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Everything posted by BabyGirl

  1. [color=deeppink]Sorry, I feel rude posting when I'm not going to add to the story, but I just have a small comment. Montecito is quite literally Santa Barbara's neighbor, they are sometimes considered one city, so it's not a small beach community =\. Then again...we could just make things up about it...I hadn't considered that before, hm.[/color]
  2. BabyGirl


    [color=purple]On most nights Bailey would have wanted to get to know all of the new people in her company. This time, however, she felt a bit more reserved and she wasn't entirely sure as to why. Maybe it was the fact that she had heard so much about both Rae and Liam and had respected their tales for so long. Or, Bailey pondered, was it because Zharra had awed her, just the simple grace and beauty of her? Or [i]maybe[/i] it was because one of her fellow agents was a handcuffed Russian girl who looked as though she could easily kick anyone's ***, and Bailey wasn't sure exactly how she felt about that... Either way, she knew that it would take more time than usual to get everyone to warm up to her. When Bailey chose a room, she pulled out a small framed picture of her brother and parents, and set it next to the bed she claimed as hers. She stared at the picture and then laughed out loud, "I'm so cliché." But, nonetheless, she kept the frame resting where it was. Bailey didn't bother to unpack. She simply stripped out of her jeans and blouse, choosing black lycra pants and a lavender tank top to slip into. Clearing enough space on the cold tiled floor, Bailey spread her legs into a V and leaned forward far enough to rest her chest on the floor. Stretching every night always felt so wonderful and it kept her muscles in peak condition. After a few minutes of the V stretch, she stood up and reached toward her toes, wrapping her arms around the back of her legs and pulling herself toward the ground. Bailey continued the nightly routine she had adopted until her muscles felt warm and fluid. She smiled at the fact that she was gloriously in-shape. Her body felt like molten silver was weighing it down, so she opted it was time to get some sleep. Taking her 9mm out of its holster, Bailey placed it under her pillow at an angle she had become accustomed to. She wasn't a highly superstitious person, but having her Beretta available at all times took the edge of sleeping in new places. As she drifted off into dreams, Bailey saw the predictable images of her interrupted childhood.[/color]
  3. [color=deeppink]The chronological order is killing me here :cross: ...at least it all makes sense, I guess :whoops:[/color] [color=purple]~~~~~ Jenna was feeling much more friendly. She only had a bottle of Arbor Mist in her veins, cheap, fruity Zinfindel, so she was hardly drunk. It was merely an inexpensive wine that tasted quite superb, and she was still loving the fact that she was now of legal age. It was something to be celebrated. As she wandered around the house, she poked her head into several rooms to see how they were being arranged and who was bunking up. She stopped to chat with D'Ann, Charles and Jordan for a while, enjoying being around such humorous company. By the time she had inspected all of the rooms, the clock read midnight. Jenna also realized that she was insanely hungry from neglecting to eat all day. She had been too busy finalizing little details and making sure that everyone arrived safely and on time. She really didn't know [i]why[/i] she had chosen to spearhead such a huge upheaval of so many people's lives, but she was doing it. It was time for her to finally take charge and prove to, who, herself? that she was capable of being responsible for so many things at once. Keeping busy suited her. A search through the kitchen left Jenna completely unsatisfied...there was grocery shopping to be done soon. She made her way down the short hall that led to her room and found that Justin had nearly decorated the entirety of the walls. "Fancy interior design." Jenna leaned up against the doorjamb, raising one arm along the frame and propping the other one on her hip, "Justin, [i]dahling[/i]." From where he rested on his bed, flipping through the car buyer's magazine he had found earlier, Justin smiled up at her, "Why do I have the feeling that I'm needed for a favor?" "Because I am starving, and because [i]I[/i] can't drive with a bottle of wine circulating through my...circulatory system." "All right, you want to go get some food?" He didn't feel like going out, not this late with jet lag settling on his shoulders, but he figured he owed it to her. "Yes! I'll be quick. You don't mind?" "Nah, let's call it even for you picking me up from the airport." "Thank you!" As he started to stand up, Jenna tackled him with a hug, both of them falling backwards onto his bed. Full of late night energy, Jenna bounced back up and grabbed her jacket, "Ready?" Justin merely laughed and pulled his tired body off of the bed, following behind the crazily hyped Jenna into the chilly night air.[/color]
