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Everything posted by BabyGirl
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiHorsewoman [/i] [B]Some people get tattoos to commemorate people they've lost... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Yes, that's why I am going to get this one in an out-of-the-way spot in memory of my brother. [img]http://babygirl.250free.com/kyupi_black_white.jpg [/img] Some people are so ******* uptight about this stuff. I just want to be like, hey, chill out! It's not like it's on [i]your[/i] body or anything.[/color]
[color=deeppink]Yes, I'm posting again. I wanted to break up these two parts because lord only knows that otherwise, it would have been one incredibly long post. ~~~~~~~~~~~[/color] [color=purple]Bailey was extremely content again. Her and Nick had been close for their four years of training, and it had been hard to say goodbye. They had no idea that both of them would be in Singapore at the same time, so it had been a very pleasant surprise. Kind of like the kiss, Bailey thought with a smile as she and Nick walked casually hand-in-hand. She wasn't exactly sure what they 'were', but she supposed that she'd never really know. Sometimes they were friends, other times they had been lovers. Maybe they were simply good friends with benefits...or something? "Want to go here?" Nick pointed out a bar that seemed to be fairly popular. This part of the town had remained intact. "Yes, I'm dying for some wine." Nick laughed and held the door open for her, "You are still so French." She snorted, "Well I don't know what else I would be." "I don't know if you'll find wine this far east, Bailey." "No?" And then she stuck her tongue out at him promptly after ordering a very nice glass of red wine. A couple more glasses of wine later, Bailey was tipsy enough to realize it was time to stop ordering more drinks. She was laughing hysterically at Nick's jokes, enjoying herself so completely that she nearly forgot about everything that had happened earlier in the day. "Hey," she leaned over on her stool and rested her lips next to his ear, "meet me by the bathroom." She didn't know if it was the lowered inhibitions, but she was incredibly flirtacious and just a little bit randy. She had slipped off of the barstool and sauntered her way toward the back of the crowded bar. The bathrooms were in their own little enclave, as if begging people to shove themselve into the space outside of them and makeout. Nick met her moments later with her jacket in hand, "We should get going, Bailey." She pouted and grabbed the shirt around his waist, "Kiss me, [i]Nicolas[/i]." He oblidged, simply beacuse he couldn't resist touching her again. "I'm leaving for Columbia soon," she smiled up at him, and Nick put a hand around her back to steady her, "will you make love to me tonight?" Nick closed his eyes and drew in a breath through his nose. She was too inebriated and he wasn't at all, so it just felt wrong, "We'll see." He kissed her forehead and helped her into her jacket, "Let's get back, all right?" "Yes." She took his hand and giggled. At least she was cute while she was drunk. By the time he got her back to her room, her eyes were half closed in exhaustion. "Time for bed, Nick." She flopped down onto her bed and opened her arms to him in an invitation for a hug, "It was a great night." He smiled down at her before leaning down and wrapping his arms around her, "It was. Now get some sleep." "[i]Merci, cher Nicolas[/i]." And she fell instantly to sleep. Nick watched her for a minute with a sad smile. She had been so through much in her life, and yet she was still beautiful and happy and amazing. He gave her one last kiss on the cheek before turning off the lights and leaving for his own room.[/color]
[color=deeppink]Maybe he did think you were leading him on, but he's still a jerk. Any guy that tries to move in on a girl who has a boyfriend [and knows it!] is just creepy and wrong. But, like everyone else said, if you don't tell him to stop...then he won't. Let him know that you're not playing around when you tell him, otherwise he may think it's some sort of game that will lead to further touching, etc. You can still be his friend, but make it extremely clear to him that you want to be [i]just[/i] friends. [/color]
[color=deeppink][i]Yeah, we're all a little fucking sad,[/i] Bailey thought bitterly as she overheard the comment. The malicious reaction wasn't directed toward anybody, but she was frustrated to the point of anger. Her back, which she had tried very hard to ignore, was throbbing, and her lip had swelled to twice its normal size, but only on one side so she looked rather freakish. All of this irritated her. Bailey didn't really know where her usual sunny outlook on life and gone, but it seemed like it was on an extended vacation. She decided to blame it on being cooped up in a little room because she didn't know her way around the city. Maybe she'd see if anyone else wanted to go out and show her around. Shutting herself into the small bathroom in her room, Bailey finished drying