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ridiculous weather (global warming?)
BabyGirl replied to Lady Macaiodh's topic in General Discussion
[color=deeppink]How about...I was in New Jersey (right outside of NYC) two weeks ago and it was 93 degrees, then I travel back to Michigan to have it SNOW the day after I return?! Or no, this is better. It was 70 degrees one day here in Michigan, and the next it was a high of 50. Ugh...mesa hate Michigan...I'll be in Cali in less than 5 months! :beer:[/color] -
[color=deeppink]It's ok to have two Star Wars threads now since there's this nice new forum specifically for movies :) It comes out on May 16, and sadly I cannot see it on opening day :bawl: I have both a dress recital for my spring dance concert and it is opening night of our spring musical, [i]Pippin[/i], which I am in. I'm so busy! :eek:[/color]
[color=deeppink]Happy birthday to the both of you :beer: ...even if James' birthday is [i]really[/i] a day ahead of time :p Hehe, hope you both have a great day.[/color]
[color=deeppink]Thanks James! The new avatars look great! :beer:[/color]
[color=deeppink]I enjoy Adema's stuff. It's the perfect balance of metal/not metal for my taste, since I don't like stuff that is too heavy :)[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B] [color=red][b] I am Your_Master_Yoda there. and i have posted once....what's ur name over there? [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]BabyJediGirl :) 1. What was broken on the first R2 unit that Uncle Owen bought? [b]power something...it's always seomthing to do with power....[/b] 2. What did Luke want to pick up instead of cleaning the droids? [b]Ahh, the famous line... [whine]Aww, but I was going to the [i]Toshi Station[/i] to pick up some [i]power converters[/i]![/whine] [/b] 3. What did Uncle Owen do for a living? [b]Moisture Farmer[/b] 4. Before they droids escaped to Tatooine, who was their owner? [b]Wedge Antilles....or so it is implied...[/b] 5. What did Ben imitate to save Luke from the Sand People? [b]krayt dragon[/b] 7. Who was the commander of the Rebel Base on Hoth? [b]General Rieekan[/b] 8. Who was the general who brief the pilots for the attack on the first Death Star? [b]Jan Dodonna[/b] 9. Who was the dancer in Jabba's palace that was killed by the Rancor? [b]Oola[/b] 10. What was the name of the ship that Vader attacked at the beginning of Star Wars? [b]The Tantive V..or IV..or even VI...forget >_
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red][b]But it's not a spoiler. It's like talking about something in a trailer. I would never post spoilers. I was only talking about something i saw on tv. i hate spoilers. and that is a funny pic.[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Nonetheless, it spoiled something for me...don't worry, I'm not blaming you :D And I'm also not refering to anyone specific when I say don't post spoilers...it's just a general reminder :) [size=4]Spoiler free 'till Episode III![/size] I should put that in my sig...since it's basically my new motto. By the way Son Goten, what is your name on the boards over at TheForce.net?[/color]
[color=deeppink]Once again, as fair warning, don't post spoilers or I commit murder... I have a funny picture that I made with a [picture] that I took myself. I have already show the actual picture, but I added a little something special to it ;)[/color]
[color=deeppink]I'll be working to help pay for my college education [/color]:genius:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bertie_Bean [/i] [B]I am 21 and I live in the Rhondda Valleys... thats in Wales.. which is part of the UK.... and boy does it suck here... The first chance and I'm gone from this hell hole. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]lol, everybody hates where they live! ...but so do I ;) I can't remember if I've posted in here yet or not, but I found the comments about hating where you live amusing. I hate Michigan, I hate snow (driving in it, at least), and I hate how flat it is around here. I'm very very fortunate that I'm going to move to Santa Barbara, California this fall...I cannot wait! It's so beautiful out there :heart:[/color]
[color=deeppink]Merci, James. I actually like having a smaller avatar now (as compared to my big Faye ones)...it's easier on the eyes :beer: [/color]
[color=deeppink]Mesa like :) The [i]only[/i] problem I had with it was the wordiness. It sounds very, very affluent, which is extremely impressive, but sometimes a reader can get caught up on wordiness. At times it can be like biting off more than you can swallow in one reading :) Perhaps adding periods in place of commas would help break it up a bit. Other than that, it's great :D[/color]
[color=deeppink]Not bad :) In a few places you slipped up on tenses...[/color] [quote][b]Suddenly a giant spider, one of the Noraku, appeared. "What do you want?!", said Legato. The Noraku approached. "Stop where you are!". The Noraku kept walking. [i]Legato unsheathes his sword. "Stay back, I'm warning you", Legato said, backing up. The Noraku leaps at Legato, but with quick feet Legato dodges. Legato starts running with the Noraku in close pursuit. Legato disappears behind a tree.[/i] "Where did he go", said the Noraku with a rasping voice. Legato was safe in the tree for the time being, until the Noraku continued his search around the tree. [/quote][/b] [color=deeppink]...see how the verbiage is mixed up? I italicized where your tense changes. Other than that, I think you could have a nice story here.[/color]
[color=purple]Sethi glanced at the man, "Periods are a *****." He turned a slight shade of crimson at the comment, coughed, and turned away. "So now we sit in here and watch all of that action out there." Lidan sighed, "I think I'm going to start shaking violently if I don't get in on all this action." Sethi smiled, "Nah, I think the shaking would just come from [i]being on your rag[/i]." She threw a smirk over her shoulder as the guard scooted farther away. Lidan gave her sister a "you're dumber than I thought" look and twirled the blade of her dagger around on the control board of the shuttle.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red][b] wasn't it cool when boba jumped into slave 1 to help jengo kill obi-wan and started to fire blasters at him? [/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]If you just posted a spoiler I'm going to kill you...literally. I'm not joking, you know :smirk: [size=4]Spoiler free 'till Episode III![/size] So don't post them! That's fair warning to you all![/color]