  4. [color=deeppink]Funny how that all works out. When I lived in Michigan there was really only one other person on the Boards from Michigan, too. Now there's a whole litter of you! However, now that I belong to the California group of Board members, I am bound to meet one of them sooner or later. I suppose that's enough solace for me ^_~[/color]
  5. [color=deeppink]I had a dream where I was on a picnic at a lake with my friends, and Transtic and I were lovers. Sneaky kuja came along and tried to seduce me while we floated around the harbor on a raft made of wooden logs. How dare he.[/color]
  6. [color=deeppink]Ah yes, ethnicity. I tend to think that I'm a mix of whatever other people thing I am, which is a broad range of things. I appear to be what is considered 'dark' caucasian, with dark hair and eyes, and olive skin, but I honestly don't know what my background is. People think that I'm Hispanic a lot, I've also been called Middle Eastern , but I know that I'm not either of those. I'm pretty sure that my family stems back to England and France...but that was years ago. I'm many generations American, and it always surprises people when I tell them that. Everyone seems so eager to classify everyone else into some ethnic category, as if it will really give them more insight into the person themselves.[/color]
  7. [color=purple]House members slowly arrived throughout the day, and as the summer sun set over the Pacific Ocean Jenna pulled herself away from a balcony on the house's ocean side. It was time to get everyone, and everything, in order. A half an hour later, everyone was scattered around the cavernous common room, snacking on pretzels and candy that Jenna gotten at Vons earlier in the day. "First of all," the chattering died down as Jenna curled her legs underneath her, "I'm ******* excited that everyone managed to make it. And with that said, welcome to California. And," she added, glancing at James, "welcome to your home in the United States." James grinned and raised his glass of soda in a salute. "Ok, now, I'm under the impression that everyone has found a room to their liking?" A small sea of heads bobbled in acknowledgement, "Fantastic. Now for some simple ground rules. One, everyone buys and eats their own food, unless you want to set up an arrangement with someone else. Community food doesn't work, I've tried that. Two, everyone is responsible for keeping their rooms in order and keeping their respective bathrooms clean. We don't have this place forever, and a year's worth of neglect can do a lot of damage. It's so much easier to clean things in incriments, remember that. "Three, do your own dishes." Jenna started counting off points on her fingers, "Rinse them, put them in the dishwasher, empty the dishwasher if it's full of clean plates, soak and clean dirty pots and pans. And the microwave can get gross, and in this case we have two of them in the main kitchen, and one in the upper kitchen. Those should get wiped out if something explodes...which something will. "But for now those are the only basic rules, really simple and no-brainers. Just be kind to this beautiful house, it's being awfully generous in letting everyone stay here. "Ok, what else...ah yes. I have a bunch of maps in the foyer for people to put in their cars if need be. Santa Barbara is just north of here, and Ventura is roughly 30 miles south. The ocean and a few small summer villages lie between here and Ventura. Los Angeles is about two hours south but that's heavily dependent on traffic. If you try to go South during rush hour, you get people driving home to Ventura from Santa Barbara, and it's the reverse during morning rush hour. That's just a word of caution. "But enough about that, I'm sure that most of you will experience that on your own, anyway. Don't hesitate to ask me where anything is geographically, I've been in this area for five years and I've become rather intimate with it." "Southern California is Jenna's lover." D'Ann stated matter of factly, and everyone else laughed. Jenna trailed her tongue across her upper lip, "You could say that." Then winked and glanced at the clock, "Now, down to business about this business." She realized that not everyone was entirely clear on what thing they were getting themselves involved in. She waited a few seconds before speaking, leaving her comment open for questions, or disapproval, at the end, "We're going to be running, managing, owning, and frequenting a restaurant. All by ourselves."[/color]
