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Everything posted by BabyGirl
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue]Also, many Afghan people sympathize with the USA...but it's no surprise that the woman said "so?"...I mean, her ENTIRE nation has been destroyed by fighting. I don't think it's arrogant of her to care more about the well-being of her own nation. I mean, I doubt she would be happy about the WTC attacks...but I can understand her saying that Afghanistan is in a much worse state than the USA[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]That was my point, though I didn't make it clear. I thought [i]she[/i] had a great point...why were we so upset about the WTC when her entire city was being destroyed?[/color]
[color=purple]The main hangar was vast, spreading across the entire belly of the transport. Each escape craft, which were a long, flat 13 meters in length, could carry 20 passengers. Gordon tried to open a hatch, ducking low to avoid being seen by security, "I think the transport needs to be in a state of alarm for these to be activated. They're frozen shut right now." Lidan cocked an eyebrow, "We could take care of that." "Wait," Gordon turned towards her, "don't go setting off any false alarms, they'll be on our tail in minutes." Lidan shrugged, "Ok. Have it your way." "Here," Sethi nudged in beside Gordon, "I'll do it." She ducked under the bottom of the transport, running her hands around where the wheels retracted into the craft, "Should be around here...ah, there we are." A ramp started to lower and the hatch hissed open. "Dammit that's loud. Let's go." Gordon hurried up the ramp and the two girls followed. "How'd you know that trick, Sethi?" Gordon watched impatiently as both Lidan and Sethi busied themselves with the controls. "It helps to know someone officially trained at the Thiera Flight Academy on Bismin." She gave a small grin and Gordon understood she was speaking about her late fiancé. Certain divisions of the Bismin army had been trained at the Flight Academy so that their forces could have a broader range of skills. Lidan checked the data screen that fed all information from the engine to the cockpit, "So you got taught these little illegal tricks on how to start flying craft?" "Yep, but only certain ones. This is a rather standard model, it was easy to figure out." Gordon looked at the controls, bewildered, "Do they expect people to fly these by themselves in an emergency?" "Nah," all three of them helped steer the now levitating craft low enough to not yet be seen, "I'd expect that they'd have personel specially trained to operate them in the case that they were needed." "Ah, true. Be careful, that door should open automatically." Almost on cue, the hangar door slid open slowly, and the three siblings throttled out into space.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Gohans Gurl~ [/i] [B] yes james but it is still murder every time the don't hit somthing they want but i guess it is a matter of opinion!! [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I see where you are coming from since I tend to see both sides of situations, but I think you may be highly bias toward Afghanistan. While we aren't exactly innocent of irritating their country, neither are they. They made a not-so-wise decision to destroy something very dear to America, knowing full well that our military power far exceeds theirs. You also have to understand that the Afghan people have basically been brought up to hate Americans, and any country that helps us out. The Taliban didn't allow any televisions, radios, or computers while they were in power, just so that people couldn't think for themselves about what was going on in the world outside of Afghanistan. I [i]do[/i] remember once seeing a newscast on CNN about a woman in Afghanistan who was interviewed shortly after 9-11. A reporter asked her if she understood what happened in New York and she didn't know. The reporter informed her that two buildings had been hit and had collapsed. The woman responded, "So? Look at all of these buildings behind me. They have all been destroyed too!" Refering to the bombed buildings of Kandahar. Both sides are guilty of doing things to destroy the other country. The only justification we have is that ours is during war-time, and their action of flying planes into the WTC was not.[/color]
[color=deeppink]I don't know if anyone else around here listens to NPR, National Public Radio, because I'm not sure where all they broadcast. I consider radio media...and NPR is something that I trust. They're more like "semi-objective" news radio. They're privately funded and hold "pledge drives" every year to raise money from the public...I don't know if this entitles them to more freedom with what they broadcast or not :huh: Did that make sense? If it didn't, I'd be glad to elaborate a little more...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]Yeah, but Mark Hamill stars in many other movies too such as "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back". He may also be easy to find. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]And his son was an extra in Episode I. Mark Hamill is old and ugly...I don't really want to see his face anymore. Harrison Ford (who is gorgeous as ever) has already planned to do a fourth Indiana Jones with Steven Spielberg and George Lucas. So he's around. Carrie Fisher had emotional problems and suffered from a mental breakdown (I think). I don't know if she's doing entertainment anymore, the last time she was seen was in Austin Powers. Overall, I think it would be awesome to see Episodes VII-IX! How many years later do you think they'd base the plot, and which books would they take it from?[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [B]Grapes of wrath!!!!! I read that book in lit and hated every minute of it!!!!!! [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I thought it was an awesome book. How could you not like it? I hated all of Steinbeck's other stuff that I've read, but The Grapes of Wrath was such a beautiful story.[/color]
[color=deeppink]Why don't you look it up on the internet? Try something like [url]www.google.com[/url] and search for 'staff infection'. I hope you get everything worked out :)[/color]
What do you find so mindboggling about the opposite sex?
