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Everything posted by BabyGirl
[color=deeppink]I know that this topic is old, but I forgot to post when I realized I had something to say ^_^; Contrary to Lady M's non-cuddly sleeping habits, I absolutely [i]love[/i] touching someone while I fall asleep. I fall back into the annoyingly nasty niche of not falling asleep for hours on any night that I'm actually away from Erik. Plus, his bed has kind of become my bed since it is bigger than my small one, so it's weird to sleep anywhere else without him. It's just comfortable to know that there is a big strong man next to me to protect me from the dark and scary boggie men! :D[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Manic [/i] [B]Well, i'm 18 (turning 19 on the 21st of this montth} [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]You have the same birthday as my boyfriend, only he's turning 21 ^_^ The only thing about turning 18 that was fun was the fact that I could buy cigarettes and lottery tickets. But the first time I legally bought a pack (simply because I could), I didn't even get carded. That took the fun out of it. The piercing thing never excited me either because I got my navel pierced when I was 17 because my mom took me and signed for it. I can vote now...but I don't see the point in voting in a California election [yet] when my roots are still in Michigan. ...Yet is a funny word... I guess it's 'legal' for me to have sex now, but I didn't have sex until I had turned 18 anyway. I think that my 19th birthday will be the most exciting until I turn 21. When I'm in Michigan I live about an hour and half from the Canadian border, so I can go over there and drink. Overall though, I think that 18 is a fun age. I'm old enough to have legal responsibilites, but not too old to be considered completely responsible for every aspect of my life (especially the financial part of it...) Oh, I guess there IS that getting into 18+ night clubs, that's a definite plus ;)[/color]
[color=deeppink][b]PERSONAL[/b] Member Name: [b]BabyGirl[/b] Former Member Names: [b]BabyGirl[/b] Member Since: [b]June 10th, 2001[/b] Current Status: [b]Extreme Otaku[/b] Nicknames: [b]Jehnah, JhaJha, Baby[/b] Favorite Forums: [b]Otaku Lounge & Your Picutre[/b] Favorite RPG: [b]That one a long time ago that wasn't an RPG but a three-way story between Raiha, Justin and myself. That was damn fun.[/b] Favorite Threads: [b]If Otaku Were a Country...tehe, it's so amusing.[/b] Favorite Smiley: [b]Haha, Sarah, I remember when I used that smiley once and you called it the insincere smiley and I everytime I see it now, I think of that quote...:toothy: ^_^ Anyway, my favorites are :drunk: and :p...and probably the :toothy:[/b] Most Memorable Moment: [b]Mm...anytime lately when people have still made an effort to talk to me even though I'm not around. It feels good to know that even though I'm not around I'm not forgotten :) Quotable Quote: [b][i]"Chocolomeart!"[/i][/b] After I told Russ I was eating chocolate. And, [i]"I'm going to stop having se.......seeds in my grapes!"[/i] ~Justin. (That was so classic.) Words of Wisdom: [b]You really don't know what you've got until it's gone, so cherish it while it's in front of you.[/b] Wish to be remembered for: [b]um...good grammar? :p[/b] Desired Epitaph: [b]The Fire Still Burns[/b] ...corny Favorites: [b]Erik, photography, my camera, new clothes, SANDALS!, sex, White Cheddar Cheez-Its, California.[/b] [b]I will....[/b] ...my grammar [but not spelling, because I suffer from bad spelling every once in a while] to most of you ...my personal confidence to Juu, Tori, and every other girl who thinks she's not beautiful ...my knack for photography to whoever holds appreciation for it ...my love to Justin, because he's my buddy [b]MOST AND BEST[/b] Most likely to succeed: [b]Saraness, Tony, Tori[/b] Most likely to secede: [b]Myself[/b] Worst spelling: [b]...must I name them all? :p[/b] Best poster: [b]Tony [I read them!], Sara [witty lady, you][/b] Cutest couple: [b]Erik and I...so ;P[/b] Best writer: [b]Hm...it's been a while since I've ready anyone's work, and I'm way too hard to impress in that area.[/b] Best artist: [b]Tori. I absolutely love the way she draws[/b] Best...spar-er?: [b]I certainly wouldn't know :)[/b] Craziest: [b]Weh. I do love you, sir.[/b] Funniest / wittiest: [b]Oh, Sara you take the cake. But Heaven's Cloud is great, too. And Lady M. Silly people :)[/b] Interesting-er-ist: [b]Shy? He's always intrigued me. [do I sound like a stalker saying that?][/b] Random award: [b]erm...nope ^_^[/b] Nerd-tastic Power Rangers Award: [b]Justin. [size=1]And me.[/size][/b] Digimon...something....award.: [b]...aha[/b] Most Incredibly Patient Person-ness Award: [b]Yes, I have to give James credit in this area. If I were in your shoes...I think I'd be legally insane.[/b] Teh Silly Bucket Award: [b]The Good Old Days...