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Everything posted by BabyGirl

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]So if you are worried about the name being too common instead of traditional, "Anna" won't have that problem. :) [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Oh good ^_^ I just like the name a [i]lot[/i]...you're lucky to be a bearer of it :)[/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJeh [/i] [B][b][size=1]o_o Diego from Ice Age? [/b][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]So [i]that's[/i] what it's from. Thanks :D I'm with you, Endymion, I don't really want my kids to have 'traditional' names. Anna is obviously the exception to that thought, but not if I spell it 'Ana' ^_^[/color]
  3. [color=purple]Odra Ravenwood was en route to Coruscant to collect a bounty when the comm panel of her small Farbanian transport beeped. As she switched on the holographic display, Odra was taken aback by the figure that appeared. [b]Odra[/b]: [i]impatient[/i], Who are you? The man's eyes narrowed and became lost under a hooded cloak. ?: I am Lord Kaan of the Sith, and I have a proposition for you. Odra cocked an eyebrow, giving the Sith a questioning smile. When she spoke her voice skirted the fringes of sarcasm. [b]Odra[/b]: Is it the sort of thing where I have to accept it or I'll find myself under the wrath of, well, you? Kaan's face, barely visible, remained expressionless. [b]Lord Kaan[/b]: You need to make your way to the planet of Ruusan and meet with myself and other high Lords. [b]Odra[/b]: But? [b]Lord Kaan[/b]: Do not interrupt me. [i][There was an eerie, menacing silence.][/i] If you succeed in the task that is put upon you, then you [i]will[/i] be rewarded. The word 'reward' had always made Odra's mouth water in a quick flash of temptation. She glanced toward the back of her transport where her bounty was sitting; bound and quite unconscious. [b]Odra[/b]: I have business on Coruscant first, so? [b]Lord Kaan[/b]: I don't believe that would be a wise decision. His words hung in the air and pulsed cold through Odra's veins. She wasn't ignorant to the strength of the Sith, and ignoring this Lord's command would only bring her further troubles...that was something even [i]she[/i] couldn't afford. Sighing with defeat, Odra nodded solemnly. [b]Odra[/b]: Send me the coordinate and I will come immediately. The corners of Lord Kaan's mouth twitched and allusioned toward a smile. [b]Lord Kaan[/b]: Odra Ravenwood, you are a smart girl. When the Sith's figure disappeared, Odra brought a clenched fist down on the control panel. [b]Odra[/b]: Sh[i]i[/i]t. Frustrated, Odra continued muttering various curses as she glacned at her most recent bounty. She pouted, mockingly. [b]Odra[/b]: And you were so valuable, too. Now what the hell am I supposed to do with you?[/color]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]Ji - as is "gee" n - as in "moo[b]n[/b]" zo - as in "zoh" u - actually pronounced "oh", lengthening the sound of "zo" ni - as in "knee" n - as in "fighti[b]ng[/b]" ge - as in "[b]ge[/b]t" n - as in "fighti[b]ng[/b]" [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Thank you. I knew someone would eventually feel compelled to show me how to pronounce it :)[/color]
  5. [color=deeppink]I am clueless as how to pronounce Jinzouningen17's user name. I see it and think, "Jinzoogenzoogen".[/color]
  6. [color=deeppink]Tori, I often think of you when my boyfriend talks about his best friend, because his name is Orlando [it's actually his last name, but no one calls him 'Chris'] just like you and Piro's kid ^-^ Roxie, I was reading your post and I REALLY like the name Diego. For some reason it reminds me of an animal that was personified in an animated movie, but I think it's an awesome name. The children that I never plan on having will be named one of the following: [list][b]Wes Luca [Luke/Lucas] Anna [Ana] Odra [Audra][/list][/b] I don't often think of children's names because I never see myself having any :bluesweat [/color]
  7. [color=deeppink]I remember joining a Zelda forum a while back and posted there for a while until I got sick of their newbie-flaming. All they did was ***** about new members, blah blah blah. I really liked the structure and content of that forum, so it's too bad that the other members were such bad sports. I have trouble remembering much of the years 1999-2001 [odd, isn't it?], so my memories from the first few days that I joined here aren't very clear. However, I remember people were always nice to me and no one made me feel unwelcome. That tempts me to launch into OB history, so I guess I should stop while I can :D[/color]
  8. [color=deeppink]I think I have always treated new members with kindness because that's how I was received at these boards when I joined back in 2001. It angers me when people get on new members' cases about doing small, stupid things wrong simply because they have yet to learn the ways of this particular message forum. I also think that the members who are anal about rules are the ones who have been here long enough to surpass newbie status, but haven't been here long enough to relax about things a bit. From what I've witnessed, most mods are pretty nice to newbies who make simple mistakes. However, I know that most of the staff greatly appreciates it when people who aren't mods don't make comments like, "This doesn't belong here", etc. That's [i]our[/i] job, don't overtax yourselves worrying about things that we're here to do ;)[/color]