  8. BabyGirl


    [color=purple]Bailey Carlmine, previous French American army brat, always managed to arrive exactly on time. It was both flaw and ally, but somehow she seemed to bend time in her favor. It was no surprise that she found the briefing room already occupied by five other agents, most of whom looked roughly close in age to herself. Bailey looked curiuosly down at the door which, knocked off its hinges, laid horizontal to the floor. When she felt five pairs of silent eyes watching her, Bailey looked up and flashed a smile around the room, "Hello." "Hello, welcome aboard." When no one else responded, Rae stepped forward and offered a hand, which Bailey shook with firm enthusiasm, "I'm Rae. This is Liam." "Ah, hey Liam. I'm Bailey." She offered a slight wave to the others around the room. A girl with long dark hair dressed in a beautiful sarong smiled in return, "Zharra." "I'm obviously a new member." Bailey gushed suddenly, "But I've been in training for a few years." When she noticed that the pale, black-haired girl's hands were bound, she approached her, "Why are they keeping you all tied up?" Katarina shrugged, the whisper of an amused smile floating around her lips, "Zey do not trust me." "Unfortunate." Bailey grinned, "I'm sure you're just as skilled with those on as without. That's what I've found from being cuffed before." "The door was her doing." Liam added. She turned back to Katarina and gave a genuine chuckled, "Nice move." As Bailey found a vacant spot to sit on the floor, she stretched out and checked that her thigh holster still held her 9mm firmly against her inner thigh, "Well this should be a rather interesting new adventure."[/color]
  9. [color=deeppink]Not f-ed up, f-ing AMAZING! Well, ok, maybe it's a little screwed up here and there, but that's what makes it so awesome. I am definitely not the blood and gore type, but last night I seemed to be the only one who wasn't affected by how much was in the movie. I didn't think that it was any worse than other gory movies I've seen. First of all: [spoiler]I thought that the whole smaurai movie immitation of blood acting as a huge, spouting fountain when limbs were cut off actually took the edge OFF of how gory it was. It made the dismemberment almost comical to me, and it also his choice to use the technique impressed me. My friend Jon explained to me last night that in old samurai films they used the fountain of blood technique when heads were cut off because it was to symbolize the slow motion of blood flying out of a wound before they actually knew how to technically do slow motion. Tarantino just incorporated that old technique with real-time motion, making it seem like excessive amounts of blood were squirting out of wounds. But I still think it was a great way to take the edge off of the violence! And for the anime part, I found that to be an homage to the Japanese culture in general. I loved how they used it, the animation style was really cool, definitely not typical anime-style at all. I also think it was used as a break from the real gore, as were the black and white scenes so that the audience's eyes got a break from all the splattering red.[/spoiler] And the colors, they were beatiful. Very colorful, very saturated, grainy, high-key, just really nice. I liked the look of it. Yeah, I'll wait until more people have seen the movie before I discuss it further. I want to actually have a conversation with someone about it ^_^[/color]
  10. [color=deeppink]I definitely could stay with someone who I disagree with on major issues in my life. I'm the type of person who will listen to the flip side of my own opinion and try to understand it before I decide whether or not to disagree with it. And if I don't end up believing in the same thing as them, I still highly respect that they have a firm opinion backed up by their convictions and morals. For instance, my boyfriend and I are highly committed to each other and probably will be for a long time. He's a Republican who hates 'idealistic liberal hippies' because he believes that their opinions are unfounded. However, I'm most often on the left side of things, I share in far more Democratic beliefs than he does. We stay together just fine :) We [i]do[/i] often have intelligent discussions where we'll both acknowledge that we don't agree with what the other person is saying, but I think it brings up more understanding than anything. I think that as long as both parties are willing to listen objectively [or maybe with just a LITTLE bit of objectivity?] to what the other person has to say, then things can always work out. ...unconditional love for someone always works as a cushion, too :whoops:[/color]
