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Everything posted by BabyGirl

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B] Babe, you'd be surprised, or is just in your imagination?? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]-__- It wasn't a cut and dry comment, Vegitto...my point was that I am going to [i]enforce[/i] that the two genders do not slander each other with those words. I think it is the most offensive thing ever to be called a ***** by a male when he really means it. I could quite honestly punch a guy that called me that, and I wouldn't feel bad about it either :p[/color]
  2. [color=deeppink]I haven't read those New Jedi Order books...or the Young Jedi ones or whatever. I don't see how they're really important to the Star Wars plot...more like a waste of time. I don't know why I feel that way but I do :huh: I've known for a long time about that *event* that happens...and I think it's really stupid. But ah well, it's not up to me, especially since I don't even want to read those books :p[/color]
  3. [color=purple]"Can we get something to eat first? I'm famished." "You're right," for the first time in a while, Sethi payed attention to the growling in her stomach, "I'm hungry too. Follow me." The two girls made a quiet exit into the Lasli Forest. ... "This stuff is the ****, Sethi," Lidan stuffed her mouth full of [i]ramna[/i] noodles, "is this some specialty on Bismin or something?" "Nah," Sethi had eaten [i]ramna[/i] more times than she wished to remember, "it's an every day thing." They had hitched public transportation back to downtown Thiera, the planet's capital, wanting to avoid the escape vehicle they had used in case port authority was on their case. Sethi had led Lidan through the crowded, yet surprisingly pleasant, streets full of Bismini and off-worlders alike. Lidan had marveled at the place she had supposedly been born, [i]"So this is Thiera, huh? It's famous galaxy-wide, and I knew that all of its buildings were entirely white in color, but nothing compares to seeing it for yourself."[/i] The two were now in a small pub, classy like the rest of the regal Thiera, yet it had a more modern, funky style to it. Lidan thought it was more than a nice change from the trashy places she was accustomed to hanging out in. "Well then I'd call that a specialty. I've never tasted anything quite like it. And," Lidan said in between mouthfuls (Sethi had never seen her quite so excited about anything), "everyone around her has accents. Is that a Bismini thing?" "Yeah. We would have them too if...yeah, you understand." Sethi caught Lidan's sudden glance up and smiled sympathetically, "I'm sure it was all for the better anyway." "Hah." Lidan swallowed, "All for the better? They ****ed up our family, and for that I want revenge." "We're good at revenge." "Indeed we are sis, indeed we are. How do you plan on paying for these things?" "Don't worry," Sethi glanced towards the kitchen of the pub, "I've got an old aquantance here." When the woman appeared behind the counter, Sethi gave her a small wave. The greying woman's eyes glittered with understanding and she returned the wave before entering the kitchen again. "Are you done Li?" "Yes, let's go." The two girls set off, Sethi leading the way to a place they could devise a plan.[/color]
  4. [color=deeppink]Fun fun rip off poster. It kind of contains the designs of two different Star Wars posters, one of which I have hanging on the wall beside me ::glances at poster:: ah yes, good poster :toothy: Anyway, let's try to keep this topic full of discussion now shall we? ;) I want to get back to talking about the original trilogy for a moment...it that is ok :whoops: Maybe we could talk about authors! Oh bah, wait, that's been done already...hm...darn, I'm fresh out of ideas -__-[/color]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonballzman [/i] [B] Uhhh...But thats what girls do! And its what guys do as well! :D [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Not in THESE forums they don't! Hehe :p[/color]
  6. [color=purple]Lidan lounged lazliy (alliteration!!!) in the shadow of a tree grove, "So what's the plan?" "Well, the General was shocked to see me, that's for sure." "You were presumed dead, Gordon." Sethi remembered how the same fate had fallen upon Greyg. "Ah, but I'm not." He shaded his eyes from the small twin suns of Bismin, glancing up at the Whiserian Mountain Range, "I have to make my way up to Danser's Peak. Sethi," he turned to her, "you know a good place to keep yourselves hidden, do you not?" Lidan cut in, "But Gordon?" "Lidan, we already discussed this. You two stay here while I take care of what needs to be done." "Of all the damn times for you to be all macho, Gordon! Of all the damn times..." Sethi's fists were clenched at her sides, and Gordon kept a wary eye on them. "Sethi, listen, I don't want to see either of you hurt. I don't think that..." he almost said 'I don't think that you're up to it', but thought it was wiser not to, "I don't think that you two should get involved like this." Sethi shook her head, "Gordon, we're family. We've been involved for years."[/color]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B] [size=3] Exact same thing with my old girlfriend. She thought I was hot and I liked her so we went out and then when she got to know me she broke up with me. That is messed up big time.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]No, it's not messed up. That's just a big huge clue that she didn't like your personality. Baby Kiwi, I'm going to murder you as soon as I see you tomorrow -_- Heh :p And let's not let things get into gender bashing. I'd prefer we not call the the males "assholes" or the girls "bitches"...you get the point.[/color]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by goddess21 [/i] [B][color=orange]Contrary to what people I know might think, I am a big loner. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Heh! And this ^ was written by a girl that was on homecoming court...I love you girl! Thing is, EVERYONE loves you in our school, and you are definitely one cool chica. I know what you're saying though, because I think I have always seen you as a definite social butterfly, someone who gets along with everyone :D (Rather than settling down with a certain group of friends :)) Just remember you're always loved by us![/color]
