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Everything posted by BabyGirl
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B][SIZE=1] PS. DID YOU KNOW (this is absolutly amazing!) JEDI IS NOW A RELIGION!? [/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Nooo you have been misinformed. Jedi is [i]not[/i] a religion (though it would be cool if it was, in an odd sort of way, I'm sure most Christians woud be all up in arms about it). It was a huge rumor that it was going to be on the 2000 census in Australia (I think) as a religion...but no, not so. All a rumor, my friend.[/color]
[color=deeppink]Damn all of you Celcius people! Heh, I'm a Fahrenheit person :p I like it about 70°F...I have no idea what °C that would be...sowwy :)[/color]
[color=deeppink]I thought that I'd butt in and say that, to a certain extent, I agree with Transtic. I do believe in God, but I find the Bible is shotty and is quite contradictory. What I believe is that if you want to follow the good examples the Bible has set for you, then do it. But don't hide behind religion and use it as your excuse for what you believe in. If you believe homosexuality is wrong because the Bible says so, it's no better than being brainwashed into believing something like killing is [i]right[/i]. If, on the other hand, you follow good morals (some of which are stated in the Bible) then that is what makes you a good person. At times I think that the whole thing about asking Jesus into your heart so that you go to heaven is just crap, and yet at the same time, I've been brought up to believe it so I get all confused -_-. And who are Christians to say that their religion is the only [i]correct[/i] religion?! That baffles the hell out of me... Bah, I feel like a horrible hypocrite because at one time I was a very devout Christian. But I think I followed, like I've said, the morals of the Bibile, rather than the "rules" themselves. Then I started to doubt the church and the teachings and crap like that...now I'm not sure where I stand. I love to believe that there is a higher power, in my case, God. I'm just not sure what to believe...I hate being told that all religions besides Christianity is wrong...I think that's stupid. But yeah, whatever...I'm confusing myself again :( [/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i] [B][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]the worst spammer in this forum was me or babygirl... now we got... well a lot worse than us... [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Me? A spammer? *hits kuja* I helped all of those silly people...wait! I still do! Just...not as much :) And welcome back Maximus. I remember seeing your name on the mod list as well, but never saw you post :) [/color]
[color=deeppink]I agree that SNES was awesome...I used to go over to my friend's house just to play it...er...yes, 'tis the horrible truth :p But always close to my heart will be GameBoy...the oldschool, mind you. I have no desire to play GBC...I got (and still get) many hours of enjoyment out of my gross-colored screen GameBoy. I do love it :D[/color]
[color=deeppink]All of you boys should feel very lucky if you get a GameCube for Christmas...! I think my parents disregard the fact that I want any sort of video gaming stuff because of the fact that I'm a girl...it's like they don't expect a girl to [i]like[/i] playing games...but I do :(. I'm going to ask for a GC (I've already hinted at the Rogue Leader game for it) and wait to see what happens. I'll bet you $20 that I don't get one :rolleyes:[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i] [B] [SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]only one? i resent that!!!!!!!!! most of us are... hehe[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]He speaks the truth...I am know to be one...from time to time :smirk:[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i] [B][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]i had to stop in on h's thread so u might have read that post about you... it is all a lie ;)[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]what are you going on about? i don't understand -_-[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=orangered][size=1] Hey, I'm only looking at it from a business perspective here...[/color][/size]:smirk: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Liar :p But, due to the fact that there are indeed quite a few horny young fellows (and, uh, ladies) around here... ...I see your point. Heh :smirk:[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i] [B][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]blah spartans... at least i kick the michigan peeps... i wont even dignify someone from MSU... *gets over this crush* ok who is next? any volunteers? now i have to go change that wonderful post i made about you in that nintendo thread... oh well ;)[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]*gasp* Have you forgotten who the 2000 NCAA men's basketball national champions were?! I believe you have! Quick! Someone refresh his memory![/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]Based on the discussion in this thread, I'm starting to think that [b]OtakuPorn.com[/b] would be quite successful...