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Everything posted by BabyGirl

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy Ace [/i] [B]i even turned down a scholarship to one of the top private schools over here to go to the same public school as her. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink] >_< . Duh. I think most guys go through that experience growing up. Girls really ARE interested in having guys as [i]just friends[/i], and that's the part that you just learned the hard way. It does suck, but I think it's a totally learned behavior on how to detect if a close girl friend is interested in you in "that way". Good luck, though. Just try to be a good friend to her, I'm sure she really appreciates the friendship. And who knows? Maybe given time something will come of it :)[/color]
  2. [color=deeppink]Well yeah, the thing is you [b]ARE[/b] only 13, and you [b]DO[/b] have a lot of time in life ahead of you. Ugh, it bugs me to no end when teens want to die over a "crush". Ok, so maybe you were convinced that you loved her, but love comes with time and mutual sacrafices....not one-sided, puppy dog obsessions. Grow up and live until you're 90. You'll be happy that you did.[/color]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Taylor Hewitt [/i] [B]Would you play sports?[/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]You mean, people actually [i]do[/i] that?! Erik says: [quote]"How quaint. Physical activity? Why bother?! Not when we have the OtakuBoards!"[/quote] Sure. That sums it up. [size=1]P.S. All the above is quite cynically stated.[/size][/color] :p
  4. [color=deeppink]The only bad part about getting your wisdom teeth out is seeing all sorts of yummy food that you cannot eat yet! :D My whole experience with getting my teeth pulled wasn't bad at ALL. I think I took a total of two Vicadin for the pain -or lack thereof- because it didn't really hurt that bad after the first day. Plus, Vicandin (the painkiller they give you) made me really sick, so don't keep taking it if it makes you feel sick, too. I was eating solid food [within reason] three days after the surgery, and when I went for my week check-up the doctor said that I had healed faster than anyone he'd ever seen. I think a major part about why the ordeal wasn't a negative experience was because I went into it thinking positively. I think that if you worry about it beforr the surgery, and then moan about it afterward, that's when it turns into a nasty time. So really, it's not that bad at all. And by the way, the anesthetic IS really fun. I don't remember the ride home at all, even though I was awake ^_^;; Oh! And Chicken Broth is extremely tasty and easy to drink! Try it![/color]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Armadillomon [/i] [B]You know what the funny thing is? Now they're saying that some of the ingredients in fast food is actually [I]addictive!!!![/I] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Ever had In 'N Out Burger? That may change your outlook on addictive substances in fast food. I think they hook people with the ketchup...[/color]
  6. [color=deeppink]I received an email from my Aunt who lives an hour from me in West Hills, California, and when she used to work at the Getty Museum [near Santa Monica] she used to always visit the Farmer's Market on the days it was open... I think that this is a really, really good example of what age can do to your driving. Older drivers who can't really see the road or who go 45 MPH on the freeway are just as dangerous as teenagers who drive over 90 MPH, weaving in and out of traffic. But senior citizens don't get their driver's license taken away because they really never "break any laws", which is the reason it is such a muddy issue. I cannot believe that they didn't hold the man after he killed so many people, any other person would have been immediately arrested and charged for manslaughter. Does the law pity him because he's old? They shouldn't. The simple mistake of mixing up the brake and the gas turned out instead to be a horrible, horrible mistake. Why shouldn't he have to take responisiblity for it? He may be old and he may die soon, but he just killed many more people than deserved it. I feel strongly about this issue because everyone is always ragging on people who drive too fast, yet they fail to see the equally dangerous issue of people who drive too slow or too [i]OLD[/i]. People need to wake up and realize that AGE IMPAIRS YOUR DRIVING ABILITY!!!111 I hope this incident will open people's eyes to it :) P.S. The man driving the car didn't even have a valid driver's license...hm.[/color]
  7. [color=deeppink][b]"Where You Are"[/b] by [i]Josh Groban[/i]. [list][size=1][b]"Who can say for certain? Maybe you're still here. I feel you all around me, Your memory so clear."[/list][/size][/b] I used that song in a video tribute to my brother, so it obviously sparks some fresh emotions.[/color]
