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Everything posted by BabyGirl

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]If they can't be rehabilitated, then what's the point? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Because they're human beings, too :)[/color]
  2. [color=purple]"Exar Kun, a shadowy image you are." "If it wasn't for the Jedi, I wouldn't be like this in the first place." Exar Kun snarled back at the diminutive Master. Yoda nodded, wisely holding his tongue, and turned to the woman at Kun's side, "Jenna Apdew, joined him have you?" "I have." Her eyes narrowed, lightsaber still ignited in defense. Yoda shook his head, "Your choice it is. Such power you harbor, yet use it wisely you do not." "Listen, Master," Jenna snapped back, rudely emphasizing 'Master', "Why don't you and the Council tell the Republic about the mission to Nazem?" When his facial expression remained placid, Jenna's temper rose, "Why doesn't everyone know? That's why I lost faith in the Order...that's why I left!" Exar Kun could feel her anger and smiled at it, a grin which only faded when he saw several Jedi aiding Justin's approach to the Republic craft, "Stop!" He bellowed, preparing to hurl Force lightning at the rescue party. Yoda intercepted, "Exar Kun, weak you are; outside of your sanctuary, you have wandered. This far your power extends not." Jenna watched as Justin retreated with the Jedi, feet frozen in the ground, muscles tense and nerves on end. He turned back to glance at her, one final time, to see the glimmer of tears threatening her eyes. His mouth was dry, but he managed to speak quietly, urgently, when he realized the truth, "She isn't fully gone..." When one of the Jedi helping him walk leaned in closer, asking what he had said, he tried to pull away from their grasp, "She isn't fully gone, she could return! I know it..." Justin felt as though he was yelling it loud enough for the entire planet to hear, but the Jedi merely shook their heads and pulled him along beside them. Exar Kun didn't notice her stinging eyes, and Jenna was thankful for that. He was too preoccupied with Yoda... Jenna saw Justin for the final time as he boarded the ramp of the Republic Lander. She had finally achieved everything that she had ever wanted, and without Justin, she would make-do. She could bury her love, easily, much more easily than she could deny her Dark calling. Besides, all of it was for the better. This way, she got what she wanted, she saved Justin from a painful, comeptitive relationship, and she finally would get revenge for Nazem. Feeling the last bit of love that she would ever know, she took the diminishing emotion and purged herself of it.[/color]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]But yeah, anime is not popular at my school...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Nor was it at mine. One day I was in the library with a friend and he mentioned Cowboy Bebop, this being before I had ever seen the series. Some sophomore guy (or maybe he was a junior...) on the other side of the computers we were sitting stood at up and was like, "Cowboy Bebop is awesome! There's this one episode where the characters get messed up on 'shrooms and it's awesome!...blah blah blah..." This was before I really knew what Cowboy Bebop was and I was like, "Yes...right..." and found it to be really weird. He had completely butted in on our conversation...oddness o_O Actually, this year I saw quite a few of the younger, freshmen fellows wearing DBZ shirts...but that's all I know about people in my [old] school liking anime. Methinks I was probably one of the few who even know what it [i]is[/i].[/color]
  4. [color=deeppink]Haha, drunken stories are really funny sometimes. I've probably already told this story...but it still makes me laugh :p One time last summer, two friends and I were spending the night at a house "D's" (I'll name them by first letter so that I don't have to keep saying "my friend") boyfriend was housesitting with two other guys. It was just the six of us and we all got really tanked...admittedly, the most drunk that I have ever gotten. Well anyway, we were outside playing on a swingset because it was hot and the house lacked air conditioning. It must have been about 3 in the morning because, due to our drunken state, we thought that a police car was on the country road directly next to the house...about thirty feet away from where we dove onto the grass. One of the guys, "J", thought it would be funny to start yelling "PENIS!" as loud as he could...and he kept doing it. I couldn't really understand what was going on, so I was both cracking up and sh[i][/i]itting my pants at the thought of the police catching us with alcohol. Everything turned out all right though...it wasn't the cops...'twas only the newspaper deliverer :p[/color]