what was left of her wet hair from a recent shower. And there was a lot of it. But when she was finished, she felt as though she looked better than she had the past couple of days, and that instantly made her happy. She finished off by applying a few accents of makeup and, releived, felt like her old self again. ~~~~~~~ With another realization of the fact that she was starving, Bailey decided to head down to the cafeteria and grab some fruit. She'd rather eat dinner in town and experience some quality Oriental food before they left for Columbia tomorrow. She only had to hope that there were still restaurants open after today's fiasco. "Bailey?" She stopped at the entrance of the cafetria, hands on her hips, trying to figure out who had said her name, "[i]Ma cherie[/i]!" an arm wrapped around her waist and spun her around. She found herself face to face with Nick, the only other trainee she had been with who had survived to become an agent, "Nicolas!" She slipped back into French, and all but jumped on him with a hug. "[i]Ca va, mon ami?[/i]?" Bailey laughed at how automatically her native language came back, "How are you?" Nick kept one arm around her shoulder, a natural gesture for French companions, "I'm doing well, things are kind of uneventful right now for my team." Not sure how to respond, Bailey looked up at him, "Is that good or no?" "Eh," he shrugged, "I'm bored sitting in here. [i]C'est la vie[/i], I suppose." She smiled in agreement, not wanting to discuss things in her team being far from boring, "[i]Oui, c'est la vie[/i]. Are you hungry?" Nick, tall, dark, and extremely attractive Nick, caugh Bailey's eye, "Starving, actually." [i]Was there some underlying meaning to that?[/i] Bailey raised an eyebrow at him. They had stopped walking down one of the many long halls, and her heart started to beat a little bit louder. "I've missed you, Bailey." His voice was soft and incredibly French, and somehow she found herself pleasantly steered up against a wall. Oh, she recognized that look in his eye. Early in their training they had been more than just friends, "I missed you, too [i]Nic[/i]." Bailey was breathless as his face inched toward hers. She couldn't stand how he was teasing her with his lips only a breath away from hers, so she wrapped one hand behind his neck and pulled him into her.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]Part 1: I'm beginning to think that the college world wouldn't be able to survive without a cell phone. Bah, it annoys me so badly. Part 2: Whether you realize it or not, people say that when someone smiles at them, it makes the feel good, and it makes them feel better if they were having a rough day. ^_^[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Part 1: Well...I personally have to have a cell phone because we don't get set up in dorms or have specific phone numbers. We actually have to pay for our phone service through SBC, and there is a $30 charge if you move [from the 93003 zip code in Ventura to the 93001] because you have to change numbers. Having a cell phone is so much easier than having to deal with those stupid SBC people. Plus, you don't get huge bills for long distance [for me it's from Cali to Michigan], with cell phones it's all included in your monthly plan, which is nice! However, there are times when I hate my cell phone. I tend to leave it at home if I'm going to the boostore, and I have been leaving it on vibrate all the time now. I hate ring tones on older phones [like mine] that are songs because they're just high pitched and fake sounding and annoying. If my phone isn't on vibrate, it's on a normal phone ring. There's nothing worse than someone who can't reach their phone when it's playing a really loud, obnoxious song in public! [b]Part 2:[/b] I always feel good when I tell someone hi, too :) I was passing these two eldery folk on the street one day and I was just like, "Hi!" and gave them this big smile and they were so friendly and cute. It definitely feels good.[/color]
[color=deeppink]Sit down at a restaurant with a cell phone, and have someone call it constantly without answering. Or you could talk on a cell phone really, really loudly in a quiet place. People hate that. Walk the wrong way up or down an escelator a couple of times. Be really rowdy in a grocery story and throw stuff around. ..there's all sorts of fun things you could do, and you're able to excuse it as an 'assignment', how cool ^_~[/color]