[color=deeppink]I don't think I could categorize myself into a subculture...I think the whole idea of "subcultures" is rather silly. I like Piro's reply...it basically sums up what I have to say. I think people who lable themselves are just trying too hard to fit into a certain "group", though that is merely an opinion. If I absolutely HAD to put myself into a "group", it'd be a floater...since I have many friends from all different groups. I DO claim to be a nerd, but that is merely poking fun at the fact I like a lot of nerdy things, which is a stereotype in itself since people look at me for the first time and say "Oh, [i]there's[/i] a stuck up *****," when really I am nothing [i]near[/i] that. Hehe, my brain can't think right now...perhaps I shall explain it better later :)[/color]
[color=deeppink]I belive it looks rather nice, sir. Cheers :beer: (took me a while to find the right word >_
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by goddess21 [/i] [B] [color=orange]I could see us getting into a car accident! [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Lol! I can see it if we were both being crazy and trying to out-drive each other...then it would be a simple accident and then I would laugh. I'm laughing because there was an accident in the school parking lot today (well, when is there NOT an accident)...but it was really funny. There was just this big "crash!" of one car hitting another, a few stares, some jackass taking advantage of the situation cutting me off (whom I properly flicked off), and then the two cars involved in the accident just kept driving. I don't know why, but I thought it was funny that nobody got out to inspect the damage :bellylol: Er, not that it's really that funny or anything...just to me it is...because I'm really really delirious right now...:shifty: goddess and sexyjessie...NYC tomorrow...w00t![/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by goddess21 [/i] [B][color=orange]Especially when people tailgate you! [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I am a tailgater V_V The sad part is, I don't even [i]realize[/i] that I'm following people too closely. I just think that I'm in a hurry and I kind of want them to speed up! Guess I should start paying attention to that...:huh: [/color]
[color=purple]"Heh, whatever. I was engaged, remember?" Sethi smiled, "He was my one and only." "Why do I seem to doubt that?" Mildly offended, Sethi shrugged, "He honestly was." Then she picked up on her sister's joke, "And before him there was just a bunch of passion-less sex, and after him there was just a bunch of passion-less sex." Lidan laughed a good, hearty laugh, "Then maybe I don't have to feel so bad afterall..." She was cut off when a blast rocked their shuttle. "****!" Lidan scrambled to her feet and checked the sensors, "What the hell was that?" Sethi, who had also been knocked to the floor, joined her sister, "The Fukow transport..." "Dammit, Gordon." Bismini fighters swarmed out like angry insects invading the space around them. Lidan tapped a console, "Sheild damage." "Let's just hope they can take care of that thing before it can take care of us."[/color]
[color=deeppink]Bad grammar. Do U nO wUt I mEaN?[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by slasher [/i] [B]how can u be 13 and in the 9th grade?? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink][i]I[/i] was 13 when I entered 9th grade ( :eek: that was nearly 4 years ago...how time flies), and I neither skipped nor was home schooled as Ken was. I'm just a normal kid...er...young lady :D[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B]I live in Indiana, I'm 8, and I am in the third grade. I am about to move up to 4 grade, May 30th. -Spikey [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]And I wonder why I sometimes feel as though I am talking to my little brother...ugh -__-. It's nothing personal, Spikey, but erg...it's odd...[/color]
[color=deeppink]Most of all I am afraid of storms...:nervous: I can't stand them...the make me shake violently because I get so scared...it's a stupid phobia...and it's stupid that they scare me so much. But ah well...'tis the truth. Oh, and I even TRY to not be afraid...but it doesn't seem possible :([/color]
[color=deeppink]Well, I live in the same place as my dear friend sexyjessie...in DeWitt, Michigan, the town of nothingness. I'm a 17 year old senior and I only have 26 days of high school left...w00t! I'm going to be moving to Santa Barbara, California in the fall and I could not be more excited about it! :excited:[/color]
[color=purple]The shuttle had been traveling for an hour in a comfortable silence when Sethi abruptly turned to Lidan, "What are we going to wear..." she pulled at her new outfit, "this?" "Yes, it's the only thing we have...we'll just have to fit in. I suppose since the two planets are located so close together, Bismin and Plinic that is, that their style of dress may be simliar. I hope I'm not wrong in that judgement." Sethi frowned, "Me too." The shuttle was on autopilot, plotting their course toward Plinic. It was a pity it was prgrammed so that they couldn't override the navagation commands. "...and let's hope that our dear brother can destroy this 'heavily armed security transport' like he says he will." "If not," Sethi busied herself playing with strands of hair that were starting to get shaggy, "then we'll just have to get rid of them ourselves." Lidan shrugged, "I suppose. At least we'd get in on some of the action that way." "Speaking of 'action'..." Sethi turned to Lidan and raised an amused eyebrow, "I think I'm going through a very painful period of withdrawl." Knowing exactly which type of 'action' Sethi was speaking of, Lidan snorted, "Speak for yourself." "What? When did YOU last get some? Lidan smiled, "A good seductress never shares her secrets." "Shut up, you're such liar." But Sethi laughed at the comment. She hadn't had meaningful sex with anyone since Greyg had died...only casual, seemingly passionless rendevous had resulted ever since. "Well tell you what, after all of this is finally over, we'll dress up real nice and go out on the town and find some worthwhile men." The idea made Sethi happy, maybe it was what she needed to cope with the loss of Greyg, "Consider it a date."[/color]