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Everything posted by BabyGirl

  1. [color=deeppink]:crying: Luuuuke! Hehe...well done Justin my boy! ^_~[/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mnemolth [/i] [B]I'm going to Hell. What?? Its a nice place. Its a little warm, sure but...hey you can't have everything....Besides, I've got a few friends there I haven't seen in a long time, it'd be nice to catch up and all...;) [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Actually, those of us who live in Michigan know that it's entirely possible to spend an afternoon (or a vacation) in Hell ^_^[/color]
  3. [color=deeppink]I'm just going to clear this up and let everyone know that she's not his girlfriend...that may change a few people's opinions.[/color]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mist [/i] [B][color=red][size=1]I received a moment of queasiness when I read that. That's just disgusting beyond belief...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Homophobia? I don't think the idea of Faye and Julia together is all that disgusting, actually. Call me weird if you will...but I'd like to think that I'm just a rather open minded person ^_~[/color]
  5. [color=purple]Kylju grabbed his blaster out of its holster, feeling more comfortable with it than the ancient lightsaber. [i]That blasted girl?does she think she is a worthy opponent?[/i] Ana could see his shadow on the wall, so she was sure that hers betrayed her as well. More than likely, if he knew how to hijack a ship then he had a whole arsenal of skills up his sleeve?it came with the business. Yet ten years of attendance at the Flight Academy hadn?t exactly left her clueless on combat?aerial dogfights or otherwise. Ana flicked the ?stun? trigger on the blaster with her thumb; the stun rays would be too wide for him to dodge in such a small space. Listening carefully, Ana was frustrated to find that she couldn?t detect any trace of noise other than the hum of machines and the sound of her own breathing. [I]Dammit, where is he?[/I] Kylju could easily sense her whereabouts now that his full concentration was focused on it. He silently rounded his ship, which was 10 meters adjacent to the girl?s, and nearly though about not using his blaster on her. The shot [I]could[/I] miss, he admitted, which would scorch that abso****inglutely gorgeous hull of hers?[I]Ah well, a scorch mark is a small price to pay after I kill her.[/I] Keeping his thoughts trained to the girl, Kylju found her stationary and waiting for him to make a move. He smiled darkly, [I]foolish[/I]. Ana heard him move. She knew that he was approaching her from the left, so she turned sideways and rested her back against her ship to make her body a smaller target. When the nose of his blaster flashed in her peripheral vision, she realized too late that she had miscalculated his approach. She spun clumsily out of the way as he got two shots off, one of them grazing her stomach. While the pain wasn?t all that brutal, Ana doubled over and feinted it to be. She didn?t know if he?d fall for that or not, but it was worth a shot. As his boots, no longer silent, clicked across the metal flooring towards her, Ana knew that he?d try to toe her onto her back. As she had predicted, as soon as her body was moved from stomach to back, she let the motion cover up the blaster rising toward his chest. Kylju, thinking that the girl was as good as dead, realized too late that the blaster in her hand was moving dangerously close to his body. Expecting a blaster shot to the stomach, Kylju dodged to the right, but was instead hit by the edge of blue stun rings. Blackness overtook him. Wincing, Ana watched the man fall to the ground, his blaster skidding noisily across the floor. She pushed herself off of the ground and touched the tender burn on her stomach, surprised at how little it actually hurt. She stood over the man after collecting both his blaster and lightsaber (Copal only knew what ELSE he was carrying) and studied his face. His short brown hair was dark and shining, nearly covering a scar that ran above his eyes. Since his eyes were closed she couldn?t get their color, but judging from his muscular build, she knew he?d be too heavy for her to drag anywhere herself. Pulling on her comlink and switching it to port security frequency, Ana asked if someone could come help her move her, uh, [I]boyfriend[/I]. ?He had too much to drink.? She explained when two security men arrived, ?Tripped over himself and passed out.? She helped them lift the unconscious man into the backseat, cargo area of her fighter. She thanked the two men and stared at the slumped body in her fighter. What the hell was she supposed to do with him now?[/color]
  6. [color=deeppink]I don't yell at video games...but my friends do. When they're playing Mario Kart with me they get mad because I always beat them and they yell at their little driver person ^_^;[/color]