[color=purple]Bailey hadn't realized it at first, too absorbed in her initial shock of being thrown a few hundred feet in a somersaulting van, but the cries of Singapore's citizens were rising up like an eerie, ominous chorus. It hit a chord of sorrow, of anger, of confusion, and left Bailey's stomach in knots. She figured the only way to untie them was to go get her hands dirty and help. Wandering away from the rest of the team, unsure of where she was headed, Bailey felt weightless as she stepped over huge chunks of concrete strewn about the street. The total consciousness of what had happened was making her head spin. When she tripped over a piece of warped rebar jutting out between two blocks of concrete, Bailey tried to break the fall with her hands, but merely ended up rolling and getting wedged uncomfortably beside a burnt out metal structure. Groaning at the scrapes on her hands where they had made contact with rough cement, she gingerly picked herself up and back onto her feet. Slightly more cognizant of the fact that she needed to snap out of her humanistic daze, Bailey heard Bradley and Rae both in her vicinity. Bailey almost didn?t hear the girl at first, but another wail arose from beneath the rubble and caught her attention. The pair of eyes that stared up from where she had heard the cry were tear stained and pained. They couldn?t have belonged to anyone older than five or six. ?Oh.? Bailey let out a breath, completely overtaken by pity, adrenaline, and the need to help dig out whoever was trapped beneath where she now stood. Dropping to her knees on the broken, jagged cement, Bailey grabbed hold of a small piece of stone and tugged. It took a few seconds, but she eventually gathered up enough strength and concentration to pry it off of the child. She wasn?t prepared, however, for what she found beneath. The girl?s arms and legs were still trapped beneath the surface, and she let out a magnificent wail as Bailey leaned down closer to her. Her clothes were stained with blood and dust, and Bailey?s heart started racing. She felt for certain that she?d be sick at the sight of it all. Shoving the wave of nausea back down, she instead turned her efforts to picking up the smaller pieces of debris that lay around the girl?s body. The child was now crying uncontrollably. As the wind started to pick up, the sun disappeared. The whole city seemed to be caving in on itself. When a piece of tattered paper blew into her face, Bailey grabbed it in frustration and shoved it into her back pocket. She didn?t stop attempting to dig the girl out until an Singaporean officer pulled her away and gently placed her out of the way. A few strong men with tools took over for her, and Bailey was relieved. Much later, Bailey was leaning on the overturned van, thinking over everything she had just seen. When a crying elderly woman came up to her and appeared to be pleading for help, Bailey stood and tried to calm the woman. And, as quickly as she had appeared, the woman set her sights on other people and left a bewildered Bailey behind. Shoving her hands into her back pockets and turning away from the scene, she pulled out the forgotten paper she had shoved in them earlier. As she read it, it didn?t all click until she came to the end and finished it. Bailey?s eyes went wide as she read it a second time. Then, with a renewed sense of urgency, she hurried off to find Liam.[/color]
[color=deeppink]Obviously some of you were sadistic little children. I always tried to keep my Barbies in mint condition, I would never have thought about melting them or running them over...o_o. They were my sacred posessions! When I was in 7th-8th grade, playing with Barbies made a comeback. My friends and I constructed an entire house out of my window seats in my room, using everything we could find as furniture and such. This friend of mine was a bit eccentric and always loved making up love triangles, sex plots, and making at least on Barbie a lesbian. We had some strange middle school days >_>[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by terra [/i] [B]Why does everybody like Go Go Yubari so much? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Well...it's a board full of anime fans who inadvertently love the Japanese culture. Many of them find Japanese school girls to be the most attractive things on the PLANET. So, add her pretty Asian looks, cute little school girl uniform and the fact that she can kick major butt together, and you have the recipe for instant attraction and/or awe. Hence; the obsession. I couldn't get over the fact that she was in [i]Battle Royale[/i], too, and she played [spoiler]a sadistic school girl out for her own triumph [and life][/spoiler]. The parts were similar and her hair was styled exactly the same. She didn't look any different, and she didn't act any different. Thusly, I was unimpressed with her character. It was a fun bit that was added, but I had already seen it all happen in [i]Battle Royale[/i] :p[/color]
[color=deeppink]I'm not sure why you constantly need to feel more intelligent than everyone else, PoisonTongue, but I applaud all of your passionate attempts. However, I would appreciate if this thread didn't turn into a squirmish because of it. The issue I've brought up will most likely be ignored or forgotten if this topic is closed, and that's something that I would prefer didn't happen.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Mac Attack [/i] [B](I loathe the Australian stereotype). [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]At least you guys have a [i]cool[/i] stereotype. Your whole country is loved by America because people think that you're happy all day and have the most awesome accents [which, actually, you [i]do[/i] have awesome accents.] The American stereotype are the "rednecks" from the backland hills of Tennesee and West Virginia, who speak with thick, unintelligible Southern accents and have bad hygiene. However, these people only make up a [size=1]tiny[/size] percent of the population, it's not like our whole country is running rampant with them. So I would rather have your country's stereotype any day ;)[/color]