  8. [color=deeppink]Being alone in my apartment is something that I've never liked. I have a new roommate that is home a lot more often than my old one, and it's great to actually have someone to talk to during the day. Most of the time I prefer being with Erik over having time by myself. Besides, I do boring things when I'm alone like get online and reading trashy magazines...sorta a waste of my time ^_^;[/color]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sage [/i] [B][color=white]-->And was I really the only one that got irritated by Harry's angsty mood?! Sure, teenage is a good phase to let it all come out, but it was a [i]little[/i] exaggerated.[/color][color=white]No, I was extremely irritated by it, too. I think that Lady Asphyxia has really good thoughts about this and I definitely agree with those points, but the angst was far too heavy and drawn out to stand. Maybe that comes from my extreme distaste for younger, angsty, bitter-at-the-world teenagers, but it personally made the book a hard read for me.[/color] [color=deeppink]-->[/color][color=white]I also think that this book was needed as a turning point and/or plateau to the story, so maybe that was part of the reason it was so mundane. The whole fight scene at the end was pretty well written, but I skimmed more than a few parts of the book to get to the good stuff; a lot of it was boring. Plus, Umbridge bugged the hell out of me! [and everyone, I'm sure] It honestly made me just want to stop reading at times...:drunk: I just hope that the next one is better.[/color] [color=deeppink]-->[/color][color=white]One more thing...about Neville being brought into the whole scheme of things. I thought that it was really very interesting. Do you think that was a last-minute plan to incorporate him into the story, or do you think it's a great plot twist like I do? ::shrugs:: I'm going to re-read the 3rd and 4th years just to remind myself as to what happened...[/color]
  10. [color=deeppink]Ohhh, Deb...:bawl: I'm sorry...I couldn't not cry after reading this thread, I can't even fathom how I would handle myself in a situation like yours. It's so not fair to you. It makes me angry and upset and thuroughly sad all at one time. :nervous: Every time that I thought about this thread today I felt like I had lost something, too, simply because things like this aren't FAIR AT ALL. :cross: I love you, we all do. Hang in there...I know how hard loss is...:( [/color]
  11. [color=deeppink]Well...I've always had this thing for that hot Transtic guy, but I think we're all aware that that would never be possible, heh ;) [Love ya, Chris] And of course, both of my fellow Angels are too hot for words :smooch:[/color]
  12. [color=deeppink]::gives DuoGodOfDeath a little wave:: I saw that quote of Transtic's "Let's get this straight..." in your signature a long time ago and figured that I just missed your 'coming out' thread. I guess I'm a sharp cookie like that, eh? :p Anyway, gay boys are pretty, loveable, and one of the best friends a girl could have! I wish you the best :D[/color]
  13. [color=deeppink]In some parts of the country there's just nothing you can do. The city in California that I live in has a huge ant problem, so whenever it rains the ants come inside and attack anything from candy to alcohol to makeup products. They pretty much take over the houses around there, and there's nothing you can really do except to be careful what you leave lying around. It may also help to put ant traps around the places that you find them most frequently, and RAID really is a good quick fix/last resort. Good luck, I know what a pain they can be![/color]
  14. [color=deeppink]Plo Koon, rather than double posting you can easily add stuff to your posts with the Edit button :) I just wanted to speak up about the hentai thing real quick. The reason hentai is more easily accepted in Japan than in the US is because the Japanese have a greater sense of fantasy vs. real life. Their belief is that hentai stems from the fantasy side of life, and as long as you keep it strictly fantasy, then it's an ok thing with society. I guess, however, if you would want to act out a hentai-oriented fantasy, that's when it becomes a rather 'wrong' thing to do. (I'm only loosely educated on this topic, so anyone can add in or correct me where I'm wrong.) So I guess where hentai originates from, they have a much different view than we do over here. They create it for the sole purpose of fantasy, and who doesn't have a good sexual fantasy now and then? I hope that makes sense...I'm trying to make a point but I'm not sure it's coming out correctly :bluesweat:[/color]