  9. [color=deeppink]It's probably just a software glitch or something, I'm sure it will be ok soon :)[/color]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]I believe my spring break starts in two or three weeks. I'm not sure which. But, I know when it gets here I'm spending the whole week in Panama City, Florida! *runs off and does his happy-dance* -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]::waves:: Have fun! Ya know, without me and all ;) Heheh neh :p I'm going to Santa Barbara, California for a few days to visit a college out there with my dad (exciting, I know -__-) and then probably visit my aunt and uncle in LA. I'm actually very excited about going to Cali because it has been years since I have been there.[/color]
  11. [color=deeppink]Yep, all during 7th grade and a better part of 8th grade I was a huge loner. I had "friends", but they all hated me and made fun of me. It was horrible. I very much know what it's like to not have friends and to be constantly humiliated. (I then realized that it was the way I acted that made me so unlikable. I complained a lot and got upset easily, so I completely changed this behavior one summer and I've been doing better ever since :))[/color]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B] For some reason I feel compelled to reply to this... anyway. I am 17, and coincientally today is the 6 month mark until I'm 18... and to me, to never drink and make the judgment not to touch the fire [i]before[/i] you're burned is perfectly reasonable. [/b][/quote] [color=deeppink]Yeah, I wasn't directing this towards you because I know that you're the same age as me, and I have read your reasons before. They're completely justified and I think it's great that you hvae chosen not to drink :)[/color] [quote][b]And overall, especially after the headache I had, I really can't see how it could be all that great for anyone else. And I only had a shot's worth! But anywho, as the coined phrase of this thread goes, to each their own. :therock: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Uh...a headache after one shot? That's not physically possible I don't think :cross: I've had much more than that and I have never had a hangover the next morning...ever. Maybe it was a mental thing or something...like you thought 'drinking gives people headaches so I'll get one now too' or...or maybe it just made you sick because vodka doesn't taste good at all. Ah well :huh:[/color]
  13. [color=deeppink]Well...the names I use in stories I invent myself. There's only three I believe: Sethi Ta'lan Dria Longstar Anahli "Ana" Gem Those are also the names I use in stories or while roleplaying or whatever. Each of those women have totally different personalities, so I use the name that best suits the character I want to invent ;)[/color]
  14. [color=deeppink]I totally love Michigan State (seeing as how I live 15 minutes away from the campus) but they really suck this year. Things haven't been the same since everyone packed up and decided to go pro. It's rather sad :( Anyway, Gonzaga looks good this year...but I dunno, I'll have to wait until the Madness starts until I can really decide.[/color]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud [/i] [B][COLOR=indigo] There's really not much more to say here.... [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Actually, there is one more thing I'd like to say. I still hold true to all of the things I said last night, but I also want to say something a bit nicer. I understand that most of you around here are much younger than myself and those who have drank before, so I can understand why you'd believe drinking is wrong, BUT...you can't really tell me how it's bad or good if you have never done it before. Sure, you can tell me it's bad legally, but is it really BAD to drink? It's actually rather fun, thanks...please don't tell me how it affects you when you have NO idea what it feels like. I'm certainly not telling any of you to start drinking at a young age because I don't want to change anyone's values and morals. Just stay true to those beliefs because they're good, but please don't chastiscize ME because I have done something you never have. When/if you yourself try it (which I don't really urge you to do because of the fact most of you are morally against it) THEN maybe you can say what you think about it. Who knows? Maybe even some of you will enjoy it. Just be aware (and not ignorant) to others beliefs. Mine are different than yours, but we can still get along ;)[/color]
  16. [color=purple]Gordon leaned to peer over Sethi's shoulder, "We can land in the Lasli Forest, Sethi, you know where that is." "Yep, I'm sure that there's an open trail we can find." "Wouldn't they have sensors out there?" Lidan looked suspicious. "Well yes, but we can clear airspace control as an escape craft and they'll allow us to land. We can deviate from the landing course they give us, and they'll come after us, but it's the best approach to use. That is," Sethi looked at Gordon, "if you want to keep your reappearance quiet." "Yes, I do." "All right." Sethi powered down the engines a bit as they entered Bismin's atmosphere. They had already cleared the primary planet sheild, "Let's just hope that you can keep as hidden as you want, Mr. General Alexander Fitch."[/color]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B] [color=crimson][size=1]And how that tastes good, I will never understand. But ya know...if you're drinking, eventually you wont taste it anyway, so what does it mattter I suppose...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Actually, when this drink is prepared, it's most likely at bars or sophisticated parties where the goal isn't to get drunk, but to enjoy ones self. It takes a LOT of alcohol to not be able to taste what you are drinking, because that is a stage I have never been at. I assume people drink a Bloody Mary for the taste, not because they can't taste it at all...[/color]
