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Everything posted by BabyGirl

  1. [color=deeppink]Why are they so dumb? And irritating? And why do they make out with their girlfriends in FRONT OF YOU? EWWWW[/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B] [size=1]Now back to teaching myself to speak Wookie "Raagghh!"[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]:rotflmao: These guys in my senior health class sit around and try to interrupt people by making Wookiee noises. They sound great :D[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B]He killed the last dark jedi, luke or leia did not. So after he did it, there was no more evil jedi in the world[/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Perhaps he killed all of the [i]known[/i] dark Jedi, but what about Joruus C'Baoth? Maybe he's an acception since he was Jorus C'Baoth's clone, rather than a real Jedi, but that guy was pretty damn psycho...[/color]
  3. [color=deeppink]Dria: Ugh, that blasted girl...not a sensible bone in her body. Is the ship on auto? [i]She turns to find Matt staring at the ignited blade of the lightsaber.[/i] Matt: Huh? Dria: You're too transfixed in that thing it seems. Nevermind. [i]She squeezed past Matt in the narrow hallway, carefully evading the deadly blade of the saber. As Dria rounded the corner by the small room she shared with Tursi, she ran headlong into Lance.[/i] [i]Lance laughed and steadied her[/i] Lance: Dammit, Dria. Dria: Yeah, nice to see you too. Great day for warm welcomes. [i]Dria tugged her arm out of Lance's hand and squeezed past him as well.[/i] Lance: Aw, Dria, I was kidding. [i]Dria entered her quarters, then poked her head back out into the hallway.[/i] Dria: Shut up. [i]Lance shrugged and walked off. Dria found her pet luma, Beezle, curled up on her cot.[/i] Dria: Hey Beez, wake up. [i]The small, gray ball of fur slowly uncurled and his huge green eyes slowly focused on Dria's face. Recognizing her, he started to make his strange growling purr that tended to scare people away. Dria picked him up off the cot and hugged him.[/i] [i]Sarcastic, Dria held him out at arms length...[/i] Dria: Well I'm glad someone around here is glad to see me today.[/color]
  4. [color=purple]Weary, Sethi fell asleep in a small metal chair. Lidan stayed awake, sitting next to the dozing Gordon and examining the cuts on his face. [i]He's so handsome[/i] she thought, lightly brushing a finger over a laceration above his eyebrow. [i]Too bad his attitude sucks[/i] she laughed with a bit of a smirk. "Good ole' Gordon. You've seen more trouble than you're worth." He slowly opened his eyes, "So have you, Lidan." "Ah bite me." She stood up and started to prowl as much as the small room would allow. "Lidan, listen." Gordon was tired, but he felt it was right to explain everything. "To what?" "To your story." Lidan turned to him, "[i]My[/i] story? Am I missing something here?" "Actually," Gordon licked his dry lips, "what you're missing, Lidan, is a rather large piece of your life."[/color]
  5. [color=deeppink]Dria: Nice job Ace. [i]she pats Matt on the shoulder, leans back in her seat and sighs[/i] That was great. Matt: Yeah, and I handled it. Dria: Yeah, [i]she rolled her eyes and smiled[/i] you sure did. We all did. Matt: If the rest of our trip is like this, we're in for a wild ride. Dria: And we'll also be in for some fun. I'm going to find Necare and look at all of that junk she collects. [i]Dria exited the cockpit and left Matt calculating the flight time to the Rebel base.[/i][/color]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]I'm doing my 2nd year of Japanese currently. I'm not going too well either, in my last test, I got 35% out of 100. :D Just got past the passing mark... :toothy: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]How in the blue hell is 35% passing? You must have some screwy system over there...you have to get over 50% (which is a failing grade) to pass anything over here...:shifty:[/color]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]He did that by fathering Luke... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]...and Leia ;) I don't have any strong opinion on who exactly the true Chosen One is, but I think this "balance to the Force" was indeed Luke and Leia. I just thought of something...Leia shouldn't have been able to have twins. That's a hereditary trait but a [i]recessive gene[/i] that only appears every [i]other[/i] generation in families. Leia was a twin, therefore, her daughter [i]Jaina[/i] would be able to have twins, not Leia herself...Leia should have been the skipped generation with this gene being dominant. I hope you understand? A flaw in the plot it seems...:shifty:[/color]
