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Everything posted by BabyGirl
[color=deeppink]I believe I must participate!!! [b]Question: The Rebel Alliance didn't start until years after the Sith were extinct...does this story start before or after the start of the Empire? And if after start of the Empire, does it take place before or after the FALL of the Empire? Sowwy, I missed the first RPG about this :whoops:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Anahli (Ana) Jem [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Race:[/b] Human (Jedi) [b]Side:[/b] Apathetic [b]Weapon:[/b] Ts9 Blastech blaster, Purple bladed lightsaber [b]Job:[/b] Starfighter pilot/ Jedi Knight [b]Appearence:[/b] *5'9" *long, curly blond hair *fiery green eyes (she's beautiful) *green jumpsuit, black half-boots [b]Bio:[/b] *Grew up on a prestigous, tropical planet *daughter of a wealthy banker *best pilot the flight academy on Bismin (her home planet) has seen in years *deadly with her weapons *strong dislike for men (even though they lust after her) *doesn't trust [i]anyone[/i] except her friend Greyg *has a shady past [/color]
[color=deeppink]Well said, everyone :) Topic closed.[/color]
[color=deeppink]Well no, I in fact don't. I'm not a prude or anything, I just don't feel comfortable being naked. Speaking of being naked...we already had a thread on this a while ago...[/color]
Whats the most romantic you have ever done? and........
BabyGirl replied to Vegitto4's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B] he he....cat. my cat is old and doesn't know the difference between the litter box and the food dish. it's funny. :wigout: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I don't mean to disagree but...no it's not! :bawl: My cat is dying and it is tearing me apart right now...I never payed any attention to her because I hated her and thought she was ugly. Now she's the sweetest thing on earth and I feel so bad because she'll probably go tonight. Saddest thing would to wake up and find her dead :( I just can't stand to see her the way she is right now. But anyway...my car blew a fuse a few nights ago so I have no tail lights (no WONDER people kept flashing their headlights at me!)...my dad tried to replace it with another fuse and ended up causing my speedometer, dashboard lights AND heat to stop working...DAMMIT! I'm going crazy...hehehe :D[/color] -
Whats the most romantic you have ever done? and........
BabyGirl replied to Vegitto4's topic in General Discussion
[color=deeppink]I DON"T DO ROMANTIC THINGS! Depression...well...I think that's what I classify myself as being in right now...but then I think that's stupid and cliche...even though I'm always unhappy and bitter at the world. I don't even know what for :( See...that sounds really dumb doesn't it :rolleyes: Anyway, I'm sure tomorrow I'll feel fine and forget that I'm unhappy (which I constantly mask because it's stupid to show I'm unhappy...my friends don't seem to care sometimes :huh: ) [b]WHY[/b] AM I [b]RAMBLING[/b]? Haha, I have no idea :babble: I think I'm going senile...like my cat :whoops:[/color] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B] [SIZE=1]Heh, true... but thats a bit unfair. [/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Oh bah, I've been told that a lot today! Haha, even though it's true that what I said was a bit unfair :whoops: I was just about to go on this little rant...but I won't. I'm in the strangest mood...I think some call it emotional numbness...though I couldn't be too sure :huh:[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B] Dude, I may be 12 but I know ALOT of inofrmation on this. Believe me. Only about 4,000 americans are organ donors. When I am dead what am I going to need them for? Why not give the gift of life? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink][b]Brainwashing![/b] ::cough, sputter:: Education is [b]thought control[/b]! Aw...where the hell did that come from? Just make sure you REALLY want to do it, and you wouldn't just do it because you're being told it's the "good" thing to do. It's easy to [i]say[/i] you're doing it for the right reason (which is a good reason indeed!) but make sure you really [i]know[/i] why you want to do it :whoops: Other than that...no, at this point I'm not an organ donor. It all depends on what the future holds :)[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [size=1] I've basically been utterly flamed here because I used the word "stupid" to describe a historical idea -- hardly a major thing. I feel that I am the one who has been treaded on here.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]We weren't flaming you, James :whoops: We also weren't treading on you. You merely said something that scraped over a very sensitive issue...and this was the response. I'm sure you understand the initial reaction on our part. I still think it was a bit rude, but I'm over that. I just don't see why people need to treat your post any differently than they would any other member (other than respect, yes) because you're just a normal 18 year old guy. If you weren't an administrator, the response would have been the same, if not worse. You haven't been singled out to be "treaded" on...believe me :)[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B] [COLOR=chocolate]I am quite upset that you are referring to my beliefs and religion as "utter stupidity". :flaming: :flaming: [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Again, I hate to stray off topic, but I agree with Ginny. I think it's compeletely unjustified for you, James, to be saying that this stuff is all rubbish. I thought that bashing others' beliefs was something that this board doesn't encourage...though perhaps it's different in your case...:rolleyes: [/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NorykoAngelcry [/i] [B][COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]As for Angelcry. . it just sounds really awesome. Like the sound of a fallen angel. [/SIZE][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]...like Skywalker and Darklighter and Sandskimmer and...:whoops:[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B] [color=indigo] "Ouch,on behalf of the male race, that hurts...although it is probably well deserved:devil: " [/B][/QUOTE][/color] [color=deeppink]Indeed it is! :p But yeah, it's a love/hate relationship with you males. I love boys to pieces, but I always end up screwing things up with guys (even guy [i]friends[/i]) and I just want a damn boyfriend...or even a companion. Is that too much to ask? ::shakes fist:: [/color]
