him.[/i] "But I'm not quite finished." [i]He began to caress her throat with a curious look, but stopped abruptly when he felt the muzzle of a gun pressed against his stomach.[/i] "Not tonight, Mr. H." [i]It was the only thing she had ever said to him, and Dria's voice was harsh. It aroused Mr H., with that gun in her hand and the fire in her eyes, but he let go of her hair and backed a step away.[/i] "Some other time." [i]He snarled, but was nonetheless amused by her daring.[/i] [i]Dria shook her head and backed out of the door, closing it in front of her to make sure he didn't make any other moves. He was a slimy one all right. Slick as a snake, and twice as dangerous. But he had good ****, and that was the only reason why Dria risked it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When she got back home, Dria hid the pouch in her closet, reminding herself to share it with Luyii in the morning. For now she just needed a shower and a big shot of vodka. She didn't fall asleep until the sky blushed pink with morning.[/i][/color]
  17. [color=purple][i]Dria didn't feel like going anywhere specific, but somehow she ended up parked outside a former fling's apartment building. Funny how she ended up at this exact spot more and more frequently lately, thinking about old times and lust-filled as hell. She didn't call any man a boyfriend, she knew better. Luyii had taught her many invaluable lessons from the time that the older friend had started first grade, and the random man triva hadn't stopped since. Dria and Luyii had, in fact, always gotten along. They had been friends forever, or so it seemed. Of course there were minor disagreements while they were growing up about clothes, boys, and weapons, but they loved each other too much to want to destroy the bond. *Juu* [will change later] had been the late Sister, seven years Dria's junior, and she felt a fierce, motherly protectiveness of her because of it. She let *Juu* have her freedoms and treated her as much like a Sister as Luyii, but whenever **** got sticky Dria made sure that the yongest emerged unscathed. Dria settled her gaze on the apartment building again and frowned. She could easily *invite* herself into Ren's place, but was it really worth it? She pondered it for a second and then smiled,[/i] "**** it. I'm going in." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]There was no light coming from under Ren's door when Dria reached his floor, and her frustration mounted to think that he might not be home. But as she picked her way through his doorway, Dria heard the umistakeable sound of his sleepy breathing. It was a sound that caused a flood of memories and lust. Creeping silently across his hard wood floor, Dria stood over Ren's beautifully naked body and licked her lips. She knew that she was always a welcome midnight guest in his room. Bending down next to his ear, Dria nibbled it softly,[/i] "Ren." [i]He awoke groggily until the sihlouette hovering above him caused him to sit upright and swing out with a strong fist. Dria dodged it easily and climbed cat-like into his lap.[/i] "It's me, shithead." "Jesus, Dria. You're lucky I didn't hit you." "You'd have a hard time hitting me, babe." "Oh?" [i]His expression changed for the better as she lifted her shirt over her head[/i], "Oh. Good God, come here."[i] Ren pulled her down on top of him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ She let him fall asleep afterward and left without a word, checking her watch to make sure she still had time for tonight's task.[/i] Good,[i] she though,[/i] Luyii will certainly be pleased with the surprise I bring her home tonight.[/color] [size=1]P.S. Just changed my age to 21, hope that's not a problem ;)[/size]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Taylor Hewitt [/i] [B]Ok people you can thank me. I brought this topic back from page 7. I knew this would contain furthur discussion when I saw it wasn't locked.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Ok, Taylor, allow me to explain something: nobody cares how long a thread is, how long it has been running, who 'brought it back', or who posts in it. Thread quality is based on the post quality within a particular thread, and how intelligent the discussion is. Things are just being regurgitated in this topic; it gives everyone a chance to explain how they feel about it but there's no real, intelligent conversations going back and forth between members. In short, just because a thread is long doesn't mean that it's successful ;) I'm sorry that was a public service announcement. I felt it had to be said.[/color]
  19. [color=deeppink]::huggles the dog and steals it, along with the woman's necklace:: I realized that I'm really ignorant about Canada. I don't really know anything about your history or what goes on up there. No big news seems to reach us about Canadian escapades or tragedies. Is your country really that peaceful? I've only ever been to Windsor for dinner...that's the extent of my Canadian experiences.[/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][size=1]Are you just given a title that you have to fit?[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Yesh. I'm in Photojournalism II right now, so this was an extra credit assignment that had a two-day turn around deadline. It was basically to see who would take the extra step to make a good picture in two days time without much [i]planning[/i] time. All he told us was "Photograph what the word 'blue' means to you." Which was really cool, and I loved doing this assignment. Ah, the beauty of the digital camera :love: [size=1]P.S. Thank you everyone who could actually see what it was.[/size][/color]
  21. [color=purple][i]With Luyii behind the wheel of their stylishly expensive car, the three women set off for their own domain. Riding with the top down at night in such a city was something that few dared to do, but these women hardly knew any fear. They had braved more than most; assasins, psychopathic crime bosses, overly-horny men...a little car jacking wasn't of any concern to them.[/i] "Getting fresh with the boss man," Dria grinned over at Luyii and wiggled her eyebrows, "that's my girl." The youngest of the three spoke up from the back, "Sexcapades, really. Is it neccessary?" Luyii lit another cigarette with the simple feminine grace she had perfected over the years, "Of course it is, honey. Fratenizing with the one who pays never hurt anyone. Power hungry men are insatiable in every aspect of life." She sped through a red light, "That includes their female company." "Well of course." Dria leaned over and lowered her voice, mouth a mere inch away from Luyii's ear, "Who could resist us?" She then licked her ear in a point-proving way and laughed. Luyii smiled over at Dria as the blood-red haired beauty pulled away andstretched her arms high into the cool night breeze. [i]When they reached their apartment, all three of them had work to do. To live in a city that never slept was an excellent excuse to stay up and do your work unnoticed, especially when it came to revenging certain personal hangups. In her room, Dria surveyed her closet with a twinge of love...one oculd never have too many shoes. Choosing a pair of dangerously high, black stilettos that came to a point at the toe, Dria then slipped into her favorite -and expensive- pair of jeans and examined the outfit in her mirror.[/i] Perfect for tonight. [i]She smiled and went to find her counterparts.[/i][/color]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dan Rugh [/i] [B]I'm confused. What is that a picture of exactly. It looks like the night sky, but I've never seen anything that looked like that above my house. It looks really cool though. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]:sweat: It's a person, backlit. They're squeezing a water bottle, hence the blue streak on the right side. Check your monitor settings, it may be hard to see on some screens.[/color]
  23. [color=deeppink]It's been a while since I showcased any photography. This was taken last night under the assignment title "Blue". Enjoy.[/color] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=451743[/img]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Taylor Hewitt [/i] [B]I think this thread is just a bad attempt to make a big thread. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Like you should point fingers...:rolleyes: I think that life without my close friends wouldn't be as great as it is. I live in California and all of my good friends from high school live in Michigan, but it's so great when I fly back for holidays and I get to hang out with my girls again. They're great, I love them. ::snickers at TN's post:: I love smart humor.[/color]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Japan_86 [/i] [B]Just look at the all the people with AIDS and HIV. Don't forget also those horrible STD's. Once you get them, you live with them. There are medicenes the help with it somewhat, but they don't totally go away. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]That's the beauty of knowing that both you and your partner were virgins when you had sex together for the first time. So much less to worry about :whoops:[/color]
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