  5. [color=deeppink]Guys are usually amazed when I tell them I love Star Wars and playing video games... ...and yet I'm a big girly-girl when it comes to material things! I love clothes and fashion and boys and looking nice...but deep down inside I think I have the heart of a little boy. I like being nicely competitive, rough-housing with guys, being adventurous and dangerous...the list goes on :p[/color]
  6. [color=purple]Not fully aware to the fact that Exar Kun's powerful influence had confused them both, Jenna knelt beside Justin. It wasn't an act of love so much as it was of comaraderie. "Justin..." she didn't know what to do with her hands...should she touch him and help him or did she despise him or did she love him or was it wrong or did she hurt him...? Her head spun, "I have to tell you something." His eyes were closed against the pain, but he heard her loud and clear. He was as confused as she, and her presence was disturbingly closed off and empty. When Jenna hesitantly placed her hands on the wound she had blindly inflicted upon him, Justin shyed from her touch and pushed her hand away. When he finally opened his eyes she saw the hurt in them, the betrayal that she had unknowingly..."Justin, just listen to me for a minute." "Fine." But it was spoken through clenched teeth. "We would never work." Jenna said bluntly, trying to sift out the emotional tone before it left her mouth. "You picked one hell of a time to talk about our damn relationship." He responded angrily, "Or what relationship we [i]did[/i] have." "And there can't be any more, Justin, it's not a feasible way for both of us to spend the rest of our lives..." She trailed off in frustration as he inhaled sharply, trying to stand up. Jenna didn't offer him a hand because she was too afraid to touch him, "I'm sorry Justin." "Jenna," he had one arm strung across his torso, "I said I loved you and that is something I'll never take back. But obviously you were lying..." "I was not!" Jenna cut in, the sorrow in her heart threatening to drown her, "Justin, I meant what I said. I know I'm breaking our promise...but it's for the best. There's no way in the universe that the two of us could ever live a Light life and raise good-willed children! It's not possible!" The last three words came out as if a pause had been placed between each one, the final word simmering with a burst of hot anger. Justin nodded incredulously, "Ok." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ She [i]had[/i] hurt him. She saw it in the way he had acknowledged her reasoning...he didn't really understand...she knew he wouldn't. But who was she kidding? She had plans for her life...plans that she wouldn't let Justin slow down because of a heart that needed mending.[/color]
  7. [color=deeppink]Lady M? Getting married? ::runs off to find Queen Asuka:: One of our Angels is getting married!!! Congrats melady...you deserve it :D[/color]
  8. [color=deeppink]Ahh, Queen Asuka has reminded ME of a funny dance story! Three years ago at dress rehersal for my dance school's spring concert, I was on stage with my Basic Pointe 3 class running through our dance. Well I obviously wasn't paying attention to the slippery-ness of the floor, because at one point when I went en pointe for a turn, my toe shoe slipped right out from under me and I fell flat on my face. ...and I do mean flat. People were cracking up and asking me if I was ok...luckily by that time in my life I had aquired a rather good sense of humor, so I laughed off the dull throbbing pain and finished that God forsaken dance. Sadly, I can't find that moment on tape anywhere, even though I know my mom taped it![/color]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]This is the weirdest thing I swear I have ever heard, but I heard this on the news the other morning. Research shows that there is a substance in potato chips and french fries and other potato products that is known to cause cancer. Isn't that the craziest thing? I haven't heard much else about it, but if you know more information, I would like to hear it.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]My theory is: What nowadays DOESN'T cause cancer? I'm addicted to Diet Coke, and long term Diet Coke drinkers have been showing early signs of multiple sclerosis >_< Not to mention, the aspartame in it causes cancer as well. Hell, my grandma had breast cancer...that means I am quite likely to get THAT too! w00t! I think that sooner or later, before they find a cure, that everyone in the world will die from cancer...and nothing else V_V; [i]I'll post a more intelligent reply later...[/i][/color]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B]but stuff like that happens to klutzes like me a lot.......... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I know the feeling V_V;; Just yesterday I was climbing out of the backseat of my friend's [four door] Cavalier and completely smacked my eye on the top of the door. Don't ask me how I did it...it just happened...and now it's all sore around my eye :cross: There's also another time in which I was standing on a semi-heavy wooden chair trying to organize DVDs when it tipped over and I fell on top of it. I had a bruise the size of a really ugly black/green/blue/yellow grapefruit for a month! The inconvenient thing was that I obtained the bruise during Competitive Cheer season, so two days a week I was cheering at basketball games, my bruise fully exposed, and on Saturdays I'd be sporting it for competitions. We take gymnastics with some Michigan State University cheer guys, and they came to the competition that we hosted at our school. One of them had a wayward way of looking at the bruise and asking me if I was abused >_< The head cheer guy said he could even see my bruise from the very top of our bleachers in our gym...which are [i]very[/i] far away from the floor. Ahh the memories...I regret never taking a picture of that nasty thing...[/color]