  9. [color=deeppink]I realize that this RPG is already in progress, but I spoke with Boba Fett and got his permission to join in late. I thought I'd post my sign-up so that you could read all about my character :whoops: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: [b]Odra Ravenwood[/b] Age: [b]25[/b] Species: [b]Human[/b] Affiliation: [b]Bounty Hunter[/b] Weapons: [b]Blastec [or however the heck you spell it] CNii blaster, a small, hand-carved dagger hidden in the boot, and many other fun toys too lengthy to write here[/b] Force Powers: [b]None[/b] Vehicles: [b]Modified Swoop[/b] Bio: [b]Odra has been a freelance bounty hunter for most of her life. Her criminal tendencies started out at a young age when she would get a thrill out of petty theft and starting conflict. Mischievous yet charming, Odra has always been able to sweet talk her way out of trouble. Besides her love of dangerously-acquired money, she also has a weakness for men. Odra regrets nothing about her life and wouldn?t change her chose profession for anything else. Her motto is that she doesn?t really care who wins or loses, just so long as she gets her damn money.[/b] Description: [img]http://babygirl.250free.com/Fairy4.jpg[/img][/color]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Stitch [/i] [B]so wheres the creativeness teens are supposed to have and do people just wear clothes they don't like just to fit in?? i mean whats so big about being popular?????? stitch [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]The funny thing about that statement is that there is also the other extreme. There are teens who dress "abnormally" so that they can go against the social grain. Granted, many people who wear clothes that are considered "not of the current popular fashion" do so because it's just their style, but I find it somewhat silly to do it just to mock popular fashion. I admittingly follow fashion trends and have no qualms about it. I've always loved popular styles so I have no problem wearing them. I do steer clear of Abercrombie and American Eagle because I don't exactly want to be wearing the same thing as 10 other people [at least in high school it was that way], I'd rather make my own statements with current fashion spiced up with Jenna flair. How many of you can honestly admit that you've never felt the need to follow fashion trends? ::realizes that people won't answer that honestly anyway:: Ah well :whoops:[/color]
  11. BabyGirl

    Fight Club rules

    [color=deeppink]There is already a Fight Club thread nearly all the way down the the page, feel free to post in there :)[/color]
  12. BabyGirl


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MysticGohan [/i] [B]They rocked at Ozzfest[/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]They played that as well? The guy who got me started on Finch told me he saw them at the Warped Tour...that would be awesome to actually see them live. I wish that they were getting more air time, or any at all for that matter, because I don't think that Lansing's big 'alternative' station has ever played them. I've heard Finch on KROQ, LA's biggest rock station, but even then it was only to have an appearance on Love Line. It's sad to know that even one of the biggest radio stations on the West Coast doesn't even play them yet :( I hope that they start to gain popularity within the next year, or when their next album comes out. They're too good to go unnoticed.[/color]
  13. [color=deeppink]People seem to have no idea what you are talking about. As a matter of fact, neither do I :whoops:[/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Elite [/i] [B][b][color=003399]I've actually got plans to go to the States and do a massive road trip, hopefully meeting OtakuBoards members on the way along. However, it'll have to wait until I can get a drivers license and learn to drive. -_-[/color][/b] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Make sure to stop by the Los Angeles, California area, there's a huge consentration of us around here :p[/color]
  15. [color=deeppink]I could honestly go without any real gifts this year. With all of the money that has been spent on my camera equipment and schooling, I'd feel selfish to ask for more gifts. However, I know that my parents wouldn't go without buying me anything, it's simply not in their nature. I'd just like a sturdy new tripod and a brick or two of film, that'd make me very happy.[/color]