  8. [color=purple]Sethi went looking for a medic on the transport while Lidan stayed with Gordon. She managed to locate one amid the scrambling security personnel, and she could hear hushed orders such as, "...Lock all access bays to the escape transports..." She led the medic back to Gordon and took a seat as they radioed for more help. Lidan was reluctantly pushed away by an arriving medic, and she too took a seat. "Will we be able to come with him?" Lidan asked as she glanced at her bloody hands. "Sure," one of the medics grunted as they hefted Gordon onto a hover cart, "follow us. You can wait until we're through with him." "Come on Sethi." The two women stood up, both feeling the comforting weight of their guns tucked neatly under their shirts. As Sethi stood up, she swayed...she grabbed for a railing for support and clutched to it tightly. [i]Something was happening...[/i] As she glanced at Gordon's bloody clothes, her vision blurred and retrospection slammed into her... [quote]"Alex, you're bleeding!" "Nah, it's nothing. Just a scrape, Squirt." "But look..." Sethia gingerly took his bleeding hand and kissed it, "there, is it better?" Alex smiled, his heart full of love, "Thanks nurse, it's definitely all better." [/quote] Sethi gasped as the memory jerked away, "Oh God."[/color]
  9. [color=deeppink]There's an FAQ thread in the Intro forum about this. You can go read it there.[/color] [SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]errrrrrrrr i moved this thread to intro the other day... did it get moved back or did he remake it?--kuja[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B] [COLOR=red] for a new question: Did anyone notice in the Phantom Menace that every scene that Palpitine was in they focused on him alot. At the end, he said that he would "watch Skywalkers career with great interest" and when they were burning Qui-Gon it focused on the side of his faced and blurred out everyone elses. anyone else notice these things?[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Yep. [b][i]At the funeral pyre...[/i][/b] Yoda: Always two there are, a master, and an apprentice. Mace: Then which one was killed, the master...or the apprentice? [b][i]Camera pans to Senator Paplatine and focuses on his face...[/i][/b] ::gasp:: dun dun dun....[/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue] On the causeway, The stars glimmered faintly, And glowed a silver blue, Moon shined down on her, The blood singing in her veins. Her hair tossed by the wind, Eyes sparkling with energy, Body flowing with power. [i]Any life will do.[/i] [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]:wow: I don't know how you get such great inspiration for these poems...but they're awesome. I think that I need lessons from you or something...:rotflmao:[/color]
  12. [color=deeppink]Ooh, Raiha, I love how your poems are mystical... And Heaven's Cloud...that poem almost makes me paranoid...lol, I'm always trying to help people and giving advice...perhaps I should cut back :shifty:. Actually, it reminds me of this guy "friend" or mine...he hates taking advice and is the stupidest guy in the world because he thinks his life is SOOO bad...and it's really not...and shizot like that...and now I'm rambling :toothy:[/color]
  13. [color=deeppink]Excellent! It addresses very relevant issues...me like :)[/color]
  14. [color=purple]"Well," Lidan said, suprised, as she placed her hands on her hips, "at least we'll be traveling in style." And she wasn't joking either. The main hangar of the spaceport housed three public transport frigates, large enough to carry 3,000 people. There were several decks to the transport, the highest being the most expensive, the lowest being the cheapest. "I could use a ****ing cigarette." Sethi mumbled, following Gordon and Lidan into the boarding line, "I take it we're on the lowest deck." "It's the best I could do. It seems pretty nice...or [i]should[/i] be for how pricey even the lowest deck was." "Eh, it's not really a problem, as long as we get to Bismin without trouble." Sethi glanced over her shoulder, throwing a nonchalant, circular gaze around the hangar, "Doesn't look like anyone is too interested right now." Lidan nodded, "Let's hope it stays that way."[/color]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B] [COLOR=red]Not hated, [i]loathed[/i](sp?).[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]But I believe the MOST hated of the original trilogy would be [size=4]the Ewoks![/size]...did some of you cringe at that word? I know ya did! :p I don't really [i]mind[/i] Wicket and all of his little pals, but they DO tend to get annoying when watching them time after time after time...[/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B][FONT=century gothic]Bite your tongue![/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I second that!!! Han is my MAN! Lando is just a character that they threw in for a little background...I dunno why, but he's sorta hated in the Star Wars fan circle :huh:[/color]