  7. [color=deeppink]Yes...clearn and blatant negligence. That's worthy of involuntary manslaughter charges. (Though I agree, it IS really sad.)[/color]
  8. [color=purple]The next morning, Ana woke up to the sun glaring across her face. Groaning, she jumped out of bed in a huff, dressing quickly and making her way to the house's main foyer. Mr. Lanthrop had already left, Druw told her, but he?d be more than happy to fly her over to the Atlan Library himself. Ana reluctantly agreed. She followed the aging butler to Verny?s personal escort craft, a modified Seinar cruiser. Ana had always marveled at its elegance. After situating herself into a comfortable passenger seat, Druw started up the repulsorlifts and they were off. [I]The lake always looks so much more beautiful when you are actually in it[/I], Ana thought as she watched the water whiz by below her. From above you couldn?t feel the magnitude of the green hills or the stone cliffs, you couldn?t feel the misty water or breathe it into your lungs, and you couldn?t see the sun shining brilliantly off endless transparisteel windows. [I]And yet,[/I] Ana mused, [I]up above is where I feel the most powerful. It is where I feel the most secure. While flying, there?s nothing that can come between my life and me?it?s all in my hands?just the way things should be.[/I] Ana scowled at the obvious realization that she couldn?t control [I]everything[/I] that happened in the universe. Reaching into her small pack, Ana searched for the datapads she was sure she had brought with her?when they weren?t anywhere to be found she muttered a few curses under her breath and made her way up to the cockpit. ?Druw, if you wouldn?t mind, I need to stop back at my ship at the Reegres spaceport. I?ve left something behind.? The corners of his wrinkled mouth turned upward into a courteous smile, ?Not a problem, Ms. Anahli.? ?Thanks.? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ana left her pack on the cruiser and started off toward the docking bay Verny had secured for her. It was just as well that she check on her ship anyway. Flashing her access pass at port security, Ana froze when she entered her designated bay. She could [I]sense[/I] the threat before she saw it? Ana?s eyes darted from the shadows to [I]Thiera?s Grace[/I], wondering just how she?d sneak up on the silhouette lurking around her ship. Her plan of attack automatically formulated in her head, and she slid quietly to one side of the [I]Grace[/I]. He ?[I]at least I think it?s a he[/I]? was human or humanoid, which, she wasn?t sure, of generous height and build?and trying to re-wire her ship, [I]her[/I] ship. The sudden rage, she knew, always gave her courage. He was too preoccupied on the underside of the [I]Grace[/I], fiddling with wires that would easily override the security system, to notice her come up silently behind him. When a blaster was pushed firmly against his lower back, he too froze. The voice that followed was quiet, female, and genuinely icy, ?What the hell are you doing to my ship, sir?? [/color]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red][b]or C-3P0 cause he can get annoying at times too.[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Yessir, you'd be correct. :wow: Juuthena, I can't believe you don't like Chewie...I love him! [b]Five Favorite:[/b] [list]1. Han Solo 2. R2-D2 3. Luke Skywalker 4. Obi-Wan 5. Leia and Padmé and Admiral Daala...it's a tie[/list] [b]Least Favorite:[/b] [list]1. Threepio 2. Borsk Fey'lya 3. 9 year-old Anakin 4. Jabba the Hutt 5. Moruth Doole (bumbling idiot!)[/list][/color]
  10. [color=deeppink]Wha? I have no Justin to talk to tonight! :crying: _____________________[/color] [color=purple]Ana absently traced a finger over the plush Corellian leather deck chair and let the wind of the speeding craft whip her hair around her face. The lake of the Reegres District was a famed tourist attraction, and it was Kholinaught Island within the lake that Lanthrop called home. Though Lac des Étoiles (meaning [i]lake of the stars[/i], derived from an ancient language) appeared limited in water space, it was in fact quite large. It merely was the twenty-three islands that were situated in the lake that caused the lack of room. They ranged from very small islands, to rather large, such as Kholinaught itself. The islands created a haven for those who wanted to shelter themselves from every-day life. Most rose as small rocky mountains, covered with foliage and wildlife. Others were more level to the horizon. Still, the islands of Lac des Étoiles were prestigious, and most had made some degree of fame around the galaxy. Lanthrop angled his head towards the back of the craft where Ana sat, taking his eyes momentarily off the path ahead, ?So does it look as you remember it?? ?What?? Ana squinted against the orange setting sun and strained her ears against the wind. Lanthrop raised his voice that was drowned out by the noise, ?Does it look as you remember