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Everything posted by BabyGirl
[color=purple][i]The young man with the brooding eyes stood up furiously[/i], "I can't take it anymore!" [i]His hand hovered over the handle of his sword.[/i] [i]The old woman with the white face looked sharply at him, and her voice was harsh and commanding,[/i] "Kumé, restrain yourself." "How [i]can[/i] I when those [i]idiots[/i] are out running around trying to catch the ones who are supposed to get this job done?"[i] He paced furiously[/i]. "Kumé, I have faith in these men." [i]His eyes were full of fire as he leaned close to his elder,[/i] "I," [i]he paused angrily[/i], "do not." [i]He turned on his heel and stalked out of the room.[/i][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B] :wow: :wow: :wow:.... somebody who... understands my name... *faints*... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Indeed :p It took me a while to make the connection, but when I really looked at it, I was like [quote]WHOA![/quote] and then I understood :genius:[/color]
[color=deeppink]Good insight...I'll try to keep this short. I agree with your mum's opinion and I can strongly relate to one of them. I think it's great when Christians (or other religions) spread their faith quietly, and in sweet, subtle ways. Little things such as putting others before yourself, not lying, giving back to the community, and doing all of these things sincerely and whole-heartedly. THAT'S what makes a good Christian in my opinion :)(note: my opinion...::cough::
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B] [i]A power, event, person, or thing that comes in the nick of time to solve a difficulty; providential interposition, esp. in a novel or play.[/i] I have no idea what the second bit's purpose is, though I thought I'd leave it in. I prefer the old meaning I used... not too sure which dictionary I got that from... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]It means exactly what that definition says. [b]Deus ex machinea[/b] is a literacy device where there is no rational explanation as to why characters are saved in, say, a story...they just are. An example of this used in literature would be in [u]Lord of the Flies[/u] because the boys are rescued for no damn reason at the end...they just are :whoops:[/color]
[color=deeppink]The 80s rocked!! I was alive for 6 years of the 80s... I remember many things: [list]stretch pants layering socks side pony tails[/list] er...too many things to list...perhaps I'll post later when I feel like recalling the past...[/color]
[color=purple][i]They eluded customs, just barely, but it wasn't anything too illegal...all of them were fine with it ;). Gordon led them into the streets surrounding the Rune Spaceport...both Sethi and Lidan concluded that they had seen dirtier cities. The threesome walked casually, keeping to themselves, the two women subconsciously slipping into old and familiar roles...people that they really weren't. Their walk changed, their posture slumped, their faces changed to brooding scowls. Gordon stole a glance at them...if he hadn't known they were related to him, he would have found them incredibly attractive...dangerously attractive...the kind that could attract unwanted attention where they were going.[/i] [i]Gordon surveyed their attire,[/i] "You two need some sort of robes or something." "Why." [i]Sethi responded flippantly, keeping her eyes warily on the road ahead.[/i] "Because your curves are more than subtle." "Those curves have come in handy more than once, Gordon." [i]Lidan's voice was quiet[/i]. [i]Beside her, Sethi's face softened as a memory flooded back... [/i] [quote]"Sethi." "Huh." "Sethi, look at me." [i]She turned her tear-filled eyes towards the darkening evening sky, [/i]"I can't. It's just not worth it." "Sethi," [i]his voice was beautiful, she concluded,[/i] "I want you to stay with me. Here." [i]Torn, she whirled to face him,[/i] "But I can't! Don't you see? It's not that simple...it's just not." [i]She fell to her knees in despair, [/i]"Not that simple at all."[/quote][/color]
Your most favorite thing to do in the whole intire worl
BabyGirl replied to Spikey's topic in General Discussion
