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Everything posted by BabyGirl
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Duo Maxwell [/i] [B]I felt sorry for Piggy, because he's the typical stereotype to be bullied and he was honest and had a good sence of moral. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I just remembered the only part of the book that I liked! Piggy was always saying how he couldn't do things because of his asthma and the other boys would laugh at him and say, [b]"Hah, sucks to your a[i][/i]ss-mar!"[/b] Hehe, it still cracks me up to hear that...I think for a few weeks, during and after reading the book, I said that line a lot. Even one of my friends started saying it...it was funny :D[/color]
[color=purple]Surprised at the words, Jenna pulled back, "...what?" Justin's cheeks grew hot, "I...I don't know...I didn't mean..." Jenna stepped back toward Justin and could feel him start to tense up, "Wait, Justin." She took his face in her hands and forced him to catch her gaze, "What the hell are you ashamed about?" Before he could respond with anger, she smiled, "Say it again." "But I?" "[i]Justin[/i]...I think I love you too." His muscles relaxed and he stared at her, "You think." "No, I [i]know[/i]." "But you?" "Hey," she placed her hands around the middle of his torso, a place that she loved to feel his sturdiness, "say it." The innocent threat was covered with a smile. He couldn't prevent it...he lost himself in her presence, "I think I love you." "Hah," Jenna hit him playfully, "shut up, you're making fun of me." He grabbed her wrist and pulled her against him, "I do love you, Jenna." Her mouth tempted him to lean down and taste it with his own......until a dark, icy breath seemed to wash over both of them. He felt Jenna shiver in his arms. Her eyes narrowed, "He's close." [i]Thanks for ruining the moment you bastard...[/i] Justin thought, making sure to keep his thoughts private so that neither Kun nor Jenna could hear them.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]Oh my gosh, I think it is the stupidest thing to lie on the Purity Test to get a lower score so you'll be cool. What a freakin LOSER. I don't know who you think is going to look up to you for that.... Man, I hate people like that.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I just had a revelation...you and Anna are Gamma Girls![/color]
[color=purple]Lying naked on the hard deck, her head on Justin's shoulder, Jenna was exhausted. It had been, she admited, exactly what she had needed at the moment. She felt extremely purged. She noticed that Justin's eyes were closed, but she could sense that he wasn't asleep, "Hey." She rolled onto her stomach and propped herself up on her elbows. Justin squinted one eye open as Jenna's hair tickled his bare stomach, "Hm?" She placed her right hand on his cheek and stroked it with her thumb, "That was crazy." He returned the gesture by running his fingers through her hair, "That's the way it should be, melady." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "We're coming out of hyperspace in a few minutes." Justin commented as Jenna entered the cockpit, her hair wet from the shower. [i]Yavin IV...[/i]"All right." But she didn't know if she was ready or not. As soon as the starlines faded into star points and the gas giant, Yavin, was before them, his presence could be felt. "He's waiting for us." Through the Force, Jenna could hear faint whispers. "Exar Kun?" Justin wasn't too sure he really liked the sound of the guy..."Are you sure you're ready for this?" Jenna turned to him and smiled, "Justin, this was my purpose. This is the reason I sought you out." He responded half-jokingly, "I kind of figured that." But even hearing it from her caused him to have his doubts...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]Virginity is black or white; you either are or you aren't. Period. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]In literal terms, yes. But I think that the mental state of virginity could very well be seen differently than simply your first time having sexual intercourse with someone. Are you still a virgin if you get raped at a young age [i]before[/i] you consent to have sex with someone you care about?[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mr. Maul [/i] [B]Just thought I'd let y'all know. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]The thing is, the EU claimed Boba Fett to be formerly known as Jaster Mareel [i]years[/i] before all of the Episode II knowledge. George Lucas is just doing things his own way, much to the disappointment of his fans >_
