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Everything posted by BabyGirl

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hikaru Ichijyo [/i] [B]That's easy: Ethereal: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Heh, oh well...if it was so easy then I would have known it. Guess I'm dumb :p ::cough::[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][size=1]My friends and I have this ongoing debate about whether or not we in the Wisconsin/Michigan/Minnesota area have accents. Bag...I always say it with a long [i]a[/i]--I don't think I even [b]can[/b] say it with a short [i]a[/i]. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Yes, I get made fun of for saying it with a long "a". My west coast roommates once couldn't understand that I was saying "comp" as in "composition"...they had to ask me three times before they understood. I guess it's supposed to be said like the British say it...or something :drunk: ..."cohmp". What's so wrong with saying it "cahmp"? [with a short "a", mind you]. Isn't the Midwest [Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, northern Illinois & Indiana, and Iowa] supposed to have the most neutral accent? Maybe we lay claim to the wrong thing :S[/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]I say it 'Kin' and she says it 'Kehn', and supposedly i'm saying it wrong. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]A friend of mine is from Washington and he pronounces his short "e" vowel like a short "i" and vice versa. We always give him **** about it because it's so funny. A pillow wasn't a pellow the last time I checked. And spaghetti isn't spaghitti. His roommate's name Benny [i]definitely[/i] isn't pronounced as Binny... So that's why we always raz him. It's weird how some people mix up their "e's" and "i's"...I guess it all has to do with where and how you were raised. I would call Ken "Kehn", not "Kin"...that'd be strange where I'm from ^_^;[/color]
  3. [color=deeppink]Does anyone have words in the English language that always trip them up? There are many, many words that I know the meaning of but fail to know the correct pronunciation. [b]Van Nuys[/b] -- Who names a city this? They could have at least done the rest of us a favor and spelled it Van Eyes. [b]Ethereal[/b] -- Heck, I don't even know what this one MEANS. I can pronounce it now, but the meaning is still beyond me. [b]Epitome[/b] -- Doesn't everyone want to look at this and say "ep-it-ohm"? One of my friends said it that way and it was funny. But I suppose that's just because I know the meaning [i]and[/i] the correct way to say this one. [b]Jinzouningen17[/b] -- I still can't get your name right :p What about everyone else? Am I the only one with this sort of trouble?[/color]
  4. [color=deeppink]It's sooo great to hear so many of you talk about what you [i]like[/i] about yourselves. Yay :D As for me...there's actually a lot that I do like about my physical self. My eyes are big and pretty and they're my dominate facial feature. I used to really love my stomach because it never got fat [even despite how much fat I ate!], but it has grown a size or two ever since I started college. I need to get back in shape. I also like my arms and legs, I have a natural tendency toward muscle growth so my arms always have some shape to them. My legs are still pretty strong from my peak dancing days...and I'm fairly bowlegged, it is such a fun, unique trait :D Personality wise...I actually like my physical self better than my personality ^_^; However, I do like that I'm extremely loyal and caring to those who I am close to. In relationships I'm a very passionate person and it is hard for me to just up and disattach myself from someone that I care about. I'm also really crazy-like when I'm around my girlfriends from high school. We're still all very close, and I love that I can still make them laugh with my antics or sarcasm. I'm undoubtedly on the wilder side of the bunch. And lastly, I'm outspoken. I dare to say things that other people don't. While it does get me in trouble more often than not, I feel better knowing that I told someone what everyone else wanted to say but didn't have the balls to do :p If it's something mean I most likely won't say it, I usually just speak up to strangers who are being stupid or anyone who is talking **** to my friends. Yep, that's that. I type too much :)[/color]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][size=1]"I promise you that by the end of this class, you will think [i]DBQ[/i] is a four-letter word." --My history teacher, heh.[/B][/QUOTE] [/size] [color=deeppink]Are those the document based questions [or something of that sort]? Erik always talks about how he had to do those in his AP History class, it makes me a tad thankful that I never took the class :p I never ended up taking the AP English test because I felt totally unprepared. My AP class didn't really prepare you for the test at all, we basically just read a lot of books and analyzed them. We also had lots of debates and angered the teacher with our outspoken-ness, heh. Granted, I LOVED that class and I loved most of the literature that we read...but all we ever did was like two practice tests. In no way was my class prepared to take the actual test! Good luck to everyone who is taking those tests, I'm sure that you'll be happy that you did ^_^[/color]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Elite [/i] [b][color=015590]Some of us aren't old enough, eh. ;)[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Who said anything about legal age, eh? :angel: I certainly didn't...bweeh.[/color]
