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Everything posted by BabyGirl

  1. [color=purple]"Well good." Sethi rolled her eyes and shoved her food dish aside. Lidan threw her a sidelong glance, "You're going to starve if you don't eat that." She leaned her head against the wall, "I've gone without food before...it's amazing how you forget that you're hungry." With her first true sign of interest, Lidan stopped eating and turned to Sethi, "Where at?" "Where at what?" Sethi was prepared to sardonic and short with her answer, but when she saw Lidan's eyes and half-smile and realized she was being sincere. Her outer defense weakened, "Well...I used to pilot small snub-fighters for this corporation known as [i]Sim Data[/i]...I was the illegal side of things. Back then I was young and really quite reckless, I didn't care what was right or wrong as long as I was getting paid." "Is that any different than you are now?" Lidan gave a large grin, which caused Sethi to laugh. "No, I guess not. But anyway, [i]Sim Data[/i] had me on a piracy mission, a hit and run strike, and things went wrong. We were ambushed upon arrival, my wingmate was killed first, as was the rest of the squardon. I had to eject from my fighter to save myself. I was unconscious in sub zero space for about a day before I came to. Somehow, luckily for me, the enemy must have overlooked me, assumed me dead when my fighter exploded." She shrugged, "I was found later by an outer rim pirate group and nearly killed. The decided to keep me for their own entertainment," her eyes clouded over and her face became pained, "I don't remember much because they beat me severely. Starved me too. But what I do remember...it was horrible." Lidan's eyes were narrowed, and something close to sorrow clung onto her heart, "But you survived." Sethi's eyes cleared and her lips curved into a ghost of a smile, "I survived."[/color]
  2. [color=deeppink]I don't think that they should be able to regulate home school cirriculum. I don't know much about homeschooling, but what I've learned from talking about it with homeschooled kids, is the main reason parents teach their kids is to be able to provide a better education...(er...duh, but yeah...) Parents who homeschool obviously see a flaw in America's (or elsewhere) public education, which is government regulated mind you, so they teach their kids what they think they should learn! While I'm sure they have legitimate arguments, it seems ridiculous that someone would want to start [i]regulating[/i] what is taught in the home. If the parents want to teach their kids that 2+2=5...it's none of the government's damn business :p Perhaps I will read up on this debate and give further input later...and see if my opinion has changed :)[/color]
  3. [color=deeppink]agah...Dragon, can you post these in a .zip file somehow? 12 posts with a single picture each seems a bit too much...can you try to zip them together in one file?[/color]
  4. [color=deeppink]I thought things [i]picked up[/i] after version 4 was introduced. Oh well, everyone is entitled to their own opinions :huh: [/color]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OutlawDragon [/i] [B] I hate that! It is spelled G-E-N-E, Gene. Not just to, shibatku, but to everyone who spells it Jean. Not trying to be mean, just trying to help the less imformed. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Indeed! I hate it when people spell Gene's name wrong...:shifty: Anyway, speaking of Suzuka kicking major butt, I have an awesome picture of her![/color]
  6. [color=deeppink]Ah, but Gene is not a bandit. Heh, at least, not in my opinion :p Overall I think Gene has a good heart, even if he IS quite the rogue. He's good at seducing women...he's attractive...good with a gun...smart-alec attitude...what else could you ask for in a space outlaw? He's awesome :excited:[/color]
  7. [color=deeppink]Sorry to interupt your little quiz, but I never understood how every OS website calls Hilda "beautiful"...I found her to be quite ugly myself. Too bad Outlaw Star really has no females worth mentioning. Melfina is annoying with her naiveté, and Aisha was over bearing with her annoying [i]voice[/i]. The only cool one was Suzuka...her swordsmanship was awesome ;)[/color]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue]Ah yes, thank you for noticing. I made it myself! ;) That GameCube chick is just plain cool, isn't she? Heheh.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]The second shot of her scares me...she looks like that Manson singer guy...eee :nervous: The first one is cool though...as is the rest of it. It's just that second shot that ruins it all for me o_o[/color]
  9. [color=deeppink]Man, I used to be very pro-choice, but over the months that I have been here, you have all given very good arguments against abortion. I think I'm sort of sitting on the fense on this issue right now. Obviously, if the woman is raped, I think she has every right to an abortion. That's one opinion of mine that will not change. But if it comes from casual sex...then...gah...I still don't know Guess it'll take some more thought on my part...and more years of wisdom as a woman :huh:[/color]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by boris [/i] [B]well, it seams that many have started talking about waight. i am a short 6'4 and waigh a light 230 pounds, by the way, i am not fat or big boned, i have mucle [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]You call 6'4" short? :drunk: I have guy friends that are a mere 5'6"...THAT'S what you'd call short for a guy (erm...no offense...I know a few of you are short on here as well...I just like to do a little harmless teasing because of the fact I'm pretty tall...) :D[/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] to babygirl-kuja doesn't really have any spelling problems, on otakugamer he writes some cool reviews, its just he seems to suck here on the boards, can't string a sentance together, lmao.... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Maybe if he didn't hate capital letters...maybe if he used the enter button to create new paragraphs...maybe if he didn't use abbreviations like "u" and "thou"...or maybe...naahh...that won't ever happen :p[/color]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i] [B] [SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]sadly i only weigh 130 lbs[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]:twitch: You weight the same as me...damn kuji, how? Hehe :p I still find that terribly odd...maybe it's because I'm 5'7" and I have a pretty good amount of muscle...but that's scary when a guy weighs the same as you o_o[/color]