  11. BabyGirl


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zayle [/i] [B] The end song is pretty cool though, "Be as brave as you can be, a child like love a fantasie, make your dreams come true, you'll see fanasy, magic can happen to you."[/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Thank you for disturbing my otherwise peaceful mental radio with that horrible, horrible song...[/color]
  12. BabyGirl

    A army

    [color=deeppink]For future reference: When a word starting with a vowel follows "a", it becomes "an". Honestly...how right does "A army" sound? Not very.[/color]
  13. BabyGirl


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ProudClod [/i] [B]its kind of embarrasing about the "3, 2 ,1..Lets Jam!!" thingy, especially when my parents are in the room, lol...:blush: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I don't see why that should be embarassing..."jam" is an allusion to what jazz musicians used to do. The term is still used today for any sort of music when musicians want to sit around and play some improvisational stuff together :)[/color]
  14. [color=deeppink]Sorry so short >_< _________________________[/color] [color=purple]The sun was rising high above the trees by the time Jenna reached the Dark sphere that radiated from a gargantuan Massassi temple. She could feel Exar Kun inside...his power overwhelmed her. And yet it felt so different from her dreams and visions; the wildlife didn't fill her with energy...it angered her. For the small moment that she reached out with the Force, she sensed a disturbing presense, one that was not long-dead. [i]Fayde...[/i] "I thought that bastard was already dead. At least he is now." Jenna turned all of her attention to the great temple, trying to get rid of the thoughts that made her head spin madly. She knew what she had to tell Justin ?or make him [i]feel[/i], rather? to let him know she had to leave him. She knew that Exar Kun's teachings could bring her strength and power and wisdom of the Sith beyond anything that she could ever experience in a few small dreams. With that small ammount of hope, Jenna closed the distance between where she stood and the entrance of the Massassi temple...now, it was do or die.[/color]
  15. BabyGirl


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aries [/i] [B][color=royalblue] I'm pretty sure there's four soundtracks...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]There are indeed four albums, and one "mini-album": [list]*Original Soundtrack 1 *Vitaminless (mini-disc) *Original Soundtrack 2: No Disc *Original Soundtrack 3: Blue *Cowboy Bebop: Music for Freelance[/list][/color] [QUOTE][B][color=royalblue] ...but I'm still set on Rain. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I forgot about that one...it's definitely another great one. I agree with the mood-setting part, it's such a simple song, nothing foreboding about it at all, and the clash of a light song with the obvious foreshadowing of battle makes it wonderfully delicious ;)[/color]
  16. BabyGirl


    [color=deeppink]The music of Cowboy Bebop is probably the best of [i]any[/i] show I've seen thus far. It always fits the mood perfectly...and the bebop jazz is great. Tank! is definitely one of the best peices of the series, but my favorite is probably Green Bird, the song that is playing as Spike is having flashbacks while falling out of the cathedral window (Session 5). I forget if it's anywhere else in the series...it very well may be :)[/color]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char! [/i] [B][color=teal] And letting some murderers live and some die just because of their intelligence is neither equal nor morally right. If one person kills and gets put to death, why should another who kills in the same way be allowed life? It's just stupid.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I see where you are coming from, but you have to take into consideration the fact that in many cases, criminals get lesser sentences if they are proven mentally unstable (in the case of mental illness). There's also plea bargaining...if someone admits to the crime of killing someone, they also receive a lesser sentece. If someone isn't capable of admitting to a crime...then how fair is that?[/color]
