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Everything posted by BabyGirl

  1. [color=deeppink]I've had some [i]car[/i] off-roading experiences...it's always great to have an all wheel drive Subaru :devil:[/color]
  2. [color=purple]"Well before I came here I was planning on using Atlan's library archives to search for info on Regal." Ana took an appreciative drink out of a slim glass that had been set before her. Asking for the 'local favorite' (almost always alcoholic beverages) was, at times, risky, but so far the Mali rum had been rather satisfying. Kylju absently waved his fork in the air beside his head, "There are better ways...easier ways." "Maybe for someone who makes a [i]living[/i] out of it, yes, which I so obviously don't." Klyju grinned, "That's why I'm in the picture." Ana clasped her hands together in mock-delight, "All praise Copal." "I don't want to admit it but you actually amuse me." "Tough luck...you just admitted it." "But I didn't say if you amuse me in a good or bad way." Kylju took an appreciative gulp of his own drink. [i]Business[/i] he reminded himself, "Do you have any slicing skills?" Ana nodded, "I know a thing or two." Kylju frowned, "A thing or two as in 'I can work my way around simple security systems' or as in 'I can bring entire companies crashing to the ground'?" Ana's eyes hinted at smugness, "The latter." "Ok, well I won't be needing your help in that area but it's always good to know who can slice sh[i][/i]it and who can't." Ana opened her mouth to protest but thought better of it, "So how do you plan on tracking down Regal, anyway?" Kylju leaned across the table toward Ana, lowering his voice, "Nobody's that hard to track down, lady." "Don't call me 'lady'..." "I'll get Regal tracked down, you pay me, you kill him, yadda yadda, ya' know...the rest is just details." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blaire Regal rolled over in bed, pulled on his clothes and never gave a second thought to the woman he had just spent his afternoon with. At least she was still sleeping, he wouldn't have to deal with her that way. As Blaire made his way toward his craft deck, past ceiling to floor windows revealing stunning scenes of a tropical green water, he threw out orders to his servent, someone whose name he couldn't remember, "Have the woman out of here soon, wake her if necessary. Just make sure she's gone when Gina gets home." "Yes sir." Was the customary response as Blaire jetted off toward the city.[/color]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]Let's say the kid comes home from school one day saying he got a B on his test today. My guess is the father's first response is "Why didn't you get an A?" The son would be all excited that he got a good grade on a test, and his father would shut him down like that. Then throw in lectures, scoldings, being shipped between to countries, and have that go on for several years in this kids life.[/color][/b][/quote] [color=deeppink]That's basically what has happened to me throughout school and such. My grades have never been good enough (granted, I know I don't try my hardest), my committment to my family hasn't been good enough, and my enthusiasm has never been great. I hear it every day. And it's honestly not something that I want people to feel 'sorry' for me or whatever because I'll admit that I've had a darn good childhood compared to most kids out there. I'm just frustrated with the way my parents treat me, even if, again, I know that they just want me to do my best.[/color] [quote][color=indigo][b] And now you have all that frustration and anger built up over those years, and finally, one day, he is just going to snap.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I think I've dealt pretty well with my frustration and anger. There ARE other ways to deal with it...I'm not going to go kill my parents because of how hard they've pushed me or because of all the lectures they've given me. I just have enough insight to see that there's much more beneath the surface than a parent being hard on their kid (which this boy obviously didn't.)[/color]
  4. [color=deeppink]:therock: I have no idea what you are talking about...[/color]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Parabola- [/i] [B]The Americans here are only mad at me, because I had a different opinion. Why become a member here, if you can't have your own opinion? Must I agree with what everyone else says here? Don't take your frustration and anger at me after 9/11.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Parabola, I think you received the response you did because you didn't have much evidence to back up your claims, and you got replies from two members who are opinionated. Don't worry about expressing your opinions around here...you'll always get someone who doesn't agree.[/color]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]You have no idea how much I despise when people say that. