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Everything posted by BabyGirl

  1. [color=purple]Justin stopped as he was about to jump into the cockpit of his fighter...[i]Perhaps...[/i], "No, that'd be crazy." He shook his head and forced himself into the cockpit, but something about it didn't feel right. For a second he turned all of his attention to his transport where he could sense Jenna restlessly pacing the deck. [i]She has it within her[/i] a voice seemed to say. "Argh, but [i]what's[/i] within her?" Justin muttered, pulling himself back out of the fighter and taking his lightsaber from his belt. He couldn't explain what he was feeling. [i]Jenna,[/i] he reached out to her and felt her stop at the sound of his voice, [i]get out here.[/i] [i]So you've come to your senses, I see.[/i] She came striding quickly down the ramp and caught up with Justin, who was already making his way toward the [i]Darkmoon[/i]. He watched as she used the Force to pull her own lightsaber out of its holding place, "I just hope I'm not making the wrong decision by getting you involved." "Justin I'm [i]already[/i] involved...this guy kills you and then where would I be?" He nodded, "Point taken." "Justin, how very good to see you." Fayde appeared from the opposite side of his ship, "And I see you brought your little Jedi [i]wench[/i] with you as well." If it was possible, the very words would have sent lasers flying from Jenna's eyes. Instead she had her lightsaber ignited and in a gust of fury sent out a Force-blow so powerful that it sent the [i]Darkmoon[/i] skidding sideways a few meters. While it had been intended to knock Fayde off of his feet, he remained standing and laughed at her attempt. Seeing that she was about to pounce on Fayde, Justin grabbed Jenna's arm and threw her backwards. He didn't trust her temper enough right now to know that she wouldn't take his [i]own[/i] head off with her blade. She stumbled two steps before regaining her footing, and by that time Justin had already approached Fayde, lightsaber ignited. Filled with an inconcievable rage that she could neither understand nor control, she shut her eyes and tapped into the anger that was building some sort of emotion... Jenna's eyes flew open and she smiled as the words she had heard earlier played through hermind...[i]it not only gives you strength...but power.[/i][/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lilac oranges [/i] [B]ppl. calm down, ever heard of laughing? it wasn't posted to offend ppl. we all say strange things and if you can't laugh at stuff that gets said then take a few deep breathes *in, out, in, out* and CALM DOWN! [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]...actually, I thought that the first post sparked a nice little discussion. I'd rather have an intelligent conversation about something than just laugh about it...it stimulates your mind that way :p[/color]
  3. [color=deeppink][size=1]Justin, I just had an awkward situation with someone who was using your screen name that was obviously not you :cross: ___________________[/color][/size] [color=purple][i]Jenna, you do realize that what the teachings can bring you is so much more than just mere strength. They give you power and guidance and more insight than you ever knew was possible...[/i] Jenna came-to with a horrible headache and a dark voice ringing in her ears. She then realized that she was face down on the cold deck of the cockpit. "Dammit." She had a strong urge to weild her lightsaber against something around her...when she got angry, she got [i]violently[/i] angry. She stood up slowly, carefully avoiding any ceiling that may conflict with her headspace again. The sudden realization of where she was and [i]why[/i] made her temper flare again. If Justin didn't come back soon, she was likely to pilot the whole blasted ship away herself! The intercomm interupted her thoughts, "Jenna, I'm on my way down." Not wanting any uncessary chatter with her, Justin immediately broke comm contact and prepared to enter the atmosphere. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Damn you." Jenna poked a finger in Justin's chest as he boarded the ship, "Damn you to hell." "Whoa." He put his hands up in surrender as she backed him against a wall, "This could get awkward." He gave her a wry smile as she realized that, in her angry huff, she had placed herself against him. She didn't budge, "It could." She reacted first by nipping at his bottom lip. Justin wrapped his arms around her waist and grinned down at her, "It very [i]well[/i] could."[/color]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]By the way, who is the author of that book so that it will be easier for me to find. :)[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Only [b]the[/b] best Star Wars author ever...[b]Michael A. Stackpole.[/b] He is honestly one of the best authors [i]ever[/i]...out of all the books I have ever read...ever :excited:[/color]