  18. [color=deeppink]I find that, typically, the guy who talks the most about sex is the one who isn't getting any. So boo hoo for him.[/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B] [color=crimson][size=1]Well thank God you're being rational about this because I don't want to get on your bad side just because I'm stating my own personal opinion...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]That's because I'm a rational person most of the time. I was prematurely blinded by a little slap in the face, but after I got all of that posting out of my system, I felt better, and was able to see much clearer. This is the first thread since the one that Will2x started about "Would you keep your kid if it was retarded" that has made me so upset...I totally blew up in that one...[/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B] [color=crimson][size=1]BabyGirl...it's still wrong... I just got a little irritated when I read three different posts where someone comes back and says "Oh I posted that when I was drunk, so it doesn't matter now"....[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Indeed I know it's wrong, and I still do it...I won't try to excuse this either, so I'll just say that and be quiet. And I know my post was one of the ones you were referring to, that's why I got so upset. It felt, whether you realized this or not, like a personal attack on me. I know you didn't mean it this way, but believe me, that's what it sounded like. I've calmed down a bit about it because I realize everyone will always have their different views. I just hope, Queen Asuka, that in the future you don't have to get so irritated by things like that, especially when they're made by a single person on what to do to their own body. But that's just a thought...I'm not trying to tell you what to do, merely what to consider :whoops: Consequently, I will consider not drinking as much, but I already don't drink that much as it is, so I can't really implement that...I still want to have my fun while I drink, so I don't think I will cease the behavior. Some may condemn me for it, but that is ok. It's ultimately my decision anyway :p[/color]
  21. [color=deeppink]I've been single for a while now...and not even by choice. I would like to start dating but I'm too shy to even make eye contact a lot of times. Don't believe me? Oh, but it's so true...and it's pathetic -__-[/color]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes, I'm just SAYING the truth. You KNOW that it's wrong and it's your decision to do it and it's WRONG. It doesn't make you some evil BAD person, but I'm just stating how I'm tired of people doing it because they think it's cool or they'll be respected because of it.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Ok, so my decisions are now wrong :whoops: Let me make it perfectly clear: [b]I do not drink to be cool or to fit in. I started drinking because I was curious about it, and I enjoyed myself.[/b] :) I could go off about all the RIGHT decisions I make in life, but I won't waste any time on a 'holier than thou' attitude. [i]I'm really not trying to be defensive, but it's really really hard at the moment...I apologize for anything rash I say, but if I DO post something rash, I probably mean it so there's really no point in excusing it I guess.[/i][/color]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B] [color=crimson][size=1]When you are in high school and you go to a party every single weekend just to get drunk and make out and then claim you don't rememeber it the next day, that's pretty pathetic. It IS a bad thing...once you start then you're just submitting yourself to it more... [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Ouch, I feel the wrath of your disapproval. Fact is, I know I'm one of the people you're speaking about, and I know that you look down on me because of it. Do I appear to be a weak person because I make my own decision to drink? Frankly, I don't care what others may think about my choice to drink. I drink because I enjoy it. You may not, but I do. I don't drink every weekend, I drink maybe 4 or 5 times a year, and I don't drink to the point where I don't remember things...I don't even make out with people when I'm drunk. Am I still a horrible person for drinking? I'm very aware of the repercussions of what I do, which is why I don't drink in excess or drive after I have been drinking. I'm completely aware that it is illegal, and I'm completely aware that I'm breaking the law. But did you also know that you're breaking the law when you drive around with things like an air freshener hanging from your rearview mirror? They may not be equal in offense, but both are breaking a law. There ARE things that I restrain from doing, like smoking weed and even cigarettes, even when those things are readily available. I understand your view of it, Asuka, but I wish you wouldn't make others feel so damn bad about choosing what to do to their own bodies. You can disagree, like how I disagree with smoking, but you don't have to shun...it hurts. P.S. If I drank to be "cool" or "popular" then I'd be one sad human being...[/color]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B][size=3] And I wouldn't agree with you either Babygirl! You find that sexy? God I think I am going to be sick. I am straight that is probably why I am sick. Not calling you a lesbian Babygirl!:D [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Nah, no offense taken Noodlez :) I hardly expect many males to find it sexy like I do. Most either find it down right disgusting or are afraid to admit that they'd like to some day see it. That is why I respect Piro for admiting his willingness to openly kiss a male, he is someone who seems extremely secure in his own heterosexuality.[/color]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by boris [/i] [B]and even, yep, even.....[I]"there"[/I] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]A lot of people do that. And about the men kissing thing...my friends wouldn't agree with me, but I think there is something incredibly sexy about it.[/color]
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