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Everything posted by BabyGirl

  1. [color=deeppink]::rushes in:: Please let me still join! I never come in G&S so I wasn't aware this was going on until reading about it in General Discussion :D Well, I suppose since it hasn't started, I'll join anyway :p ______________ [b]Name[/b]: Dria Longstar [b]Age[/b]: 17...nearly 18 [b]Species[/b]: Human [b]Belongings[/b]: small blaster, holopad, tag-along pet luma [b]Bio[/b]: Neglected as a child, Dria is a sometimes bitter and stuck up girl, but only if the recipient of such attitude is deserving of it. She is seen as beautiful with her long, dark brown hair, tanned skin, and bright green eyes. She's somewhat of a novice pilot and often engages in racing Matt. [b]Skill[/b]: Combat[/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by tursi [/i] [B] and does anyone have any ideas if yoda is going to fight with a lightsaber or by use special techniques? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I think I have read somewhere that Yoda indeed fights with his lightsaber. We'll just have to wait and see I guess ;)[/color]
  3. [color=deeppink]Excellent, Justin. I like all the background info... Edit: Damn, I hate it when this happens...while you're posting the next part someone else is too...and then the things contrast and blah...oh well...here's mine...follow either one you want... ____________________[/color] [color=purple]Gordon awoke with a horrible cramp in his neck. Sethi awoke to the dark sillohette of a man walking out of a small bedroom door...[i]her brother[/i]. ...in the hospital, Lidan continued staring at the ceiling. ... Gordon found his old friend already up and working. He had secretly wrapped his arm last night, not wanting anyone fussing over his wound, but this morning it was giving him hell. He strolled outside into the early morning light where the man was patching up an old speeder, "Lidan got kept overnight?" "Huh?" The man sheilded his eyes with a grease-streaked hand and glanced up at Gordon, "Oh, the woman. Yes, she's still at the hospital. If you're lucky she'll be released today." "I hope so." Gordon glanced down the road towards the dusty mountains in the east, "We need to get off this planet as soon as possible." The man went back to fixing the speeder and didn't glance up, "Someone looking for you, eh?" Gordon grinned, "Yeah, like the old days." "...like the old days." The man whistled and chuckled, "I'll help ya out whatever way I can, other than what I can give you'll have to do for yerself." "We don't need much help, I'm pretty sure that I know where to find us a ride off of this place." "What happened to that old starship of yours? She was a beauty." Gordon nodded, "I sold her." He glanced up at the summer sun, "Didn't think I'd need her again. Too bad she could have come in handy..."[/color]
  4. [color=deeppink]Why do I feel that some of you are over exaggerating about the number of languages you speak? Perhaps it's because most of you are younger than me and I have had 4 years of French and I am far from fluent...:shifty: Ah well, I suppose some of you are bilingual if you come from a home that speaks both English and another language, but honestly...ALL of those languages? I must be really far behind on my education or something :cross:[/color]
  5. [color=deeppink]Andrew Lloyd Webber's [b]Jesus Christ Superstar[/b].[/color]
  6. [color=deeppink]Sure, I'll answer the 3rd one...the Maw :)[/color]
  7. [color=deeppink]Ya know, I've been trying to answer that question for a while myself. I don't know why I keep coming back here...it's like an addiction or something -__-. What I like best is that a majority of the people here are open minded, which is pretty cool. I especially like it when there is intelligent conversation going on...and ::gasp:: maybe in more than one thread! :p Nah, this place is great, otherwise I wouldn't keep coming back day after day after day...[/color]
  8. [color=deeppink]Because *** is seen as an offensive word by some :)[/color]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]...it was the part where Darth Vader reveals himself and we stood there and watched it and then I just died laughing because I could quote it and it was hilarious. Anywho...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]:wow: Yep, that about seals it, you ARE me...really! We're long lost twins...or something :p I do the exact same thing! You're talking about the part with Luke and Vader in Cloud City, right? I quote that and crack up too! It's sorta bad of me...I'm supposed to be a good fan admiring a very serious and dramatic moment...but for some reason, I can't find it very serious when Luke suddenly looks like a monkey...::cough:: [quote]"No, that's not true...that's IMPOSSIBLE!"[/quote] Yeah, eh?[/color]