  16. [color=deeppink]I [quite literally] love school ^_^ But of course I'm going to a specialty college where all we do is take pictures all of the time, something that I've always loved doing. Just yesterday I was in a film student's photoshoot for his final project, and my boyfriend and I got to pretend to have sex on this bed in the [b]actual movie set[/b] where [b]Julia Roberts[/b] filmed [b]Erin Brockovich[/b]...! In fact, the bed is located in what was Erin's room in the movie ;) You see, after the filming of Erin Brocovich was done, they abandoned the huge sound stage, leaving lights, equipment, and the entire set still intact. My school purchased it for some small amount of money, and now it's a huge asset to the film students who get to use all of this stuff. As for the visual journalism students like myself, we get to check out fun photography 'toys' and go shoot portraits of each other on the beach and at sunset. It's an extremely stressful schedule with thinking of ideas, shooting, and reshooting, but I know it'll all be worth it. In conclusion, yes, I couldn't have asked for a better place to go to school.[/color]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonz Fyre [/i] [B]like many people have already stated, it's illegal to suspend anyone for signing a petition. Its against your rights as a person. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]There's actually this legal jargon about while you're in school the principal acts as your legal guardian, and therefore some of your 'legal' rights are taken away. I forget what it's called, but while you're in school you don't exactly have as many rights as you think you do.[/color]
  18. [color=deeppink]At this point in time I don't regret much anything in my sober life :) As for my intoxicated time, I do indeed regret something I did a few nights ago. I couldn't help it, however, because I had no idea what was going on and I'm sure the people who did the same thing didn't know either. All I know is that people were really touchy-feely drunks that night and wanted to kiss me a lot...I indulged some of them with a few pecks, nothing more. But I did feel bad and told my boyfriend right after it happened [while we were both still drunk], and I think he was that type of mad-but-not-really-mad. :shrug: Ah well, at least I know to look out for kissy drunk people from now on.[/color]
  19. [color=deeppink]I can't believe you are all happy that Kevin refused Lisa a place to stay :cross: Kevin- I'm sorry to hear about your current situation with your mom, I can imagine it would be hard if you considered yourself responsible. On one plane, she [i]is[/i] your mom, but on another you haven't lived with her for 3+ years now, so it's not as though you've been around to keep an eye on her. If I were you, I'd try to be around her right now just for support. No matter how "close" a mother and child are, a mom always secretly wants a child's love and emotional backing when things get tough. Even if she pretends that she doesn't need you around...I don't think that's the case at all. Watch out for her for a while. As for the Lisa situation, I know that she did a ****** thing to you in the past...but that was obviously the past. I would personally reconsider my decision to leave a married/divorced girl who just miscarried a baby and is therefore fairly emotionally unstable to fend for herself. Maybe it's just me, but it doesn't seem right =\[/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#507AAC]If only the Otaku Awards could be held live from Los Angeles.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]That would be extremely convenient! It's weird to think how close I live to LA now o.O As for people I'd like to meet, the list could go on for a long, long time. Justin, Semjaza Azazel, Boba Fett, Matt, Queen Asuka, TN, James, Tasis, Rico, Raiha, Shy, Sara, Mnelmoth [I'd like to see what this guy is really like], Heaven's Cloud, wrist cutter, and Lady M. There's more, I'm sure ;)[/color]
  21. [color=deeppink]I [i]still[/i] listen to my Ben Folds Five album. I'm not a huge fan of Ben Folds' new CD, but I guess it's just a new sound =\. Amibasuki, I'd suggest you check out [i]Whatever And Ever Amen[/i], it's a great Ben Folds Five CD :)[/color]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]And how could you be so disgustingly rude to kill innocent babies while not being willing to execute a man who has killed, raped and murder any number of people.[/b][/quote] [color=deeppink]And when that baby is a result of a rape...? [/color]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by spike speigel [/i] [B]STEP OFF SON! in howell we say "that shiznit is the rizzal dizzal fo shizzal my nizzal whickity whickity whickity whizel." that means cool [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]For a second there you had me going, thinking you were serious and all ^_^; I've heard a radio commercial lately that just reinforces the stereotypical Southern Californian 'lingo'/accent. It's an advertisement for Big Wave Dave's Chistmas trees: [quote]"Whoa, dude! Did you see that? I rode this wave all the way from Anacapa Island!"[/quote] Silly Californians :p[/color]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yu Yu Hakusho! [/i] [B]Republician all the way. I'd like to live my life happily without the government controlling my life. I can take care of myself. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I don't know if you'd feel the same way if the world was complete anarchy. However, as TN mentioned, the two parties are not strictly about one running your life and the other giving you free rein of the country. There are tons of issues that draw the line between Republicans and Democrats; I believe your opinions on those issues are what help you decide your party of choice.[/color]
  25. [color=deeppink]I am apparently a jock. That's the thing I was farthest from :p Unless, of course, you considered my atheletic cheerleading career to be "jock-ish"...o_O[/color]
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