[color=deeppink]I like DRIVING. Last night after we lost regionals (by one point, dammit) I was driving home from the high school parking lot, going 45 in a 15 MPH zone...without even realizing it. I was just so upset and angry that I was speeding along down the road...thank God there weren't cops on the road...for it was 1:30 in the morning... And I also love to dance...it helps get agressions out. Oh, and uh...drinking...gotta love it :alcohol:[/color] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj chic [/i] [B] i think she means she wants her username changed to "Jenna" [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Indeed. I would never want my real life name to be BabyGirl...! o_o Just think of the jokes... But yeah, I wish I had registered as Jenna rather than BabyGirl...but oh well...people know me as BG now :)[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Treble [/i] [B] Lol, after reading that I remember back then in V.2 when you spotted me reaching up to my 777th post. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Hehehe, I must admit, I DO love 7s!! I mean, my screen name...JhaJha777...quite an exciting number![/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B] [color=crimson][size=1]Too many guys are attracted to that type of girl. And you just contracticted yourself...if you think guys don't want a girl like that, then what and the heck are you doing flauting yourself? Don't put out like that, they'll get the wrong impression of you, and everyone might think you're a slut. And you're better than that.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]:rotflmao: I only do it to tease...I'm one hell of a bad flirt, so I just do it from afar. I don't let these guys actually talk to me, much less touch me...beh...I KNOW I'm better than that ;) If I actually like a guy, I am much more down to earth. I don't want to turn into the stupid freshman girls o_o[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amiboshi [/i] [B] I agree completely. All the girls at my school present themselves like little sluts. And the all the guys go crazy. I would like just one guy who didn't go in for that. It's so disgusting. The world IS screwed over......:demon: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Ah, but this matters not. The guys only see them as little pieces of meat...and nothing more. Most guys would NEVER want that type of girl as a girlfriend. Most (note: most) guys want a girl who doesn't show off and flaunt everything she has. I'll admit I do a bit of that...but hey, that's the fun of being single :naughty:[/color]
[color=purple][i]Lidan and Sethi followed Gordon through the crowded Black Rune Spaceport. Both women felt comfortably at home. Sethi stopped to glance up at a giant star chart that hung on the wall. Lidan stopped beside her.[/i] "Bismin isn't far from here." [i]Sethi muttered, and Lidan nodded.[/i] "I need to get ahold of the Seven somehow..."[i]Sethi broke off when Gordon grabbed her arm.[/i] "Stay with me." [i]Sethi and Lidan both narrowed their eyes, and the latter spoke first,[/i] "We can take care of ourselves." "I'm the one who got you out of the whole Bismin mess." [i]Gordon's glare was aimed at Sethi,[/i] "I'd think you should be very grateful." "I am. Let go." [i]Not wanting to make a scene, Sethi waited until he had let go of her arm and pulled her away from the star chart to say anything.[/i] "You two act vulnerable..." "I'm sorry?" [i]Lidan blinked, offended[/i], "Maybe it's you who has tunnel vision, Gordon. Only seeing things the way you percieve them to be." [i]People bustled around them.[/i] [i]Gordon rolled his eyes, starting off towards the customs check point and throwing out a sarcastic[/i], "Yeah Lidan, maybe."[/color]
[color=deeppink]Voodoo has 777 posts...eee :excited: Well, let's see...I don't know where BabyGirl came from. It's a semi-nickname that just seems to be "me" now. It's a really common nickname for girls, but yeah oh well :p I wish my username was my real name though.[/color]
[color=deeppink]Weird situation? How about...last night our cheerleading team lost the regional championship by [b]one freaking point[/b]...so we don't get to advance to the state championship :bawl: Aw man...we were so sure we had the win :flaming: [/color]
[color=purple]"Lidan, get back here." Sethi snapped. She turned around and glared down the hall, "Excuse me?" "You'd be an idiot to take the elevator," She glanced out the window and down to the street below, "Nothing you haven't handled before, I'm assuming." Lidan came stalking back to the group, "Fine, fine...let's go." She started to climb out the window but Gordon grabbed her arm and yanked her back. His green eyes were hard, "I'll go first...I'll insure that it's safe down there. Remington, you stay up here and go last." Lidan pulled her arm free, "Don't touch me, Gordon." "Cap the attitude, Lidan." He made his way out the window and disappeared from sight. "Damn him." she scowled and followed the sound of his [i]All right, it's clear.[/i][/color]
The Official Serious Injury's Disscussion Thread!