BabyGirl replied to Ryan's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj chic [/i] [B][size=1] i've been hearing alot of the "girls are attractive" and "girls are sexy" quotes floating around here....thats one thing that pisses me off about guys is they can't look past the looks to personality[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Yes. I have an 'ex' friend (she was really really annoying) who was very pretty and guys liked her for that. Only thing is, she's the dumbest person I know...! She still acts like a 4 year old, and it's [b]not[/b] funny or cute or whatever. It's annoying! But of course, guys can't get past her pretty face to figure out that she's a complete idiot -__-[/color] -
[color=deeppink]Heh, I don't seem to remember the heaviest fish I caught...it was some where in the range of 16-19 lbs. ;)[/color]
What do you find so mindboggling about the opposite sex?
BabyGirl replied to Ryan's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1][color=indigo]She tells me that I'm the only boy she knows that doesn't make her mad...[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]You just know what women want, Piro. Guys [like you] who understand, and are in tune with, a female's feelings are great. They tend to make the best boyfriends ;) (That's another reason gay guys rock, because they are usually all of the above :p) ps...I'm not saying that you're gay Piro, just so I make myself clear :)[/color] -
[color=purple]Suddenly a rather loud pounding sounded from the door of their room, and Lidan stood up to answer it. Gordon shot up, concerned that enemies could be prowling at their door..."Hold up, I'll get it." "Gordon," Lidan held out a hand to stop him, "I'm not that little girl anymore. I'm grown up." He halted to contemplate the words as Lidan peered out the dusty peephole, "Now look, it's only Sethi." As soon as Lidan cracked open the door, Sethi burst in, nearly knocking Lidan into the wall, "We can't stay here." "Where?" Wide-eyed, she turned to Lidan, "Here. On this ship. They're heading to the Plin Docks. We're not landing on Bismin right away." "You're mumbling, slow down. The Plin Docks?" Confused, Lidan turned to Gordon who had narrowed the eyes that contained a dangerous glint when pissed. "Plinic," Gordon started with some difficulty, "is the home of the galactic crime ring that organized the destruction..." he closed his eyes and shook his head, "...of our family."[/color]
What do you find so mindboggling about the opposite sex?