  13. [color=deeppink]Good use of witty banter :)[/color]
  14. [color=deeppink]I really should join a gym...it wouldn't hurt any to start lifting for cheerleading and all. Thing is, my body tones pretty easily, so from [i]years[/i] of intense dance training combined with three years of lifting girls in cheerleading...my muscles are pretty happy with me, and I, with my muscles :p I eat horribly though...I need to get on a healthy diet or something. It's just a good thing I don't gain weight easily...or I'd be really big by now...[/color]
  15. [color=deeppink]Sorry, had writer's block for a while :) I'm trying to conform to Raiha's style of writing...I think it's easier for people to read. Just thought I'd maybe introduce two characters for people to play off of :whoops: ----------------[/color] [color=purple][i]Worlds away from where Sethi and Lidan were trapped, a woman sat pondering their fates. Her petite frame was clad in all white, her hair was silver with age and wisdom, and her face had been powdered to match the shade of her clothing. Her lips were dark cimson, and her eyes a smooth green. Next to the elderly woman sat a restless young man ? his face powdered white, too, as was the custom of their world ? his dark eyes brooding like a turbulant blue sea. He constantly stroked the blade of the fierce looking sword he always kept by his side. It glinted meanly in the harsh setting sunlight. [/i] [/color] [color=deeppink] ------------------ Maybe I'll write more later...for I am out of time :)[/color]
  16. [color=deeppink]Heya Rae! Yeah, I would take it out. Just because people are stupid and bias against things like that :whoops:[/color]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]I'be nefer haad anee problmz wid my spling in my entyre lyfe.... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]::cough:: Maybe YOU haven't...but kuja sure has...kuji :p[/color]
  18. [color=deeppink]Nopers, I'm not a list maker. I don't think I've EVER made a list in my life. I'm more apt to use spontaneity when getting things done ;) I've considered making lists, especially since this sememester at school is actually pretty hard and I have a lot of crap to do...but then I know I'll just ignore the stupid list and do whatever I damn well please :p You know what? My leg has a HUGE bruise on it from falling off a chair, and everyone thinks I'm abused because it's so big and purple and gross... You know what else? One of my kitties died today :( And you know what ELSE? Caffeine REALLY affects how you ACT...[/color]
  19. [color=purple]Because of the fact that he was fuming, he had hardly payed attention to the man who had been in his appartment. Frankly, he really hadn't cared. He had to get all of his damn files back before they found out about..."Dammit!" He swore much more loudly than before, swerved hard to the right to avoid hitting a man that had appeared in front of his path. His angry temper flared and as he stepped out of his skimmer, he raised his pistol so that it was level with the man's chest, "What the hell are you doing?" "You left me...in your appartment...I was sent to talk to you." He narrowed his eyes and studied the man. In stark contrast to the dark head of hair, the man's beard shimmered like silver. His eyes were insanely blue, his stare piercing, and his generous mouth was drawn up into a slight smirk. He wore robes of deep purple which enclosed his arms from sight. [i]Wonder what else he has concealed under those robes...[/i] "I don't think we need to talk." "Oh, but I do." "Figures." He rolled his eyes and pulled the trigger of the pistol. The man merely smiled and deflected the bullet, "Your silly guns won't work here my friend."[/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]Ok, I looked at ssj chics pic in a batter monitor, and I only have one thing to say daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. :drool: now its BG's turn to post pics [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]See ssj chic? You're so pretty! I told ya! :p Pictures, Vegitto? Ok...here ya go ;) [url]http://briefcase.yahoo.com/bc/otakupictures[/url] [/color]
  21. [color=deeppink]Gahh! ::kills first person within killing distance:: ANOTHER PICTURE THREAD! ::dies:: Someone save me from going insane [/color]:worried:
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pyromaniac [/i] [B]So, goodbye you dateless wonders. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Aww man, and I thought I was quite well versed in the dating scene...guess I was really wrong :huh:[/color] [quote][b]PS: Also, if anyone closes this down, it will only confirm everything that i have said about you controlling S.O.B.s. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Ah, so the Nazi conspiracy has been proven true? We've truely become a concentration camp?! Gah! Run! ::dies::[/color]
  23. [color=purple]Sethi's eyes widened at the sight of one solitary tear rolling down Lidan's hardened face. Had she not felt herself gawking, perhaps she would have let her eyes linger long enough to noticed that Lidan's eyes were large and the color of rich chocolate, her eyelashes long and thick...perfect matches to Sethi's own. "Sethi." The man that had struck Lidan stepped towards her. His eyes were menacing and had Sethi recoiling, "I suppose we should explain ourselves." Sethi said nothing, instead, met his unfaltering gaze with narrowed eyes. "Well," his own eyes narrowed along with hers and his voice darkened, "it shall all be explained," he glanced over his shoulder at the other men, breaking eye contact for the first time, "...in good time."[/color]
  24. [color=deeppink]Alright, I'll let this topic go on [b]only if people stay civil[/b]! (since we've tried this one before). I don't want to see [b]any[/b] flaming or cutting down on others because of their beliefs. It will be closed if I do :)[/color]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]Unless BG is gonna kill me, but I dont think she will. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Indeed not! I'm so very happy that all of the pictures are staying in [i]one[/i] thread right now! I told kuja that I had retired from my picture posting days for a while...but perhaps I should take that back and post one...just for old times' sake...:shifty:[/color]
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