  17. [color=deeppink]Lol Justin, about the "speeder" thing...I was just wondering if a skimmer was the same thing as a speeder would be in Star Wars...:) _____________________[/color] [color=purple]Lidan stooped down and picked some grimey stuff off the ground, grimacing as she spread it through her hair and onto her face, "I'll have no one to blame if I break out in a rash tomorrow." She growled. Sethi hesitated, then did the same. Both girls looked at Gordon. "You said to make ourselves unattractive, so we have. What about you, mister?" Sethi placed her hands on her hips. Gordon held up his hands, "I'm a big guy with a gun...nobody is going to mess with me right now. I'll just scowl and look menacing...it's always worked before." "Let's hope so." Lidan glanced up, "Is this the spaceport?" "Indeed." Gordon shoved the door open, hunched his shoulders, and scowled until a shadow fell across his face, "Follow me."[/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][SIZE=1] Old School: Popeye cartoons, he is great.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]That's the only oldschool cartoon that I'll watch, actually...it's indeed great! :) The others I love: [list]*Dexter's Lab *Powerpuff Girls *Spongebob (it's sooo weird that it's funny) *Space Ghost (sorta not cartoon, but it's funny nonetheless) ( Old Timers that I still love: ) *My Little Ponies *Rainbow Brite[/list] I wish I could find some My Little Ponies or Rainbow Brite tapes around :([/color]
  19. [color=purple]Lidan and Sethi didn't even try to sleep, they knew any attempt would be futile. The sky was growing dark as they neared a spaceport that Gordon had located on the skimmer's [speeder's?] small data screen. The waning evening air was still warm as Sethi glanced back at Lidan, "Doing ok back there pal?" Lidan smiled and crossed her arms, "I don't know why you two are fussing over me, you know I'm fine." "It's because we care, Lidan." Gordon said over his shoulder, "We have to keep you two well. I think Sethi here is our only connection to the Seven besides myself, and I don't know if they'd be all that happy to see me." "I don't really think they'd want to see me either." Sethi mumbled quietly in reply. "Well they'll see us anyway." Gordon concluded. Lidan leaned forward, "How exactly do you know the Seven Families, Sethi?" "I used to live on Bismin." She evaded the memories, "I spent a lot of my life there...it's a beautiful planet." "Well I guess then we need to save this beautiful planet's ***, eh?" Sethi turned and smiled at Lidan, "You got that right, sis."[/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B]Well My favorite would have to be the forst movie and the.. I think Second book. lol. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]When you say first, do you mean Episode I or Episode IV? It could mean either thing. And second book, eh? What second book are you speaking of? A title would be helpful ;) By the way, after reading this thread last night, I settled down to watch the Episode I DVD...not the movie, but all of the DVD extras. The documentaries are so great...I reccommend you ALL watch them :excited:[/color]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B] [color=red]....but alway's looses to my madd skillz. :p [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Yes, heh. I was going to make her a pilot, since all of my characters usually are, but once I read YOUR character's bio...I figured, sadly, that wouldn't really work :( So she's just a novice instead ;)[/color]
  22. [color=deeppink]Well, I have always been partial to General Discussion...and Intro, because that's where I first started to mod...but lately, Poetry and Stories has REALLY been a great place to be. I love the story that we're doing in there, and I love reading other peoples' work. It's probably the one forum on these boards that I can take part in and [i]fully[/i] discuss/share...whatever. It's an awesome addition to these boards :whoops:[/color]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] I don't do very good impressions... :p [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Hah, I had to get my 2 cents in here... I have one for TN! 'Queer as Folk'....tsss, HOT! (I saw it the other night!) :p[/color]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]Well the only broadway play I've seen is Jesus Christ Superstar.... on T.V... :drunk: So I guess that's my fave! :D [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]:drunk: Argh, that probably means that you saw the new version? The original movie version is SO much better! What was the one you saw like?[/color]
  25. [color=purple]The man had offered Sethi and Gordon a chance to shower, and both of them graciously took him up on it. Sethi let Gordon go first as she insisted that Lidan lay down while she waited for them. Lidan finally gave in, just to get her sister off of her back. Gordon was done quickly, and as Sethi stepped under the hot spray, she sighed contentedly. Changing in the dusky light last night she had failed to notice that her ribs still harbored ugly, spider-like bruises from the night she had first met Lidan. [i]And I had been trying to get away from it all...[/i] She hurried and scrubbed the soap all over, used a small dab of shampoo on her short crop of hair, and was out of the shower within six minutes flat. ... Gordon felt refreshed as he stepped out to find the other sister, "How are you feeling, Lidan?"[/color]
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