  10. [color=purple]A dull throbbing consumed both girl's heads. A dusty broken piece of glass sat next to Lidan and she glanced at her relfection, "I could use a shower." The cut above her eyebrow was turning an ugly purple color, and the small wound was starting to swell shut. Her neck was covered with small streaks of dried blood from the knife knick, and she set to work with her spit to clean it off. Sethi studied Lidan, "I've seen worse." She picked up small pebbles from the floor and started throwing them casually at the wall. "So have I. But I still want a damn shower." Sethi nodded, "Yeah, me too. What the hell IS this place?" "You already asked that...and I already told you that I don't have any idea." Her neck was nearly clean. She just had to hope that the wound wouldn't be infected. "What?" Sethi's tone was bitter, "You mean you've never been here with your Trict pals?" Lidan's eyes started to blaze but her voice was pure ice, "No, I haven't. You think I CHOSE this path for us, Sethi?" "I'd like to hope not, Lidan." "Well I'll turn those hopes into truth and let you know there's nothing I could have done about this whole situation." "Well then what the [i]hell[/i] are we doing here? And what the [i]hell[/i] am I doing meeting my 'long lost sister' by chance after shooting a guy in a bar?" "It's because we're all pre-destined...and this is what was chosen for you." "By who?!" Sethi was on the verge of tears, and her voice was hot and ripe with passion, "I'd like to know who chose this goddamn destiny for me so I can give him a hard kick in the ***!" "Sethi, you never did tell me what was wrong?" "Oh, and it'd be a [i]great[/i] idea to tell you [i]here[/i] where there's probably tons and tons of cameras and microphones just waiting for their five ****ing minutes of fame when they pick up some confidential information on two-captured-sisters!" Her last three words were thrown out at length, the end to an exasperated rant. Lidan shook her head, "Then I'm not dealing with your crap anymore. Sit down and shut up." Sethi started towards Lidan, "Listen here, sister?" The voice that came from the shadows made both of them shiver, "Girls, must we fight so vehemently?"[/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]Gah, man I'm so far behind...all these Star Wars people showing off their SW knowledge....me YES I'm a HUGE SW fan, and I'm a female, too! *Slaps BabyGirl a high-five* I haven't watched the movies in forever because the only one I own is Return of the Jedi, which is my favorite one. I've read ALOT of books that go after the series and my favorite is [i]The Courtship of Princess Leia[/i]. That one was so romantic and I'm a sucker for that sort of stuff...and I also liked [i]Shadows of the Empire[/i] because it came in between episodes V and VI, which are my favorite two. I didn't care for Episode I at ALL...there was just no action and it was too flashy for a SW movie...and I really need to brush up on my SW trivia because I didn't know the answers to any of those questions except like one or two because it's been about two or three years since I was all DEEP into SW. But I did give out SW Valentine's cards out this year and I did think of BG when I was making them! *laughs* I saved you a Luke one for next year, okay? :D[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]::is too excited to find one cool part of that long post::...YAY! :excited: Finally, another Star Wars chick! And about the Valentine...could you perhaps save a Han Solo one instead? :smooch: Lol...Han is my favorite character from the movies. I'm SO in love with him (and Harrison Ford in general) that I have a HUGE cardboard stand up thing in the corner of my room. I'll take a picture by it some day and show everyone :p Luke is awesome too, I admire his many "Jedi abilities" ;) I started not liking him as much after the books started to make him seem like this "down with nature and all that is good" instead of the cool, roguish guy he started out as. I suppose that was all a part of his transformation from farm boy to Jedi ledgend, but the books have pretty much destroyed his character. I also agree with your statement about not being deep into Star Wars for several years...I'm the same way. My trivia is a bit rusty since I strayed away from SW for a while, and I have been having trouble finding EU books that interest me. [i]Ah well, so is the life of a fanatic[/i] :whoops:[/color]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]3. A Krayt Dragon.[/b][/quote] [color=deeppink]Damn j00...I was getting excited about answering that one :p In the N64 version of Rogue Squadron, Artoo beeps at you every time you fly by it during the first mission. I think it's cute :whoops:[/color] [quote][b]To comment on TN's theory, I'd have to say its good, but I disagree. I pretty much know that Anakin fights Obi-Wan in ep. 3 which means that Obi-Wan couldn't have died. Also, there is difference in the appearance of Obi-Wan as an old man and Obi-Wan as a young man. Had he died young, he would've looked young, I think. [/quote][/b] [color=deeppink]Indeed. TN, this re-instates my points...and I think I just deleted what Justin said about the Jedi technique for disappearing...but that ALSO is saying what I said before. And again, while your theory is good, it is pretty much proved incorrect :whoops:[/color] [quote][b]If not, then one of those two should get a lawyer and sue the other for copyright-infringement upon his character. [/B][/QUOTE] :rotflmao: [color=deeppink]So anyway, are there no other female Star Wars nerds around here? That's sorta sad in a way :([/color]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] I'll say what BG would say .... Alliteration :p [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Damn right :p. My computer is acting up, and it's pissing me off...so I think I'll try to close this topic...no gauruntees that it will work though. So yeah, this dude was a fake...just ignore it.[/color]
