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Everything posted by BabyGirl

  1. [color=deeppink]Everyone got everything worked out? Good...Jango Fett it is. Ok, since we already have a Star Wars thread, I encourage you all to post in there :D[/color]
  2. [color=deeppink]I'll be back soon guys, I promise that there will be more soon! muah :D[/color]
  3. [color=deeppink]Thanks Zidane, I'm glad you enjoyed it...it makes me feel good that so many people are keeping up with the story :D[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i] [B][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]they are a WIP [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]WIP? ___________________[/color] [color=purple]It was Lucas. I bit my lip...if I answered the call...no...I wasn't prepared to talk to him yet...I needed to plan what I was going to say! "Argh." I hit the [i]recieve[/i] button. Lucas' handsome face appeared on the holo screen, his eyes shadowed by the lighting. He glanced up when I answered, "Hi Jenna, um..." "Look, Lucas, I'm really sorry about last night." We both sat silent for a minute or two...I glanced down self consciously. "Yeah, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. I have stopped by, but I haven't had a chance today." He cleared his throat, "I was really pissed last night." "I know." I mumbled. "Well hell, who wouldn't be?" I glanced up sharply, my eyes narrowing with warning. [i]How eloquent...[/i] "Ok, all right, but I was. I just want an explanation." "I don't think I can give that to you right now, Lucas. [i]I[/i] don't even know what's going on." "So it was more than just a friend." I nodded solemnly, "I'm sorry." "Well...yeah." He was at a loss for words again. I hated it when men couldn't express themselves, it was so god damn frustrating. "I don't know...I just don't think it's right for us to go on." [i]Had I just [b]said[/b] that?![/i] "Maybe not." Lucas met my eyes, "You're a good person, girl, I don't [i] really[/i] not want to see you again." "But then what are we?" I shifted uncomfortably in my desk chair. "I don't think we're anything. Not if someone else is in the picture now." "But they're not!" The suddeness in which I had blurted that out surprised me, and I recoiled, "I mean...well, dammit." I got up and started to walk around. "Jenna, sit down." "Lucas, I'm really sorry, I just can't handle this. There's so much going on right now...and all of my life, [i]all[/i] of it, I have been the one to mess things up. And look, I've gone and done it again." I was exasperated, and my tone was rising. "You didn't mess things up...you made a mistake. I can forgive it." I turned to look at his image, a solitary tear slipped down my cheek, "Lucas, you don't know how much those words just meant to me." "Tell you what, dammit, sit down." I obeyed. "Tomorrow I'm free and we should get together and talk about this...you're so different than other people...I don't think you're worth giving up on." More tears slipped past my guard. "I can't, I'm leaving on assignment tomorrow to India." "Oh." He thought for a moment, "Then when you get back." "All right. I'll get in touch when I return." "Be safe." I switched the [i]end[/i] button, "I will...I promise."[/color]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B][color=indigo]They got the name Zelda from Zelda Fitzgerald. .[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Wife of Edmund Scott Fitzgerald who was the author of [b]The Great Gatsby[/b]...right? I believe I am correct in claiming that, though I could be wrong.[/color]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Amphion [/i] [B]I think its safe to say that the outlook guys have on cheerleeding is totally different from what girls have. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]:therock: Perhaps you could elaborate on that... I apologize for the blurriness of this attached photo, but it's of one of the stunts my team did during competition, just to give you an idea of what we look like. I happen to be basing this particular stunt ;)[/color]
  6. [color=deeppink]I played the piano for a little while, and I know enough to still be able to play new songs. I played the trumpet (coronet, actually) from 6th-8th grade. I was first chair in 6th grade out of 30 people...until I got braces...then I sucked :bawl: I don't know if I remember enough to still be able to play the trumpet...I bet I could though if I tried, even though it's been 4 years. I also sing, I used to be quite good at that as well while I was in the Michigan State University Children's Choir...ever since that ended my voice has gone down hill -__-. While I was in the MSU Children's Choir we produced two CDs...our Christmas one was simply amazing...it gives me chills to listen to it :wigout:[/color]