BabyGirl replied to Ryan's topic in General Discussion
[color=deeppink]Yeah, I've never heard of a guy shaving his legs except for sports :shifty: The only cases I've known of is when guys need to get their ankles taped for any sport, and they shave from like halfway up their shin, down. But not the whole thing...I think that would really weird me out to date a guy who shaved his legs...but then again, that's just a personal opinion :)[/color] -
[color=purple]Sethi roamed around the lower deck and concluded that it was pretty nice. She would have wandered around in the opper decks, but she figured that with her clothing and appearance, she would stick out like a sore thumb...that would be calling unwanted attention to her and inadvertantly affecting (effecting??) the others. She kept a wary eye open for places that escape vehicles were docked, and kept the other eye open for any immediate threat. As she approached what appeared to be a small staff compartment, she heard to male voices carelessly talking about that afternoon's events. Leaning nonchalantly against the wall and lighting a cigarette, Sethi pretended not to be interested... [i]"Didn't you hear the new flight plan?" "No, what er' we doin'?" "After that bit of trouble yesterday down here, those rabble rousers jettisoned two of the escape craft and got away. It's against Interstellar regulations to be in operation without adequet escape vehicles, we have to restock two of them I guess. They're planning on landing the transport a couple hundred lightyears from Bismin." "Whereabouts?" "Some weird planet with a name I can't pronounce...[/i]Plenictka[i] or something like that."[/i] "Well ****." Sethi walked away casually, resisting the urge to run. She had a feeling they needed to get off of the transport as soon as possible.[/color]
[color=purple]Sethi stood up suddenly, "I'm going for a walk...Gordon, didn't we get a room on this ship or something?" "Oh damn, I forgot. Yes, yes we did." He sat up with a small grimace, "It doesn't hurt so bad afterall." He gave a lopsided grin. "There must be a key then." Sethi glanced outside of the small room, "Not much going on out here, everyone must still be asleep." "Here." Gordon reached into his pocket and pulled out a small keycard, handing it to Lidan. Lidan glanced at the compartment number, "Let's head to the room now, then. You should pretty much be all right now, aren't you Gordon?" "Yeah, I'm fine." He tossed aside the sheets and stood up to find all of the burning pain had nearly vanished. He picked up his shirt to find it was bloodied, and decided it wiser not to put it on. "Wait, where'd Sethi go?" "Don't worry," said Lidan, taking a glance at Gordon's bandaged middle, "I told her the room number. That's one nasty scrape you go there." "Nah, nothing I haven't seen before." ... [/color]
What do you find so mindboggling about the opposite sex?
BabyGirl replied to Ryan's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shibatku [/i] [B] WHAT!!!!!!!! Homosexual males are close to perfect?? I don't know what world your living in but howcan a homosexual be close to perfect???[/b][/quote] [color=deeppink]Erm...are you descriminating against homsexuals? I believe you may be...some may feel offended by that ;)[/color] [quote][b] No on is perfect and thats a fact no is close to being perfect you are who you are. No-one can say they're close to perfect with-out lieing. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Which is true. If you were using the homosexual comment as an example of this, then I would agree. NO ONE can really say that they're perfect...including homosexuals. But don't single them out like that :) I know homosexual people, and I indeed think gay males are some of the coolest people alive.[/color] -
[color=deeppink]::sniff:: Justin, I don't know if your sig is supposed to relate to this story at all, but I get all sad when I read it, thinking about it as if it WERE related to this story :( _______________[/color] [color=purple]Sethi's usual restless dreams about [i]him[/i] had been replaced by sketchy memories of the beginning of her life. It was all foreign to her, the dreams were foggy and and strange. She couldn't recognize any of it. If she [i]did[/i], it was only a quick flash of mental rememberance, and the it would slip away as soon as it had come. She awoke to find Gordon sleeping and Lidan staring out the portal. Her body hurt all over from sleeping in a hard metal chair, so she slipped onto the floor and leaned against the wall. Closing her eyes against what seemed to be an unavoidable, ominous weariness, Sethi changed her thoughts to [i]him[/i]... ...his name came back with a small jolt of pain, [i]Greyg[/i]. For the first time in a year, Sethi allowed herself to remember him fully... [i]His eyes were beautifully grey and could turn dark like a restless sea.