  11. [color=deeppink]I think it takes a different level of appreciation for film to really love Tarantino's films. I've never met a film student that I go to school with who is anything BUT in love with Tarantino. Some of my friends who are in the film program downloaded the trailer [i]months[/i] ago, watching it over and over until I thought it had become a unique form of masturbation for their movie-oriented minds. If I had seen [i]Pulp Fiction[/i] before attending photography school alongside film students [and therefore being subjected to heavily film-oriented general ed classes], I know that I wouldn't have liked it as much as I do now. It took that extra 'filmology' insight that was punched into me before I finally saw movies as more than a basic storyline or bad acting. Tarantino's films can be seen as far beyond what non-movie buffs could consider 'good'. Then again, [i]Kill Bill I and II[/i] may end up being a exceptions because of their wide action appeal. Who knows? I'm going to see it tonight with a group of friends, mainly film majors. I'll have to write about how I like it later. [/color]
  12. [color=deeppink]Pink automatically signifies OOC for me, because I get confused by the letters OOC too easily... Anyway, this is a short addition, hardly worthy of being called one. But it's here anyway because I felt like writing, but I don't want to intrude upon the meeting of certain characters...[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=purple]Hopping off of where she had been perched on the kitchen counter, Jenna breezed past Tori and Tony toward the front door. As she pulled it open, she quickly pronounced, "I don't know why you all bother to knock." She cocked her head at the unbemused look on the man's face. He was damn cute, and the long hair gave him away, "Welcome home, John." "Home? It should be 'welcome to the California Castle'." "Hm," Jenna pursed her lips and pondered, "too big?" John raised a questioning eyebrow in response. "Too bad," she smiled and grabbed one of his bags for him "Welcome home anyway, John."[/color]
  13. BabyGirl


    [color=deeppink]Do [i]everyone's[/i] brown eyes turn red when they're mad? Mine certainly don't. Maybe it's just wishful thinking. [/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B]You can read and understand Shakespeare's most basic tragedy. OMG! [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I had a tough time with [i]Romeo and Juliet[/i], but I found [i]Hamlet[/i] and [i]The Twelfth Night[/i] to be equally as challenging. I like to think that I have a semi-competent grasp on the English language, but Old English must be one of those things you either understand or don't. Congratulations, you seem to be on the winning end. I don't know if anyone [i]really[/i] understands most Shakespear that they read without studying it for a long time. It takes someone who can unlock metaphors and riddles, it's not like everyday people can understand it at first glance. I'd be surprised if anyone [i]but[/i] Shakespearean scholars could fully and correctly interpret a cold reading of any of his works. And then again, I could be very wrong. I'm just making observational assumptions ^_~[/color]
  15. [color=purple]?Dang!? Justin whistled as Jenna pulled up to the front of their house, ?It?s huge!? ?I know, I wasn?t exaggerating, see?? She popped the hatch on the back of her Focus and started hauling out one of Justin?s two suitcases, ?I?ll let you carry the heavy one.? He laughed, ?Gee, thanks sweetheart.? Jenna simply stuck out her tongue and set off for the entrance, leaving Justin behind to wrestle with his giant suitcase. Jenna kicked at the handle on the front door. As it swung open, the spacious front foyer elicited a sigh of content. Huge taped up shipping boxes littered the floor around her, ?Hey, Justin, your stuff is already here.? She called over her shoulder. As soon as Justin stepped into the doorway, Jenna took a second to look and smile at him, ?Do you feel like a fish out of water in this brown land of the ocean?? Justin nodded, ?You bet I do.? ?You?ll get used to it. The people aren?t always friendly, so just smile and say ?hi? to warm them up. That usually will get a response.? ?Great, an unfriendly state where nobody else has a Southern accent.? He rolled his eyes, feigning a pout. ?Aww.? Jenna grabbed his arm, ? Everyone will warm up to a handsome guy with a Southern accent, the girls will love it! Come on, I?ll show you around.? Jenna?s room was undoubtedly the largest in the house, but she felt justified in the sense that she needed the biggest closet. It sat directly next to the patio