  7. [color=deeppink]This is quite awesome...happy anniversary to all of you. I'm certainly not as old of a member as the rest of you, though I'm closing up on 10 months. This brings back some memories of V2...it's great that some of those "popular" members of that version are still around! Congrats, guys :D[/color]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B] [size=1] HEHE! You got onto me about saying the girl word that starts with a "b" so now it is my turn. Don't say it again! Pwease Ms.Moderator????LOL![/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Indeed, thank you for catching me on my folly. I was in a horrible mood last night, and that post just escalated it all...I was upset. I don't have a right to swear like I did, even though I was horribly pissed and agitated, and for that I apologize...[/color]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [B] ? 1 What was tycho Celu accused of in the rouge squadron books? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Tycho Celchu was accused of the murder of the wonderful Corran Horn! Gotta love him and Mirax :D The one about the Emperor's Hands...it's been a long time since I read anything but Rogue Squadron books, but didn't Mara think she was the only one, and then found out there was another besides her? I can't remember correctly :cross: New movie? [b]Attack of the Clones[/b]...:) [/color]
  10. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majora's Mask [/i] [B]This is just so that spam and little annoying comments like:"Learn to read"[/b][/quote] [color=deeppink]I don't believe I ever said such a thing ;)[/color] [quote][b]Eyeball:TIE starfighter Squint:TIE intercepter Dupe:TIE bomber Bright:advanced TIE modles. (TIE defender, TIE advanced) Illuminated:Blown up Nova'd:See above. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Thank you, I shall find those very useful. There is one more, though...[b]Uglies[/b]...I forget the description of what they look like though...they're a bunch of fighters jumbled together I think. _________________________[/color][/size] [color=purple][i]Jana closed the portfolio she was glancing through and looked up when the other young woman approached her. Her first impressions had been wrong...this other female wasn't a woman, but rather a[/i] girl[i]. She couldn't have been any older than 16.[/i] Tursi: Hi Lieutenant...seeing as how we're the only two girls here... Jana: ...you want to room together. Tursi: [i]smiling,[/i] Yes, do you want to? [i]Jana frowned, this girl was so young...though she must have incredible piloting skills to be picked for Rogue Squadron at such a young age. She really didn't want to share her quarters with a girl 5 or 6 years her junior...[/i] Jana: Well...I guess I have no choice. We can see how it works out. Tursi: Great, thanks a lot ma'am. Jana: [i]Uncomfortable with the formality of her title[/i], You don't need to adress me so formally when we're at ease like this. Please just call me Jana. [i]Jana stood up and exited the briefing room, leaving Tursi to follow in her wake.[/i][/color]
  11. [color=deeppink]Thanks liam...and thanks Raiha ;) ______________[/color] [color=purple][b]4:00 PM[/b] Rather than feeling relieved after fading away from the world, I returned to my appartment edgy and unnerved. Those feelings irritated me...thus escalating my bad mood. I had always been one to give in to foul dispositional phases in my life...and right now I was crumbling under the horrible weight it placed on me. I threw my camera bag?more harshly than intended?onto my couch and stalked up to my loft. I'd develope the rolls I had just taken later. I slid wearily into my favored leather chair, and stared out the window. Try as I might, I was unable to clear my mind of its constant clutter...I hated how the bad moods would just sneak up on me and linger over my head like a rain cloud. If there was one thing I couldn't stand most of all, it was when people were mad at me. I was afraid I had completely lost Lucas, no matter how much I saw him as just a small affair. Even losing him as a friend was painful. I laughed?sardonically?at the fact I was going to beat myself up over what had happened until I confronted Lucas and explained myself. I knew him well enough to know he'd eventually give in and listen to me...he wasn't [i]completely[/i] cold hearted at least. [i]What he had said the other night was merely a rash reaction to the blow I dealt him[/i] I decided. My phone rang. Thinking it was important news from Thomas, I hurried, somewhat grudgingly, out of my seat. I glanced at caller ID and my hand slowly hovered over the [i]recieve[/i] button, contemplating. I furrowed my eyebrows in a real attempt to decide what to do...[i]To answer, or not to answer, that is the question...[/i][/color]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B][COLOR=purple] Once this boy in my *cough* SCIENCE class was laughing at a girl ouside the window because she was trying to wheel herself up a ramp in a wheelchair but she couldn't get around the corner. For about 5 mins this went on when the teacher stopped the class and started to reprimand him. He said "How is she ever gonna get anywhere in life if she can't wheel herself up a ramp?" [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I would have given him a really hard kick in the ***...[i]really[/i] hard. Then I would have sat him down and lectured him until his ears turned blue from listening to me ramble on about "disabilities" and such. If he tried to get up, I'd smack him across the face and make him stay until I was done talking to him...BEH! :drunk: Stupid ignorant bastards.[/color]