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Eep, I didn't mean to say it in an offensive way at all ^_^; I guess what I'm trying to get at is my parents have always been the type to get angry with me when I don't do my best or when I do something wrong...they're never encouraging when I **** something up. It's annoying as hell, yes, and frustrating that I can't let them know how frustrated [i]I[/i] am...but I honestly know that deep down all they want is the best for me. In the case with this Korean father, I don't think he did anything wrong. Parents get on their kids' cases a lot, and hardly ever do you hear about a kid killing their parent because of it. I'm sure the kid was frustrated, but I think he either had some sort of depression kicking in, or he's the type that snaps easily. Piro, if you've grown up with parents who are always supportive when you do something wrong or who don't push you in a mean way, then I envy you, because that's awesome. That's something that I've never had and always wished I could :whoops:[/color]
  7. [color=deeppink]Yep, we have a specific forum for poetry and stories, all fan stories are welcome there ^_^[/color]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]This just another case of abusive parents. Just on the same level is that dad was a drunk and beat his son. Except it's not phsyical abuse his son was taking, it's verbal, and from his father. A guy who is supposed to encourage a kid and set a good example is talking down to you. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]To me it sounds like a case of a dad who just wants his son to do well but doesn't know how to express that emotion. I get the feeling that while he was disappointed, it was merely because he thought his son was capable of doing better. The only thing the dad is to blame for is [i]being a parent.[/i][/color]
  9. [img]http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/regionaloilprod01.gif[/img] [color=deeppink]We're not the only ones making oil. The United States, in fact, is the largest [i]importer[/i] of oil. What they're making us pay helps cover the costs of what they [i]buy[/i] from OPEC countries such as: Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela. Also, think about what is going on in the Middle East right now: conflict. Wars and conflicts almost always raise prices of natural resources, especially since the largest producer of oil, besides the US, is Saudi Arabia...the Middle East.[/color]
  10. [color=deeppink]4. What species does Grand Admiral Thrawn belong to? [b]Chiss[/b] 1. How many times have you seen Episode II? [b]2[/b] 2. What are your favorite Star Wars quotes?? [quote]Luke: I am not afraid. Yoda: You will be...you will be.[/quote] [quote]Yoda: Mine, mine! [i]While bashing Artoo with his walking stick.[/i][/quote] [quote]Leia: You're a scoundrel. Han: Soundrel? I like the sound of that. Leia: Stop that. Han: Stop what? Leia: My hands are dirty. Han: My hands are dirty too, what are you afraid of? Leia: I happen to like nice men. Han: I'm a nice man. Leia: No you're not, you're?[i]they kiss! w00t![/i][/quote][/color]
  11. [color=purple]Resigned, Ana fell silent. After a few minutes, he thoughts veered to Blaire, "What did Regal hire you for?" She turned to find Klyju polishing his blaster, and soon she was in the blaster's sites, "Well," he saw the momentary flick of annoyance cross her face as he pointed the blaster at her, "He couldn't have been older than 18 at the time." "Two years ago...that's about the time he left Bismin. He just...vanished." Kylju laughed and brought his blaster to his lap, "Probably so that no one found out who commissioned the death of the person he...hired me for." "He's such a bastard." Ana muttered angrily, there was only one person who had died two years ago that would make Blaire flee the planet...a Leader of the Royal Seven, Mantu Win. "It was a rather easy job. And it payed [i]extremely well[/i]." "Blaire always thought that money was the root of all...good things. He thought he could pay his way through life." "Once an *******, always an *******." Ana's lips slowly curved upward, "That's the most intelligent thing I've heard you say this entire time." Kylju merely shrugged. "So you're probably aware that you caused total social upheaval on our planet, and that our government damn near fell to pieces after Win's death?" "Who said it was Win I killed?" "Oh please," Ana raised an eyebrow at him, "who else would Blaire have wanted dead. Win was the good guy, the pacifist, the peacemaker. Blaire didn't like people like that." Klyju could feel her disposition towards him start to warm, and part of the huge duracreet wall she had built was starting to falter, "I don't like people like that, either." Ana smiled, "Obviously." [i]Wait, was she actually having a [b]nice[/b] conversation with this guy?![/i] "Ana." He changed subjects quickly, trying to place her name. She tensed at the sound of it, "How'd?oh, Verny..." He ignored her, "Ana...aren't there stories about you on Bismin?" She tensed even more, "Such as?" "Pilot stories." She blew out a sigh of relief, "Yes, I suppose," "They say you were one of the best pilots to go through the academy there in a long, long time." Indifferent to the rumors, Ana shrugged, "I just like flying." [i]Which Blaire had resented...[/i] "Let's get out of here for a little while. I'm starving." "I'll stay?" Ana cut him off, "No you won't. You're staying with me." "Fine, fine." Kylju put his hands up in resignation and climbed out the hatch behind her.[/color]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [B]They were both stuffy, old idiots that resisted change... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]:eek: Didn't you read the novelization of Episode II? The Jedi Archivist, Jocasta Nu, was an extremely respected and well liked lady. She wasn't stuffy...beh.[/color]