it?? ?Oh, hmm,? Ana studied Kholinaught Island and looked for any sign of change that could have occurred in the past five years since she had last visited. After a moment of study, she replied, ?It does. Has anything changed? It looks virtually?un-different.? She joined him at the miniature control station. Lanthrop gave a low chuckle to her rendition of the word ?un-different?, ?Is that how they teach you to talk on Bismin, Ana?? She scowled from the little jab at her pride, ?Shut up.? He grinned, ?Nope, it remains unchanged. The wealthy Seerdon family that has lived on this island for as long as anyone can remember just about bought out the whole landmass for themselves. They?re preventing any further development.? ?So what about your estate?? Ana searched for the familiar transparisteel-lined mansion that rested contentedly atop a bluff. ?Oh, it remains with Aggie and myself,? he reassured her, referring to his wife, ?we made an agreement with them.? Ana raised an eyebrow at him, ?Oh?? Lanthrop gave another one of his appreciative chuckles, ?Yes, we agreed to not rat them out for that little party they threw a few years back. If the authorities found out about that one, the Seerdon family would be as good as a nerf trapped in a leather factory.? ?So they?re letting you keep your home. Didn?t they offer you money or anything?? Ana stepped out of the Punin and into the ?receiving dock?, as it was nicknamed, and fashioned, after the posh Relai Spaceport?s ship departure decks. ?No, they offered us money all right. Fifteen billion creds, to be exact. But of course, you know Aggie. She?s so attached to this house.? He waved up at it with his hand. ?You refused fifteen billion credits?? But Ana posed it as more of a challenge than a question. ?Ana, you know me better than that. I?m not easily swayed by money. My happiness, and the happiness of my wife, is much more important.? ?Yeah,? Ana furrowed her eyebrows, ?yeah.? She repeated. ?Besides,? Lanthrop said joyfully, stepping off the auto-stairway that had carried them up the bluff and stretching his arms out wide, ?I?m getting old, Ana. I need to start thinking about retirement!? ?Old?? Ana snorted, ?You?re a blazing twenty-seven years old!? This caused Lanthrop to clap Ana on the shoulder in laughter, but when she jerked under his touch and shied away, his face grew serious, ?I?m sorry.? He offered a smile, ?I got carried away in your humor.? Ana took a breath and cursed herself, why did she let him see her like this? ?That?s all right.? Even though it wasn?t, ?How is Aggina doing anyway?? Lanthrop unlocked the rear door and allowed Ana to enter first, ?She?s good as always. Gone on business at the moment, actually.? Ana turned abruptly to face Lanthrop when memories of the house flooded back, ?Thank you.? ?For what?? ?Verny?? ?Oh shut up, you?re welcome,? he said with a wide grin, ?you can take the main guest foyer, you remember where it is.? ?No Verny, really.? Lanthrop stopped and looked at Ana, really looked. Her brilliant green eyes had faded, he noted, they seemed to blaze with something but he wasn?t sure with what. Her hair was still long, and the golden streaks shimmered brightly against the intermixed brunette. But she looked worn out, and withdrawn, ?You?re welcome Ana. It?s really no trouble at all. This old house gets lonely with only one person in it.? She nodded and wondered if he really knew how thankful she was. He knew that she was in disagreement with her parents at the moment, but he hadn?t questioned, had merely cleared his schedule to accommodate for her. She knew few true friends in the galaxy, but Verny might actually be one of them. ?I have an early day tomorrow, so I?m going to get myself to bed. Make yourself at home if you don?t feel like sleeping. You could even use my info computer if you like, but I?ll have Druw fly you over to the Atlan Library in the morning. I assume you?ll be leaving after you find what you need, so if I don?t see you, goodbye for now my friend.? Lanthrop simply smiled and again resisted the urge to offer a hug. ?Goodnight Verny. And thanks again, I?m sure that landing spot was hard to get during peak tourist season.? He nodded, ?All in a day?s work, Ana. Goodnight.? With that, Verny exited to the master foyer, and said a quick prayer for his dear, dear friend. He had the feeling that she would be needing all the luck she could get.[/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B] [color=darkblue][size=1]What do you think about shyness, is that attractive? :p[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Haha, believe me, [i]many[/i] girls are intrigued by, if not attracted to, shyness ^_^[/color]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mnemolth [/i] [B] The second trait to discuss is 'humour'. You've got to have this. I cannot overstress how important this is. You gotta make the girl laugh, or smile at least. The trick here is not to be a klown and have her laugh AT you, but to have a sense of humour, and have her laugh WITH you. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I semi-read the entire first post, and I must say that it WAS rather funny. The only thing about what I have quoted is that a majority of girls don't like funny guys. What they mean by "He has to be funny, etc..." is that they have to be [i]lighthearted[/i], and able to take a joke. I personally hate guys who think they're funny, and even if they ARE the 'funny joker type', it's not attractive at all :rolleyes:[/color]