that led to the pool, near the back of the lower level. It took a short trip across the kitchen and down a short hall to reach her room. ?Chloe, baby.? Jenna?s long haired Ragdoll cat was curled up on the foot of her bed. Upon hearing her name, she opened her eyes and blinked sleepily at the visitors who interrupted her nap. ?So this is the famous little lady cat?? Justin stood in the doorway as Jenna slipped onto her bed and scooped up Chloe in her arms. ?Yes, she?s my baby.? Jenna scratched her cheeks and set Chloe into a loud purr, ?Come say hello, she won?t jump up and gouge your eyeballs out or anything.? Justin had never been one for cats, but he hesitantly joined Jenna on the bed and stroked Chloe?s head. [Oh my God, this is so sexual sounding, and I totally don?t mean it to so STOP THINKING THAT WAY YOU DIRTY PERVERTS!] ?You should room with me, Justin. I?d rather have you in here, it?s more comfortable that way.? ?Er,? Justin blushed slightly, ?I guess that could work?? ?Great! Oh!? Jenna said randomly, ?I wonder if anyone else is here yet!? Placing Chloe back onto her favorite blanket, she started for the stairs, ?Hello?? She called, taking the steps two at a time. ?Hello!? Came a female voice in reply, and a blonde head poked out of a bedroom. ?Tori!? Jenna squealed with delight and tackled her with a hug. [/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by anatema [/i] [B]Another Mexican movie that I really liked was Amores Perros. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I saw that one as well, but it bored me. The idea was great, though, how three completely different stories all come together in the end. I just thought that it was too drawn out, and maybe I was in a weird mood when I watched it but I could have sworn that it was close to 3 hours long. However, I really like that director's style. It seems like there are a lot of hand-held type shots, it makes you feel like you're more in the story and gives it an overall tougher feeling [I couldn't think of the right word there =\] [i]Y Tu Mama Tambien[/i], as compared to [i]Amores Perros[/i], just had a little more 'excitement' for my taste. I wouldn't want to sit through [i]Amores Perros[/i] again, that's for sure :cross:[/color]
  17. [color=deeppink]I both loved and hated my senior year of high school. I hated it because I just wanted to get out of high school where all of the underclassmen still carry on the stupid stereotypical high school exclusivity and righteousness. By the senior year, most people in my class had gotten over themselves. We were all so ready to leave. So...my senior year was hard because I'm so squirmy, I can't sit still for a few hours, let alone a full school year. College is great though, it's so great compared to high school. Far more superior ^_~[/color]
  18. [color=deeppink]I really need to learn Spanish. I took four years of French and I hardly remember how to formulate a sentence correctly anymore. I can read it, but I can't speak or write it very well at all. It was kind of a waste of a class all those years when I could have been taking a valuable language like Spanish. Living in Southern California really makes you realize how much the Spanish language is integrated into the United States. If I knew Spanish I could speak a lot more easily with the Spanish-only speaking families I could photograph, and being in small town Mexican villages would be a lot easier. Hopefully I can learn Spanish sooner or later, I'm sure that it will be nothing but beneficial to me in the long run :)[/color]
  19. [color=deeppink]Tony, you know what's funny? It's illegal to own a ferret in California because of some reason I've forgotten about, but I just found that out last week. Yours can be an illegal exception, though, it's not like anyone would even know ^_~. Plus, she's so CUTE! All right, I have started the RPG just so that everyone knows. Cheers ^_^[/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Molleta [/i] [B][color=green]My fovorite director is a French director, Jean-Pierre Junet. He did [i]City of Lost Children, Delicatessen[/i] and [i]Amelie[/i]. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink][i]Amelie[/i] is one of my all-time favorite movies, it is SO amazing. Beautiful cinematography, colors, story, characters, narration...evertying is beautiful. A total classic. [i]Battle Royale[/i] is an interesting Japanese movie about a very frightening concept that deals with high school age children. It gave me nightmares because I place myself too easily into the position of characters in movies sometimes, egh, those nightmares were creepy. [i]Y Tu Mama Tambien[/i] is more or less a Mexican movie about sex. But the message and twist at the end are great, you just have to be able to sit through blatant nudity and several graphic sexual situations. It may be more a film for the movie buff [and adult audience] rather than the mediocre viewer.[/color]