[color=deeppink]Erik and I talked for a long time about all of this last night after I brought up the subject, and we ended up coming up with some interesting conclusions. I personally think my most harmful vice is selfishness. I always want my way so badly, even though I know that I should let others have their chance once in a while. But it feels so nice to have my way and it's so horrible to do things I don't want to do [my mind has been conditioned this way, it's a habit I'm aware of], that I usually end up whining until I DO get my way. It's a vice to me because it is seen as 'wrong' by society, but getting my way feels so darn good. A small vice that is only really destructive to me is FOOD. I don't overeat, I simply snack constantly. I think that I must have an oral fixation with edible things in my mouth, because I always like to take something to eat along on car rides, when I'm hanging out at Erik's, typing papers, etc. It's not so much that I'm hungry, it's born out of boredom and the need to be putting something from my hands into my mouth. If I don't have anything to snack on, I end up biting up the soft tissue on the inside of my lips without even noticing it. It's annoying that I can't stop constantly snacking, I think it has been a major player in me gaining the freshman '10', rather than '15'...I'm just lucky that I gain weight slowly...bleh. It was never a problem when I was active with dance and cheerleading, but now I sit around a lot...no physical activity. How horrible it is![/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]I'm quite proud of my multi-colored marriage.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Nah, I wasn't talking about yours. I'm talking about marriage lines that go on and on and on in twenty different colors. Yours is pretty and to the point ^_^[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B]...much like how women trim certain areas, I will trim my special area. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I'm not sure how your mind even began to think up a way for those two to be related, but I laughed out loud [quite literally] when I read it :p I didn't have you in mind when I started this thread, PoisonTongue, but I suppose yours does sort of fit into the mix :P. I'm more annoyed by multicolored marriages, buddy lists, unintelligent sayings, random nothingness, smiley overdoses and otherwise. [/color][b][size=5] [color=red]Those[/color] [color=purple]things[/color] [color=teal]are[/color] [color=indigo]simply[/color] [color=deeppink]MURDER!!!!!!!!111![/color] [color=black]on[/color] [color=seagreen]the[/color] [color=orange]eyes[/color] :drunk: :flaming: :demon: :therock: :worried: :eek: :tasty: :wigout: :laugh: [/size][/b] [color=deeppink]...yeah, you get the point. Well-organized signatures don't bother me, but I guess the disorganized ones do because I'm obsessed with organization. Organization is a must. Maybe that's the whole reason behind long signatures pissing me off...[/color]
Let's talk about ....., baby... (Mature Themes)
BabyGirl replied to Artemis's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AzureWolf [/i] [B]I could turn to the other extreme and say to forget marriage altogther and just stick with sex and no finances, which begs the question, "why are you wasting time having sex if you don't have enough money to even support yourself?" [/quote][/b] [color=deeppink]I don't know...I think that statement is again lowering sex to just some random physical act, rather than thinking about what it means. Having sex isn't exactly 'wasting time', even if you don't have the finances...? I'm extremely confused on what you mean by that...[/color] [quote][b]... that sex is an accessory to your love, not a requirement. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Yep, I agree. And I never felt 'required' to start having sex, it happened because we felt comfortable and love each other. It's certainly an accessory for me, there are often times where I am not even in the mood for sex in the first place. I know that our relationship doesn't revolve around any and all passionate encounters, but rather our emotional relationship is central to our...relationship [repeating words so close together is annoying :P][/color] -