  13. [color=deeppink]Bah...because of a combination of this thread and reading a book that mentions a Romanian institution for "unrecoverable (disabled) children" in Vulturesti, I had one horrible dream last night. The dream: I was lying in bed, about to wake up. My dad came to my door and said, "[i]You[/i] go get the elevator." (Which we have one of in our house for my brother)...Not understanding, I asked, "Why?" And my dad replied, "Guilty...of murder." It took a while for it to hit me, but when I actually woke up I realized that in my dream, my brother (who has no mental disabilities, just physical) was found guilty of murder and was sentenced to death ...He's only 11 years old :cross: Ah well...I just found it to be a rather disturbing dream...[/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1] Oh well, at least I know I got that question right. And I was thinking Leia's middle name was Organa too, because after she married Han Solo her name was Leia Organa Solo...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Nope, Organa was the last name of the family she grew up with on Alderaan. So technically, it's like leaving her maiden name as a part of her full name because 'Organa' is so well known. In Episode II, Senator Bail Organa (her adoptive father) is visible in two scenes (maybe more...), and is played by Jimmy Schmitts...or however you spell his name :p As for her middle name...I know I read it somewhere, but it's just been so incredibly long since I've read a book with the "main" characters ?besides Wedge? in them >_< [b]By the way:[/b] No one has guessed my least favorite character yet :p While Jar Jar IS annoying...I don't think I've ever talked about how much I [i]loathe[/i] this other character...[/color]
  15. [color=deeppink]I've always thought about what would happen had Spike never met Julia...would he have started to fall for Faye? To start, obviously Faye and Spike never would have met had the whole Vicious/Julia/Spike "incident" hadn't happened, but let's pretend that it never did. Do you think that Spike wouldn't have been so reluctant to open his heart to someone...preferably Faye? Would he have not felt the need to remain loyal to Julia, and allowed himself to ever consider the woman he spends a considerable ammount of time aboard the Bebop with? I've always thought that Faye and Spike (an obvious choice for a couple, I know...) would have made an amusing pair. All she really wanted was someone to love her...and I think their relationship could have been great ^_^[/color]
  16. [color=purple]Assistant Magistrate Verny Lanthrop watched from a distance as [i]Thiera?s Reprisal[/i] settled smoothly onto its landing frame. In Deck 10 of the Reegres District Starport, Lanthrop had managed to finagle a docking area for Anahli Jem?s ship, and it had been bloody work at that. But Ana was an old family friend, and he would do almost anything for a comrade. Lanthrop approached the sleek, almost femininely attractive fighter as it switched into powerdown mode. He almost reached out to run his fingers over the invitingly shiny silver hull, but regressed when he knew Ana would likely cut off his hand for it. The hatch hissed open and Lanthrop angled his head upward, ?Anahli Jem, it has been too long since I have seen you.? It was said with all affection and Ana was forced to give him a thin-lipped smile, ?Anything I can do to help unload?? ?No thanks, Verny. I?m not staying long.? A port attendant attached a divergence stair to the cockpit of the fighter, allowing Ana to climb down. When she reached the bottom, Lanthrop was tempted to seize her in a hug, as was an instinctive nature for him, but again held himself back when he thought of how she hated to be touched unexpectedly. Instead, he gestured with a sweeping motion of his left arm, and feigned an authoritative voice, ?Welcome back to Nearis V. What can we do for you today my dear friend?? ?Well Verny, in all truths I need to use the library here on Nearis. Preferably the one housed in the Atlan District.? Ana carried a small pack on her back filled with a few files and other personal items, but it was the weight of the blaster on her hip that brought reassurance. ?Ah yes, the Atlan Library is one of the best this side of the galaxy. Has all the information you could want and more.? They cleared customs rather quickly, and Ana guessed it was ultimately because of Verny?s political