[color=deeppink]I hated that story :sick: I haven't actually seen the movie, but the book was enough to make me NEVER want to see it. Funny...you guys are probably a few years younger than I, and I didn't read that book until senior year. Something is really messed up about that...we should have been reading it earlier...o_O Anyway, my AP teacher said that the book was an allegory for the beginning of time...something that I really didn't agree with. I don't know why I just said that, but it was a random factoid :p Overall, I hated the conecpt of 12 year old boys running around like Neanderthals and wanting to kill wild boars and kill each other. Bahhhh...those stupid little British school boys >_< We held a discussion in our AP class about whether or not the violence would have happened had their been females in the story. The answer was obvious...everything would have turned out a hell of a lot better than it did with the boys :p Lastly, I never really understood the government aspect of the novel...perhaps some day when I have the strength to think about it again...then I'll look into it :)[/color]
[color=purple]"Do you really want to know why I left the Order?" Justin nodded, a sympathetic expression crossing his face. "All right." Jenna briefly closed her eyes and tried to clear her mind, something she didn't do often enough, "It three years ago when I started to notice the flaws in the Jedi Order. Now by claiming that the Oder has flaws doesn't mean I'm saying that [i]my[/i] ideas are perfect," she glanced at him to make sure he understood the importance of what she had just said, and Justin nodded, "but the flaws started to overshadow my faith in the Jedi. "I don't think that anyone could really sense my evergrowing defiance besides Master Yoda, since I trained under him and he knew me well. "And then there was Yannig whom I had grown up with. We were born only two days apart and he became like a brother to me...we were really close." Jenna pushed away the small ache that, in her heart, was continuously attached to his name... "One day six Jedi were sent on a mission to prevent a military overthrow on Nazem...I don't suppose you ever heard of that mission?" Justin, who had remianed silent, shook his head. "Didn't think so. Nobody knows about it...nobody except the ten of us that were sent to retrieve them." Justin certainly [i]hadn't[/i] heard about this, "What went wrong?" "Somehow they got captured?we weren't given the details of the mission?and were being held as hostages aboard a large Republic cruiser. The cruiser was stolen, since the government had rebeled against the Republic, and that's why we were allowed to go and retrieve them by basically any means necessary. "Things turned bloody." Jenna closed her eyes for a moment, and Justin placed a hand gently on her arm, "We were supposed to be able to easily overpower them...but the aliens that lived there had some sort of warped power with the Force. The ten of us weren't strong enough. "I watched as three of the ten died, unable to prevent it because I was getting damn near slaughtered myself. It was a rocky planet, and an explosion caused a rockslide to basically crush my entire ribcage. After half of us had been killed I started to feel a deep hatred for the Council and how they had let something like this happen...how they could not have foreseen it." She paused to dig out what had happened next. "Yannig, myself, and three other Jedi escaped back up to our ship and tried to engage oncoming fighters. They were brutal warriors...I can't really explain how they fought...but it wasn't normal, and it was hard to predict. "They told us to surrender our they'd blow up the orbiting cruiser that contained the six Jedi we had been sent to retrieve. So we surrendered...and they blew it up anyway. I can't really remember if I was delirious because of the pain I was in, but I had the most intense anger about what happened and I couldn't understand why. "After two weeks of being held under the rebel's power I came close to dying, and probably would have had the Council not sent out an entire legion of Jedi to finally end the ordeal. It was aweful...there wasn't anything I could do, either. I was alone and injured, and I tried my best to heal myself, but the conditions made it impossible." She fell silent and fixed her gaze upon the ground. Justin's eyes narrowed with resentment, "Why didn't the rest of the Order ever know about this?" "Because they Council didn't want the entire Republic to know that they had ****ed up...royally."