[/b] Other Disappeared Cool People: [b]Navi, Safer [I know you're around here], Justin [boo]..I know there's others, I can't think right now.[/b] [b]SIGNATURES[/b] [b]Chris[/b][i]...You're a really super awesome person, even if I haven't talked to you in many, many moons. Your posts are so funny, and I still picture you as looking like Gackt standing in front of a railroad track. For lack of better terminology; you rock.[/i] ~Jenna [b]Justin[/b]...[i]My friend, I miss you. I'll never forget the many hours that we'd stay online talking about random things and ::doing:: random things over AIM. Our stories were so fun! I looooved writing the Star Wars one with you because it was so much better than writing something alone. You'll always be my bestest e-buddy and my very own Justin Skywalker ;)[/i] ~Jehnah [b]Tori[/b]...[i]Our opinions don't always match up, but I think that you're funny, beautiful, and talented. I wish I could give you all of my confidence, but I know that someday you won't need it at all because you'll realize what a pretty lady you are. I'm so happy that you're someone who loves dance like me, and I think it's awesome that you were the first person from your family to complete and graduate high school. You're going to do so well in life :)[/i] ~Jenna [b]Sara[/b]...[i]Your intelligence is amazing. And so is your wit. Need I say more?[/i] ~Jenna [b]Sir Elite Redness[/b]...[i]Diet Coke will have ahold of us forever, I'm afraid...:p You're someone who hasn't given up on keeping in touch with me, so I thank you for that. It's been great getting to know you, and I know that that ONE perfect love will show up right when you lease expect it to. Until then...you can always talk to me ;)[/i] ~Jenna [b]Weh[/b]...[i]Yu ish suuu sillieh! IM me sometime, I could use a good laugh or two...even if it's laughing at myself :D[/i] ~Jeehenahah [b]Tony[/b]...[i]I don't even know what to write to you because nothing witty would do. I guess I will just say thank you for talking to me and sharing your love of music, and your distaste for other things that shall remain nameless. It's always good to have an authentic Midwestern person to talk to amid the gnarly-ness of the West Coast. Thank you, Tony, for all sorts of little things.[/i] ~Jenna [b]James[/b]...[i]Call me crazy, but I actually remember one conversation we had about Australia when you first started posting. I respect your highly tuned spelling/grammar/word/random language skills, and I honestly don't know how you've stuck around and defended these boards for so long. I don't always agree with what you have to say, but that former fact alone gives your voice more reason than normal [meant in a good way :)]. [spoiler]I should also finally be honest and say that I never felt as though you listened to my opinions, even when repeated several times over a large time span, but that has helped wean me away from my addiction to the boards. And, in the end, I think that's a healthiest thing for me :)[/spoiler] Thank you, James, I think that you, too, will do very, very well in life ^_^[/i] ~Jenna [b]Deb[/b]...[i]You're going to be a great mother, he'll be so loved. Good luck, fellow Angel.[/i] ~Angel Jenna [b]Everyone I Used to Talk to and Don't Anymore[/b]...[i]My life's appointment book is overbooked...I'm so sorry. Try to catch me when you can, if I have the time I'd love to talk :)[/i] ~Jenna[/color]
[color=deeppink]:rolleyes: Like anyone is really going to admit to thinking that the mods are too strict. I personally don't believe they are, but maybe that comes from having been one for a longer than necessary period of time. If anything, I was too [i]lenient[/i], not too strict. I know the mentality of most of the mods here, and I don't think any of them are ever in the mind to be harsh to members. The only people that really believe that the mods rule with iron fists are the newer members who haven't familiarized themselves with the Otaku's rules. It's not anybody's fault in that case; newbies should read the rules and the mods should cut them some slack. ::shrug:: A funny world the online message board is...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=ff00cc] [size=1]My dad kept yelling at me, when Ms. Cockburn was the one who didn't enter my semester test. --;; [/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]::snickers:: Call me immature, but that's an amazingly funny last name for a person to have... [b]Happiest Momemt:[/b] The first time that I knew Erik really loved me. It was an entirely new feeling, and it's still wonderful to know. [b]Most Pressured:[/b] All throughout this past school year. Photogarphy and deadlines go hand in hand, and I'm always pushing myself to be a better photographer. There are so many talented people in my class that it's really stressful ^_^; [b]Saddest Moment:[/b] Ah, definitely the morning my brother died. I still remember the phone call word for word...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]Man... all these posts have strengthened my reasoning for never, ever wanting to live there. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Just goes to show that we live in reality :)[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][color=darkblue][size=1]...and it would be covered with fields of weed.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Then everyone would lecture you on how horrible and sinful you are for smoking...! Then we would have to go get drunk together. Yep, that could work.[/color]