[color=purple]"Ow." Bailey rubbed her behind which had landed far too hard on top of Malania's bony knee -who appeared to be unconscious again- before she had been sent headfirst onto the ceiling of the van. She tasted the metalic tang of blood in her mouth and realized that she had bitten her lip...hard. All of the team members were sprawled in awkward positions, trying to right themselves after being thrown by the blast. They weren't surprised by Liam's outburst, for some reason he always seemed to think he was the one who had the most to lose. Wiping away the blood that trailed down her lower lip, Bailey crawled over to the van's door and attempted to pull it open. She managed to open it enough to climb outside and survey the surrounding wreckage. Someone inside the van spoke up as Liam climbed out after her, "Where's Zharra?" "Shit, she wasn't with us?" Bailey tampered with her radio, only to find it broken into two peices, "She took one of the Dragons to a safer place. She should be all right if she wasn't too near the building." "Yeah well half of the buildings [i]around[/i] the Triad building are lying in sudden ruin, too." Frustrated, Liam scratched his head. "Look, zhere." Katarina tapped against the window, pointing in the general direction of the central blast, "Zharra." Relieved at the sight of Zharra making her way toward them, Bailey sighed, "How did we not realize she wasn't with us?"[/color]
Let's talk about ....., baby... (Mature Themes)
BabyGirl replied to Artemis's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AzureWolf [/i] [B]If you are willing to go that far with someone and still not marry them, there has to be something wrong in the relationship. Why don't you marry them if they are that central to you? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I think this brings up a good issue, too. At my age, I'm too involved in training for my career, college, and living life to marry the man I love right now. We're too young, or at least I believe I am, and immature to even think thoughts of married life together now. There's the money issue, too. We're both going through the same, extremely expensive photojournalism program, and I'm living off of my parent's money. I think it would be selfish to suddenly expect them to pay for my married life! There's so many more issues that go along with marriage than just 'getting married'. However, the person I am with now is an incredibly perfect match for me. He's amazing, and I see myself being with him for a long time in the future. We can still live together as though married, but without the wedding bells and the claustraphobic feeling of being eternally bound.[/color] -
[color=deeppink]Vices are: [list]a. An evil, degrading, or immoral practice or habit. b. A serious moral failing. c. Wicked or evil conduct or habits; corruption. d. Sexual immorality, especially prostitution. e. A slight personal failing; a foible: the vice of untidiness. f. A flaw or imperfection; a defect. g. A physical defect or weakness.[/list] *Do you think that things are labeled 'vices' because society shapes them to be 'wrong', or are they born vices out of human nature? *Do you have any personal vices, or any that you believe are destructive to yourself or others? [Vices aren't necessarily all morally 'wrong', but are sometimes simply bad habits [ex. smoking] that someone finds pleasure in.] *What certain vices do you find to be the most destructive in today's society? Is that vice considered 'morally wrong'? Are there any vices that you believe to be fairly harmless? ---I have a few vices, I suppose. How about the rest of you?[/color]
Let's talk about ....., baby... (Mature Themes)
BabyGirl replied to Artemis's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]No all I was really pointing out (hopefully) was that we are animals and sex is just a reproduction method when you really get down to it and wipe away all the crap; we are just like every other living thing. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Yes, I agree :) However, I wasn't talking about the basal structure of sex, I was talking about the entire, broad spectrum of sex. The sex that envokes human emotion and solidarity in relationships. But for someone to think that human intercourse is strictly FOR the act of 'breeding' [that [i]word[/i]] is fairly naive. So in the biological sense you are very right about what you have to say, it just didn't fan out to be a solid rebuttal to my opinion being presented in that certain post. I do hope I'm making sense without repeating myself :whoops:[/color] -
[color=deeppink]Ah good, so I'm not alone. I don't want to be rude in pointing out members as examples, but [i]zap29[/i]'s signature is one of those that I'm talking about. Given, they're a newer member, but a staff member should take notice of it and PM them. Soon. Because it's that bad.[/color]
Let's talk about ....., baby... (Mature Themes)