position in the district. Verny?s unfaltering happy confidence made Ana relax and nearly feel at home. She had visited Nearis V countless times while growing up, and it was a place that she always held close to her heart. It was a planet much like her own with the lush forests and green mountains, but unlike Bismin, it went through four seasons instead of two. Luckily for Ana, who had grown up with a tropical semi-year-round climate, the Reegres District was currently hosting its warmest season. ?That is why I chose to come here. Thiera?s library may be large, but the Circle has actually restricted a lot of information from being readily available. It would take too long for me to find out what I want to know.? Lanthrop turned to Ana as they stepped out into the Reegres? waning sunlight, ?Somehow I doubt that, Ana. Why didn?t you just slice a bunch of s[i][/i]hit and get on with it?? Ana narrowed her eyes and glanced up at the man whose tall frame seemed to dwarf her own, ?The penalty for slicing material made illegal by the authoritative Circle is not something I want pending on my family.? ?Illegal?? Lanthrop gave her a lopsided smile, ?That hasn?t stopped you before.? Ana nearly laughed, ?No, it hasn?t. But, this is totally different. That has to do with punishment brought down upon not only the offender but on the family as well.? ?Seriously?? Lanthrop frowned, ?That?s a rather harsh punishment for a small crime.? Ana sighed and glanced at the watercraft dock, ?The Circle has gotten much, as you say, harsher, lately.? ?And how is that?? Lanthrop guided her towards his watercraft, an upscale Punin 57 open-air deck hovercraft. ?My father says that a total social upheavel could be in short order. Sure as hell not something I want to be around for.? ?Has it gotten that bad? The Circle always made life in Thiera seem luxurious.? ?Luxurious or not, the Circle has failed to learn from history and is starting to wage an inner war.? Lanthrop started the engine as soon as Ana was settled and careened out into the maze of a lake, ?And the Republic is doing nothing about it?? Ana snorted a laugh, ?The Republic? They?re falling apart as it is.? Lanthrop merely nodded in agreement and let their conversation fall to silence.[/color]
  17. [color=deeppink]Justin and I decided that we (mostly myself :p) couldn't handle being away from writing a story for too long. Thus, we're Right Back At It. Enjoy ;) _____________________________________[/color] [color=purple][i]Anahli Jem didn?t forget. Not people, not places, and especially not events. Most importantly, she didn?t forget those who had hurt her. There were minor incidents that she allowed herself to forget, and shelved the less important of the major ones in the back of her memory, but the most important of the set were sharp and clear and thirsty for vengeance?[/i] [u][b]Some time shortly before the rise of the Empire:[/u][/b] ?Ana!? She cursed when her head jerked against her fighter in response to the male voice. ?What.? Pulling off her maintenance gloves and rubbing the developing sore spot on her head, Ana gave Greyg a sour face. ?Hey, don?t give me that look. I came here to see if you needed any help.? He gave her a charming mock-pout. ?Well save your assistance for someone else ?cause it?s not needed here.? Ana turned back around to face her ship. [i]Her[/i] ship. She nearly smiled. Two weeks ago her parents had revealed the HG77 Farban Starfighter to her on the morning of her 18th birthday. It had been love at first sight. ?At least let me make myself useful, An.? Greyg crossed his arms and leaned up against the fighter?s nose. This earned him, not surprisingly, a hard punch in the arm, ?Lay off the ship, Mack.? ?Ow!? He narrowed his eyes at his gorgeous friend and ubbed his arm, ?I thought you got over those rough punching days long ago.? Though it wasn?t spoken sans sarcasm. ?I?ll never get over them, Greyg.? She raised her eyebrows and nodded at his arm, ?I?m a born-fighter.? ?So I see.? Greyg?s teeth appeared as he flashed a grin. ?Now will you please go away so I can finish these modifications?? Ana rummaged through a tool box and pulled out a Whitton-Drill. To get a rise out of her, Greyg ran his fingers over her ship?s hull, ?And if I refuse?? ?Then I?ll bash you over the head with this drill and you?ll be sorry that you ever stopped by.? Ana raised the Whitton in warning and swatted his hand away from the fighter. ?Then I?ll be on my way. I don?t think anyone lives to tell the story of an Ana-attack.? Ana scowled, but more out of affection than anger, ?Out.? ?Going, going.? Greyg smiled once more, shoved his hands into his jacket pockets and sauntered out the doorway. ??? ?Honey, can you come here for a second?? Helin Jem wiped her hands on her galley robe and peered around the doorway. Jorge?s reply floated through the house, ?Hold on Helin, I?ll be right there,? and Helin judged that he was probably in his office frowning away