  13. [color=deeppink]It's actually not that hard to get (and even buy) cigarettes if you're under 18. Kind of like how it's really easy to get alcohol if you're under 21. Though being stuck at 17 when all of your friends are 18...that's no fun at all V_V;[/color]
  14. [color=purple]"So how do you plan on getting me my ship?" Ana had calmed down a bit, had allowed the few minutes of silence smooth her nerves, "I think I'll have my friend send it here." "Wait a second, nobody else is going to fly [i]my[/i] ship..." "If you want [i]your[/i] ship, then I suggest you let me talk to him. I'm not flying our asses back to Nearis 5 just to get your stupid Headhunter." "You seem to know your ships." Ana didn't respond sarcastically this time, but rather with a small, lopsided grin, "That's what years of training at a flight academy do to you." She flipped her comm frequency over to Verny's personal channel but got Druw instead, "Is he never around anymore?" But the question was rhetorical, "Ok, fine, well tell Verny that I really need to talk to him and have him contact me. Yes...I suppose you could kind of call it an emergency." When her eyes turned his on 'kind of call it an emergency', Klyju gave her a fake, mocking grin which had her shaking her head in disgust. But that name, [i]Verny[/i]..."Lanthrop a friend of yours?" Kylju had freed himself of the restraints and was lounging casually in the backseat area, left ankle resting on his right knee. "How'd you know...?" [i]Pointles question.[/i] "Yes." "He has a price on his head." Kylju smiled at the startled look on her face. He figured that if he wasn't going to collect the bounty right away, then he'd have her relay the info to Lanthrop that he was worth a very large sum of credits. That way, Lanthrop could haul his *** offplanet, away from other bounty hunters, and Kylju could use Ana as a way to track him. [i]Perfect.[/i] "What for?" "Eh," he shrugged, "I don't know. I just hunt them down." Her shocked trance faltered, "That's ridiculous. You're lying about this..." He shook his head and grinned. "Blast." Ana rubbed her face with her hands. "Speaking of blast...can I have my blaster?" "What? You were pushing it with the ship thing, mack?" "Kylju." "...whatever. But there's no way in hell I'm going to give you back your weapons?" Ana's sentence was cut off as he swiftly pressed her own blaster against her throat. "Your fancy academy may have taught you a lot of things, lady, but until you get some experience then I suggest you put your money where your mouth is." Ana narrowed her gaze, staring hard into his cool green eyes, nearly the same color as her own, "Get the hell off me." He pulled away, noted that her bronzed cheeks had become a few shades paler, and started searching for his own weapons.[/color]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]so nothing I say is based solely upon news station propaganda. -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Speaking of propaganda...yesterday I was driving through Lansing and saw a billboard that had a picture of the WTC remains after September 11, and the text next to it read something like "We'll never forget the shock..." I can't recall exactly what it said since I was trying to keep my eyes at least somewhat on my driving ^_^ Anyway, I felt that the billboard was perhaps a [i]bit[/i] too...well, much. [i]Blatant propaganda[/i] was the first thing that ran through my mind when I saw it. I know it was in support of July 4th and all...but honestly... (And about uploading your own avatar, you can do that when you have 500 posts. Look in the Intro forum for a sticky thread with more info.)[/color]
  16. [color=deeppink]The US doesn't supply them weapons [i]now[/i], but during the late 80s when the Soviets occupied Afghanistan, the US supplied weapons to the [i]mujahideen[/i] (I hope I'm spelling that correctly), or groups of rebel Afghani soldiers. It was all basically to help them get rid of the Soviets...but we'd never consider doing that again, methinks![/color]