  18. [color=deeppink]I also think that Toys in the Attic was one of the more humorous sessions of the series. Talk about irony...they're all hungry (well...what else is new) and they get attacked by a mutated lobster >_< Though my favorite session has to be Ballad of Fallen Angels, followed closely by both sessions of Jupiter Jazz. It's always great seeing Faye kick major butt in a town full of guys [:devil:][/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i] [B] Easy, if you have a psychopath kill someone, he wont' care. If you have a retarded person kill someone, probably won't care because he doesn't understand what he did fully. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]But that's the difference. The psychopathic killer [i]knows[/i] what he is doing, unless of course they have a mental illness, which differs from a mental disability. And it's not that the person with a mental disability chooses not to care about what they did, they don't have the mental ability TO care about it. Someone with a perfectly "normal" mind knows exactly what they are doing, and they ARE capable of caring about it. Crazy White Boy- That comment wasn't directed towards you, but to whoever said that and to people in general. It's kind of like the whole "f[i][/i]aggot" deal. You wouldn't call someone who is homosexual a "f[i][/i]aggot" person", since "f[i][/i]ag" is seen as a degrading slang term. It's the same with "retard", which is another degrading slang term..."retarded person"...bah...it just sounds horrible :p[/color]
  20. [color=deeppink]I've had plenty of embarassing moments that I have just laughed off, but my MOST embarassing moment...that is something I still don't talk about :p Something that happened recently wasn't necessarily as embarassing as it was awkward... A guy friend of mine likes to pull my pants down a lot, knowing that I don't wear anything but thongs. One day, while walking outside the school after play practice he pulled my pants down, exposing my entire underwear area (and my rear-end :blush: ) Not only were there people outside, but he was getting a ride home from his friend that had had a hardcore crush on me for two years or so, and we were only a few feet away from this guy's car. The funny part is my hands were fairly full, so it took me a bit to pull my pants back up...[/color]
  21. [color=deeppink]3. Is Ed a boy or a girl? [b]A girl :)[/b] 5. What are the names of the 2 session that had 2 parts each?? [b]Jupiter Jazz and The Real Folk Blues[/b] Bonus: What is my favorite session??? [b]This is an easy one since you already posted about it...Session 11 ;)[/color][/b]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]Because retarded people [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]V_V;; I'm waiting for the day when we stop calling them "retarded people" and start saying "someone with a mental disability". They shouldn't have to be classified as a lesser 'people' just because of a mental condition.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i] [B]I think it doesn't matter if they're retarded or not. It's whether they know it's right or wrong, that's the main point. If you have some guy that knows it's wrong to slaughter a whole family and does it anyway, it doesn't matter if he's retarded. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. Some mental disabilities leave people who are age 25 with the mental capability of a 3 year old...and it keeps degenerating after that. Now tell me, if a 3 year old killed someone in YOUR family, would you want that 3 year old put to death because of it?[/color]
  23. [color=deeppink]Sorry it took me so long to write another addition...I was sort of in a weird, depressed mood all day V_V; _______________________[/color] [color=purple]As soon as she could feel it growing weaker, Jenna cut herself off from Justin's presence altogether. She needed to be able to get away without hurting him. Hurting him would only make it worse. When a clearing opened before her, Jenna fell to her knees, breathing hard. The dream she had experienced came washing back over her, as if it had been running behind her the whole time and had finally caught up with her frenzied pace. Never before had she felt such a violent blend of emotions; sadness, anger, fear...and they were growing stronger every minute. She knew the dream had brought all of them out, had exposed a deep place in her that she had no intentions of ever visiting again. ...until last night. The sky was afire with morning light, and all around her wildlife was awakening. She let herself fall to the ground and lay still, soaking up the splendor of the jungle and the energy that pulsated within it. But all that she could think about was the dream...of Justin's pained expression when she had pulled her hand away from his...of him calling her back as she just kept running away... It wasn't in Jenna's nature to cry, but had she ever spoken those words to someone, the past few days would have proved her a liar. Once again the hot string of tears that so rarely