BabyGirl replied to Artemis's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]Maybe it is yourself who is ignorant BabyGirl?[/b][/quote] [color=deeppink]:huh: Maybe. I don't think that I am on this issue, but it's all relative.[/color] [b][quote]We *are* [i]animals[/i] and there is nothing you can say or do that will change that. So yes the 'act of love' is for breeding, the enjoyment is just an incentive. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Thank you for the refresher biology lesson :) I don't really feel the need to defend my statement, though. I think you may just be looking to knit pick on some minute point simply for the art of disagreeing. Sure you can breed mass amounts of humans, but we don't on a normal day. Sure you simplify us by saying it's basely a breeding issue, which, maybe it is...but I said, "...isn't just for 'breeding'...". 'Just'. scrmfngrl was saying that she believed 'if you're going to breed, then breed' only to procreate. I found ignorance in that statement, that's all. She completely ignored the fact that sex often houses deeper meanings in the human world. We may be animals, but that doesn't mean we are running around breeding like wild ones, *simply* for the fact of reproduction.[/color] -
Let's talk about ....., baby... (Mature Themes)
BabyGirl replied to Artemis's topic in General Discussion
[color=deeppink][b]One thing that has been bothering me about this thread is the title. Why doesn't it just say "Let's talk about sex"? It would be much more to the point :P[/b] Moving on, something that hasn't been discussed in detail is the whole pregnancy issue, so I thought I'd bring it up. I have been using birth control for 6-7 months now, and more than 75% of the time my boyfriend and I use a second contraceptive. The pill not only prevents pregnancy for me, but it also makes my period extremely regular, short-lasting, and much less painful. Overall, it has had awesome side effects. However, this month we [boyfriend and I] have gone through a horrible pregnancy scare. It really sucks, thinking that you're pregnant and not knowing why due to the fact that you use two forms of contraceptives. A week after my period was due to start, he and I discussed the issue and thought about the options we had, speaking as though I was definitely pregnant. It was a ****** ordeal. I went to the doctor's to get tested, already certain that my test would be positive, but it turned out to be negative. Thank gods I'm not pregnant, I guess my period is just missing in action. Before I got tested, I was so upset about the fact that I could be pregnant after using the pill so diligently and never forgetting to take it. I thought that it was unfair since my boyfriend and I had been so incredibly safe about sex! Those thoughts, more than the thoughts of having to abort, gave me these horrible bouts of stress and worry. It was, most definitely, one of the most horrible things to have to go through emotionally. ...just thought it was a story with sharing in here, just in case anyone else has had this happen you're not alone :) I am heavily in favor of legalizing birth control and Plan B [morning after pill] everywhere around the world. I think it is a woman's right to have access to it, and it is her partner's right, too. If more young women were educated on birth control methods, fewer teen pregnancies would occur. Then pregnant teens wouldn't have to BE pregnant in the first place. They get shunned for being pregnant, but if the pill isn't available for them and they're not educated on the issue...then what? In certain cases, their being chastized is incredibly unfair.[/color] -
[color=deeppink]I'm not saying that this is an epidemic, but lately I've noticed that some signatures are getting annoyingly long. With some of them you can't tell where the post stops and the signature begins because there is so [i]much[/i] stuff in their signature. Has there been any talk lately of enforcing a signature length rule [I personally don't think that's a great idea and it's hard to enforce] or asking people, through PM, to shorten their signatures? Because it's annoying to scroll through loooong blabbering nothings when you want to get to the point of the thread. So I just thought I'd raise the issue, I don't know if anyone else knows what I'm saying or not :P[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][FONT=arial]My dad's side of the family is Minnesotan, heh, and we have a solid bunch of relatives there. [/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Ah, the Minnesoatan. Somehow I picked up the Minnesota accent, and my long 'o's are now accentuated and drawn out [or should I say 'oat'?] ^_~ I was born in Lansing, Michigan and lived in a small offshoot community in of Lansing for my entire grade school life. Last year I did the cross-country drive in order to move to Southern California for college. Southern California is...different...I think we have a love-hate relationship with each other.[/color]
Let's talk about ....., baby... (Mature Themes)
BabyGirl replied to Artemis's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by scrmngfangrl [/i] [B] cause if your going to breed, then breed.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]This is one of those ignorant comments I was talking about in my first post. The human act of making love isn't just for 'breeding' as you say. With that statement you're stripping humans of their emotions and lowering them to animalistic standards. Humans are far more complex than that. It actually makes me a bit ill to think about it as 'breeding', it means so much more than that to some people, myself included.[/color]