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Everything posted by BabyGirl

  1. [color=deeppink]I just realized that, while I currently live in a much cooler city than I previously did, I know hardly anything about it! 1.) [b]Ventura, California:[/b] [list][img]http://www.ventura-usa.com/images/palms.jpg[/img][/list] 2.)Ventura is basically the hidden jem of Southern California. Many people skip over it on their way from Santa Barbara to Los Angeles. Ventura has a mission that was settled by Spanish settlers, and is home to the harbor where the Channel Island ferries go to and from. Ventura is also home to Surfer's Point, a popular spot among surfers [hence, the name]. 3.) I certainly don't find it boring. I came from DeWitt, Michigan, a small, snobby community that was a suburb of Lansing. There was NOTHING to do in Lansing, so coming to a city where everything you need is roughly a five minute drive has been fantastic. Not to mention, Santa Barbara is only 30 miles away, Los Angeles is about an hour drive, and the moutains for skiing are about 2 hours to the north (or to the east). This place is pretty great! 4.) I think I discussed it all...I really like Ventura. It's not as pretty or as wealthy as Santa Barbara, but it's a hell of a lot more affordable![/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai_yyh [/i] [B] sexual activities and sex..... wuzza difference? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]There's a rather [i]large[/i] difference, my dear.[/color]
  3. BabyGirl

    12 Monkeys

    [color=deeppink]Donnie Darko is a dark, funny, and at times confusing film. It's really good though, and the more you watch it the more you become attached to it. One of my roommates wrote her term paper on that movie, so I have seen it numerous times. It's still all a bit muddled, though, the ending is strange and really makes you think. And about this bunny, Frank, that's actually one of the darkest [if not most-twisted] points of the film.[/color]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]...so I'm not going to preach to him... or BabyGirl either. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Thank you, I get enough of that already. I didn't mean to start a smoking debate. It always comes back to people getting on the cases of people who smoke. I'm just glad I don't have to deal with it here at school because two of my three roommates smoke, as does the rest of the school's population. And yes, as wrist cutter said, I'm very aware of the effects it has on me. But until you've smoked, you can't possibly know how it is. I appreciate the fact that people are just trying to look out for me when they tell me to quit, but as of right now that's not going to happen. Enough of that.[/color]
  5. BabyGirl


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Reflection [/i] [B]Anyway..what's your favourite song on 'Lateralus', BabyG? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink][i]Lateralus[/i] ^_^ That's actually the reason I bought the album.[/color]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AnimeLover [/i] [B][color=red] They'll find out eventually. Why not just get it out the easy way?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Heh, indeed they will. I plan on letting them know about the sex thing around Chirstmas time. As for the drinking/smoking bit? They'll have to wait a while until they hear about that. Besides, I'm in California, they're in Michigan...it's a bit hard for them to hear about me by word of mouth ;)[/color]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red][b]Well, I really only keep one secret, and that is from my parents. It's about my virginity...[/b][/color][/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I keep that secret from my parents, too... Other things my parents don't know are things like how much I drink and that I smoke and that I sleep in the same bed as a guy [my boyfriend] every night ^_^;[/color]
  8. [color=deeppink]Each gender has its tradeoffs, to say that one has it easier than the other is to be overlooking those tradeoffs [of good and bad points] of the two genders. It's true that women do have their disadvantages in places like Afghanistan or in the workplace, but they also have much more sexual power over men [Heaven's Cloud once pointed that out to me, and I do agree]. Why do you think Middle Eastern women are forced to cover their bodies and faces? The Muslim men have a paranoid fear that the women will not only attract other men, but seduce them with their mystical sexual prowess. (Yes, I do realize that it goes beyond simply the sexual thing.) There are other tradeoffs that deal with sexuality (my mind's running down that path right now). When virgin women engage in intercourse for the first time with a male, it is known to be extremely painful and rather unenjoyable, thus encouraging woman to get it out of the way and over with. Men, however, have to deal with the whole "only lasting two seconds the first time" thing. I've experienced both of those stereotypes...and they're both true...and they're also both tradeoffs. I could go on, but I can't think of much else right now. I just thought I'd lay that above tradeoff out there so that people could consider it...or such ^_^[/color]
  9. [color=deeppink] [b]TN[/b], I miss talking to you. You always managed to make me laugh with your insane-ness and your posts never fail to get a little chuckle from me :D [b]Cera[/b], I definitely wish I knew you better because your nonchalant humor has a way of making me smile...it never fails ;) [b]Justin[/b], my bestest e-buddy. I admire you more than you know. [b]Break[/b], you, sir, are hilarious.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red][b] Baby Girl - Cause she is my Star Wars Goddess [/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] :toothy:
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AnimeLover [/i] [B][color=red] Well, I'm only a Sophmore in High School, so I think love has another time to become a major part in my life. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]My first [i]real[/i] relationship started when I was a sophomore in high school, but after that ended [roughly 6 months later], I didn't have a long, lasting relationship for the rest of high school. It's not that I had too much of a problem with guys liking me, but they were always the wrong guys V_V. It wasn't until this year, first year of college, that I found someone that I truely do love. You'll know when you find that one person because everything will feel perfect. Amphion, don't be afraid to tell the object of your affection just how you feel about them. There's always that chance that the response will be negative, but that's just part of finding out what's meant to be and what's not. Good luck, though, I'm sure you'll do fine :)[/color]
  11. [color=deeppink]Age: [b]18[/b] Height: [b]5'7"[/b] Eyes: [b]light brown[/b] Hair: [b]reddish-brown[/b] Weight: [b]128[/b] Occupation: [b]college ^-^[/b] Intrests: [b]photography, dance, Star Wars [nerd], running over the southern california freeway[101] drivers [damn them!] in my focus, hanging out with my boy Erik, and the newly discovered venice beach drum circle! :wigout: [/b] Fav Anime: [b]cowboy bebop...since I'm not too into anime[/b] Other: [b]my real name is Jenna, in case anyone was left wondering that ^_~[/b][/color]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B][size=1]Saying that you are gay scares kids. It sure scared me.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]So are all homosexual males suddenly pedophiles, too? Is that what you're afraid of? :rotflmao: Ignorance.[/color]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B][size=1] I mean it is fine if he tells us his name and where he was born and his age or whatever but about how he had a baby and that he is gay was innapropriate and you know it. [/size][/b][/quote] [color=deeppink]"Hi, my name is Mr. Johnson and I will be your substitute for the day. I have a wife, three kids, and a dog. I live in the upper-middle class white suburbia. I'm your poster child for the American family. Love me because I am normal." [i]...He[/i] just told you all about his life...do you hate him for it, too?[/color] [quote][b][size=1]Is that really true? If it is, prove it. If you had a child and figured out that in Math that day they were going to have a substitute that had been in jail before because of murder, would you still allow your kid to go to school that day? [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Ahh, so a homosexual man is now on the same level as a murderer...oi! :wigout: (I know that's not what you were implying, but be careful what you use as an example. You make it sound as though you woudln't want your child attending school simply because their substitute was gay.)[/color]
  14. BabyGirl