  17. [color=purple]"Wait...no." Ana turned to look at Kylju. "What?" "Let me offer YOU a deal. You track him down, [i]I[/i] kill him." He considered..."All right. That works...but only if you get me my ship." "No. Stop asking." Kylju cocked an eyebrow, "Well, I COULD just use [i]your[/i] ship...." "Ugh, fine...fine." Ana nodded with resignation, "But if I get you your ship, then I'm NOT leaving your side until the job is done." He made a face of disgust, "But?" "I don't exactly want to be cooped up with you either, mack." "The name's Kylju if you don't mind." Her temper flared, "I know I [i]know[/i]...bah!" She threw her hands up in disgust and then brought them to her forehead. She had enough to worry about with trying to track down the man she loathed more than anything else...and dealing with another idiotic male was the last thing she needed. "Quite a temper you have." Kylju mused. Ana shot him a poisonous glare, "Yes. And it's not exactly something you want to set off." He laughed, amused, "Let me guess...you think [i]you[/i] could take [i]me[/i]." Ana rolled her eyes at his saracasm, "More or less." Thuroughly amused, Kylju chuckled quietly. The hyperspace sensors beeped, signaling the arrival to Coruscant, "Praise Copal we're here." Ana muttered under her breath.[/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B]Jenna... I think. But I dunno if I could be that nice... I mean...*shudders* TOO nice...>< Please don't hurt me BG...>
  19. [color=purple]This time, erring on the side of caution, Ana did a weapons search of his entire body. She found a smaller hold out blaster, a rather ugly looking vibroblade, and a few things that [i]looked[/i] harmful, even though she wasn't too sure about them. She placed them all neatly in a hidden cargo space beside his blaster and lightsaber. Once she was in hyperspace en route to Coruscant (she decided it was worth the risk), Ana unstrapped her restraints and swiveled the pilot chair to face the man. She smiled at the red imprint that had formed where she had kicked him. When Kylju came-to again, he found her staring at him, arms crossed and a smirk smothered on her pretty little face, "Stupid b[i][/i]itch," he snarled at the fact she had tied him up, "I [i]will[/i] kill you." Ana creased her eyebrows and snorted a laugh, "Shut up." Klyju kicked his tied-up legs...or tried to anyway, "Who are you." "Who are you?" Her retort made him even madder. "Listen," Ana laced her fingers together and rested her elbows on her knees, "I don't really give a sh[i][/i]it who you are, but I'm going to get rid of you as soon as I can." "And how do you plan on doing that?" His voice was thick with sarcasm. "I'm on my way to Coruscant. I'm sure that scum like you will find [i]some[/i] place to fit in." She spun back around to face the control panel. Klyju clenched his teeth, "But my damn ship is back on Nearis 5." Ana didn't bother turning around, "Oh boo hoo." "Can it, woman?" She unholstered her blaster and waved it in the air next to her, "Must I remind you that I'm the one with the fire power here?" Kylju rolled his eyes and thought for a second, "Ok, I'll cut you a deal." "No deals." "Is there anyone you want dead?" He smiled when her movements froze for a second, "I'm assuming that's a yes." "No." He shook his head, "You're a bad liar." "And you're a stupid man. I'm dumping you on Coruscant and that's the last I ever want to see of you."[/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B] There's a nice breeze, and the water is COLD [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink][i]Our[/i] side of Lake Michigan got up to 75 degrees recently...tehe ^_~ Actually, Lake Michigan has never EVER been this warm before...it's like a new record or something o_O[/color]
  21. [color=deeppink]I stayed home and introduced a friend to Cowboy Bebop ;) Actually, I had a very boring 4th. My family ate at Taco Bell for dinner...we bought some overpriced fireworks (small ones; most fireworks are illegal in Michigan)...I came home and picked up my room...got ice cream...watched Cowboy Bebop while my parents set off the fireworks outside...The End.[/color]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo] I wish that Mara Jade got involved with Corran Horn. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I [i]never[/i] considered [i]them[/i] as a couple! They would be a strange combo I think...Corran is too headstrong and so is Mara, they'd bite each other's heads off :p But that's definitely an interesting match-up ^_^ Oooh, there's one couple that I hate: Kell Tainer and Tyria Sarkin. I lost all respect for Kell when he told Tyria that he was in love with her after only knowing her for several days :cross:[/color]
  23. [color=deeppink]Hmm...if I could be anyone of the oposite gender it'd be Justin (predictable? :p) because he always cheers me up and makes me laugh ^_^ Overall, though...it's because he's my love! :devil: As for someone of the same gender, I'd have to go with Lady M strictly because of the wild sexual experiences she seems to have...that could get interesting! :naughty:[/color]
  24. [color=deeppink]While we're on the topic of characters: [b]Who is (or would make) the best couple in the entire Star Wars Universe?[/b] You can obviously include characters from the EU...the possibilities are endless. My first pick would be [b]Luke and Callista[/b]. I really wanted them to hook up, but NOOO he had to go and marry Mara :grumble:[/color]
  25. [color=deeppink]I think some of you may be overreacting [i]just a[/i] bit. While there's no denying that what she did was inexcusable, there are far worse things happening to children every day. I think some of you may be having knee-jerk reactions to this situation.[/color]
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