  5. [color=purple]"Then again, if it isn't something?" Jenna started to pull away. Justin couldn't control what happened, "No." He cupped his hand firmly around her neck and dragged her mouth to his. He could have sworn that the sudden contact sent literal sparks flying about the air around them. Jenna's blood seemed to leap as her lips touched his...she sighed with contentment as the kiss slowly started to quicken. She thought that she could almost [i]feel[/i] the neediness in it...his lips, and hers, were greedy. "Ugh." Abruptly, Justin pulled away and pushed Jenna roughly off of him, "That should NOT have happened." Jenna's eyes narrowed and she found her flesh was still tingling, "Well don't blame me!" She picked herself up off the floor where Justin had shoved her and glanced down at him. He had turned away and brought one hand up to rub his forehead, "That was wrong of me." Jenna cocked her head and leaned down close to his ear, "How could it have been wrong...if it was so good?" A devious smile played across her face. Justin's blood shot somehwere that it shouldn't have..."Shut up." "Suit yourself." She placed a soft kiss on his neck and hovered there for a moment. Justin closed his eyes and tired to ignore the sensation, but he simply couldn't do it. As she straightened up he started to reach for her, but a small bell signified their trip in hyperspace was about to end. The tone brought him back to reality. Jenna took a seat in the co-pilot chair. [i]He won't last much longer[/i] she thought with a smirk.[/color]
  6. [color=purple]As Justin fell instantly into a deep sleep, Jenna turned her attention to him. She knew a handsome man when she saw one...and Justin easily qualified. His body was exactly how she liked them; built, tan, and sturdy. Sturdiness was an attractive trait for a man to have... ...but the things she [i]started[/i] to think about certainly were things that she [i]shouldn't[/i]. She pulled her gaze away from his exposed upper body and sighed...it [i]had[/i] been a while... "Sh*t...what am I thinking?" Jenna cursed herself for letting her mind wander and rubbed her hands over her face. Surely her clothes were dry now. Making her way back to the 'fresher she was relieved to find that her clothes were indeed dry. Her wet hair had made her chilly, and the clean garments were nice and comforting. Once fully clothed and struck with the realization that she wasn't at all tired, Jenna decided that she would explore Justin's ship. She looked up and down the small corridor that ran adjacent to the 'fresher station. Both sides of the corridor were covered with stark, standard cruiser white...and shiny, Jenna mused, they were always shiny. She had an urge to smudge the walls with something...they bothered her...and she started to resent that...[/color]
  7. [color=purple][i]If I don't get some goddamn food in my body soon...ugh.[/i] The dismal spray of the 'fresher's shower helped sooth her angry hunger a bit, but Jenna was still feeling slightly disempowered by it. It had been more days than she could remember since she had eaten. There was hardly enough shampoo (which was surprisingly nice-smelling) for her thick, long hair, and the small bar of soap had obviously seen better days. She used up the rest of the shampoo knowing that Justin wouldn't mind too much, and used the soap only in the necessary places. She wasn't too sure it didn't carry some sort of disease :nervous: After stepping out of the shower and drying herself off, Jenna wiped the small mirror clear of steam and examined the lightsaber wound on her arm. The synth-flesh patch was almost gone, signifying that the injury was almost completely healed. She started to study her face and realized that her cheeks had sunk a bit from the lack of food, so she took her eyes away from the mirror and picked up her tunic. It, too, needed a good washing. "Eh, what the hell." Jenna threw the garments under the spray of the shower and scrubbed them with a bit of soap. She then wrung them out and hung them up to dry...Justin would have to deal with her wearing nothing but her cloak for now. After finding a comb that could barely cover the thickness of her locks, Jenna tied the small, purple leather headband that she always wore back around her forehead. Waiting for her hair to dry was always a large pain in the ***. Jenna made her way back up to the cockpit to find Justin studying the nav-computer, "So do you have anything to eat around here?" "Yeah," he glanced up at her, and the site of her wet hair made him smile, "I'll go find something." "Good, I'm about ready to eat an entire nerf myself." She flopped down into the co-pilot's seat and closed her eyes...the shower had actually felt great, she decided. Justin's voice could be heard coming from just outside of the cockpit, "And you smell better now, too!" Jenna laughed, "Shut up you bastard. Go take a shower yourself...you could use one." He returned a chuckle, "Thanks...I'll keep that in mind."[/color]
  8. [color=deeppink]Speaking of droids, Bollux and Blue Max just came to mind o_O Has anyone read [b]The Han Solo Adventures[/b] trilogy?[/color]
