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Everything posted by BabyGirl

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssjSolarPrinces [/i] [B][COLOR=GREEN]the city were I live there's a city wide curfew which is 11:00 on weekends, holidays, and during the summer and 8:00 on school nights. [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Yeah, but it's not like anyone really [i]follows[/i] those curfews. Plus, unless your local cops are complete assholes, I'm sure they wouldn't be too mean about kids being out after the curfew unless they're causing trouble. I don't think the city-wide curfew was EVER enforced in my city. In fact, I don't even know what time the curfew was.[/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jokopoko [/i] [B][COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B]Name: William (Though women normally call him Billy)[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Ah, I hate being the bad guy =\ [quote]This story has been created with its participants already in mind, and I regret to inform anyone who cares to join that I have already selected who I would like to be a part of it. I am unsure of how many of them will accept the offer, but the more the merrier ^_~. If enough spaces are in need of filling, I will open up the sign up to everyone. I apologize for the exclusion, but it?s just the way this BabyGirl has decided to run the show ;)[/quote] You forgot to read the opening paragraph, Jokopoko :) I'm sorry, I really don't want to turn anyone away, but there's already a large amount of people I invited who have signed up. If there's still room I'll let you know. Otherwise...yeah, I'm the bad guy here :cross:[/color] ~~~~~ [color=purple] [b]Name:[/b] Jenna Marie [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Hometown:[/b] DeWitt, Michigan/currently Ventura, California [b]Any Pets?:[/b] My beautiful cat, Chloe. Treat her like the princess that she is ^_~ . One round goldfish, Dimitrius. [b]Attached or Single?:[/b] Single. Mildly interested in good friend Justin. ***Roommate [To be decided after all signups are final]: --- [b]Brief Life History:[/b] Jenna has met most everyone in the house through chance life happenings. Justin and her became close friends after meeting while she still lived in Michigan, Tori met up with her while on vacaction in California, D'Ann knows her from a dance competition, etc. Jenna moved from Michigan to Ventura, California in order to attend photography school which she recently graduated from. She grew to love Southern California's weather, but not so much its citizens. She can't stand the way they drive or how self-absorbed most of them are [especially on the road]. She misses Midwestern friendliness, but continually meets awesome new people on photography assignments that restore her faith in Southern California's people. [Josh, you're exempt from my extreme stereotypes ;)] [b]Personality Traits:[/b] Loves: The ocean, photography, surfing, dancing, sex, driving really fast, going out with friends, occasional drunkeness, being a drama queen, pouting when things don't go her way, piercings in pretty places, shopping, shoes, her baby kitty girl [Chloe], the mountains, Santa Barbara, Venice Beach, DISNEYLAND!, hoodies, beanies, wearing sandals 24/7, her 12 inch G4 Powerbook [it's so LITTLE, awww!], tomatoes, and lastly, her friends! Dislikes: Selfish people, big talkers, neurotic people who constantly do neurotic things, people who eat her cookies, typical anime, onions, pants and sleeves that are too short, disorganization, slow lenses, waking up early, the NJO books, people who are constantly drunk, the smell of some foods cooking in the kitchen [ew], red tide, dead sea lions, mean and territorial surfers, trash-talkers, and most of all--loud noises! So, basically, Jenna loves having a good time and can handle herself being the center of attention. She is often goofy and gets super friendly when she is drunk, usually to the point of meeting tons of new people in one night. She loves going dancing, and will usually pout when things don't go her way...she was brought up as a spoiled child. She loves her car and drives really fast which often frightens those who ride with her. But it's not really her fault, the Southern Californians don't understand that that the left lane is the FAST lane, and they don't get over for you if you're going faster than them SOOO you have to weave all in and out of traffic!!! It scares people ;) Jenna also likes being flirty and makes friends with guys much more easily than with girls. She loves a good video game and is known to get competitive on certain occasions. She is athletic and can't play sports worth ****, but loves being up in the mountains. She doesn't like camping unless it is for only one night...otherwise, count her out. [b]Appearance:[/b] 5'7", 135lbs, curvaceous and voluptuous. Jenna rarely dresses in revealing things, she prefers to stay on the cutting edge of fashion and look classy. [img]http://babygirl.250free.com/jenna_ojai_2.jpg[/img][/color]