traveled down her face did so, and she let them without resentment. The dream of her and Justin...her and Justin's [i]children[/i]...had sparked a reaction that she could no longer control. The realization had slammed ruthlessly into her and swept throughout her body like a wildfire, one she could not contain. If she were to ever have children, something she had at one time [i]dearly[/i] wanted, then surely she would pass on her Dark tendencies to them! If her children were fathered by Justin, a powerful man with roguish sensibilities...certainly her children would become evil with the combined Dark power that would be birthed in them. It was a thought that she simply could not bare. It was her decision to dabble in the Dark Side, and it was [i]Justin's[/i] decision to do so as well...but to force that decision upon vulnerable children? That was something that she would have no part in. Jenna knew that she had to tell Justin about the feelings that were swarming angrily around her head, but she couldn't bring herself to find him. His presence was too beautiful, too comfortable, and she'd fall back into it as soon as she let herself feel the effects. But it was something that must be done. She'd simply cut herself off from those feelings; the way he felt and smelled and how he had told her that he loved her. At that moment, staring up at the high jungle trees that sheltered her from the rising sun, she painfully admitted that she loved him too. [i]But that is what I must not let myself believe.[/i] Taking a deep breath, Jenna stood up and started towards the center of the moon's Dark energy, forever sealing off all emotions that she held in her heart for Justin.[/color]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sage [/i] [B]So no need to freak out when somebody critizises you, just take it calm and invent something cleverly sarcastic to throw at the person...that works in most cases!:devil: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]...unless it's a staff member, because then you're likely to get it thrown right back in your face...[/color]
  25. [color=purple]During the night, Jenna's sleep was interupted and restless as usual, and the only thing that reassured her was Justin's presence by her side. He could feel her discomfort with slumber, so he reached out and pulled her close. Pressed against him, Jenna took comfort in the rise and fall of his chest. She nearly jumped when he spoke, "The moon makes them worse." She shifted so that she could see his face in the dim light of the transport, "Makes what worse?" "Your nightmares. They were gone for a brief period, I could tell." "Oh." She relaxed and wrapped one arm around his torso, enjoying the feeling of his warm skin, "I suppose it does." She fell silent after that, and Justin didn't press her to talk. Eventually, after what seemed like hours, he could feel her drift back into sleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This time Jenna's dream was different. Beneath a sunny sky, Jenna turned suddenly to see a beautiful stone house rise behind her, draped with flowers and vines and bright, warm colors. She could hear the high giggle of a child's laughter, and watched as two small, dark-haired children bounded over to her. "Mama," the girl clutched her leg in a hug, "Daddy was teaching us how to make objects fly!" The boy nodded in excitement. Confused, Jenna stared down at the children, "...Daddy?" "Daddy!" The two children cried in unison, "Can we show Mama what we learned?" Jenna looked over her shoulder, but she recognized his presence before she recognized his face, "Justin." He smiled at her, a smile that was full of love both for her and for the children now tugging on his tunic. He kneeled down and pet their hair, "Of course you can." Justin then crossed the lawn to Jenna, reaching out a hand to take her own. When she jerked away, his expression darkened. The two children were still laughing, but the site of them faded. Looking back at Justin, Jenna was frightened by his face which had become shadowed with anger. As he started towards her, she could see him reaching for his lightsaber, and she drew her own. She was about to block the first strike from him when she woke up. Startled and wide awake, Jenna climbed over Justin in an attempt to get away. He could feel her leaving and gently grabbed her hand, "You all right?" Saying nothing, Jenna yanked her hand away and pushed the release button on the ramp. The Yavin night was humid, but the air felt refreshing. She knew Justin would come after her, so she set off into the jungle. All Jenna needed was some time to clear her head and focus. The dream had scared her in a way that she hadn't known possible. It had showed her things that she had been to afraid to consider...and that was what frightened her the most. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/color] [color=deeppink]Here's another little sketch of Jenna...I find this one to be far more accurate.[/color]
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