[color=deeppink]I got sucked into a lot of those shows because of my little brother, I'd sit down to watch TV with him and end up liking most of what he watched. If you have a younger sibling, then that can explain your love of those shows. And if you don't, well, there's really nothing wrong with watching shows catered towards younger ages. They require little thinking and are delightfully entertaining...what more can you ask for? ^_^[/color]
[color=deeppink]That is perhaps one of the most frightening ideas that I have heard in a while. The town would be running wild with 12 year olds who have low self esteem, bad tempers, and even worse grammar. What a place [i]that[/i] would be...[/color]
[color=deeppink]Aww, Lady M, the Angles are truely blessed :angel:[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shy [/i] [B][size=1]Southern California is known for two things: [b]2. [/b] Driving fast. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]:therock: How did you guys get THAT stereotype? California's freeways have some of the slowest drivers in the country. I know this because I come from Michigan where the average speed on the freeway is 80 MPH and NO ONE goes under 65 [i]ever[/i]. I drove to California cross-country, and everyone drives faster everywhere else but California. I guess I also have a mild problem with California's drivers because they drive slow and get upset at other drivers easily. I've had some really nasty encounters with people with road rage out here, even when I have done nothing wrong. I think they all hate me, though, because not only do I still have a Michigan plate, but I drive really, really fast. In Michigan we have a curtousy policy in which the left lane is reserved strictly for people who are driving faster than you. It's called the Fast Lane. When you're in the far left lane and someone faster than you comes up behind, then you get your behind over to the right. In California, that doesn't seem to exist. Furthermore, there are signs posted to remind people that slower traffic has to keep right, but no one seems to regard that. Therefore, I constantly weave in and out of the lanes because everyone drives too slow and I have to swerve around them. Granted, I AM driving too fast out here, but I learned to drive in a state that drives REALLY REALLY FAST! :D And I'm super safe about driving, I'm good at judging distance and speed of other cars. I don't drive recklessly, I drive safely fast. Anyway, I have major complaints about the California drivers, but it wouldn't be nice of me to keep going on about it. I don't really want to insult those of you who drive in California, but being from another state has made me a fresh viewer to how people drive out here. Believe me, everyone that I know who isn't from California feels the same way as I. I can't wait to get home for three weeks and drive with Michigan people again...ahh, that will be nice.[/color]
[color=deeppink]James, thanks a lot for your advice. Those are things I certainly didn't know but now that I do, I'm sure they'll come in handy. We didn't get any sort of lecture on layout before this assignment, we were just told to do it, heh. When you said 'distance blurring', did you mean how most of the dog is out of focus? That's how the picture was originally, I photographed him at 80mm with the macro setting on, which allows for the lens to focus on one small detail of something. That's why most of him isn't in focus...just in case my photo jargon was of interest to anyone ^_^.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shy [/i] [B][size=1]Edit: I forgot to mention that I don't like your avatar. That picture of Faye frightens me.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Hah, though her character is a bit frightening anyway, neh? I think it fits her so well ;D And yes, I took that picture meself. Ahh, I definitely appreciate all the comments. I don't venture in here often but I know that most of what is posted are anime banners and strange creative cool looking design warp hole designs, so I thought I'd do something out of the norm and see what the reaction was. It's comforting to know that people welcome the change of pace ^-^ Anyway, I agree with all of you that mentioned the text problem in the bottom right corner. This was originally a very large image because it had to be printed as an 8x10 glossy print. The text is easier to read on the printout, but I've never really been to happy with how it looks or what it says. I've never read Dog Fancy or looked at it, so I kind of just made things up...I was unsure of what to add to the cover ^_^;; I type too much. Thanks again, everyone :)[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by k3ys [/i] [B][color=green] i'm not too into this style of graphics . . .[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I figured that most of you around here are only into the creative type graphic design. It's a shame that they both can't get good appreciation in this forum =\. Ah well, thanks for the comments :)[/color]