over those bank ordeals of his. Humming a soft tune that had lulled her to sleep years ago, Helin turned her attention to the window to see her daughter?s speeder nearing the house. When she stepped out of the speeder, the site of Ana was enough to make any good mother cringe. The filthy grease that covered Ana?s gold-brown hair, hands, and work coveralls only left Helin imagining what sort of things Ana did to that fighter of hers. [i]That[/i] present had been Jorge?s idea, not hers. ?Ana,? Helin sweetly sang out when she heard the door swish open, ?go and wash up, dear. Evening supper will be ready soon.? ?Alright.? Ana replied with some degree of weariness, not exactly in the mood for her father?s typical table grumblings and her mother?s attempt at family conversations. Not that she minded family conversations, but they did fine without her mother?s help. In fact, Ana loved her family more than anything she had ever known. She trusted them like no one else?truthfully, they were the only ones she trusted?and their unconditional commitment to her was the only thing she held true. Everything else in the universe, Ana knew, was only temporary. Upstairs, in the ?fresher station connected to Ana?s room, she began to think. Her thoughts wandered from Greyg, to the Academy, and, with a suddenly immense amount of pain her mind jolted to the memory of Blaire Regal. Emotions started to flow like the water that struggled to remove the grease from her hair. Feeling her muscles tighten when retrospection flooded back, Ana increased the grip on her hair and scrubbed harder. [i]Four years ago, merely four years ago?[/i] Then it hit. The dark mental void that seemed to swallow her up in its giant belly and refuse to let her go. The harder she pounded and the louder she yelled, the more the beast seemed to consume her. And no matter how hard she tried, she was never able to escape it by herself. She came out of the the painful memory sobbing, as Helin wrapped a towel around her daughter and pulled her to her chest, ?Ana,? she murmured, stroking her sopping hair, ?my sweet Ana.? ?Mother, I?m sorry.? Ana pulled away, ashamed as she realized what had happened. It was happening all too frequently now. And always, always, when her body was exposed. Still there were other times, and for no real reason at all. ?Ana, what in Copal?s name are you apologizing for? I could hear you yelling all the way from downstairs and you feel the need to apologize?? Helin struggled out the last word, her throat tightening and clamping off words that she needed to say. ?Mama,? Ana?s voice softened as she used an affectionate term for her mother, wrapping the towel tight around her body and putting a hand on her mother?s arm. She couldn?t bear to see the way tears glistened in her matriarch?s eyes, ?I?m sorry for making you worry. It pains me like nothing else in the universe.? As much as it pained Helin herself, she drew away from her daughter?s touch, ?Ana, there is something you must understand. At the moment, I know that something horrible is happening to you, because it?s not you, Ana, it?s not you.? She shook her head and Ana could smell the faint scent of yalma flowers that her mother wore. ?It isn?t me, mother. I can?t control it, it just comes over me and it hurts me so much to hurt those that I love. I can?t stand to see it anymore.? Ana?s own cheeks started to become damp with tears. ?Neither can I, Ana. Please tell me what I can do to help, anything.? The last word escaped dangerously close to a plea. ?Mother, it?s not for others to know. Not even you, the one I love with all my heart.? ?So you will fight all of your battles without those you love, will you?? An air of anger started to simmer around Helin, and Ana almost let a sob break free from the mere taste of it. But the one way Ana knew how to combat a verbal assault, no matter how caring it was intended, was with her own retaliation, ?Sometimes even the weakest of us do. In this case, I think it best for me to wage my own war. Though people can give me advice and all the doctors in the world could try and guess what is wrong with me, it?s ultimately me who can decide who wins or loses!? Helin?s eyes turned dark with hurt, ?And the advice isn?t enough, Ana?? ?In most cases it is, mama, but not now it isn?t.? ?Ana, I wish I knew what to say. Maybe in this case it is best for you to be on your own.? Though Ana knew that her mother spoke out of anger and hurt. She wished she didn?t have to hurt her, ?Your father is pacing the hall, worried sick. Go tell him you are ok, and then we can leave you alone.? ?Mama,? Ana reached out for her mother?s shoulder, but she merely pulled away and exited the room. Not knowing whether to collapse and cry or to store up the overwhelming sadness that washed over her, Ana, who had always been strong, chose the latter. In all people, there is a breaking point. One point in their life that determines how the rest of their life will