  3. [color=deeppink]^____^ Ok, I'm so happy that so many of you have already responded. This is my first RPG ever, so I'm new to it and I hope everything goes well. I may be asking for help from a few of you throughout the process >_
  4. [color=deeppink]This story has been created with its participants already in mind, and I regret to inform anyone who cares to join that I have already selected who I would like to be a part of it. I am unsure of how many of them will accept the offer, but the more the merrier ^_~. If enough spaces are in need of filling, I will open up the sign up to everyone. I apologize for the exclusion, but it?s just the way this BabyGirl has decided to run the show ;)[/color] [color=purple] ~~~~~~~~ [size=1]In Montecito, California, there is a house awaiting its guests. This house, done in the classic Santa Barbara County style of modern Spanish stucco, sits in the lower hills of the Los Padres mountain range. On days when the sun keeps the sea fog at bay, the house offers breathtaking views of the glittering Pacific Ocean and, further offshore, Santa Cruz Island. Montecito, being Santa Barbara?s prosperous cousin, is a wealthy area and rent is steep. In this town 1 million dollars will buy you a cottage. A mansion on a hill, however, is reserved only for those who have the gusto and talent for business. Or for a group of friends that can pool together enough money to rent one. A tightly-knit group of friends has come together on the West Coast of the United States and settled for a year in California. All of these friends have known each other for years, and their relationships are strong and passionate, and most all of them would do anything for the one they care about the most. ?but not ALL of them? Amidst their surfing, shopping, swimming, hiking, sailing, and general Southern Californian activities, things are starting to go awry. Important things are turning up as ?missing?, members of the house are acquiring strange injuries, and the house itself has seemed to take on a life of its own. A member of the house is behind all of the traitorous incidents, but no one is aware of it until far too late. Luckily for the friends, this RPG will be started when they all decide to rent the hillside mansion together on a year-long lease before anything starts to go wrong. Their main reason for all deciding to live together is that have started up a joint business. [Said business will be decided as the story pans out, depending on who joins.] [b]*This is not a reality TV-based story, no one is getting voted out of the house. Participants, you will be [i]playing as yourselves[/i], not as made up characters. [/b] What is needed for this sign-up thread: [b]Name:[/b] Your real one. Just first names are fine. [b]Age:[/b] This is set roughly two years from now. You do the math. [b]Hometown:[/b] Self explanatory, [I]non[/I]? [b]Any Pets?:[/b] The fewer in the house, the better. [b]Attached or Single?:[/b] This can be either truth or fiction since your true lover may not exactly be able to be involved in the story ^_~ [b]***Roommate [To be decided after all signups are final]:[/b] --- [b]Brief Life History:[/b] This can be slightly fabricated. Tell us about how you became friends with the members of the house, and why you decided to come to California to spend a year living with them. [b]Personality Traits:[/b] Play Freud and give yourself a quick self-analysis. Tell us about what you love, what drives you crazy, and what your biggest pet peeves are. Do you like to go out at night or stay in and read? Does the outdoor life suit you and do you like the ocean? What things are you good at, and what types of situations do you not handle well? Yeah, you get the idea. [b]Appearance:[/b] Feel free to post a photo of yourself, but it?s not mandatory. You can keep us guessing if you like ^_~ [i]Grazie[/i], my darlings.[/size][/color]
  5. BabyGirl

    SYF 3:

    [color=purple]Liam, this interests me greatly. I hope it's all right that I sign up even though I was not involved with the previous editions. ~~~~~ [size=1][b]Name:[/b] Bailey Carlmine [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Sidearm:[/b] silver Beretta 9mm, thigh holster [b]Trained In:[/b] Marksmanship, stealth [b]Bio:[/b] Bailey is a work in progress. She comes from a sketchy criminal past, but she is clever, bold, relentless, and brutally honest. While being held in a juvenile detention center at the age of 15, one official connected with the SYF took note of her potential and sent her off for training. By age 17, Bailey had found her natural talents under SYF training, and swore off thievery in order to restart her life. Recklessness still suits her, but at least under new allegiance her behavior is excused and wildly encouraged. Bailey's personality is brash and outgoing. She melts perfectly into new situations, often making quick allies with people in one sitting. Her sense of humor is constant entertainment for