BabyGirl replied to Matt.D's topic in General Discussion
[color=deeppink]Laughing out loud at Baby Kiwi ;) I remember that incident quite well...I was indeed laughing my butt off, even though you got hurt :p. My worst injury? There's two. One was when I was three I was at a friends house and we decided to use a three-step ladder to help us climb a tree. He did it first, so then I took my turn. The ladder collapsed and I fell on top of it...ripping open a HUGE gash in my leg. I still have a very large scar today. The second one was when I was around that same age, and I was in an ice cream store. I was leaning back on chairs that were connected to the table, and for some DUMB reason, I let go...my head missed hitting the table, and instead hit the floor. I had to go to the hospital and get some major stitchage :) I think my current bruise could be counted as an injury too...it's really big and every keeps asking me if I'm abused because of it -__- . I actually fell off of a chair (whoa...again! I just realized my connections with chairs and injuries :eek: ) and LANDED on it...creating a HUGE bruise on my leg and on my butt. Yep...nasty bruises I tell ya :p[/color] -
[color=deeppink]I love all of the Civil War movies...my favorite probably being [i]Glory[/i].[/color]
[color=deeppink]o_O I'll delete this soon, but after that post I'm a bit confused...[/color]
AAAAGH! Its hideous!!! no. .wait. .my reflection. .
BabyGirl replied to liamc2's topic in General Discussion
[color=deeppink]Heya guys, I'm going to close this thread. It has gone WAY too far off topic. All the pictures look great, and if you want to see them again later on down the road, search for this thread and take a looksie at them. ::dodges rotten fruit and obscene insults:: Yours Truly, BG[/color] -
[color=deeppink]Hehe, our avatars...they almost match...like Sethi and Lidan :rotflmao: _____________________[/color] [color=purple]Sethi awoke to a smarting pain...her cheek was throbbing. Muscles in her back twiched as miniature aftershocks of the electric saber. She cursed when she saw Lidan across the cell, lying face down. [i]Is she dead?[/i] Sethi carefully approached Lidan and was relieved to see the steady rise and fall of her chest. The relief bothered her...for some reason she felt as though she needed Lidan to stay strong in order to hold [i]herself[/i] together. Sethi reached under Lidan's chest and pulled out the young woman's arm. [i]She must have been lying on it this whole time...[/i] It was blue from lack of circulation. Sighing deeply, she leaned against the wall and closed her eyes, gingerly touching her fingertips to her cheek. She had no idea how she was going to handle what was going on. Bismin had been like her second home...she had fallen in love with its mountains, the lakes, the green forests...and the famous man...how she had loved him! It was the only time she had ever loved, had ever [i]allowed[/i] herself to love. Everyone else she had shut out, built up a wall that allowed no one to climb. She had shut out the memories until recently...why had they suddenly come flooding back? She was strong enough to keep treading, dangerous as it was, but she was more likely to [i]drown[/i] in them. She felt small comfort when, beside her, Lidan sat up.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Duo Maxwell [/i] [B] it so you'll be fine, it might slim you're chanses og getting in but they should be looking at your grades, ambitions stuff like that [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Unforunately, due to NUMEROUS presentations during high school that I have experienced (Panthers Racing in the Direction of Excellence...goddess understands ;)) I have learned that it donesn't freaking matter how good your grades and ambitions are if you look like a punk. Dumb, eh? You'll learn this too if you are forced to attend NUMEROUS presentations on resumés...and interviews...and partake in mock-interviews...:cross:[/color]
[color=deeppink]Yes, you guys can help by PMing him. Thanks :)[/color]
[color=deeppink]Raiha, I wanted to thank you for that plot poem that you sent me...it helped tremendously! I'm still having a bit of trouble keeping Lidan true to her character, but I'm trying :) And I think I finally have the plot figured out...! Wow! I think I need to go write it down before I forget it...:excited: ________________________[/color] [color=purple]Irritation washed over Adrien's face, "Sorry for that minor interuption, but back to this new mission. I don't know if you two are familiar with the planet of Bismin or not." The name hit Sethi first, then the memory, "I am." She blurted out, unable to control the reaction. Her cheeks burned red...embarassed at her inability to keep quiet about things. Annoyed, Adrien just glanced at her, and continued, "Bismin is a planet famous for its scenery, wealth, and rare jewels. It is a popular tourist attraction...a world with a lot of money. Now, Bismin is goverened by The Seven Families, (derived from a fan-fic of mine...not from the Trict Five ;D) seven brothers and sisters of the most popular leader in Bismin history, Arger Copal." He opened his hands, a small grin spread onto his face, "Arger Copal died last year from a rare disease, leaving the planet crushed with heart break. He was beyond popular, he was loved." He made a disgusted face...the very thought of such a man apalled him, "These