[color=deeppink]Name: BabyGirl Real Name: Jenna Age: 17 Grade: 12th (last year of the American system) Sex: Femme Interests: Weeell...cheerleading, dancing, Star Wars, nerdy things, video games, hanging with my HGP crew, hanging with my other chickas, being mischievious!, hating the male race, etc. :D[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B] [COLOR=chocolate] The other theory is that the dinosaurs were too big to fit on Noah's Ark, so they died out. [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I have no intentions of turning this into a religious debate, but I do have a question (a question, mind you, not an opposing viewpoint, I truely am curious) If God wanted two of every animal (one male, one female) to be saved from the flood...why would he single dinosaurs out from the rest of them? Noah could have built a bigger ark...no matter HOW much people would have laughed at him.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B] Do you have a middle name? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Marie...after my grandmother :) And sometimes I regret having registered as BabyGirl...sometimes I wish my user name was just plain old Jenna :([/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo] *sniff,sniff* well I feel a little bit better now...I passed out after the shock of Baby Girl giving me kisses and hugs. *looks spaced....* It was so wonderful...*thinks about it and faints again...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]There's more where that came from :smooch:[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo] ...the only catch is that I will be getting staedily more and more drunk through out the night...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I wish I was too :( We don't have school the next day...so..maybe! Maybe I'll scout out a party and (I was serious when I said it before) drink myself into oblivion :whoops:[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]I have a few friends here that would keep me coming even if I didn't want to. -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Damn straight :smirk: And I have realized that I'm addicted to this place...that's so dumb...I'm a loser -__-[/color]
[color=deeppink]I do love my name :p There's only one other Jenna in our school besides myself, and she spells it J-e-n-a :) Plus, Jena is this gorgeous girl, so she does much justice to our name :rotflmao: Anyway, I like my last name too...Winter. Most people add an "s" to the end and call me Winters...but I'm used to that now. It's so easy to spell and pronounce...don't you think it's a nifty name? I do :love:[/color]
[color=deeppink]:eek: Caleb? Crap...you guys just keep coming don't ya...:D IM me if you're truely interested.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] [B]>< bah. .shoot my car down baby girl *shakes head*. .the others yes. .but not you :( [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Aww ::hugs him:: it doesn't mean I love Subarus any less...I just don't love this one :([/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo] OH WHO AM I KIDDING, SOMEBODY LOVE ME:bawl: :bawl: :bawl: [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]::tackles HC and gives him a huge kiss:: There baby, feel better? ;) I'm very anit-Valentines day. And thanks for mentioning it on a night where I'm already in a bad mood :whoops:[/color]
[color=deeppink]ECK! liamc! I saw the Baja at the auto show in Detroit and HATED it. Gives Subarus a bad...car? Truck? Car SUV? Or...whatever the hell it is :([/color]
[color=deeppink]If Adam wasn't an important admin person, I would close this topic :shifty: Actually, though, I also have flat feet. It was the reason I had to stop taking ballet because I had no arch and couldn't stay on pointe :bawl: I resent my feet.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Navi [/i] [B][size=1] Its centre, and of course, its greatest width, came just over the yawning gulf. I shrank back -- but the closing walls pressed me resistlessly onward. At length for my seared and writhing body there was no longer an inch of foothold on the firm floor of the prison. I struggled no more, but the agony of my soul found vent in one loud, long, and final scream of despair. I felt that I tottered upon the brink -- I averted my eyes -- There was a discordant hum of human voices! There was a loud blast as of many trumpets! There was a harsh grating as of a thousand thunders! The fiery walls rushed back! An outstretched arm caught my own as I fell, fainting, into the abyss. It was that of General Lasalle. The French army had entered Toledo. The Inquisition was in the hands of its enemies.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Poe :whoops:[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B] Well I had a sore butt from sitting through that movie[/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]So did I :whoops: I saw it with two chicka friends, and I sat in the middle of them. The friend on my right kept jumping and screaming, and one time she just about fell out of her seat. The friend on my left and I were cracking up...I felt kinda bad...it was this serious (and very good) movie, and we were cracking up during the serious parts :blush:[/color]
[color=deeppink]I come here to piss people off :whoops: Haha, no, just kidding. I enjoy taking part in conversations that have many different views...people here are open minded :) (Though, I also do my share of pissing people off...but schmeh..it's my job...I regulate posts and stuff...so people get mad at me lotsa times. Silly people :p)[/color]