[/i] She thought harder, [i]His smile was lopsided, and his dark, sun streaked hair would always fall charmingly in his face when he grinned. His chin was prominantly square, the scar below his lip strangely attractive. His shoulders were broad and strong, his hands were large and capable...rough callouses would scrape pleasantly over my smooth back... ...his temper was quick, but controlled. He was wise with his words and never failed to defend me... ...and then it all just disappeared. One bad mistake, one slip up...and everything disappeared![/i] Sethi choked back her tears and instead burried her burning face into her drawn-up knees. Lidan glanced at her momentarily, feeling a small tug at her heart. [i]Little sister...in so much pain. Why did it all have to be so different now?[/i] ...But the harsh reality was that she couldn't change the past.[/color]
[color=deeppink]Soon we are going to have a new policy of limiting the "favorite" topics to one or none. Thus, I shall close this one. If you have a favorite animal, post it in the "favorite things" thread.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gwendolyn24 [/i] [B]Buttercup and I are simpatico. I have a kick butt clear green computer case with Buttercup on it! [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Yeah! Buttercup is my girl! She's the "Brunette Biatch" (minus the "a" :naughty: ) like me...and she likes to beat people up...which I attempt to do, but I'm always mysteriously overpowered by the males I challenge :shifty:[/color]
[color=deeppink]What?! So they interupt a community's well being and food source (however small it may have been) because of two people's personal beliefs? Please :rolleyes: That is the most ridiculous thing, is it even warranted by the actual Pepsi Co, Budweiser, etc. [i]companies[/i]? Or was it just an irrational decision influenced by the emotions on 9-11 by the delivery boy and his boss? This is really sort of stupid. It upsets me that they would so such a thing.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B]yeah, i liked jedi the most and empire the least. tho Yoda kicked butt. :D [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]:twitch: Someone please strip these people of their Star Wars Fanatic titles...! Heh, nah, just kidding. Though I still can't understand how you'd dislike TESB...it's the motional core and turning point for the entire Star Wars universe. I can't begin to express my immense passion for this excellent second installment...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by boris [/i] [B]well, yeah, here in the us, we have to do a research paper, all 4 years of high school. one each year, makeing 4 papers:eek: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]:shifty: More like 10-15...I've done so many papers in my lifetime that I could throw them in an empty pool and swim among them...if that visual helps explain the enormity of the situation -_- In fact, thanks for reminding me, I don't have a research paper to do, but rather a 5-7 page analysis on [b]The Grapes of Wrath[/b]...I should perhaps start that seeing as how it is due Monday...[/color]
What do you find so mindboggling about the opposite sex?
BabyGirl replied to Ryan's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baby Kiwi [/i] [B][color=crimson](Oh, sorry BG, we weren't making out! He was giving me a hug.)[/color][/quote][/b] [color=deeppink]Sure, that's what they ALL say :rolleyes: Heh :p Nah, I forgive ya...though I guess someone decided to tell Melissa that I was "whining" about not having a boyfriend last night...I'm going to shoot whoever told her that :shifty:[/color] [color=crimson][quote][b]To all the homosexual males out there...you are the closest thing to being the perfect guy! (At least in my opinion) :smooch: [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Something tells me this will please TN immensely...[/color] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]I don't know why everyone likes han solo best, since he's not even the main character, I thought more people would have liked luke skywalker, even if his acting left little to be desired for.... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]It's because Han Solo is a roguish type of man. He charms the women, and knows how to pilot a ship while taking chances and miraculously surviving. He is far cooler than reserved ole' Luke.[/color]
What do you find so mindboggling about the opposite sex?
BabyGirl replied to Ryan's topic in General Discussion
[color=deeppink]Er...sorry about that first reply...I was a bit drunk and my friend and her boyfriend were pretending to make out behind me so it just kinda came out...::cough:: Anyway, now for a true answer. What I find most mind boggling is the fact that they lie all the time...and date lots of girls (including you) at one time and don't tell you...that's the thing I hate the most.[/color] -
[color=deeppink]Raiha, they're traveling through space right now...she can't open a window :wigout:[/color]