  9. [color=purple]Jenna was deep in meditation while they were en route to Corellia. [i]...nearly 3,000 years ago the Sith Wars ended, as everything on Yavin IV?the stronghold of the self-proclamined Lord of the Sith?was destroyed. The jungles were scorched clean, and the entire planet became a temporary wasteland. The Jedi of the Republic had made an attempt to wipe the possiblity of another Sith uprising out of existance. Their plan succeeded, but not for long. As the destruction of Exar Kun marked the end of the Sith Wars, the new Sith emerged merely 2,000 years later. The knowledge of their presence is scarce, though few people believe that they even still exist today, nearly 600 years after their re-emergence.[/i] Jenna ran over and over that information in her head. The Golden Age of the Sith, the masters of the Dark Side of the Force, had happened thousands of years ago. She had been raised with the basal Jedi understanding that the "threat" ([i]Hah, threat...[/i]) of the Dark Side was omnipresent, but that the remnants of the Sith Lords were basically extinct. The information absolutely fascinated her. The Dark Side was so incredibly powerful...and while she found herself still remaining silently loyal to the Republic (though certainly not the Order), she found it nearly amusing that the Sith could have caused such trouble for the almighty structure that was the Republic. Her goal was to learn more about the ancient race that was rumored to be nonexistant. Justin could help her in the process...she sensed that he had it within him to be as fascinated by it as she was. She didn't hope that she was right about that feeling...she [i]knew[/i] she was.[/color]
  10. [color=deeppink]If I'm up later than usual, then that's a good indication that I'm talking to a good friend online. If I'm not talking to anyone, I usually just get offline and go read a book before I fall asleep. If I AM up late whilst talking, I enjoy working on graphics and images and making things out of my photography. Graphic design is something I love doing, even if I don't take it seriously at all :)[/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Unholy Newt [/i] [B]So I hate love. I was depressed for about 4 months afterwards. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Considering your age, I'm going to step back into my old nature and tell you that you [i]can't keep living in the past[/i]. I realize that in my earlier posts I commented on how [i]relationships[/i] are 'poo' because I have been hurt time after time, but I picked myself off the floor and put myself back out there again. I'm in another situation right now that isn't exactly going well. I got into it knowing the details and why it would never work...but things just got too tempting and now I think I need to take a step back and be smart about it. Just remember that love isn't the killer, it's the relationship between the two people that is. If you have a beautiful, healthy relationship, then there's no way you can hate love. Pull yourself out of the past and open your eyes to what's around you...it's a lot more than a big, gloomy greyness :whoops: [/color]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Amphion [/i] [B] [color=seagreen] Ugh!...Guys like that disgust me. All you ladies need to give them a nice swift kick in the..well you know. It is so sick that thats all alot of people care about these days. Im sorry BG that you got mixed up with one of those rotten jerks. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]The ironic part is that now, more than two years later, I'm the horny one and I tend to be a little mischievous when it comes to those sorts of things. Eh...not that I should be sharing that information...but I think it's important for guys know that girls [i]can[/i] be as horny as they can... ...and it's perfectly normal. [i]Randomly...[/i] ::cries:: Can't [i]anyone[/i] see my banner?[/color]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alexander [/i] [B]Hence half my reluctance. I'm ONLY 16 years old, and god knows I have a limited experience with girls. Is she really special, or is it really a crush brought on by being a teenager? I cannot rush into this, because I either don't know what's right, or am not sure that I think know what's right. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I think age matters now that you mention it, but then I look back and realize that my first relationship started out when I was merely 15. Hell, it was a really horrible relationship since he was two years older, a jerk, and hornier than all heck. And I was an inexperienced 15 year old girl. Ugh...the memories o_O But er, I meant to post about your situation and got sidetracked. This year I got a Valentine's Day rose and some chocolate from a fellow who had had a crush on me for two years, and I thought it was a really sweet gesture. Even though I didn't "like" the guy, I'll always remember how nice it was :)[/color]