  13. [color=deeppink]Dizzamn...if I had the picture of my teams' toe-touch during competition I would scan and post it. Unfortunately, I don't have it in my posession at the moment...otherwise I would let you see what a beautiful toe-touch ([i]yes[/i] I'm bragging about my [old] team) looks like.[/color]
  14. [color=deeppink]::cries:: Beautiful, Lady M, beautiful... That's the way I try to look at life...all of my hardships, no matter how big or small, will just help me to be stronger in the end. I wish everyone could understand how to see the world like that :([/color]
  15. [color=deeppink]Why would you [i]request[/i] to get a good topic closed? Beh...now I'm just spamming...my mood is bad. I'm not closing it unless it REALLY starts to drag on about things other than Star Wars...this topic has remained incredibly on topic.[/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [B]:D Abob snickered as he watched the other pilots stagger into the room, late as usual. He wanted to get back to the breifing but the whole squadron wasnt here yet.......... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Actually, if you read my post...all of the squadron IS there.[/color]
  17. [color=deeppink]Beh to all of you Otaku people...I try to sit down to write this and you ALL IM ME AT ONE TIME! Stop that! Hehehe, nahh, just kidding of course...:p ______________[/color] [color=purple][i]Jana watched the new members slowly trickle into the briefing room. She had arrived early to avoid having to see Mack, for she was afraid she would go at him rather than remain calm. She greeted each male with a cool glance of acknowledgement, not a smile. She soon found herself to be the only female in to room, and was relieved when another young woman rushed into the room. Wedge was soon to follow. Jana and the rest of the trainees stood to meet him. His dark hair had greyed slightly over the years, and the skin around the corners of his mouth had started to droop.[/i] 'Still handsome.' [i]Thought Jana.[/i] "At ease." [i]The new Rouges relaxed and resumed their seats,[/i] "Good evening ladies and gentlemen...I welcome you all. You are soon to be the new generation of Rouges." [/color] [color=deeppink][i]By the way, this is my ideal image of Jana...:)[/i][/color]
  18. [color=deeppink]My photography. Simple as that. I love photography...like I posted in a story I'm writing, I seem to disappear from society when I'm taking pictures...I become invisible behind the lens of a camera. I love separating myself from society...as odd as that may sound. Two other things I absolutely love like dancing and writing. Those are probably the only things I'm [i]passionate[/i] about...all of the other stuff I do? ...merely small past times in my life ;)[/color]
  19. [color=deeppink]Han is good in a different sense...I don't think he has flown anything small since his days at the Military Academy...but he's good at piloting his freighter no doubt ;)[/color]
  20. [color=purple][b]2:30 pm[/b] The day seemed to fly by. I had already consulted with Jacob and Steve, we had booked a flight together and arraged where we would be staying when we arrived. I knew the reason those two would be going with me was not only because of their excellent photographic skills, but their hair was dark and their skin was of the more exotic color. The would fit in India fairly well. I personally knew I would have to disguise myself a little better than the two men would, I had [i]sari[/i] garments from a previous assignment, and I had those packed and ready to go. Jesse hadn't stopped by yet, and I was glad about that. I didn't want to see him today...or anyone, for that matter. The pain of last night was far from dull, and seemed to be hitting me constantly in the gut. I got annoyed and grabbed my favorite Canon. Venturing out into the chilly Chicago streets, I started snapping pictures of people, buildings, cars, streetsigns...anything to get my mind off of my current situation. Thank God it worked. I happily forgot about everything when I was hiding behind a camera lens. I focused only on the world around me...excluded myself from the big picture and blended, suddenly obsolete, into the grey. It was a content place to be.[/color]