[color=deeppink]Here is a fun little digital peice that I made for my Photoshop class last semester. I took the photo of my boyfriend's roommate's dog, Foster [my sweetie], and then turned it into this fun...photo thing ^_^ [size=1]A lot of saturation was lost during the conversion from .psd to .jpg :([/size][/color] [img]http://babygirl.250free.com/foster_cover.jpg[/img]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yu Yu Hakusho! [/i] [B][color=deeppink][b] But the only problem I had was the sex scene. Yeah, we already knew that Neo and Trinity are hot for each other, but they didn't need to show all [i]that[/i] to show how much they like each other.[/color][/b] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink][b]*Possible Spoilers[/b] Am I the only one who really loved the sex scene? ::mummers of "Pervert." are heard:: :p I seriously thought that that particular scene showed the extent of inner turmoil Neo was going through at the time. He and Trinity hadn't had a chance to have sex for [i]weeks[/i] and yet he still couldn't even enjoy it because of his vision of Trinity's death. [That would suck, wouldn't it?] I think that scene, while maybe not entirely needed, fit really well. I loved loved [i]loved[/i] it, it was probably the one element that prevented me from falling asleep in the theater ^_^;[/color]
[color=deeppink]I'm the [b]emotional artist[/b]. My mom always thought something was clinically wrong with me because of my mood swings, but it was really because i was just super unhappy with my family/home life. I'm an artist following in my mother's footsteps; she's a writer by profession and I'm both writer and photographer. I have a small amount of talent for drawing, but very little. I was never, ever the angel in my family. If anything I was the demon...always causing trouble :toothy:[/color]
[color=deeppink]I'll admit it, I use the word "beautiful" when refering merely to someone's appearance. But I don't see anything wrong in that, I think that such a word holds different meaning for everyone and everything. I think that Mexican children are beautiful, I think that the ocean is beautiful, I think that my boyfriend is beautiful, I think that Utah and Arizona's red rock valleys are beautiful. Overall I think that the human population is a beautiful, beautiful thing. Every time I see someone new on the street, a million different questions run through my mind about that person's life. If I didn't find the human race to be beautiful, then I wouldn't have an overwhelming urge to jump into everyone's lives for a few months and do a photo story on them. I guess I believe that everyone has a story to tell...and [i]that[/i] is beautiful.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Heh. Something else that bugs me is people's using internet slang IRL. I head someone saying O-M-G in the hallway this morning, and nearly fell over.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Heh, my friends and I always used to make fun of that. One of us would get up and say, "b-r-b, guys," pretend to walk away and then turn back and say loudly, "J SLASH K! l-o-l." We got the biggest kick out of it. We must be dorks :D[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DevilzAdvocate [/i] [B]i always get there and thier mixed up or is it their????? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I'm always amazed by how few people actually use the correct words when it comes to the there/their/they're, your/you're, and to/too situations. It's not only younger kids, but even people college age and beyond can't use the correct meaning :drunk: They don't teach grammar like they used to :p[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]Isnt most of what I say bullsh*it?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]No, ::shakes head:: no. I get caught up in femenist moments like that, especially when it comes to crimes against women. I felt as though your post started the whole "not caring" attitude of a lot of the posts, so I quoted yours. I realize that I went off, so I will apologize for directing it toward you. I don't always agree with your opinions, but that doesn't change my view of you, Ken...just in case you wondered :whoops:[/color]
What element are you based on personality?