  14. [color=deeppink]Go to my thread and you'll find your answer there V_V; I apologize if I sound rude, but my patience is incredibly thin tonight.[/color]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Amphion [/i] [B]One last thing. Dont fear love. I know alot of people who say love is sh*t, and dont want to be in a relationship. Youll never get anywhere like that. Yes your gonna get hurt, but do not be weak, be strong and go out and find someone. Dont let the bad side of love defeat you. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I'll admit that I find your advice extremely encouraging. It's just really hard when you've been hurt time after time after time. I am speaking from experience, and as much as I hate dwelling in the past and letting it affect the future, relationships are something that I still have a really hard time with. I have 'trust issues' (which is something I don't have with friendships) when it comes to dealing with a guy I'm dating, and I always end up finding out ****** stuff about that guy later on down the road...ugh... ...I'll stop myself before I sound too much like the people I can't stand, "Look at me! Pity me, I have problems! Wheee!" :drunk: My mood just severely plummeted...bah [/color]:worried:
  16. [color=deeppink]There is already a thread about summer, and you can view it [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11982]here[/URL] [/color]
  17. [color=deeppink]Ah well, 45 seconds left to go in Game 5 and Detroit has already won :p[/color] [b][color=red][size=3]Go Wings![/color][/size][/b]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mist [/i] [B]Anyway, my grandma and I were shopping in a open mall today and it started raining on us. So we we were running to the car, and my grandma slipped in a puddled and fell flat on her butt. It was hilarious! [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]:therock: Isn't it rather dangerous for senior citizens to 'slip and fall'?[/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]You can be totally head over heel over someone, but still not love them. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I partially agree with this statement (though I do agree with the rest of your post), but I think you [i]can[/i] love someone if you care about them enough, but you probably aren't [i]in[/i] love with them. That's what I think the huge difference is :)[/color]
  20. [color=purple]"Yeah..." Justin saw Jenna smile a bit, "I'll let you know sometime." "Oh, good. Waiting is good." "Hey," she glanced up at him, "at least you'll be getting away from that friend Fayde of yours?" "...with the heavy price of several unecessary people dead, [i]and[/i] my apartment in total ruin." Jenna raised and eyebrow at him as they entered the parking area, "Who's the pessimist now?" He shot her a warning look, "Listen to who's talking." "Fair enough." Jenna shut up and hung back a bit as Justin lightly jumped into his cruiser. [i]She wanted to see if...[/i] "Are you coming with me and putting my life and Jedi Knighthood in peril, or are you just going to hang out here and get yourself hurt?" The question made her instantly content. [i]It affirms that he's not completely obsessed with his position in the Jedi Order...he's risking it for a woman who intrigues, and perhaps even scares, him. How delicious that all sounds...[/color][/i]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]Sorry, but most all kids [i]don't[/i] know about love, not nearly as much as they think they know. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Don't worry, you're not alone...I totally agree with you.[/color]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]Love is sh[i][/i]it. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]:rotflmao: That's great. Relationships are poo. I am usually the one who gets screwed over (no joke!) in the end...ugh...hate it. Oh, and the other thing, never EVER start to like someone who already has a significant other! :grumble: [i]Current mood changes to: RESENTFUL[/i][/color]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alley Catt [/i] [B]Yep. Bush is an idiot. presidents are what destry the world. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink][i]You[/i] run our country then. [quote]"You can make all of the people like you some of the time, you can make some of the people like you all the time, but you can't make all of the people like you all the time."[/quote] Clearly this quote sums up my point...let me know if elaboration is needed.[/color]
  24. [color=deeppink]I need to re-read that book. It's been so long since I've read anything but X-wing novels. Truthfully, the X-wing books are all I [i]really[/i] enjoy, since the author basically remains constant (except, of course, the switch between Stackpole and Allston). Bad writing totally ruins a book for me, more than anything else. Characterization is also pretty crucial, but the plot has to be really bad for me to put it down if at least the writing is good.[/color]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by iggy [/i] [B]crearly the avalanche should have on in game 7 and went on to win da cup!!! [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]And in English, please? ...I'm in a really bad mood :grumble:[/color]
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