  21. [color=purple][i]Jana left the level where the sims were, feeling much relieved and much relaxed. Her cheek still stung from where Mack had hit her, but that was something she would deal with later. For now Jana's mind was on the fact that she'd be meeting all of the new Rogues at 1800 hours. She had already met one of them, Kitell, who seemed nothing short of the stereotypical, roguish pilot. She feared none of them would be much different. Jana arrived back at her cramped quarters to find a holo message waiting for her. She pressed the play button and a small holo image of General Antilles appeared.[/i] [i]Wedge[/i]: Just a quick reminder that we're meeting for the first time as a group at 1800...please be there on time. [i]There was a brief smile before the message ended.[/i] [i]Jana played it back twice, smiling slightly at the General's tiny image.[/i] 'The legendary Wedge Antilles,' [i]she thought to herself[/i], 'such a handsome man...in an outlandish sort of way. It's amazing he hasn't gotten himself killed yet...I'll have to see just HOW good his skills are soon.' [i]There was a rather loud knock on her door. Jana switched off Antilles' image, touched the release button on the door and it slid open. Mack was standing in front of her, and Jana seemed to contemplate him for a second, biting her lip mockingly.[/i] Jana: Eh...[i]pretending to think of the right word[/i]...bastard. [i]With that, she slid the door close and activated the lock. She would hide out until it was time to meet her new comrades.[/i] [/color]
  22. [color=deeppink]Don't worry, my post wasn't based on real life ;) _______________[/color] [color=purple][i]Upon her storming exit from the turbo lift, Jana ran head-on into a solid chest. Recoiling from his steadying grasp, she glanced up at the man she had run in to. He had dark features, in stark contrast to her own, and he smiled at her from under his moustache. Jana lowered her gaze.[/i] Jana: Excuse me. ?: Sorry about that, didn't see you coming. [i]But he certainly saw her now...she was quite beautiful...he frowned at the bluegreen welt on her cheek.[/i] Jana: [i][more aside than to the man][/i] Neither did I. ?: I'm Kitell. [i]He offered Jana an outstreched hand which she accepted as politely as she could manage. Her diplomatic skills were severely lacking.[/i] Jana: I'm Jana. Kitell: You must be a pilot if you're coming down here to the simulators. I just got done with a good run myself. Jana: That's nice. Kitell: Are you here for Rogue Squadron? Jana: Yes. [i]Jana eyed him more closely...he was definitely a pilot. They carried themselves differently...with a bit more dignity and pride than others.[/i] Jana: I assume that's what you're here for too. Kitell: Indeed it is? Jana: [i][interupting][/i] If you'll excuse me, I really need to get going. [i]Kitell raised his eyebrows at the abruptness of the comment, but figured it was something?and someone?that he was going to have to get used to.[/i] Kitell: All right, see you around. [i]But Jana had already pushed her way past him and disappeared around the corner.[/i][/color]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo] Well I figured I'd create one even though I haven't scored higher then a 57 on anybodys test...[URL]http://HavensCloud.friendtest.com.[/URL] [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Woo! 38 means I know you...not at all ;) Goddess, I got an 80 on yours...which means I missed two. I want to make a new friend test with 10 questions rather than 7 or 8...[/color]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue] The only thing I disagreed with was best movie -- it should have gone to Lord of the Rings. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I agree that either Lord of the Rings or Moulin Rouge should have won. Instead we got the same ole' cliché movie, A Beautiful Mind. I really wanted to gag when they announced that...I that thought maybe it was finally the time when a cool movie would win...like the fantasy of LotR or the mayhem of Moulin Rouge. Sadly, they didn't! Other than that award, the rest of them were pretty good. I wish Nicole Kidman would have won best actress, but Halle Berry (I am not sure of that spelling either) really did deserve it :)[/color]
  25. [color=purple][i]Jana leaned into the reflection that stared back at her in the reflecting pane. The slim face harbored an ugly bruise below the left eye, and the deeply tanned skin was rudely interupted by a greenblue blotch. Jana scowled, silver eyebrows knotting together, as a man approached from behind.[/i] Jana: Stay away from me, Mack. Mack: Have it your way, sister, but you brought that one on yourself. Jana: Like hell I did. Thanks to your punch there? Mack: [i]Laughing[/i]...Like you haven't thrown punches at me before. Jana: Shut up. [i]Jana stormed out of the room, making her way down the hall to the turbo lift. She needed a good simulator run to help calm all of her damn anger...[/i][/color]
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