[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]I...feel...so...isolated...right now...:nervous: -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I'm on your side, Justin. I don't really care about my score (hence me saying 'I don't know if that's good...or bad'), but perhaps people should lay off of those who DO care about it a bit. It's their own personal choice...if they want to be more 'impure', then by all means allow them to aspire to be the epitome of impurity...it's their own decision :rolleyes: But back to Justin's point...I'd like to think I know you well enough to say that you're responsible about your choices, and your low score and sexual activity aren't exactly bad things...you're just mature enough to be able to handle it all :p[/color]
[color=purple]After takeoff, Jenna wandered back to the eating area and scrounged through their new food supply. She was almost sorry for the two huge feasts they had eaten...they had given her a taste of what she was missing, and had weakened her resistance to hunger. Then again...why was she complaining? There wasn't much in the way of [i]good[/i] food to choose from, but it beat what they had been eating before. Tearing open a package of dried fruit, Jenna ate it all more quickly than she had planned. Sighing when the package was empty, she flopped back on the padded couch and stared up at the ceiling. Why it looked familiar, she had no idea...[i]then again[/i]...a memory that she had buried deeply within her mind floated to the surface... [quote][i]"But you have to!" "Jenna, we don't have a choice, don't you understand?" She shook her head in protest, even though it caused pain to sear through her rib cage, "You can't just leave them?" Yannig held her down as she attempted to stand up and the pain became too great to argue about it. "Someone...has to do something." Tears started to cloud her eyes. A violent explosion from the adjacent ship rocked Yannig to the floor, causing Jenna to fall on top of him. Before she blacked out from the pain, she watched as giant flames engulfed the [b]Eventation[/b] as it glided slowly to its death on the planet below.[/i][/quote] The memory had Jenna jerking into a sitting position, chest heaving, "Why haven't I forgotten?" Angry tears spilled down her cheeks and fell silently into her hands.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo] Did anyone else get mad when Mara Jade married Luke Skywalker?[/quote][/b][/color] [color=deeppink]Me ---> :sick:[/color] [color=indigo][quote]Did General Thrawn resurrect the Emporer, or is that another storyline?[/color][/quote] [color=deeppink]Another...storyline...methinks...[/color] [color=indigo][quote]What happens to the Dark Jedi Master that Thrawn finds, I think his name is G'Boath, but I can't recall?[/color][/quote] [color=deeppink]Joruus C'Boath, clone of Jedi Jorus C'Boath...have you read all three books in the Thrawn series yet?[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tima [/i] [B]WTF who in the heck would be retarded enough to have sex with an animal[/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Eh, obviously someone out there...[/color]
[color=purple]?You?re really bad for me.? Jenna climbed into Justin?s lap and straddled him. He was slightly amused, ?Oh? Why?s that?? ?Because my mind can?t think of anything else right now.? She wrapped her arms around him and leaned down to kiss his neck. [I]Blatant change of subject?[/I] Justin thought to himself. But as Jenna?s hand started to slide underneath his shirt, he decided not to complain. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ?So this is Cathar.? Jenna?s face was half hidden by her dark purple hood as they walked by viewports stationed in the walls of the spaceport. Justin glanced around as they entered the main foyer, ?Appears to be a rather wealthy planet?this region at least appears to have a great deal of money.? As they exited into the sun-warmed plaza surrounding the spaceport, Jenna pulled her hood back a bit further, ?I wonder what their main trade is, then?? ?I think it has something to do with spices, not the illegal sort, but food spices and agriculture?? Justin trailed off when he realized Jenna wasn?t listening, ?Hey?Jenna.? ?Justin, take a look at this.? She motioned him toward two small marble statues of Caths wielding lightsabers in a brave sort of fashion. ?Eh?what about them?? She smiled at the small plaque next to the statues, ?Crado and Sylvar.? [I]The names were familiar?