  7. [color=deeppink]As silly as it may sound, I often feel out of place here, at the boards. All too often I feel like people preach about how horrible and damning drinking, smoking, and sexual intercourse are. But they're really not that bad, and I do those things and I suppose that I really don't care what people here think :p However, it DOES make me feel semi-awkward and out of place since such a small majority of us engage in those activities. Ah well ::sips at Corona:: time to finish up a good night of drinking :D[/color]
  8. [color=deeppink]Ohhh :( I know exactly what you're going through Seph, it's so super ******. I know that lots of people can tell you that everything is going to be ok and eventually it may, but the reality is that nobody can really understand that things won't seem normal for a long time. After nearly 3 months I STILL cry every time I think about my brother, it's such a painful process. But the good part about it is that you have support from family, friends and, if nothing else, Board members. Your feelings are justified and don't let anyone tell you it's not ok to be sad or greive...because it iisssss ok! :whoops: I hope that seeing so many members send their condolences helps, I know that it helped me a little :)[/color]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Wormmon's Tamer [/i] [B]That information came from starwars.com itself.. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]WOW! This topic is back. And Anakin, I just read about it in last week's issue of Time. It's not just a rumor anymore :)[/color]
  10. [color=deeppink]Funny, I used to spend HOURS a day here, now I'm lucky to spend more than 10 minutes. My longest stay was probably sometime back in the older days; anywhere from 2-3 hours. Usually if I posted once then I'd get on a roll and keep going, which I only now do on rare days like tonight. To be honest, I get easily bored with the content on the boards nowadays. I rarely get the urge to stick around for long. When I moderated I felt responsible to make daily visits and check my forums, but when even that became too much...then I knew it was time to give it up. My days are fading :p[/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by TheDarkOtaku [/i] [B]I dislike these people who center their lives around the opposite gender. It is so pathetic. Life should be about goals and having fun; not being Mr./Mrs. Kisser Extraordinare.[/b][/quote] [color=deeppink]I think you bring up a good point here. There's a difference between centering your life around the opposite gender and centering your life around someone that you love and have been with for a long time. Younger people who obsess about the opposite [or same] gender and make it their lives, well that's when it can probably be considered a silly waste of time. However, when you obsess (in a healthy loving way, mind you) about a long term boyfriend or girlfriend, then I think it's a very nurturing experience. I'm assuming that you're talking about the first group I mentioned -- the boy-crazed 14-year old girls who are losing their virginity far too young -- and not the couples that spend a lot of "centering" time together. Your post just made me think...so I wanted to respond :D[/color] [quote][b]Plus, it looks gross. :sick: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Though I AM curious what you mean by this statement. Exactly what grosses you out?[/color]
  12. [color=deeppink]I'm not so sure that my high school had the extreme lables that the rest of yours seem to have. DeWitt High School is located in a fairly wealthy area, so it was (and I suppose, still is) hard to find much diversity there. People were hard to define; it almost seemed as though everyone tried to be the same as the person next to them. There weren't any students that were considered "punks", "goths", etc.; the only time when titles were used would have been in a conversation in which someone was trying to describe a person to somebody who didn't know who they were. Like so: "She has long black hair, tall, kinda [b]gothic[/b] looking..." But no one group was considered the "goths". And no one group was really considered the "preps", either. It's funny now that I think about it, we had such a small population at our school that it was nearly impossible for sub cultures to successfully develope off of the stereotypical DeWitt prototype. My high school was dominated by beautiful, stylish girls, guys who wanted to be more muscular than everyone else, rich kids who drank too much, did too many drugs, and stole from every store they entered. I suppose DeWitt should have been a title enough in itself, our town had a reputation for being snotty and spoiled. Yes, now that I think about it, DeWitt WAS title enough...nothing else could have described someone from that town any better :whoops: [Of course, there [i]was[/i] the occasional exception to the DeWitt title...I got lucky there ;)][/color]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]anyone who asked and who I said I wasn't going to all said, "WHYYYYYYYYY??!! You HAVE to go! It's your senior year!!!" I couldn't care less[/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]:D I didn't go to prom my senior year, and I'm really happy that I skipped it. I attended it my junior year but it sucked; only about two of my close friends went and I was annoyed with the entire ordeal. My senior year, the friends who hadn't gone the previous year were all going, and they were all trying to convince me to go. That weekend I took two friends to our condo in Northern Michigan instead, and it was MUCH more fun than silly old prom :p[/color]
  14. BabyGirl


    [color=deeppink]He looks so innocent, but I bet he's wicked with that sword ;) I like it a lot, Miss Sara. P.S. Erik says hello because he likes it, too.[/color]