be served. But for Ana, this was her second. ??? ?Anahli Jem?? As roll was called, Greyg frowned at Ana?s absence. ?She?s not here today.? Someone else in class commented. ?Greyg Jenson?? ?Here.? Greyg absently waved a brief hand and then rubbed it over his face. Ana had said nothing about being gone today. He had seen her just yesterday. She wasn?t sick. She never missed class for unexcused reasons. Overanalyzing again, Mack? Greyg pursed his lips and answered his own question, Yes, you idiot! ?Mr. Jenson.? His name was tightly drawn out by the Instructor who was trying to get his attention. Greyg smiled despite the way he felt inside, ?My apologies, sir.? ?Now that I have your attention, Greyg, will you please show us the main, may I stress main considering that there are several, standard feature that comes in every Briion-line long-nose from models 8xi to 8zi?? ?That I can.? Quite unlike his nature, Greyg merely gave his professor a cool grin and proceeded towards the Briion. [i]Oh how I wish I was yours, Greyg Jenson[/i], thought pretty Lali Fantsha as she watched him explain the hydro-flux hyperspace coordinators of the Briion-line ships. [i]Mmm hmm, Jenson, you are one fiiine looking boy, let-me-tell-you![/i] Thought fiery Saapu Vern as she watched him return from his explanation. She threw him a sideways glance and a raised eyebrow smile. Greyg smiled back out of mere courtesy. Saapu was a very nice girl, just a little too, hmm, wild for Greyg?s taste. Though, he admitted offhandedly, that was the exact trait that made her such a damn good pilot. When the class finally came to a close, Greyg hurried towards the Academy?s main hangar, avoiding talking to any of his friends for fear of getting tied up. He may have been overreacting, but it was unlike Ana to not attend her afternoon classes. When he keyed in his personal access code to the hangar, which was only allowed for second-level students (such as himself), Instructors, and primary school students with an Instructor, Greyg was greeted by a girl he didn?t know. In all of his sixteen schooling years at the Academy, he had never seen a girl looking quite so distressed. She nearly ran into him, her short frame only brought her head up to his shoulder, and Greyg reached out a hand to steady her. ?Oh I?m sorry. Things are hectic around here lately. Wasn?t watching where I was going. If you?ll excuse me.? ?Hold on,? Greyg caught her arm as she tried to pass him, ?do you need any help?? He leaned down to look into her eyes, ?You look like you could use some.? She blushed slightly under his gaze, ?No thank you, I?m doing alright.? ?Alright,? he released the soft grip on her arm, ?but if you need anything, feel free to contact me.? He laughed when he realized he hadn?t introduced himself and held out a hand, ?I?m Greyg Jenson.? ?Kaylis. Calé Kaylis.? He liked the way her name flowed, ?I?m sorry Calé, but I must excuse myself now. I?m a Secondary (the nickname for secondary, or college level students) here, so I pretty much know this whole place inside-out. Ever need help? Look me up.? He winked and got a laugh from Calé, but the wink was so charismatic and genuinely natural that Greyg thought nothing of it. ?I?ll remember that, Jenson. Thank you.? She brushed past him and hurried out the door. Greyg stopped at the clearance station, ?Has Commander Jem reported in today Seeso?? The hangar?s main personnel droid, 5 C-So, plugged into the computer log. ?No sir, she reported in yesterday evening and said she wouldn?t be returning for a while. She didn?t report how long.? A durasteel ball seemed to form in Greyg?s stomach. Ana had always wanted to get off-world, but now? Why? Maybe he would stop by the Jem household and talk to her parents, for he was certain that they would know. ??? ?Greyg, I?m sorry. She left. There is nothing else that I can tell you or explain to you, for I don?t know about it myself.? Helin Jem sat with one arm protectively over her chest, and her hand was absent-mindedly tracing worried circles over her throat. Seeing the ghastly look of sadness in her eyes, Greyg crossed to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, ?Helin, I?m sorry. I hope I haven?t been too much trouble in asking.? ?No, no.? Helin smiled through her tears and turned to look up at him, ?I know you love her as much as we do. I know you mean the best.? The woman who had always been his second mother had also always known how to warm his heart, ?Helin, listen, Ana can do immaculately well wherever she goes. She?s an excellent pilot, rumored, of course, to be one of the best the Academy has ever seen. She knows how to be deceptive when needed, and she?s one hell of a fighter.? ?Oh Greyg, what have I done?? Helin?s stability cracked and her tears leaked through. ?Shh.? Greyg gathered the elder in his arms and held her as she wept. ???[/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Herman [/i] [B][size=1]Damn broke her butt... ouch![/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]...literally :p It was one of those bones that's around the pelvis, but actually helps support your rear end. It healed fairly quickly and she was actually back in action by the end of the season ^_^ That was a weird tryout week...with the injuries and all o_O[/color]