  14. [color=deeppink]Thunderstorms!! :nervous: I hate them so much. I sit in the basement shaking (no exaggeration!) every time there's a thunderstorm. They suck :p[/color]
  15. [color=deeppink]I don't feel like answering all of them...I'm too lazy to really THINK about them :p [b]3. What were tha names of Leia and Han's kids?[/b] Jacen, Jaina, Anakin [b]4. What was the name of the alien singer that sung at jabba's palce?[/b] Sy Snoodles...gawd I loved the Special Edition rendition of that song...it was awesome. The Max Rebo Band...I need to go rent the Special Edition and watch it again...[/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [B]Actually this diconary was published AFTER epsoide one. The reference is under Darth Sidious. It says he was a former senator from Naboo who Became supreme chancllor after a vote of no confidence in Chanceler Vallorum. These facts match the movie. This is what i found out, This book was published by LUCASBOOKS. :haha: :haha: :haha: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Ahh, I thought you were speaking about the Star Wars Encyclopedia! Haha, silly me. And of COURSE it's published by LucasBooks...the Lucas name holds claim over EVERYTHING Star Wars...video games, books, comics, you name it, they have a copywrite.[/color]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [B]As to your query about Sidious and Palpitine they are one and the same(according to my starwars dicconary volume3)if you want more proof tell me and i can quote it. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Please refrain everything you have to say to one post, thanks...people are anal about double posting...myself included ::cough:: hehe, nah, not really :p But yes, please don't double post. Anyway, I am quite aware of this Sidious/Palpatine name relationship. Read my post fully and see that I don't support the idea, but I uphold it as a relevant theory. Besides, the Star Wars Dictionary was written before the ideas of Episode I...Lucas can do whatever he damn well pleases with his universe :p[/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NorykoAngelcry [/i] [B] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Just my thoughts =P Though I suppose it is anyone's guess, and I don't really want to be right on this ^_^ I sorta spoiled the first movie by reading the books put out a week before it was in theaters. NOT going to make that mistake again.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I was glad I read the book...it helped me understand it a little better :whoops: And just some corrections on names: *Anakin *Leia *Amidala :) So anyway, on to TN's theory. I don't know exactly HOW much you know about the whole Star Wars thing, TN, but later on in the prequels (most likely Episode III) Anakin and Kenobi duel it out in a lava pit...Anakin falls in and has to get all sorts of help breathing, hence the black suit. Now this is a long-known fact about Star Wars, and not something made up to fit the prequels. So, in sticking with facts, I don't think Obi Wan dies. I like your idea about Luke and Leia being the "balance of the Force"...I think that's a great theory :) Lucas leaves a lot of things up to interpretation... ...take for example Yoda's dying words in Episode VI: "There is another...Sky...walk...eh...", yeah? This could either mean Leia [b]or[/b] Darth Vader redeemed as Anakin Skywalker at the end of Episode VI. It's left up to the viewer's interpretation ;) Next, about Obi Wan's disappearance after he is killed by Darth Vader, that's a Jedi technique. Some are able to do it, some are not. Yoda and Obi Wan were able. Qui-Gon and Anakin (as Vader) were not. It really doesn't have to do with a spirit thing...though it's a relevant theory. My last thoughts are on the furture of the galaxy as we will see it in Episodes II and III. We all know that Senator Palpatine is going to take over the Senate and corrupt the Republic and make it the Empire and become the Emperor...right? Ok, well there's also HUGE speculation that he is Darth Sidious, and I pretty much believe this as well. But if you think about what's coming up in the movies, it's the Clone Wars...perhaps either Sidious or Papatine is a clone of the other one? Not saying that I agree with that theory, but it's just a little food for thought ;) 1. Who is the only former rebel alliance piliot to fight against two death stars? [b]Wedge Antilles! I like him :)[/b] 3. what are the cards in a idiots array? [b]Don't quite know, though I'm sure I could find it in the Han Solo Trilogy...but I can take a guess that it has to do with Saabac...or Sabaac, I forget which way it's spelled :shifty:[/b] 4. what planet is the collective intelligence the"Golden Sun" from? [b]Damn, I could look it up...but I'm too lazy for that ;D Xizor was stationed on Coruscant...but I doubt that's the answer you're looking for.[/b] [b]Wait! One more thing! TN, of COURSE we're nerds! Lol, you're quite welcome to join us![/b][/color]