BabyGirl replied to klinanime1's topic in General Discussion
[color=deeppink]In classic astrology it's air, not wind. I know this from all of the girly magazines that I read :) I'm definitely a mix between [b]fire[/b] and [b]earth[/b]. On the fire side, I have a quick temper and I'm extremely passionate which I believe is of the fire element. However, I'm not a good leader and I'd rather be a follower and let someone else do all of the dirty work. That's where the earth part comes in. I also suppose that I could be part [b]ether[/b] because I've often been thought to be mysterious...but I'm not an outsider whose fangs are full of poison o_o. I'd need a better description of each element to know exactly which one I'm most like ^_^[/color] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hikaru Ichijyo [/i] [B]For the two insensative people -__- that said it's life and let them get over it. If one of your friends or family members was raped you wouldn't be telling them get over it or they deserved it. That's just morally wrong on so many levels. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I'm glad to see that some of you have some common sense and maturity about this topic. Death Knight, I know what I say here probably won't faze you, but I think that what you said was really ******. Same to everyone who has that same frame of mind. A girl was [i]raped[/i], which is definitely a crime, and you're laughing it off and telling the thrid friend to not worry about it. bullsh*t. They should definitely worry about it. Think about it, just the fact that they know about the rape involves them. I give the two girls props for having the courage to speak up about something like this, most people never do. You know why? Because they're afraid that it was in some way their fault, or that someone that they tell will in turn tell THEM that they asked for it, or that it was their fault. Or that people will shrug it off and say "that's life". I would definitely hope that no one would ever say those things if the same thing happened to me. That would suck; big time, and I would feel really helpless about what happened. [/color]
[color=deeppink]I really, really liked The Matrix Reloaded. Much more than the first one, at least. I guess what attracted me to it the most was the [spoiler]underlying love story between Neo and Trinity. Call me a sucker for romance stories, but I thought that it was sorely needed in this movie to appease a larger female audience. Not saying that that was their reason, of course, but I think that the love theme will inevitably attract a larger female audience.[/spoiler] Isn't it a pain in the *** reading tagged spoilers? [spoiler]I also loved the tribal dance/rave scene that had cutaways to Neo and Trinity's sexual adventure. You almost have to feel bad for Neo in that situation, poor guy can't keep 'it' going due to haunting nightmare-like visions. Poor Trinity, too ::cough:: :whoops: Ah, but another great thing was that I saw this movie with my boyfriend and the love scene lead to an amazing time after the movie. It really brought out some sappy tenderness in the both of us:blush: One last thing, someone may have already brought this up but has anyone noticed the Wachowski brothers' thing with the number 101? Neo's apartment was 101, the floor they went to meet the Meravingian [or however it's spelled] was 101, and they were on freeway 101 during that car chase scene. Bianary code? Significance to the start of something? It's an interesting thing to think about.[/spoiler][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][size=1]I don't drink much soda...I always have milk at lunch, heh. Soda gets me hyper, and you really don't want to see me while I'm hyper. It's scary. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]For some reason the thought of that cracks me up. It'd be so funny...! However, yes, I am actually a Diet Coke addict. It's not so much that I like the way it tastes as much I just love the first sip of it. Kind of like how smokers like the first drag of a cigarette...so I guess that makes me some sort of addict :p [size=1]Erik likes pop, too![/size][/color]