  19. [color=deeppink]I found a song that I feel almost sums it all up nicely (for me anyway :)) [i]There's somethign about the look in your eyes, Something I noticed when the light was just right. It reminded me twice that I was alive, And it reminded me that you're so worth the fight. My biggest fear will be the rescue of me... Strange how it turns out that way. Could you show me, dear... Something I've not seen. Something infinitely interesting. There's something about the way you move, I see your mouth in slow motion when you sing. More subtle than something someone contrives, Your movements echo that I've seen the real thing. Your biggest fear will be the rescue of you, It's strange how it turns out that way. Could you show me dear... Something I've not see? Something infinitely interesting...[/i] [size=1][b]~Incubus[/b] [i]Echo[/i][/size][/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][color=darkblue]hmm, babygirl & justin, doesn't it seem like there are a lot of partiers on these boards? we need to have an otaku reunion so we can finally all party together [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Hah, then I would walk up to Justin and say, "Hey Justin! Wannahavesex?" And he'd reply in his gallant Southern accent, "No ma'am I have swornmylifetocelibacy!." Er, no...that can't be right...::scratches head, shrugs and wanders off::...[/color]
  21. [color=deeppink]That's...The End. Thank you for co-writing it with me, Sir Justin! ::sniffle:: I'm going to miss this story :crying: [/color]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]Hmmm, I don't want to sound like a monster taking this position. But these arguments are kinda hard to word without sounding a little cold. :o [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Nope, your points make perfect sense. I understand what you were trying to say now...and I agree.[/color]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B]None of that humanitarian bull. They are human. Thus, they should be treated as if they were no different, since that's what they ask... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Until you've lived with someone with a disability and know how hard it is to fight for even getting them included in a goddamn elementary classroom, then you have no idea how shi[i][/i]tty what you just said is to those of us who have :) (Personal anger coming out...sowwy...it's not directed towards you...just a lot of stuff that's happened lately V_V; )[/color]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B]If they have the piece of mind to pick up a shotgun, go find a specific person, and blow their brains out, then I think they deserve to get whatever they've got comin. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Actually, it's not as black and white as that. On the legal side of things it really depends on whether or not it was first or second degree murder, or voluntary or involuntary manslaughter. First degree murder is done with premeditation and malice, while second degree is done with only malice and no premeditation is involved. Voluntary manslaughter is if you're pushed to a certain point where you kill someone [i]as a result[/i] of how you've been treated, and involuntary is if you were acting in a reckless way that killed someone but had no intention of harming them. Chances are that someone who is mentally challenged isn't going to have the mental capacity to commit first degree murder, or maybe even second degree. If they're found guilty of voluntary manslaughter, then chances are slim to none that they'd even recieve the death penalty for it.[/color]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]That have killed another human being. ;) [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Touché ^_^ (I'm really trying to not get into too large a debate, even though it'd be a good thing, but I feel that if I start getting frustrated with my views, then personal anger will be exposed and that never gets me anywhere positive :)) But back to my response. I guess I was a little taken aback by the brashness of your comment, Crazy White Boy. And half of the people who commit homocide probably can't be rehabilitated, and yet those who admit to mental illness are sent to centers [i]for[/i] rehabilitation. Unless of course you're strictly speaking about the [i]exception[/i] to the death penalty (for those who are mentally challenged) as being pointless, then I hold no argument. [i]I really hope that makes sense. I know what I'm trying to say, yet I'm having trouble actually saying it :p[/i][/color]
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