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Everything posted by BabyGirl
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiV [/i] [B]They're Asian guys. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]So now ethnicity makes a difference in male-female friendships? :therock: I think you may be reading into what they said a bit wrong...I don't think any male of that age is going to worry about looking like a 'loser' for being friends with a girl, much less [i]mention[/i] it to you. However, if they actually said that to you then I'd say they aren't worth the friendships anyway. Guy friends are a great thing to have when you want a break from the world of female trauma, but from my experience, they aren't always as reliable as your girl friends. ::shrug:: Maybe it's different for me since I've never had too many close guy friends. I mainly stuck with my girls throughout highschool, and most of the friendships I made with guys ended badly in one way or another :grumble: Don't worry about being friends with guys who care about their 'loser status', that's definitely not worth worrying about.[/color]
[color=deeppink]I've heard of Curve :) They're one of the tracks that you can play on this wacky PS2 game that my friend has. I don't know much of their music beyond that one track (I'll look up the name when the TV is free), but I'm not a huge fan of what I heard. I think that I'd have to hear an entire album. Who knows? Maybe I'm going to start liking all sorts of electronica due to this silly, addicting game :p[/color]
[color=deeppink]To make this to the point, I'm looking for a good MP3 downloading program for Macintosh computers. My boyfriend recently got internet connected to his but since I use a PC, I'm completely illiterate when it comes to Macs. If anyone has good suggestions, please PM me. Thanks! :)[/color]
[color=deeppink]I LOVE Incubus! They're an amazing band with lots of talent and plenty of good songs. Their albums are the ones that you can actually listen to straight-through and not have to skip any of the tracks. My personal favorites are: [list][b]Just A Phase[/b] [b]Echo[/b] [b]I Miss You[/b] [b]Wish You Were Here Pardon Me Drive[/b][/list] I like a lot of their more popular songs, and they're popular for the reason that they're really quite excellent ;)[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The One [/i] [B][color=darkred]I admire a lot of the people who have already posted, but I'm thinking of deleting it due to it's extremely controversial nature.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Nah, don't do that, you should stand up for your views even if others don't agree with them. It enlightens them to the ::gasp:: dark things of the world! :eek:[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tasis [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]...and usually people who smoke are jackasses when you bring it up...[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink][i]Some[/i] of them can be, but in my experience, 'full time' smokers have always been polite about it. Of course, it really depends on what you think they're jackasses about, but I've never had anyone be stupid about smoking around people who don't want to [i]have[/i] smoke around. Whenever I have smokers in my car, they always ask if they can smoke first, and they always roll the window down. It really doesn't bother me at all, but maybe that's because no one has ever been rude about it to me. I actually think it's the opposite...I smoke occasionally, far less than I used to, and whenever I mention it to non-smokers they'll say something to the effect of, "Eww, that's so gross! Why do you do that to yourself?" It's like, come on, it's my choice, you need not condemn me for something that I'm fully aware I'm doing. Yeah, that really gets to me...I wish some non-smokers could just relax about it [though most of them are cool with it]. We just don't all need to be preached to ;) As I continue rambling, I think it also really depends on age. So many of the younger members here are SO against "bad" things like driking and smoking, which, admittably, is a good thing if you have the willpower to never do those things. However, you don't need to think that you're going to be damned for all time if you try it once. Maybe it just makes me feel ridiculously old [even though I'm not!] when I talk about the things I do and everyone else comdemns them :shifty: Blah blah blah, I think I've said enough for now ^_^[/color]
[color=deeppink]I think that if you put the law aside, then it all has to do with personal preference. I dated an 18 year old when I was 15, and now I'm 18 dating a soon-to-be 21 year old. I have never dated a younger guy (and I don't think I ever will), but the thought of dating someone older than 25 kind of weirds me out. I'd much rather stay within my age range, and preferably on the older side of the scale.[/color]
[color=deeppink]I'd come back as a fairy because they're beautiful and mysterious. What girl wouldn't want to be those two things? Plus, they have wings and can fly and wear pretty clothes. That would be a fun life :D [/color]
[color=deeppink]My roommate actually owns one of their music videos on DVD, not knowing what she was buying when she purchased it. I think it's pretty funny, these two girls running around in the rain in school girl outfits, only visibly kissing once. I think a lot of the sexuality is implied, and props to them for making female homsexuality an issue. People should lighten up and not give a **** about every single thing that minorly offends them.[/color]
[color=deeppink]Some of my friends say that I look like Michelle Branch, and I suppose that I sort of do. [img]http://www.mtv.com/shared/media/news/images/b/Branch_Michelle/sq-michelle-flared-bg-mc.jpg[/img] [img]http://babygirl.250free.com/me_black.jpg[/img] I guess there's a minor resemblance :whoops:[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i] [B][color=red]If you want something that lasts forever, get a life, not a tattoo.[/B][/QUOTE] [/color] [color=deeppink]There are far worse things than tattoos, I hardly think that it constitutes the need to get a life.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]Plus, babygirl, I would say your way too pretty to ruin it all with an ugly tattoo. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Ah, but it would be in a place that only select people could see it but where I could still enjoy it :whoops:[/color]
[color=deeppink]I am definitely planning on getting a tattoo. What it will be, however, is still undecided. I'm pretty sure that I either want a hibiscus or the Kanji symbols for yousei [fairy] on the right side of my lower abdomen. I don't care if people think that eastern symbols are stupid, I like them :p My boyfriend has this awesome tattoo on his foot which he designed himself. It's a clock inside a nautical-looking compass with all of these points and shading. I think it looks absolutely great. For me it's either getting a tattoo or a labret piercing, I'm not sure which one I'll do first ^_^[/color]