[/I] Jenna had an urge to wrap her arms around Justin and hug him, ?They trained under Master Vodo-Siosk with Exar Kun.? ?Oh, I remember now. That?s how he got?? ?The scars.? She turned to fully face Justin, ?On his cheek.? The excitement made her eyes gleam, and Justin wasn?t too sure what to think about that? ?They, uh, must have thought these two to be brave for going up against Kun?to erect their statues here.? ?Perhaps?? Jenna just smiled, the grin nearly turning dark under the shadow of her hood, keeping her thoughts to herself. ?All right, ready to go buy our supplies and get out of here?? Jenna nodded, ?Indeed.? Justin had an urge to take her hand, but quickly remembered that he couldn?t in such a public place. Instead, he tucked his hands inside the sleeves of his cloak, and started out into the city with Jenna at his side.[/color]
[color=deeppink]41.7%. Not sure if that's good...or bad :devil:[/color]
[color=purple]After a while, the two ?Jedi? made their way back up to the cockpit. They had put the ship in orbit around the planet?called Dziam by its inhabitants?and Justin was checking their vector, "I think we may need more supplies before long." He commented, "I know that we can make do with only the bare essentials, but?" Jenna felt his indecision, "We can always set down on a Republic planet and pick something up." Justin glanced at her, "I thought you were eager to get to Yavin IV." "Well since you?re being so kind as to take me there, allowing us to stop somewhere else first to pick up things that will help prevent us from starving and dying?I mean, it?s the [I]least[/I] I can do." "Oh, why thank you very much." Justin joked back. "No problem, flyboy." [size=1]I used your word ;D![/size] Justin prepped the transport for a hyperspace jump and surveyed the nav-computer while the engines warmed up, "Well we?re in the Tingel Arm region, which is fairly close to the Yavin cluster. A good Republic planet between here and Yavin IV is Cathar." "Cathar," Jenna repeated, "is that a world primarily inhabited by humans?" "If memory serves me correct, it?s home to the Caths, a feline race." He scrolled down the screen and pointed to some data, "Yes, the Caths. At least their main language is Basic, so we shouldn?t have any trouble." "[I]You[/I] shouldn?t, at least." Jenna raised an eyebrow at him "What?" She lowered her voice and leaned close to him, "Have you forgotten that I?m a wanted woman?" Actually, yes he had. Or at least temporarily. "Well I know that I have heard stories of Cathar Jedi somewhere before, so I?m sure that if we behave we?ll be quite welcome and they'll think nothing of it." Jenna laughed, "You say ?behave? as if misbehaving is a bad thing." Justin gave her a small smile, "It can be." "Not always." Jenna shrugged, "Well I?m just worried about fitting in?I don?t want to be wearing a big blinking sign over my head that says, 'Look here, a 1.68 m female with dark red hair in Jedi garb and obvious Force powers. It must be Jenna, the woman with a big gigantic price on her head!' ?if you catch my drift." Justin sighed, "Yeah, I get it. You could always disguise yourself." "Nah." Jenna sat back in her seat, "I think I?ll just mess with some mild sorcery and project a different image of myself to anyone we come into close contact with. I?ll just keep my hood up at other times. Besides," she tapped Justin playfully, "I have you to protect me." Justin fell silent for a moment, so Jenna frowned and cocked her head at him, "What is it?" "The Lost 18." "?of the Jedi Order?" Justin nodded slowly, and then looked suddenly at his beautiful counterpart, "You?re one of them. The most recent one." The fact that he hadn?t put two and two together before made him feel foolish. Her expression became solemn, "Yes, I am. But that?s not what defines me as a Jedi?" "Then why [I]did[/I] you leave?" Jenna looked at him for a moment, long enough for him to sense her anguish, before standing up and exiting the cockpit.[/color]