  15. [color=deeppink]I know exactly what you're going through, Elite. My brother died merely two months ago, and I know how depressing it can be. One night Erik and I got into a minor [really really small] tiff and I just started to sob. I couldn't even stop--it's totally understandable that you started crying and had a hard time cheering yourself up. There are days where I can easily stop my sadness, but other days it just makes me more upset. You can always talk to me about this over AIM when I'm on, I'd be more than willing to talk to someone who feels the same way about something that I do. I think it would probably be beneficial to the both of us :whoops: (I'll try to get on later today, so hopefully I can catch you then.)[/color]
  16. [color=deeppink]Ahh, Donnie Darko is the perfect example of Art Cinema. It's a crazy mixed up movie about a guy who has weird dreams and hilucinations, and researches the possibily of time travel. This character named "Frank" apparently tells him to do all sorts of strange things, and to be honest with you, I STILL don't understand the movie. We had to watch it in my cultural studies class, and even though I attend a college campus that is home to my school's film program, none of them film students understand it. Does it really make sense to you, Miss Meow? Or do you just have your own interpretation of what the heck happens? :confused: I'd love to hear some more insight into what other people think; I don't understand it at all![/color]
  17. [color=deeppink]Photography is my main talent, probably the only one that I've had enough time and patience to fine tune. Dancing comes pretty naturally since I've been doing it all my life, but it's not something I'm good enough at to pursue as a career; too many people are far more talented at it than I. I suppose that a gift for writing is something that I've always had, too, but it often frustrates me more than anything. My intangible talent is passion, I love people very deeply and completely.[/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][size=1]I could probably go and kill either one of those two people, and sure the living person would probably hate me, and they would be sad for a while. Chances are they wll eventually get over it and find someone else. You cannot just find another person if the one that I killed is the one you truly loved, and yet they hate me for it. It is so much easier to hate, than to face one's own overwhelming ignorance.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Your opinions are supremely well-stated, Piro, I definitely respect everything that you said :whoops: However, I do question the section that I have quoted. Anyone who has loved and lost someone dear to them knows that it is healthy to find someone new to love. Simply because you lost your first true love doesn't mean that you should wallow in your own sorrow; it's almost human instinct to want to be happy. For example, when my brother died I know that I would be a much bigger mess if I didn't have the love of Erik in my life. I was always pretty down about things before I met him, but I masked it with my emotions and slowly convined myself that I was happy. If my brother had died before I had the structural support of Erik, I would definitely be lost right now. Erik has become a substitute for the Eric that I lost. And while our love is a different level than what my brother and I had, I'll never forget the huge place that he held in my heart. Erik replaces a lot of what was lost, but there's always that 'special place in my heart' that my brother permanately resided [and still does]. Just because one love is lost and a new one is found doesn't mean that the first one has to be forgotten. You can still love that first person completely, even if your new love takes on a secondary role in your life. I don't know if that makes sense to you, I was trying to think of how to describe it while i was typing the reply :) And, in all actuality, I totally thought that the idea of love was only destined for movies and romance novels. Little did I know that someone can give themselves to you when you're least expecting it or when you're least receptive to it. I was very reluctant to enter the relationship I'm in now because I thought that it would be doomed to become another ******, half-*** fling that would throw me into a larger, inevitable downward spiral. But I've slowly opened myself up to the idea of loving someone unconditionally. It's a choice, yes, but a lot of it simply happens. You feel yourself becoming more and more comfortable and more and more loving, and that's when you know that you love the person you're with. It's a process; at times one that I was unsure and skeptical of, but it plots itself out. I dunno, when it happens you'll know and you'll be happy. I used to shun the idea but longed for love at the same time. It was a vicious cycle, I just hate to hear people completely shunning the idea; it's such a lonely and painful emotion. I went through it, and I'm glad that my opinion is changed. Ok, this is long enough. I hope it all sounds reasonable :)[/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darkness [/i] [B][color=blue]It really the reason the internet has become a bad cliche for meeting.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Exactly. People fell in love before the internet ever existed [gasp!], and [i]that[/i] seemed to work out just fine.[/color]