seven families are the siblings that Copal intrusted to his reign...or government, or whatever they consider it in Thiera." He continued, started to pace a little, "Thiera is Bismin's capital where the Tower of Seven, their capital building, and the seven families reside. Lately, civil squabbles have broken out between The Seven, each wanting more power than the other, such as their brother had. Bismin is starting to destroy its self from the inside out...self destruct, if you will." Adrien alternated his piercing stare between the two women, "Our task is to eliminate The Seven. The seven families, wives, husbands, children...friends and servants if necessary." "But you can't! The Seven are far too powerful?!" Sethi struggled against her bindings, eyes frantically whipping from one Trict to the other. [i]They didn't understand![/i] She felt a painful shock spread across her back as she was struck with an electric saber. Sethi fell to her knees and scraped her chin across the floor. Recovering quickly and gracefully regaining her footing, she narrowed her eyes and set her jaw, "I don't argee with your methods." Adrien's eyes flared, "And I don't agree with your tongue!" He sent the back of his hand sailing towards Sethi's cheek, much as he had done to Lidan, and Sethi braced for it. She flinched at the contact...it stung like a raving *****. "Adrien," Lidan said softly, nearly pleading, looking at the angry red mark appearing on Sethi's cheek. "Be quiet, both of you." He nodded to the gaurd that had replaced the one that had taken Remington away, "Take them back." ... Back in the cell, Sethi withdrew to a corner as memories overtook her conscious. [i]His eyes...those beautiful grey eyes, his kiss, the first time we made love...[/i] Sethi quietly sobbed herself to sleep, leaving Lidan only to brood, and wonder what the hell was wrong with her.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jabroni3:16 [/i] [B] Before you post again get your head out of your *** and actually READ my posts, and think about what i am saying, and not how it is against your view on the subject. Jon i thought you said this board doesn't have arguments? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]We have our fair share of arguments, but 'tis not wise to argue with the administrator :p I think you [i]both[/i] should just be quiet :babble: Consider this your first warning, Jabroni.[/color]
[color=purple]The two women followed in the wake of a rather obese guard ([i]I bet he could squash me...[/i] thought Sethi with the smirk of a naughty little kid), and were tailed by another guard, this one tough and menacing. When they had originally been brought in during the night, Sethi had been unable to see exactly where they were. She knew this place was above the bar, but man, this place was [i]huge[/i]! "How big is this place?" Sethi muttered quietly to Lidan. "I don't know, exactly...there exist many places I am not allowed to go." The fat guard glanced over his shoulder trying to get an earful of their conversation. He held his electric saber (something Sethi had seen used in herding livestock, though she feared that this one was much more powerful) a little higher, just so both of the women could see how much power he weilded. His pudgy face slid into a small, controlled smile. Sethi glanced around. Early morning sunlight was dancing through high glass windows in the smooth white walls, washing over ornate tapestries (in violent shades of red, orange, and yellow) that hung on the walls, and playing with their shadows. Lidan marveled at the way the sun warmed her skin. It was always the same...sun had an intoxicating effect on her skin...it made her feel strong again. The tapestries were familiar to her, she had memorized the order of each. First, the one of the cat, second, the one of plain red and yellow silk, and so on. She counted as she passed them. As they continued, the white walls turned into pale, moonlight colored marble which seemed to shimmer with whisps of silver. These walls opened up into the great room, where the Trict Five sat ordanely in their high-backed chairs. Adrien stepped forward, "Good morning girls."[/color]
[color=purple]Sethi's outer defense went up again at Lidan's comment, "Oh...ok." She slumped against the wall, feeling ashamed that she had just revealed her past. She had never really shared it with anyone else. "What about you?" Lidan turned to Sethi, her eyes suddenly sad, "How old are you?" "Old enough." Sethi snarled...still pissed that she had lowered her defenses so easily to a woman, no a [i]girl[/i] that she hardly knew. "Dammit...you and your sarcasm." "Look," Sethi's temper flared, "you don't know me as well as you may think you do." "And you don't know me either!" Lidan's voice heated. Sethi jumped to her feet, "Then how about you don't pretend you DO know me!" "Fair enough." Lidan remained seated and chilled her voice to ice. It was a skill she had perfected. "Fine." Sethi started to pace, enraged that Lidan was able to cool off so easily...it wasn't fair...it left her looking like the fool...something she terribly hated. After long minutes of silence, Lidan muttered, "Don't you care?" She took her eyes off the ground and risked a glance up at Sethi. "Huh." "That we may be sisters...doesn't that make you wonder?" Sethi's answer was short and abrupt, "Nope." She started her pacing again. [/color]