[color=deeppink]Sorry, I'm only remembering 9 of the titles...I'll re-edit this if I remember more later :) (These are all in order) [list]*Rogue Squadron *Wedge's Gamble *The Krytos Trap *The Bacta War *Wraith Squadron *Iron Fist *Solo Command *Isard's Revenge *Starfighters of Adumar[/list] Wait...ARE there any more?[/color]
[color=purple]Jenna dreamt of Yavin IV. The planet wasn't unfamiliar to her, she had visited it countless times while sleeping and meditating. But this time it seemed more real. Someone was holding her hand...was it Justin? She reached out for him, but found a different presense...it was familiar, but not belonging to Justin. This presence was stormier?more volatile. It didn't hold good intentions as Justin most often did, but instead seemed to harbor dark secrets and whispers of death. It wasn't something that scared her, she had grown immune to what most would consider shocking, but the hand that clasped her own didn't feel as gentle as before. The great temple of Yavin IV was suddenly before her. The trees surrounding it were teeming with life and Jenna felt [I]welcome[/I] in the jungle, but she was reluctantly pulled into the shadows of the massive stone structure. And here was the center of the power. The Massassi Temple was filled with Dark energy that caused her hair to be lifted and whip violently about her face. Jenna could hardly explain the sensation that soon overcame all pretenses, but she finally relaxed and let the energy fill her with strength. The room fell silent and still. Jenna closed her eyes and tried to absorb the feeling, sounds, and smell of what was around her, and when a hand reached out and stroked her face she opened her eyes in anticipation of seeing Justin. She had had this vision [I]countless times[/I] already, so why was she so surprised to see the dark, handsome face of Exar Kun standing before her? Jenna had a strong urge to pull away from his touch, but the grey eyes stopped her. Exar moved closer, never taking his penetrating gaze away of her fiery caramel eyes. She could feel the power that he held inside and it was a feeling that thrilled her. She knew what would happen next, expected the temple to start shaking as he leaned in to press a greedy mouth against her. But this time the temple didn't shake. Instead the energy that seemed to flow from his lips and into her body overwhelmed her?this was something that hadn't happened before. Exar pulled away and smiled down at her. The smile was dark and half-hidden in shadows and Jenna was tempted to reach up and feel the scar that dominated the right side of his face. As her fingers neared the three, deep claw marks of a day long-passed, Exar's face twisted with anger and he intercepted her wrist. As his grip became painful, Jenna clenched her jaw and stared up at him with question, "What have I done?" "[I]Don't remind me of times long ago.[/i]" He thought back, and though his lips did not move,A his booming voice filled the temple. "[I]This scar serves as reminder enough, you don't need to make the pain worse.[/I]" Taken aback by the comment, Jenna tried to wrench her wrist away from his grasp and when it didn't work, she called upon the Force to aid her. Exar Kun merely laughed and threw her backwards, causing her to hit the stone floor hard. Too confused to react, Jenna didn't attempted to pull away as he crossed to her and caressed her throat, "[I]Vengeance, not love, is what makes you strong.[/I]" His hand encircled her neck and squeezed lightly, "[I]Remember that.[/I]" Jenna awoke before she was able to respond. She had purposely pulled herself out of the vision because Exar Kun's presence had turned alien and unfamiliar? The starlines of hyperspace were gliding by outside the viewport, but Justin wasn't beside her in the cockpit. Unsettled by the vision, Jenna made her way back to the 'fresher and found him already occupying the shower's small space. Wanting to be near something [I]familiar[/I], Jenna disrobed and stepped under the spray to join him. [/color]
[color=purple]Jenna's eyes were wide with excitement, "You let it happen." Justin laughed as he glanced down at her, "Let what happen?" "You used your emotions to control the Force, you didn't have to hesitate." "I didn't," Justin thought for a moment and then glanced back at Fayde...not a pretty site, "it was easier." "Wait, Justin, come back." While he still held her tightly in his arms, Jenna could see his mind starting to wander and she shook him lightly, "Don't go Jedi on me and regret what you've just done." He blinked and smiled, "How could I, I just destroyed a man who has haunted me like a shadowy nightmare for what seems like forever." [size=1](Why do I feel like he's going all Anakin Skywalker on me right now o_O?)[/size] "So you see? You see what the emotions do for you." Jenna closed her eyes and lifted her lips to Justin's, "It's freeing."[/COLOR]