  19. [color=deeppink]Thanks Cera! Look at how nice it looks in my sig :) About Michael W. Smith...when my mom and I met up with my dad and bro in Grand Rapids today, my bro was watching Michael W. Smith on our car TV and I thought of you two :p[/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i] [B][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]JENNA DONT READ THIS NEXT LINE i went to state in swimming my sophomore and junior year of highschool [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]OH NO I'M GOING TO PUNCH YOU! ::cough::[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gwendolyn24 [/i] [B]But if you're competitive YES then it is a sport. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Competitive, yes indeed ;) Our team's (competitive) season just ended (we're still cheering basketball games), but we've only been competitive for 3 years and we're ranked 4th in the state :) We have 24 girls on our team...and I don't know how familiar you ARE with competitive cheerleading...otherwise I'd go on about our stats and all that stuff...but for the sake of those illiterate in the cheerleading arena...I shall not ;)[/color]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gwendolyn24 [/i] [B]Unfortunately we are talking HIGH SCHOOL here. It's the place you have to ASK PERMISSION not to pee your pants. Why would anyone to expect an administrator to allow freedom of expression??? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]lol...that was great. Actually, my high school's principal is so damn cool. He was new this year and learned everyone's name (all 850 of 'em) within the first few weeks of school. He's done tons of cool stuff, he's always attending sporting and theater events...gah, he's just awesome. I'm glad he decided to come to our school for my senior year...another year and I may have missed having such a great guy as a principal :)[/color]
  22. [color=deeppink]Oi! That picture is awesome! I really liked the way mine was all purple and black, but the color looks great too! And eee! I just changed the color one to black and white and it looks quite nice as well. Ahh, how dark and brooding this picture is...:love2: By the way, love the sig :smirk: Anyone want to continue Star Wars trivia? I do ;)[/color]
  23. [color=purple]Lidan's internal clock woke her exactly two hours later, exactly two minutes before Gordon was softly rapping on the door. She crossed the small room and opened the door, stated that they were already awake, and shut the door kindly in his face. "Sethi, get up." She must have been in a deep sleep because she didn't respond. Lidan was reaching for her sister's shoulder when Sethi's hand expertly caught Lidan's and swatted it away. Sethi opened her eyes rolled over to face Lidan, "I have excellent hearing while I'm sleeping." "Or so I noticed. Get up before Gordon throws a fit." She could hear him outside the door, muttering oaths. Sethi was more than obliged to get up. Her dreams had only been filled with the man she had once loved...she couldn't shake the blasted memories no matter how hard she tried. Her face was a scowl when she opened the door, and Gordon raised an eyebrow at her, "Wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?" Sethi merely raised a fist in warning and Gordon got the point. Lidan closed the door softly behind her and handed the key card to Gordon. "I'll return these to the front desk, just leave them there or something since I doubt anyone is working right now. You two slip out a side enterance and meet me four doors down from this dive. Got it?" Both women nodded in unison. "All right, let's get going." He almost added, [i]"I think we're up against a brooding force that sorely outnumbers us..."[/i] but restrained from the comment and started towards the motel's front desk.[/color]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B] also, u people are talking as they will be making star wars movies for after the return of the jedi(7-9). are u just hoping or do u know that to be true? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Lucas used to talk about it as a whimsical sort of dream he hopes to accomplish...and I think recently he said he would be doing them for sure. I could be wrong, but check [url]www.starwars.com[/url] to see if they have any news about it. ::cough:: I'm a Star Wars fan, Son Goten ::Points to his sig::...a [i]female[/i] SW fan...and a damn good one at that! :p[/color]
  25. [color=deeppink]Sure! I'm my biggest fan! And...what? You're not talking about [i]me[/i]? Oh...:shifty: well... ::cough::...well I guess I'll just run along then... heh :p To answer your question, no, I don't like Nelly Furtado...sorry :whoops:[/color]
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