  15. [color=deeppink]Meh, modding has a lot of pros and cons, but it's not all that it's cracked up to be. Firstly, moderators receive a [i]lot[/i] of random IMs and PMs, some of them are really nice and rational questions, but others are just plain annoying. However, it also really helps you meet different members when you're a mod because so many people want to get to know you. There are times where I miss being a moderator, especially the category moderator because people really respect what you have to say when you're placed in super-modship. But overall I'm glad that I stopped moderating at Otaku. It was too much responsiblity for what little time I have, and I don't receive weird IMs from radom people anymore. I also feel a lot more open to speak out against the things I disagree with here because I'm no longer someone who has to set an example. I guess the one thing I miss the most is the staff relationships. I was a part of the staff from the beginning of the staff forum, and I miss not being able to read it every day. It was a laid back place, and I had good friendships with a lot of staff members. I really, really miss some of those people that I've lost touch with =\ Concensus: Happy being a member, but tiny things missed about moderating.[/color]
  16. [color=deeppink]Good to see another Star Wars fan around here, Master Koon ;) I read all of your post and I think a lot of the points you bring up are extremely valid. While I don't hold back in voicing my enjoyment of sex [with someone I will probably spend most of my life with], I agree that there are other things to worry about. Pregnancy scares are always horrible. Even though I use birth control, there are months where I really can't wait to get my period. Sometimes I almost believe that giving up sex would be better than having to worry about an unwanted or untimely pregnancy. There is no way that I could keep a child at this point in my life, I have too much of a future already planned for myself. I know that's where abstinence becomes the best idea ever... Anyway, I don't remember anyone ever saying "it's just your body"...? If I'm wrong, feel free to correct me because I don't want to go look through this entire thread, but I doubt that anyone on these boards has that sort of mentality...judging from past topics, conversations, etc. Despite the l337, your post was interesting. I hope that other topics will pique your interest and you'll feel compelled to post in them :)[/color]
  17. BabyGirl


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deedlit [/i] [B][color=009966]I guess it's the part where they have to leave you forever that makes it bad......[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I agree; coping with death is one intense roller coaster ride. I find that it has really helped me lately to realize that while my brother may not be with me in a physical sense, in a way I can still pretend he is. It's easy for me to convince myself that he's just downstairs being quiet, and while it may seem like denial, I gain an awesome feeling of peace when I do this. Of course there are other times when I remember his smile or his laugh and it just brings me to tears, but I during those moments I just have to remember that my lifetime is so short compared to the overall scheme of the universe, and that I can be in a spiritual place with my brother, and other loved ones, in no time at all. Sometimes just making things up or pretending really, really helps, even though you know that what you're convincing yourself of isn't really the truth. But about death itself, I think that it's a necessary evil; making it neither good nor bad. The death of someone close to you can make you realize zillions of things that you didn't notice before, like how much you take people for granted...idiosyncrasies and all. It can be a much-needed wake-up call for any and all selfish behavior, too. The only thing I fear about death is losing another Erik. I already lost one Eric that I loved, so I can't stand the thought of losing my other Erik. I often wonder if I'm exempt from sudden deaths of the people I love because I just recently lost one of them. I also often hope that I am :)[/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Randleman [/i] [B]I have had the same girlfriend since freshman year. We love eachother. She is perfect. Just seeing her makes my heart melt. But having sex with the person you truely love, married or not, it not wrong. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Ahh, you are so [i]sweet[/i]! Guys with mentality like yours and my boyfriend's just make my day happier. I thought I should let you know :D[/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue][size=1]I usually just fake it to get it over with, heh.[/size][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Expanding on the general idea of fake orgasms: Sometimes my, eh, 'climax' takes a lot of work and consentration to achieve. I've never thought it would be fair of me to fake it just because I can't 'get there' very easily...but then again, Erik's never made me want to fall asleep, either ;) I like sex, and I'm not afraid to admit it! :p[/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by TarMeg1989 [/i] [B][SIZE=1][FONT=times new roman][COLOR=blue]Yu shouldn't just do sex if it is for fun. [/color][/font][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Well [i]I[/i] do it for fun. But I understand what you were meaning to say. Your beliefs lean more toward the thought that people shouldn't be having casual sex with different, random people every night. I definitely agree with that; I would be forever paranoid about STDs and pregnancy, even if I used a condom. That's why my having sex for fun is ok [at least in my eyes] because I am committed to one man. Sex with anyone else just doesn't seem appealing, he's the only one I want to be with right now.[/color]