  21. BabyGirl


    [color=deeppink][b]First Name:[/b] Jenna [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Hair Color:[/b] Dark, reddish brown [b]Eye Color:[/b] Dark brown [b]Height:[/b] 5'7" [b]Wardrobe:[/b] Lots of classy black blouses, jeans, cute tops, hoodies, track suit pants [the velvet type], overall; fashionably classy on the verge of cutting edge. Whew. [b]Personality:[/b] Caring, silly, friendly, engaging, pouty. [b]Hair Style:[/b] Short, layered, ranges from curly to sleek to ponytail to under a hat. Depends on the day. [b]Favorite Music Type:[/b] Electronica, classic rock/classic pop [Billy Joel, Queen], Broadway showtunes [b]Favorite musical Band/Artist:[/b] Incubus, Queen, Juno Reactor [b]Hobbies:[/b] PHOTOGRAPHY, dancing in front of my mirror, boyfriendness, shopping, organizing, obsessing over shoes.[/color]
  22. [color=deeppink]Ok, so here's the deal, you all get to choose your own roommates. Preferably start off your first post as your approach to the house, or being already at the house and greeting people as they arrive. Basically everything is centered around this mansion as of right now ^_^[/color] [color=purple]The 101 Freeway had been met its fame in songs, as had the 1, the Pacific Coast Highway. To Jenna, the PCH was far more superior. ?See how the mountains there are brown? It hasn?t rained for months.? Jenna?s passenger, Justin, craned his neck to stare up at the hills that met the 101. She had just picked up the Southern native from the Los Angeles airport, and Jenna loved to show off her domain. ?We?ll take the PCH from here, it runs for a few miles along the ocean until it meets back up with the 101. It?s beautiful, so tell me if you want me to pull over so that you can get out and just look.? Justin chuckled, she had hardly been quiet the entire two hours they had been together. Even though they had met a few years back, they hadn?t seen each other in at least a year. As soon as Justin had walked out into the baggage claim area after his flight from Alabama, Jenna had pounced on him. He thought that she was going to suffocate him, all wrapped around him like a giant, four-legged boa constrictor. ?So is all of your stuff arriving today or tomorrow?? Justin shifted his gaze from the ocean to her, ?Today, hopefully. I hate to think of all my posessions getting lost in the shipment process.? ?That [i]is[/i] a scary thought. What are you going to do about a car?? He shrugged, ?I?ll either lease one or buy a used one that I can fix up and make it look all ?purty.? Jenna let out a laugh of delight at his Southern accent, ?Wait until you see this house, it?s gorgeous. The neighbors are these stuffy white Republicans, very rich. But the good news is that the houses are fairly far apart.? ?So I?m going to be living the high life now, huh?? Jenna turned and wiggled her eyebrows at Justin, donning a cheesy British accent, ?Oh yes, darling. We [I]all[/I] will. Look,? she shifted the topic at random, pointing out toward the ocean to their left, ?that is Mondos, where I learned how to surf. You?re going to come out with me and learn, I demand it.? ?Oh yeah? And what do I get out of the deal?? Jenna turned to look at Justin, a small grin tugging at the corners of her mouth, ?Oh, we?ll see.? The Pacific ocean, dark and slightly green, broke peacefully as they passed. [/color]
  23. [color=deeppink]My parents kept me under the "mature teen" category on AOL until I went away for college. It basically blocked stuff they wouldn't have wanted me to see, but it also blocked me from signing up for certain things or creating accounts at certain websites. But they had every right to keep the parental controls on my account...yes...I wasn't always the most well behaved child.[/color]
  24. [color=deeppink]Lovely! I shall start this tomorrow, October 8th, with or without Tony's full signup. Everyone else has replied, so this will get underway and I'll let on about more of the plot and such. Thanks to EVERYONE!!! ::group huggles them all::[/color]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1] Is what we discussed the other night on OB Chat going to occur? ^_^;[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Heh, at this point anything goes! :smirk: Ok, so basically I'm waiting for Drix's sign up, and I'm also waiting to see if Charles is going to post [he alluded that he probably will], and I think Tony has chosen not to. But that's it, so once we hear from them we can start ;)[/color]
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