those who gravitate toward her, though those closest to her are convinced that her humor is a mask for underlying darkness. Despite her friendliness, Bailey is also quick to kill. She obeys orders and doesn't like to cause any uncessary trouble, unless it has to do with her love life. She enjoys men squabbling over her attention, and is known to often lead one on and pull him around until she gets bored. Bailey is no stranger to the joys of sexual relations, but she certainly isn't ready to settle down. [b][Appearance:][/b] Like her disposition, Bailey's appearance is pleasing. With waist-length, golden-blonde hair and stunning violet eyes, she nearly commands the attention of everyone around her with her looks alone. She stands at a curvaceous 5'7" and often wears skin-tight jumpsuits perfectly suited for stealthy missions. [img]http://www.animecubed.com/galleries/sentimentalgraffiti/pics/79.jpg[/img][/color][/size]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][size=1]I feel that this is sort of a "trial" for them in that I'm the oldest kid. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]The eldest child, especially if they're female, usually has to bear the brunt of the curfew horror. Or maybe it was just like that for my friends and I. My parents were fairly restrictive with my curfew, I don't think they trusted me at all. Plus they always had this thing about safety, "You and your friends are all attractive girls, we don't want you to draw attention late at night, blah blah blah." My friends who had older siblings always had late [or no] curfews because their parents had been through it all before. Those of us that were the first kid always had the early, 11pm curfews. It really bothered me :drunk: But that's the beauty of college. I don't have to tell anyone where I'm going, I just do it ^_^[/color]
  7. [color=deeppink]I don't see what the big freaking deal is. It has obviously been made clear that the club will not be exclusively open to Caucasians, but that anyone is welcome to join. People should let things go and, like Baron said, stop supporting double standards. That issue drives me crazy :drunk: I doubt too many people were opposed to the creation of Freedom High School's African American and Latino clubs, so why are they making this such an issue? It's simply reverse racism, saying that there can't be a creation of a club that [i]welcomes evreyone[/i], yet is centered around European ancestory. There are a lot of countries that fall under such a category. Ah well, I could very easily be missing out on some facts because it initially caught me as 'ridiculous'. Feel free to correct me if any on my points are way off.[/color]
  8. [color=deeppink]Hm. While I think that homeschooling is a fine idea for the parent becaue they know that their kid will get a great education, it's so ignorant, too. I find it highly unfair to keep kids, especially young ones, out of public schools and deprive them of that huge part in a child's life. But that's just my opinion, I'm sure that parents must have [i]some[/i] good reason for not allowing their children to experience public [or private] school. The handful of homeschooled kids my age that I have come across have all seemed inept at social situations, maybe that's where I get my tainted opinion. Either they were too shy or too [i]talkative[/i], and either one is fairly annoying. However, I doubt that all homeschooled kids are like that, so don't think I'm being discriminatory. I'm simply feeling my own strong bias...es. :)[/color]
  9. [color=deeppink]When I was 3 I thought it would be a marvelous idea to sit the wrong way on a chair [straddling it, really] at Baskin Robins, lean back, and let go to see if I could stay on. My head missed the table by an inch, and the hard tile floor broke my fall. I had to be taken to the hospital to get my scalp all stitched up. I don't know [i]what[/i] I was thinking. I can still remember that night, too. I remember leaning back and just letting go of where I gripped the chair, and the falling part is still pretty clear, too. I have a bad history with chairs. Last year I was standing on one to organize something when it tipped over and I fell, the heavy wood leg of the chair grinding into my calf muscle. I had a bruise the size of a grapefruit, and it was competitive season in cheerleading and people said they could see my bruise from the top of the bleachers in our gym >_
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ares [/i] [B]But she broke her arm, would I look stupid asking a girl with a broken arm to a dance? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]No, but you [i]sound[/i] stupid thinking that you'd [i]look[/i] stupid asking a girl with a broken arm. ...honestly.[/color]