  21. [color=deeppink][b]Do you think you will forever be a product of the enviornment you've grown up in?[/b] Some people rise out of poverty and into great wealth, but they still had a rough life that can forever skew their outlook on life. Still others grow up in the South, and maybe some of them really can't wait to leave but their rich culture is always going to be a part of them, no matter how much they may dislike that fact. I grew up in Michigan. Upon flying back to the Midwest today after being in California for almost a year, I realize that I'll forever have a piece of Michigan with me, no matter how much I truely despise this state. I seemingly can't deny the Midwestern values and friendliness that I grew up with...places outside of the Midwest [such as the East Coast] often times come off as callous and cool [frosty]. Is it ever ok to deny one's past and move on to a new future and never look back? Or is that an unhealthy route down denial lane? I'd love to hear personal stories and opinions on this :whoops:[/color]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i] [B][siZe=1]You can put up the best arguments, but still, you don't know what love is. You just think you know due to the feelings you have. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I agree with you that love is often times an arbitrary emotion, but if someone believes that they are in love, why argue against their happiness? Sometimes I think that love is one issue that should just be laid to rest; let those who are in love with each other [i]be[/i] in love. In TarMeg's situation, however, I don't think she knows what she is feeling because the guy doesn't even love her back. That's how almost all middle school and high school relationships start, and if two people can stick together up to or through college, [i]then[/i] there's something special there. That's when our maturity has grown enough to give us clear vision of what we want in our lives and what kind of person we want to spend it with. I think it takes experiementation to find someone that you can love and fall in love with. I never 'loved' any of the guys I dated for a long time, but I do love the one that I'm currently with. He, too, is old enough and had enough past relationships to realize that what he sees in me is what he wants. And, back to the falling in love at a young age, I honestly don't think it's possible. You can have a crush on someone, be infatuated, but until aforementioned maturity growth, there's no way that you can really see what the two of you have. Just because two people were elementary sweethearts does [i]not[/i] mean that they were in love...they merely stuck it out together until they got older and eventually fell in love. It happens all the time. Anyway, I realize that I'm ranting and that I have other things that need to get done ^_^; Lengthy post.[/color]
  23. [color=deeppink]It's sexual tension. :p Nah, I'm kidding. I used to get crushes on guys I'd spend a lot of time around because they were so nice and I felt so honored that they'd want to spend a sliver of their life with me. I think it's a part of growing up; becoming good friends with the opposite sex and then developing crushes on each other. Yeah, Scorpio, I would let her know if I were you, but that's me...and I've had some crushes, eh, 'crushed' due to admitance [I can't spell that] of my feelings. ::shrug:: Most likely you won't be able to contain the feelings anymore and you'll have to tell her eventually...at least that's how things always went for me in the past! Heh, good luck with that, I hope that your friendship isn't ruined in the crush process [becaues that's the worst when that happens] ^_^[/color]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by TarMeg1989 [/i] [B][COLOR=blue]We've been going out for 2 years already. Everytime I come to thinking about breaking up I cry, so I think it is love, I know it ain't just like. [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I bet you cry when you think about breaking up because you [i]have[/i] been with him so long, it's probably the thought of not seeing him so often that makes you upset. You may care for him, but I used to cry when I broke up with guys that I had only dated for 6 months...it's the separation that hurts. I honestly don't think that you know what love [i]is[/i] yet. Love is definitely not someone who tells you that they don't love you back...that's one-sided infatuation. Give single life a chance, honey, it can be an awesome change of pace. (Especially since you're so young!!! Live life first!)[/color]
  25. [color=deeppink]My passion. Everyone is welcome to it.[/color]
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