[color=deeppink]Yes, I'd give my life to save my boyfriend, he's a much better person than I.[/color]
[color=deeppink]Advertising of any kind isn't allowed here, so links such as that one can't be posted. Make sure to read the rules carefully ^_^[/color]
[B][color=deeppink] [size=1]How times change.[/size] [b]Overall Member:[/b] Semjaza Azazel [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] Transtic Nerve [b]Best Male:[/b] Justin [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] Elite [b]Best Female:[/b] Sara [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] Raiha [note: I plan on finishing that darn story we started :p] [b]Thread of the Year:[/b] The generic: Less Time Online threads ^_~ [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] What member would u like 2 meet in real life? [b]Funniest Member:[/b] Break [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] Sara [b]Most likely to be here in two years:[/b] Shyguy [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] Queen Asuka [b]Avi of the Year:[/b] Matt's 'Idle Hands Work for Hitler: Masturbate' one ^_^ [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] Transtic Nerve [b]Siggy of the Year:[/b] Sara [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] Semjaza Azazel [b]Best couple:[/b] Harlequin and Ravenstorture [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] --- [b]Best Looking:[/b] ssj chic [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] Anna [b]Otaku Clique:[/b] Adam's Angels ^_~ [b]Best Oldie:[/b] RicoTranzrig [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] Justin [b]Most Likely to become Staff member:[/b] Kinetic [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] --- ---- [b]Most Social:[/b] Elite [I appreciate it ^_~] [i]Honorable Mention:[/i] Mitch [b]Entertainment:[/b] Boba Fett [/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lalaith Ril [/i] [B]Hey now watch out! Just because I live in kansas doesn't mean I'm a hick. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I've never really considered Kansas a Midwestern state to begin with ^_^; Being from the Midwest myself, these are the states that I DO consider to be a part of it: Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ohio, Illinois, and the northern parts of Indiana. Anything beyond that I wouldn't call "Midwest" :p However, I've become good friends with a guy from Oklahoma who considers himself to be from the Midwest, but I think that's stretching the title a bit too far :toothy:[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shaun [/i] [B]Don't be so negative!:) [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I agree. If you ever visit any of the flat Midwestern states then perhaps you'll start to appreciate the beauty of [i]your[/i] state ;) Michigan doesn't really get any weird weather other than lots of precipitation. If it's not snowing then it's probably raining ^_^; I haven't lived in California long enough to know much about their weather patters. However, I've noticed that the coast gets lots and lots of fog and it's usually colder and foggier down by the beach. I remember visiting Santa Barbara in April to find cold, cloudy weather. It wasn't until my dad and I drove up into the mountains that we discovered the "cloudiness" was really coastal fog cover blocking out the sun, and the cool temperature was a direct result of that. Silly Pacific Ocean :p[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#507AAC]I have [i]always[/i] believed that post quality is important, no matter what the setting. My point was that even as a Newbie on other boards, I still behave in the same way. So being a Newbie doesn't necessarily mean that you are inexperienced or stupid, which is what I was trying to underline.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Didn't you not actually start posting a lot until June or July of v2? I seem to remember you were "around" v2 when I joined, but decided to start posting more a little while later. For some reason I distinctly remember a conversation we had about Australia, and as a result someone said that we should hook up in the Dating Game RPG :bellylol:[/color]
Which member would u like 2 meet in real life?
BabyGirl replied to Boo's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][size=1]It is kind of funny, the other day I thought I saw someone who looked like you on the freeway. I said out loud, "It's Jenna." and all of my friends in the car stopped and stared at me. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink];D Well, if you ever see a dark grey Focus ZX5 with a girl that looks like me driving it, [i]then[/i] you'll be able to say, "That's Jenna!" and be correct! lol...that's funny. Perhaps someday there will be a chance meeting like that, eh?[/color] -
[color=deeppink]I plan on graduating college [university] when I am 20 with a bachelor of the arts in photojournalism. I figure that I'll do freelance photography for a while until a good job offer comes along, and survive on what little income I'll be receiving. While I freelance, I'll travel to foreign countries to capture conflict, hoping that my images will be purchased by any publication that is willing to pay for them. As my reputation as a photographer grows, I'll secure that job at TIME or National Geographic (heh, nah...) and I will then have a steady income and will be able to survive! :wigout: However, first I need to get through my first year here at the photography institute, [i]then[/i] we'll see about the rest.[/color]
Which member would u like 2 meet in real life?
BabyGirl replied to Boo's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][size=1]Heh, yeah. But I live an hour+ east of Ventura. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]According to MapQuest.com your city lies approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes southeast of my place of residence ^_^ I was thinking about this earlier today for some reason, Shyguy, but it would be extremely possible for us to meet some day. I'm down and around LA a lot, and you're not too far from there. Not that it would ever really happen, but there's always that possibility :whoops:[/color] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rain [/i] [B][color=blue][b]Deus -[/b] I just realised that's strange, seeing as he's a good friend and i don't know how to pronounce his name, lol. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]"day-us ex mach-een-ah" ^_^ It's a literary term (and a character I believe).[/color]
[color=deeppink]I call myself a nerd because I'm obsessed with Star Wars and I act really crazy-stupid around my friends. I call people I know nerds when THEY do silly things...it's all relative.[/color]