[color=deeppink]That happened to me with some porn thing once. To make a long story short, I suddenly had a porn icon on my desktop and I couldn't get rid of it. I was about to throw my entire computer out the window for fear of my parents seeing it, but I finally deleted/unistalled it...or whatever I did to actually get rid of it. Gave me quite a scare :)[/color]
[color=deeppink]Sorry, this IS advertising, and against our site's rules.[/color]
[color=purple]Had the Dark voice not interupted her sleep again, Jenna would have woken refreshed. The opening to their tent was open, and the breeze actually felt good on her unclothed body. She had immediately realized that Justin wasn't there; she had felt it when he left. The urge to stay in bed, comfortable and without anything to think about, had Jenna climbing under the blankets and curling up beneath them. She'd wait for Justin to return. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When he did, he found her once again fast asleep. Yet this time she seemed more peaceful. His presence, rather than the lack of it, woke her. Justin knew that she was awake as he poured a glass of water. He sat down on one of the benches and leaned against the table with one arm strewn across it, crossed his legs at the ankles and watched her silently. He could feel her starting to probe his thoughts and emotions, and he let her. "Fayde." Jenna propped herself up on one elbow and looked at him. Justin nodded and crossed the floor to the bed, taking a seat next to her. Her eyes nearly seemed clouded with caring... She put a finger under his chin and lifted it to her gaze, "You have to get rid of him, Justin. It's the only way that you're going to free yourself from such a pain in the ***." "Heh." He smiled and ran a hand through her hair, "I know I have to do it, and I [i]will[/i]. More for the sake of [i]our[/i] well being than the well being of these villagers..." He stopped when he realized what he had said. Jenna wrapped the blankets under her arms and sat fully up, wrapping her own arms around him, "Justin, that's the rogue in you speaking." [/color]
Whats Your Beaches Like (If you have them)
BabyGirl replied to Frankie's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]I really like the beaches in Australia, especially South Australian and Queensland ones. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]The one beach that I actually got to spend time at while in Australia was on Magnetic Island, off of Townsville. I also got to take a boat out to the Reef...it was beautiful. Here in Michigan I am surrounded by four different lakes; Huron, Michigan, Erie and Superior...Lake Ontario doesn't actually touch Michigan's border. Though I will admit that Lake Michigan is by far the most beautiful. I love being by the lake and the sand dunes and such...it's great. *edit* This is sort of a large picture, I apologize, but it's of Lake Michigan...we don't have palm tree beaches, we have [i]pine[/i] tree beaches :p[/color] [img]http://www-stud.robinson.cam.ac.uk/nrl23/backcatalogue/images/Lake%20Michigan.jpg[/img] -
[color=purple]The site of it all had both of their stomachs growling. Jenna approached the table first, "I'm starving." "As am I." Justin picked up a large clay dish and sniffed at its contents, ?Smells good enough.? Jenna located a small pitcher of water and poured herself a glass, ?Fresh,? she said after a drink, ?not like that re-circulated crap you get on Coruscant.? Justin tasted what looked like some sort of purple fruit, ?Surprisingly good. I wonder how they grow fruit here? It?s too dry to support anything that tastes [I]this[/I] good.? ?Maybe they have a large, sub-planetary water basin.? Jenna wrapped a hand around Justin?s wrist, pulled the fruit to her mouth and took a bite, ?Tasty.? ?Yeah,? Justin allowed her to take another small piece, ?but they appear too primitive to know how to do anything like that?bring water to the surface of their planet and all.? ?Eh,? she shrugged, ?who knows. Maybe they?re just extremely resourceful.? She seated herself on