  11. [color=purple] ?Honestly, what is wrong?? Dria hated drawn out inquiry, ?Franco, I told you that I?m just worn out.? ?Psh. Nothing wears Dria out. Nothing has ever dulled that spark in your eyes.? ?Very poetic.? Dria rolled her eyes and took an irritated look at her watch. ?You?re giving me sass.? ?Yes, I?m giving you [I]sass[/I], Franco, because you?re annoying me. I love you to death, but I?m not in the right mood to discuss my very personal, very [I]classified[/I] business.? Franco gave a haughty sniff, ?That never stopped you from gossiping before.? He was going to drive her insane! Someone had cut her fuse too short this morning, ?Honey, too much information in the mind of someone who shouldn?t know it always leads to death. You think I want you in that position?? ?Shh, shh.? Franco creased his eyebrows and leaned in more closely to where Dria sat across the table, ?I am sorry, [I]bella[/I]. I care for you. I don?t want to see that spark gone, it worries me.? She let out a breath that Dria didn?t know she had been holding. Her mind seemed to be buzzing with annoying static, and she wasn?t sure why or where it was coming from, ?Franco, I don?t mean to snap at you. I probably chose the wrong time to get in touch.? She started to gather up her purse and laid out money for lunch, ?I?m going to go before I say anything else that I?ll regret.? As Dria pushed back from the table, Franco threw her a sympathetic look. He would only excuse such rudeness from Dria, it was too deeply engrained in her personality. However, today she had been distant and Franco could dismiss that, it happened when she was under pressure with her work. But her smile had faded. Her eyes seemed lackluster. Her [I]wholeness[/I] wasn?t exactly whole. ?Thank you for the investment help, Franco.? Dria bent down and kissed him lightly on the cheek, ?I will call you when my demeanor improves and I become more tolerable to be around.? He smiled, slightly, and let his hand linger on her arm out of kindness, ?Please be safe, [I]tesoro[/I].? Dria tilted her head at him, ?Aren?t I always?? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ But the thought of both Apocalypse and H weighed heavy on her mind. The rain had decided to return from its welcome hiatus and the sky seemed to open up and drop its melted fury on the city once again. Even the numerous bags of merchandise in the trunk of the car couldn?t wipe the growing scowl from Dria?s pretty lips. H still needed revenging for the brutal end of Ren?s life, and she prowled over that thought like an angry tigress. Last night Keith had informed her about the whereabouts of two nameless minions fairly high up in H?s hierarchy. It was almost as if he had a dark power over the city, Dria mused bitterly, drawing junkies, cops, bounty hunters, and underground criminals to him like flies. They all came in hoards and left in unmarked body bags as law enforcement tried to cover it up. The wrath of H?s dynasty was becoming an epidemic that covered the entire city with an invisible, incurable plague. She wondered if anyone but her realized it. And then Apocalypse. She didn?t know what to think of him?was he someone who wanted to kill her or protect her? One day he had her throat in his competent, quick-to-kill grasp, and the next he was throwing around phrases like ?take care?. Why did he have to confuse her? Again, alone, Dria brooded. And she didn't feel better until she sat at home that night, drunk off of good wine and her own caged anger.[/color]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][FONT=arial]I don't want your pity, I want to drive an anvil through your temple for not putting a warning on the spoiler tag and subjecting me to that. [/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I know you find the humor in it, too ^_~ I clearly remember posts that closely resemble Chaos' joking one. That's what's so sad about it :drunk:[/color]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stardust [/i] [B]It's really unfair, considering the cheerleaders alone have 3 signs for themselves and they won't even let us have one. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]It's called Freshman, JV, and Varsity. It's not as simple as 'the cheerleaders' having three signs to themselves, there's three teams of them. But I don't see why your principal wouldn't let you hang up a stupid sign. I always hated that cheerleaders got stereotyped as doing nothing but making signs for themselves and for ALL of the teams [and band]. You should at least be allowed to hang it up after it was made for you...your principal was either being irrational or had a really bad day. We had the problem at our school where the band thought that everyone else in the school hated them/saw them as outcasts, so in turn they hated everyone else. It was really a stupid thing for them to think because they were good and the rest of the school supported them. Maybe your band carries that same air about them? Who knows? :huh:[/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by satan665 [/i] [B] I graduated from the Rochester Institute of Technology a year ago. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Did you [by chance] major in photography? I know that its photography program is huge, but more centered around commercial and portrait/studio stuff. Just curious if that was your chosen major, though I have my doubts that it was if you're attending UO for grad school. [/color]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kent [/i] [B]Fox is hated by all liberals.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Fox is hated by most [i]journalists[/i]. But that just supports the statement that 'all journalists are liberals', which I have found to not be entirely true. I may not be majoring in journalism, but photojournalism is its visual cousin. Not all of my professors have beat us over the head with liberal views, most of them have encouraged documenting what's [i]real[/i] and not putting your own opinion behind it. Granted, everyone who is a photojournalist is in the business for one reason or another, and a majority of them do it to bring social awareness to the world based on their own opinions. Whether it's a conscious effort to do so or a subconscious one, most everyone in the media -namely journalists and photographers- are going to inject their own opinion into it some way or another. When I attend an event, I try and shoot a theme, something that will represent and wrap up what the event was about. It puts my own spin on things, and the whole thing may come off differently than how someone standing next to me the whole time shot it. It's the same thing with the news, you can never fully erase personal opinion from the media. So I tend to veer off onto long, irrelevant tangents, but to wrap it all up [i]not all professors teach their journalism students liberal views[/i]. I don't know who told you that, Artemis, but it's obvious that you don't have your own opinion on that subject...it sounds slightly regurgitated. However, I do have a question that I'm curious about. What about radio stations such as NPR with their program All Things Considered? Is [i]that[/i] more of a conservative bias? Maybe I was just incredibly wrong when I assumed it held more liberal views than conservative ones. But, hey, that's why I'm asking because I'd like to be informed. I know far less about the Right and Left side of society than most of you, so it helps to hear it from those who DO know what they're talking about...unlike me... :huh:[/color]
  16. [color=deeppink]Agh, wrist cutter, I just realized that your desktop picture is grossly underexposed. AHHHG. I hope you didn't take it because then I would have just offended you terribly...my apologies if you did. Studying photography has obviously given me the most severely critical eye when it comes to looking at photos... [P.S. I hate winter. Even though it's [b]very closely[/b] associated with my name, I still hate it.][/color]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by lea2385 [/i] [B]well, from what little he does say, i dont believe in....he goes against everything i believe in[/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Like what? [Other than abortion.] Explain your opinion. I'm asking out of curiousity because I haven't been keeping up to date with his campaign at all. I tend to be bored by politics, even when I try to immerse myself in the world of them... So the opinions that other people have on such issues really interest me, because that way I can see what they have to say and it helps shape my own opinions. And Harry, [i]I[/i] found humor in your comment.[/color]
  18. [color=deeppink]As if the California recall election wasn't already a big enough headache for California residents. Last week the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that voting for the gubernatorial recall election was to be postponed until [i]March[/i]. Their reasoning? In the wake of 2000's presidential voting catastrophe in Florida, some authorities were concerned that several counties in California had outdated and confusing voting equipment. And so Californians moaned about the news, realizing that their state would continue to be criticized and poked fun at by the rest of the country. Instead of getting the whole thing over with on October 7th, everyone was going to be forced to wait until early next year. However, the same 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously voted today to give the October 7th election date the green light. The reasoning behind [i]today's[/i] decision? Well apparently the American Civil Liberties Union [who first asked for the postponement] decided that it would not appeal its case in today's ruling to the Supreme Court. And so the ACLU caused unecessary trouble, and we're all back to where we started. Does anyone living here in California plan on voting in the recall election? Who do you think will win or has a good shot? What do citizens of other states [/countires] think about the whole recall deal? How much do you really know about Gray Davis and why he's being recalled? Did the ACLU [i]really[/i] need to be concerned with "voting equipment", or do you think it was something more? That's a lot of questions, but being not very up to date on the recall deal myself [embarassingly enough], I want to hear what everyone else has to say. That's all :)[/color]