    [color=deeppink]I honestly didn't know who Tool was until about 4 years ago, but I recently bough Lateralus and I really like it. It's not something that I can listen to all the time, but every now and then it's great to listen to while driving ^_^[/color]
  15. [color=deeppink]Spike is right...lookie [URL=http://www.fayevalentine.net/stuff/wallpaper/allcharacterspaper.jpg]here.[/URL] [/color]
  16. BabyGirl

    12 Monkeys

    [color=deeppink]12 Monkeys was weird as heck. I tried to watch it all the way through one night and couldn't bring myself to do it. I [i]think[/i] that I finished watching it one random night, but I don't even recall what happens. Perhaps I fell asleep due to the pure confusion that the film creates within ones head :drunk:[/color]
  17. [color=deeppink]Had you read our rules thuroughly, you would have picked up on the fact that this is indeed [i]against[/i] the rules. Advertising it quite prohibited.[/color]
  18. [color=deeppink]Click on the profile link at the top of the page, and when you reach your profile page, click on 'Edit Profile'. Scroll down until you reach the area in which you can enter text for your signature :whoops:[/color]
  19. [color=deeppink]If you need help making an avatar then I'm sure there are quite a few people around here who would be willing to help create one. Just ask around :)[/color]
  20. [color=deeppink]Definitely an unwise decision, young grasshopper. Did the teacher [b]really[/b] say shut up? Or was it something to that effect? I can't imagine a teacher actually saying those words unless they were on friendly, joking terms with a student. I'm sure you'll learn your lesson from this one.[/color]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Endymion [/i] [B]and DeathKnight... seek help. Seriously. Even if you weren't serious, that just wasn't very tactful, you low-lying sociopath you. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Let's not all play righteous now and jump on Death Knight for his comment. You have to admit that it takes a lot of skill to be doing what this sniper is doing, not matter how horrible the consequences truely are. Ken is entitled to his opinion. I personally would be incredibly freaked out if there was a sniper on the loose in my neighborhood...eee..:nervous:[/color]
  22. [color=deeppink]Last year's homecoming parade, which happens usually two hours before the homecoming game, was one huge, freezing cold downpour. I remember that even my hood was soaked through...and I was very, very wet, since [as a cheerleader] we had to ride on the back of a truck, throwing candy to the few brave souls that came to watch the procession. This year I guess there was a tornado watch during the time in which the parade was happening, and it luckily expired about a half hour before the game was scheduled to start. I heard that our football team still won, though, and they are currently undefeated [i]and[/i] ranked #1 in the state for their region. Makes me proud ::tear::.[/color]
  23. [color=deeppink]If she wants to have a child so badly, then she needs to first consider how her still being in school would effect the child. It would almost be [i]unfair[/i] to the child if she couldn't devote all of her time and energy (or at least a majority of it) to raising him or her.[/color]
  24. [color=deeppink]Good ole' spirit week. As a cheerleader, spirit week was always hell because of all the stuff we had to do around school. I usually wanted to end my life around Wednesday. The football games were always fun because so many people would attend to see not only the coronation but also the very good football team that we've had in the past few years. It was awesome to have a super responsive crowd, because nothing is worse than trying to cheer to a dead crowd -_-. As for the dances, I attended a total of 3 homecoming dances (out of 8) because they were all really stupid. I didn't even go to prom my senior year because it just wasn't any fun at all. I've never been a fan of school dances. I'm just glad that I'm in college now and that I don't have to deal with all of that high school crap anymore. It makes life so much easier ^_^[/color]
  25. [color=deeppink]Boba Fett, I'll post some trivia once I get the time. Give me a few days and I shall do it.[/color]
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