a wooden bench and started to eat an entire loaf of bread. She realized Justin had started to give her a strange look, ?What?? She asked innocently, her mouth full, ?I like bread.? ?So I see.? He kept his eyebrows raised, ?You?re weird.? She swallowed and chased the bread with a large gulp of water, ?Not weird?eccentric.? She frowned when he started to eat again yet kept his raised-eyebrow gaze on her, ?Don?t you find that attractive, Justin?? He sensed the playfulness of the tone and shook his head, ?Don?t start that again.? ?Fine, I?ll just finish eating over here in the corner, all by myself.? Again, Justin saw through the feinted sadness. He actually [I]enjoyed[/I] being around her when she was like this. She didn?t think about the Dark Side at times such as this?she was herself, lighthearted and cute. Perhaps he?d be able to make that side the dominating one, and not let the Dark affect her quite so boldy?[I]perhaps.[/I] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ?That is the best meal I have had in, well?years. Quite literally.? Jenna surveyed what they had eaten, ?I guess the same goes for you?? ?I?m not exactly the best cook.? Justin admitted. ?I?m exhausted, too. I must be getting old if all of this fighting is affecting me so heavily.? She joked. Justin realized that he had no idea how old she [I]was[/I]? ?How old are you, anyway?? ?Twenty-six?such a golden age.? Jenna responded sourly, ?I?m going to bed. I suppose you?ll be joining me since there?s only one here.? He didn?t seem to have any other choice, ?In a little while.? ?All right,? she took his face in her hands and kissed him, ?goodnight, Justin.?[/color]
[color=deeppink]By George, I think I've got 'er! (Crappy coloring...but it's just to distinguish between her cloak and her hair :))[/color]
[color=purple]As they boarded the ship in the dim auxiliary lighting, Justin was reminded that the walls had the hell smudged out of them, and he let go of Jenna?s hand, ?Do you ever plan on re-decorating your re-decoration?? ?What, you want me to clean it up?? But it wasn?t a question because her face was one of disbelief. ?Actually yes, I do. I already got a lot of that damn grease all over my skin when you backed me into the wall.? ?Speaking of being backed into walls?? ?Don?t even think about it.? She cocked an eyebrow at him, ?Fine, suit yourself.? She reached up and ran a hand through his damp hair, ?Mm, sweaty.? Justin could sense the sarcasm in her voice, so he pulled her arm away from his head while leaning in close to her face, ?It [I]won?t[/I] happen again.? Jenna smiled and pulled her hand out of his grip, ?That?s what they all tend to say.? She turned on her heel and started towards the cockpit. ?Well I?m one who means it for a change.? Justin called after her, but he frowned at his own comment. Who was he fooling if he couldn?t even convince himself that it wouldn?t happen again? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Justin was about to retreat to the ?fresher when Jenna called to him from the cockpit, ?Justin, I think you have a message up here. Your comm is winking and making noises at me.? He grinned as he ducked into the cockpit, avoiding the low clearance, ?So now the comm unit is hitting on you, too?? He laughed at his lighthearted joke, something that he seldom did. ?Ha, ha.? Jenna rolled her eyes. For the moment she was physically drained, so she curled up in the co-pilot?s seat?an act that Justin found endearing. She caught him looking at her, ?Huh?? ?What?? ?Play the message.? ?Oh, right.? Justin activated what he thought would be a holo, but instead an alien language came warbling over the speakers. ?They sound distressed.? Jenna?s voice had quieted, and Justin watched her as he replayed the message. Her expression looked sad, and he instantly locked the memory of it away. ?What is this? Is it a language that you recognize?? ?No.? Justin shook his head, ?But it [I]does[/I] sound like a distress signal of some kind. I?ll trace it.? Jenna intently watched Justin?s profile as he started to trace the signal. His face had become creased with small lines of tension, and his entire aura turned serious. He was getting into Jedi mode. Jenna leaned over and put a hand softly on his shoulder, bending down to kiss his cheek. She didn?t expect him to acknowledge it?and he didn?t. [I]Too absorbed in being the Jedi that he is?I?ll just have to break him of his bad habits.[/I] [/color]