  19. BabyGirl


    [color=deeppink]For all of you who get sick a lot...that's certainly not normal, lol. Usually if you think about getting sick all the time, you will. The brain works in quirky ways like that. Try to think about being healthy and start feeling better about yourself. It usually does the trick and improves your health dramatically ^_~[/color]
  20. [color=deeppink]Xyander, your banner makes this page all sluggish :drunk: I don't think there's really anyone else that I'd want to [i]be[/i] on the Boards. I want to hang out with a lot of you, but the only people I'd want to be for a day are those who have an extreme talent for writing. I have this natural, raw writing talent, but it's sorely underdeveloped, and maybe by switching places with someone who's really good I could better my own talent. That would be my reason for wanting to be someone from here [and several people fall under that category: Mitch, Drix, Adahn, Charles].[/color]
  21. [color=deeppink]As a cheeleader, I was required to dress up for every spirit day. But I actually didn't mind, when I was a senior I didn't really give a **** what I wore or how I looked during that week. The best day was always pajama day. Though, when my senior year did roll around, pajama day wasn't too different from how I dressed every other day of that school year. And I always loved the days when I got to wear my cheerleading uniform to school...oh, they were so cute! Any physical activity that requires the participant to wear a short skirt is way cool in my book ^_~. How shallow do I sound? Very? Well, I don't really care :p[/color]
  22. [color=deeppink]Magdalena, I like grocery store cashiers very much. [b]Vons[/b] is the grocery store of Southern California [maybe all of California, I don't know] and their employees are always so nice. Their cashiers are usually women who have been working at the store for YEARS because they receive such good benfits and are treated well as employees. They're all so friendly and a lot of them know my boyfriend and I because we're always in there for some reason or another. So I like the cashiers at Vons, they're so nice ^___^ However, in Michigan the HUUUGE grocery store is [b]Meijer[/b] [pronounced My-Er], and it's basically a Super Wal-Mart on steroids. ANyway, I never liked going to Meijer because the employees scared me a bit, and they were never friendly. I'm glad that Meijer is now a thing of my past, and that Vons is my future. It's 10x friendlier, now :D Ok, so that's my grocery store ramble. Mhm.[/color]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]I liked that movie. I must be alone. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Nope. ::jumps into his lap:: It is, without a doubt, one of THE funniest movies ever. So I'm with you on that one ;) I doubt that I'll dress up this year, I can see Halloween turning into a huge drunken party at my boyfriend's house by the hands of his roommates :rolleyes:. I want to dress up as a fairy and hand out candy to the kids in their neighborhood, that'd be so fun!! [Little kids are so cute in costumes.] Hopefully they can hold out on the alcohol/mischief until trick or treat time is over...[/color]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]I don't know why people gain more weight. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Over the past year I've gained roughly 10 pounds because I went from being extemely active and fit to doing no physical activity at all. Even a body with fast metabolism such as mine takes a really hard hit when you stop being physically active. [spoiler]Sex is actually the only thing that I do that could be considered a workout :p[/spoiler] I go to Brooks Institute of Photography in Southern California. There are 5 campuses located in both Santa Barbara and Ventura, and it's strictly a commuter school. It's basically an art college with areas of study being Still Photography, Film & Video, Visual Communications [graphic design], and Photojournalism which is my major. I love it. It's making me a really good photographer, and I love the oppurtunities we're given and all of the people I meet out on assignment. Plus I live super close to the ocean and I'm only 70 miles north of LA. And...and my campus is home to the Erin Brockovich house-set. Yes THE Erin Brocovich movie with Julia Roberts was filmed in the Sound Stage that is now a part of my campus. They just LOVE telling prospective students about that ^_~[/color]
  25. [color=deeppink]I've downsized this, but it's still big so :P And QuickLaunch is the ONLY way to go when it comes to desktop icons ::shudders at the thought of a cluttered desktop:: Ew. This is my cat. And seeing as how I am a photographer, I took the photo myself.[/color] [img]http://babygirl.250free.com/desktop_chloe.jpg[/img]
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