  20. [color=deeppink]Love is having lots and lots of wild and crazy sex! . . . . . . . . I'm kidding, you prudes :p [Sex is just a really nice bonus...] I think that the definition of love is as wide open as anyone can make it. I'm in a really loving relationship with someone that I never would want to lose because he means so much to me. I don't know how I got so lucky as to find someone that I could see myself spending the rest of my life with when I'm only 18. At times I'll find myself thinking about what it would be like to be with other guys or being without the man that I'm currently with. But those thoughts never sit well, I'm too satisfied with what I have. I figure that since I've found someone so perfect and wonderful that I love so much, why risk losing that at all? Hehe, I'm in love :love2: [Who'd have ever thought? lol][/color]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai [/i] [B]I think part of it is that we long for a certain physical aspect, from looking into eachother's eyes and holding hands to making out and having (dare I say it hehe) sex. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]But it's so true, lol. I'm a very physical and passionate person, it's hard for me to be physically separated from a guy for too long because I simply love touching and looking. Having your partner's actual body to explore is something really amazing that you could never get from online relationships. I'm not opposed to them I guess, but I'd never consider having one. First of all, [pardon any vanity that may protrude] I'm really not lacking attention from guys in real life. That's probably the number one reason that I'd never look for a guy to date online. However, if I wasn't confident about my looks and myself, I'm sure that I'd want to revert to the online thing until I improved my self esteem. If you really disect it, if you're dating someone online that you've never met or don't plan to meet in the near future, it almost seems as though there is a huge confidence gap in that person. When people get older, [let's say 16 years old and up] it sort of becomes a time in which it's [i]healthy[/i] to get out and meet people. Nobody wants to be considered a hermit... I realize that I'm starting to sound really insulting, so I'll stop. I think it's great when younger kids can say they have internet relationships especially when they're too young to date in real life; then that's the way to go. But other than that, I really don't see a reason. Not against it, just don't agree :) P.S. I really didn't mean to offend anyone, relationships are very personal things and differ in all cases. Therefore, my opinions are strictly my own and there's no need to take them personally ^_^;[/color]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiV [/i] [B]I think that even when people do something good, they do it for a reward. Do you think that even when people do something good, they just do it for reward? Sometimes, people just don't notice that they just do it for reward, because for every action there is a reason. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Oddly enough, last year my AP English class had a discussion about that for the entire class period. Some people brought up the question that, even when things are done anonymously, are they done for the sole purpose of making oneself feel good? We talked about when people donate large sums of money to charitable orginizations that they may be doing it soley to improve their public image. That of course brought up the point that some donations are done anonymously...and that's where my point in the first paragraph came from. Do people who donate large sums of money [i]without[/i] leaving a name do it just so that they can sit back and feel charitable and good about what they've done? I personally think that is a bit extreme to so far as to accuse someone of merely donating for their own private pleasure, but I suppose that a huge part of the donation and charitable actions process IS to make yourself feel good. You're supposed to feel like a good person after you commit a nice act or help someone even if it meant losing something for yourself...don't you think? I guess it's a two-way thing...it's very confusing to think about. In fact, I've confused myself in writing this post so I believe that I'll stop now :p[/color]
  23. [color=deeppink]Who was your first kiss? [b]I honestly don't remember . Isn't that horrible? The only girl I've ever kissed was one of my friends when we were 8 or 9 and curious about how kisses worked. It wasn't a sexual thing now that I look back on it, we were merely trying to figure out the anatomy of a kiss.[/b] How old were you? [b]Probably 10 or 11 when I first kissed a boy.[/b] How was it? [b]If I remember correctly, horrible.[/b] What were the circumstances? [b]Spin the bottle...buh.[/b] What was your Worst/Best Kiss? [b]Best: The first time that I kissed my current boyfriend, Erik. His lips are just so soft and crafty ;) Worst: One of the guys that I dated hardly opened his mouth when he kissed, it was soooo hard to kiss him. I felt like his mouth was 10 times smaller than it actually was![/b] [/color]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][size=1]But I'm excited, this is the first new ride at Disneyland in five years. -Shy[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]So [i]that's[/i] why there were soooo many radio stations broadcasting live today. There were even stations from Pheonix, Salt Lake City, and Canada. Erik and I figured that it was such a huge deal because new things don't open up very frequently. Anyhoo, the Pooh ride was soooo cute! And it's great the way it's not a flat ride, the honeypot actually tips back and forth and side to side. Disneyland is the coolest place in the world ;D (Oh, and I fooled the ticket lady into thinking I was a California resident with my college ID, even though I don't have a California license...I win ^_^)[/color]
  25. [color=deeppink]Tori, your trip sounds so fuuun! I wish that Disneyland had more than just the one park (not counting California Adventure). Erik and I made a spontaneous decision that we're going to Disneyland tomorrow. It has to be one of [i]the[/i] coolest places that I've ever been; I'm so glad that I live so close to it![/color]
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