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]*eyes James* Have you gone [i]mad[/i]? [size=1]Ehm...actually, I agree :p[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i] [B] [SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson] *kicks a wolvarine*[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Woo hoo! Go kuja! Wolverines are the mortal enemies of us Spartans...! Though I'm thinking that maybe you thought I'm a Michigan fan...well I'm not! Michigan and Michigan State fans have been caught up in rivalry for years...I root for the latter team ;)[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NeoCactuar [/i] [B]Lol, Who is Jenna... Really? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]*waves* Hi. My name is Jenna. Nice to meet you, Neo.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NeoCactuar [/i] [B]No, diet coke is way worse for you. It has all the artificial stuff in it, which is twise as bad. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Twice is spelled like that
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NeoCactuar [/i] [B] Do you mean you like Harry potter? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]*sigh* Yes, I do. Problem? Hehe, actually, the reason I posted that was because people are dumb when it comes to Harry Potter. Stupid fools have probably never even read the books. I assume that if you don't like it, you probably haven't either...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NeoCactuar [/i] [B]Mmmmmm... caffine. I have been drinking Coke all night, So hyper...:excited: :excited: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Oh dear. Coke is no good! You must go for...Diet Coke! Wheee! See what it has done to me? Wonderful thing it is, pop. Oh no excuse me...[i]soda[/i]...can't let my northern-ness influence me here...ugh, this is spam.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majora's Mask [/i] [B][color=royalblue] Except for the children of those "Harry Potter is the tool of the Devil" freaks. They threw rocks at me as i went into the theater to see a different movie! They called me a Satan worshipping Pilloc, or something like that. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]What the hell is wrong with people? People suck.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B][FONT=century gothic]Ha! So you would have us [i]think[/i].[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Cera, now you've hurt my feelings :bawl:. Haha, no. Not really. J slash K. Merely [i]rigole[/i]. Bwahaha! *runs off laughing, for no apparent reason, realizes that everyone is staring and stops* Eh...umm...it's the caffiene, I swear.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Navi [/i] [B] i think the wtc incident triggered it. i dreamt that your grandma was in a building and it exploded. you were talkin to me about somethin near a white car. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Oh, that's sad :( But sorta neat in a way...I thought I was the only one who had dreamt of board members...[/color]
[color=deeppink]Read *points to sig* [b]A Tree Grows in Brooklyn[/b] by Betty Smith. Or read [b]Watership Down[/b] by I forgot who. They're classics, and they're good.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Navi [/i] [B]I think Im on here too much. =P I've had a dream about transtic and babygirl before. i don't think i'll tell the one with babygirl, she'll prolly wanna knock on wood after. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Oooh...! A dream about moi? I wanna know :p[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue]I've been wondering about this for a long time...what are the differences between Catholics and "non-denomonational" Christians?[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Catholicism IS Christianity, but they're more strict, worship the Virigin Mary more so than Jesus, believe that Mary was the immaculate birth rather than Jesus, they have more books in their Bible than other denominations...basically just a much more traditional religion. They worship the same God as all Christians, they just have their differences, as do all other denominations. I think that you're confused about the fact that Catholics ARE Christians...because they are...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kizu [/i] [B]Hahaha, NoryokoAngelcry, she thikns that you mean her. LOL, oh this is funny.:laugh: :laugh: *falls out of his computer chair laughing* [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Lol, actually, I was saying it was wise to say that most of us chicks who like playing video games are pretty and lethal...not like he was talking to me specifically.[/color]
[color=deeppink]I believe in God...or some sort of higher power. And let me say ahead of time that if this topic wears itself out with negativity and people being rude to others, I will personally close it.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud [/i] [B] Why don't you [i]speak for yourself[/i] :p [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]*Hits Cloud then throws a car at him just for irony's sake* You crazy boy. I don't know about the rest of you, but [i]I[/i] have a life...so...speak for yourselves :p[/color]